chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-vue to v8 #21

renovate-bot wants to merge 5 commits from renovate/eslint-plugin-vue-8.x into master

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
eslint-plugin-vue (source) devDependencies major ^7.1.0 -> ^8.0.0

Release Notes



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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1691 Upgrade vue-eslint-parser to use patch.
    It upgrade fixes the wrong location in multiple <script>

Full Changelog:


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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1689 Fixed false positive for filename in vue/multi-word-component-names rule

Full Changelog:


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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1686 Fixed false positives for arrow return in vue/valid-next-tick rule.

Full Changelog:


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💥 Breaking Changes

  • #​1588 Dropped supports Node.js v8-10, v13 and v15.
  • #​1664 Upgraded vue-eslint-parser to v8.0.0.
  • Changed presets configs.
    • Changed plugin:vue/vue3-essential config.
      • #​1603 Added vue/no-deprecated-v-is rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/no-export-in-script-setup rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/valid-define-emits rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/valid-define-props rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/valid-next-tick rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/valid-v-memo rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/no-useless-template-attributes rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/no-computed-properties-in-data rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/multi-word-component-names rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/no-deprecated-router-link-tag-prop rule.
      • #​1678 Added vue/no-reserved-props rule.
    • Changed plugin:vue/vue3-strongly-recommended config.
      • Same changes as above.
      • #​1603 Added vue/v-on-event-hyphenation rule.
      • #​1587 Added vue/first-attribute-linebreak rule.
    • Changed plugin:vue/vue3-recommended config.
      • Same changes as above.
    • Changed plugin:vue/essential config.
      • #​1603 Added vue/valid-next-tick rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/no-useless-template-attributes rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/no-computed-properties-in-data rule.
      • #​1603 Added vue/multi-word-component-names rule.
      • #​1678 Added vue/no-reserved-props rule.
    • Changed plugin:vue/strongly-recommended config.
      • Same changes as above.
      • #​1587 Added vue/first-attribute-linebreak rule.
    • Changed plugin:vue/recommended config.
      • Same changes as above.
  • #​1587 Removed the allowFirstLine option of the vue/max-attributes-per-line rule.



  • #​1685 Added setup-compiler-macros environment.


  • #​1587 Added vue/first-attribute-linebreak rule aims to enforce a consistent location for the first attribute.
  • #​1678 Added vue/no-reserved-props rule that disallow reserved names to be used in props.
  • #​1680 Added vue/no-loss-of-precision rule that applies no-loss-of-precision rule to expressions in <template>.
  • #​1681 Added ignore option to vue/multi-word-component-names rule.
  • #​1679 Added support for Nuxt.js's asyncData in vue/no-dupe-keys, vue/no-reserved-keys, vue/no-template-shadow, vue/no-undef-properties, and vue/no-unused-properties rules.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1684 Fixed false positives for non-vue file in vue/multi-word-component-names rule.

Full Changelog:


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  • #​1472 Added vue/no-undef-properties rule that warns of using undefined properties.
  • #​1653 Added vue/no-computed-properties-in-data rule that disallow accessing computed properties in data().
  • #​1659 Improved vue/no-use-computed-property-like-method rule reports.
  • #​1661 Added vue/multi-word-component-names rule to enforce multiple words in component names.
  • #​1663 Added vue/no-deprecated-router-link-tag-prop rule that disallow using deprecated tag property on <RouterLink>.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1659 Fixed crash in vue/no-use-computed-property-like-method rule.
  • #​1658 Fixed false positives for vars inside types in vue/valid-define-emits and vue/valid-define-props rules.

⚙️ Updates

  • #​1654 Changed peer deps eslint ver from ^6.2.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0-0 to ^6.2.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0.

Full Changelog:


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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [83eab8d] Fixed false positives for vars inside functions in vue/valid-define-emits and vue/valid-define-props rules. Picked from #​1652

Full Changelog:


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  • #​1639 Added vue/no-restricted-class rule that reports the classes you don't want to allow in the template.
  • #​1644 Added vue/no-useless-template-attributes rule that disallow useless attribute on <template> tags.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1647 Fixed false positives for toRefs in vue/no-unused-properties rule.
  • #​1648 Fixed unable to autofix event name with update:.

All commits: v7.18.0 -> v7.19.0


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  • #​1626 Added vue/component-api-style rule that aims to make the API style you use to define Vue components consistent in your project.

⚙️ Updates

  • #​1619 Updated vue/script-indent rule to support Class static block and typescript-eslint v5(rc)
  • #​1620 Changed type determination logic of type-only defineProps to follow vue v3.2.9.

All commits: v7.17.0 -> v7.18.0


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  • #​1605 Added vue/no-v-text rule that disallow v-text directive.

⚙️ Updates

  • #​1607, #​1610 Added support for ESLint v8 (beta).
    Note that ESLint v8 beta support will be removed without notice once a stable version of ESLint v8 is released.

All commits: v7.16.0 -> v7.17.0


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  • #​1596 Added vue/valid-v-memo rule that enforce valid v-memo directives.
  • #​1599 Updated vue/no-unsupported-features rule to support Vue 3.2 syntaxes.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1602 Fixed false positives for namespace component in vue/script-setup-uses-vars rule.

⚙️ Updates

  • #​1598 Updated vue/no-restricted-v-bind and vue/valid-v-bind rules to support attr modifier.

All commits: v7.15.2 -> v7.16.0


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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1600 Fixed false positives in vue/no-use-computed-property-like-method rule.

All commits: v7.15.1 -> v7.15.2


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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1590 Fixed message typo in vue/no-reserved-keys rule.
  • #​1591 Fixed false positives for type-only defineProps in vue/require-default-prop rule.

All commits: v7.15.0 -> v7.15.1


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  • #​1234 Added vue/no-use-computed-property-like-method rule that disallows to use computed property like method.
  • #​1586 Added vue/block-lang rule rule that disallows the use of languages other than those available in the your application for the lang attribute of block elements.
  • #​1576 Updated some rules to support style CSS variable injection.
    • vue/comma-spacing rule.
    • vue/dot-notation rule.
    • vue/eqeqeq rule.
    • vue/func-call-spacing rule.
    • vue/no-extra-parens rule.
    • vue/no-restricted-syntax rule.
    • vue/no-useless-concat rule.
    • vue/prefer-template rule.
    • vue/space-in-parens rule.
    • vue/space-infix-ops rule.
    • vue/space-unary-ops rule.
    • vue/template-curly-spacing rule.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1584 Fixed false positives for call expression in vue/no-mutating-props rule.

⚙️ Updates

All commits: v7.14.0 -> v7.15.0


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  • #​1568 Added vue/require-expose rule that enforces the component to explicitly declare the exposed properties to the component using expose.
  • #​1566 Updated vue/no-unused-properties rule to support expose
  • #​1574 Updated some rules to support style CSS vars injection.
    • vue/no-parsing-error rule.
    • vue/no-unused-properties rule.
    • vue/script-setup-uses-vars rule.
    • vue/no-unsupported-features rule.
  • #​1565 Improved report location of vue/valid-v-xxx rules.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1569 Fixed false positives for <script setup> in vue/no-lifecycle-after-await rule.
  • #​1569 Fixed false positives for <script setup> in vue/no-watch-after-await rule.
  • #​1569 Fixed false positives for <script setup> in vue/no-restricted-call-after-await rule.
  • #​1575 Downgraded to semver compatible with Node v8.

All commits: v7.13.0 -> v7.14.0


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  • Supports <script setup>
    • #​1529 Added vue/script-setup-uses-vars rule that will find variables in <script setup> used in <template> and mark them as used.
    • #​1559 Added vue/no-export-in-script-setup rule that disallows ES export in <script setup>.
    • #​1560 Added vue/valid-define-props rule that reports defineProps compiler macros in the following cases:
      • defineProps are referencing locally declared variables.
      • defineProps has both a literal type and an argument. e.g. defineProps<{/*props*/}>({/*props*/})
      • defineProps has been called multiple times.
      • Props are defined in both defineProps and export default {}.
      • Props are not defined in either defineProps or export default {}.
    • #​1561 Added vue/valid-define-emits rule that reports defineEmits compiler macros in the following cases:
      • defineEmits are referencing locally declared variables.
      • defineEmits has both a literal type and an argument. e.g. defineEmits<(e: 'foo')=>void>(['bar'])
      • defineEmits has been called multiple times.
      • Custom events are defined in both defineEmits and export default {}.
      • Custom events are not defined in either defineEmits or export default {}.
    • #​1532, #​1559 Upgraded vue-eslint-parser.
    • Updated rules to support <script setup>.
      • #​1531 vue/no-mutating-props rule.
      • #​1535 vue/no-reserved-keys rule.
      • #​1533 vue/no-async-in-computed-properties rule.
      • #​1534 vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-properties rule.
      • #​1536 vue/require-prop-type-constructor rule.
      • #​1539 vue/no-lifecycle-after-await rule.
      • #​1538 vue/require-valid-default-prop rule.
      • #​1542 vue/return-in-emits-validator rule.
      • #​1545 vue/require-default-prop rule.
      • #​1540 vue/no-setup-props-destructure rule.
      • #​1541 vue/no-watch-after-await rule.
      • #​1543 vue/no-template-shadow rule.
      • #​1544 vue/prop-name-casing rule.
      • #​1546 vue/require-prop-types rule.
      • #​1548 vue/require-explicit-emits rule.
      • #​1549 vue/custom-event-name-casing rule.
      • #​1550 vue/no-boolean-default rule.
      • #​1551 vue/no-restricted-call-after-await rule.
      • #​1552 vue/no-restricted-props rule.
      • #​1553 vue/no-unregistered-components rule.
      • #​1554 vue/no-unsupported-features rule.
      • #​1555 vue/no-unused-properties rule.
      • #​1556 vue/no-unused-refs rule.
      • #​1557 vue/require-emit-validator rule.
      • #​1558 vue/require-name-property rule.
  • #​1543 Updated vue/no-template-shadow rule to support setup().
  • #​1556 Updated vue/no-unused-refs rule to support setup().

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1527 Changed the indent rule so that the union type has the same indent as the binary expression.

⚙️ Updates

  • #​1528 Deprecated vue/experimental-script-setup-vars rule.

All commits: v7.12.1 -> v7.13.0


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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1525 Fixed false positives for trailing comma with import in vue/script-indent rule.

All commits: v7.12.0 -> v7.12.1


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  • #​1520 Improved vue/script-indent rule to support TypeScript syntax.
  • #​1481 Improved vue/script-indent rule and vue/html-indent rule to support ES2022 Class Fields syntax. (When using espree v8+.)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1521 Fixed wrong auto-fix in vue/no-deprecated-slot-attribute rule and vue/no-deprecated-slot-scope-attribute rule.
  • #​1522 Fixed false positives for default with type Function in vue/no-deprecated-props-default-this rule.

⚙️ Updates

  • #​1481 Supports ES2022 Class Fields. (When using espree v8+.)

All commits: v7.11.1 -> v7.12.0


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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #​1515 Fixed crash when using objectsInObjects option in vue/object-curly-spacing rule.


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New Rules:
  • #​1506 Added vue/no-this-in-before-route-enter rule that disallow this usage in a beforeRouteEnter method.
  • #​1510 Added vue/no-deprecated-v-is rule that disallow deprecated v-is directive (in Vue.js 3.1.0+).
Other changes in Rules:
  • #​1501 Made vue/no-deprecated-destroyed-lifecycle rule to auto-fixable.

⚙️ Updates

  • #​1509 Added supports for is="vue:" (Vue 3.1.0+).

All commits: v7.10.0 -> v7.11.0


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New Rules:
  • #​1487 Added vue/require-emit-validator rule that enforce the validator definition in emits.
Other changes in Rules:
  • #​1493 Changed vue/this-in-template rule to support autofix.

⚙️ Updates

  • #​1484 Changed vue/attribute-hyphenation rule to ignore SVG attributes.

All commits: v7.9.0 -> v7.10.0


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  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [eslint-plugin-vue]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`^7.1.0` -> `^8.0.0`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue</summary> ### [`v8.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1691]( Upgrade vue-eslint-parser to use patch. It upgrade fixes the wrong location in multiple `<script>` *** **Full Changelog**: ### [`v8.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1689]( Fixed false positive for filename in `vue/multi-word-component-names` rule *** **Full Changelog**: ### [`v8.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1686]( Fixed false positives for arrow return in `vue/valid-next-tick` rule. *** **Full Changelog**: ### [`v8.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 💥 Breaking Changes - [#&#8203;1588]( Dropped supports Node.js v8-10, v13 and v15. - [#&#8203;1664]( Upgraded vue-eslint-parser to v8.0.0. - Changed presets configs. - Changed `plugin:vue/vue3-essential` config. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/no-deprecated-v-is` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/no-export-in-script-setup` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/valid-define-emits` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/valid-define-props` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/valid-next-tick` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/valid-v-memo` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/no-useless-template-attributes` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/no-computed-properties-in-data` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/multi-word-component-names` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/no-deprecated-router-link-tag-prop` rule. - [#&#8203;1678]( Added `vue/no-reserved-props` rule. - Changed `plugin:vue/vue3-strongly-recommended` config. - Same changes as above. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/v-on-event-hyphenation` rule. - [#&#8203;1587]( Added `vue/first-attribute-linebreak` rule. - Changed `plugin:vue/vue3-recommended` config. - Same changes as above. - Changed `plugin:vue/essential` config. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/valid-next-tick` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/no-useless-template-attributes` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/no-computed-properties-in-data` rule. - [#&#8203;1603]( Added `vue/multi-word-component-names` rule. - [#&#8203;1678]( Added `vue/no-reserved-props` rule. - Changed `plugin:vue/strongly-recommended` config. - Same changes as above. - [#&#8203;1587]( Added `vue/first-attribute-linebreak` rule. - Changed `plugin:vue/recommended` config. - Same changes as above. - [#&#8203;1587]( Removed the `allowFirstLine` option of the `vue/max-attributes-per-line` rule. #### ✨ Enhancements **Core:** - [#&#8203;1685]( Added `setup-compiler-macros` environment. **Rules:** - [#&#8203;1587]( Added `vue/first-attribute-linebreak` rule aims to enforce a consistent location for the first attribute. - [#&#8203;1678]( Added `vue/no-reserved-props` rule that disallow reserved names to be used in props. - [#&#8203;1680]( Added `vue/no-loss-of-precision` rule that applies `no-loss-of-precision` rule to expressions in `<template>`. - [#&#8203;1681]( Added `ignore` option to `vue/multi-word-component-names` rule. - [#&#8203;1679]( Added support for Nuxt.js's `asyncData` in `vue/no-dupe-keys`, `vue/no-reserved-keys`, `vue/no-template-shadow`, `vue/no-undef-properties`, and `vue/no-unused-properties` rules. #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1684]( Fixed false positives for non-vue file in `vue/multi-word-component-names` rule. *** **Full Changelog**: ### [`v7.20.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;1472]( Added `vue/no-undef-properties` rule that warns of using undefined properties. - [#&#8203;1653]( Added `vue/no-computed-properties-in-data` rule that disallow accessing computed properties in `data()`. - [#&#8203;1659]( Improved `vue/no-use-computed-property-like-method` rule reports. - [#&#8203;1661]( Added `vue/multi-word-component-names` rule to enforce multiple words in component names. - [#&#8203;1663]( Added `vue/no-deprecated-router-link-tag-prop` rule that disallow using deprecated `tag` property on `<RouterLink>`. #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1659]( Fixed crash in `vue/no-use-computed-property-like-method` rule. - [#&#8203;1658]( Fixed false positives for vars inside types in `vue/valid-define-emits` and `vue/valid-define-props` rules. #### ⚙️ Updates - [#&#8203;1654]( Changed peer deps eslint ver from `^6.2.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0-0` to `^6.2.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0`. **Full Changelog**: ### [`v7.19.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### :bug: Bug Fixes - \[[`83eab8d`](] Fixed false positives for vars inside functions in `vue/valid-define-emits` and `vue/valid-define-props` rules. Picked from [#&#8203;1652]( *** **Full Changelog**: ### [`v7.19.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;1639]( Added `vue/no-restricted-class` rule that reports the classes you don't want to allow in the template. - [#&#8203;1644]( Added `vue/no-useless-template-attributes` rule that disallow useless attribute on `<template>` tags. #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1647]( Fixed false positives for toRefs in `vue/no-unused-properties` rule. - [#&#8203;1648]( Fixed unable to autofix event name with `update:`. *** **All commits:** [v7.18.0 -> v7.19.0]( ### [`v7.18.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;1626]( Added `vue/component-api-style` rule that aims to make the API style you use to define Vue components consistent in your project. #### ⚙️ Updates - [#&#8203;1619]( Updated `vue/script-indent` rule to support Class static block and typescript-eslint v5(rc) - [#&#8203;1620]( Changed type determination logic of type-only `defineProps` to follow vue v3.2.9. *** **All commits:** [v7.17.0 -> v7.18.0]( ### [`v7.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;1605]( Added `vue/no-v-text` rule that disallow `v-text` directive. #### :gear: Updates - [#&#8203;1607](, [#&#8203;1610]( Added support for ESLint v8 (beta). Note that ESLint v8 **beta** support will be removed without notice once a stable version of ESLint v8 is released. *** **All commits:** [v7.16.0 -> v7.17.0]( ### [`v7.16.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;1596]( Added `vue/valid-v-memo` rule that enforce valid `v-memo` directives. - [#&#8203;1599]( Updated `vue/no-unsupported-features` rule to support Vue 3.2 syntaxes. #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1602]( Fixed false positives for namespace component in `vue/script-setup-uses-vars` rule. #### :gear: Updates - [#&#8203;1598]( Updated `vue/no-restricted-v-bind` and `vue/valid-v-bind` rules to support `attr` modifier. *** **All commits:** [v7.15.2 -> v7.16.0]( ### [`v7.15.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1600]( Fixed false positives in `vue/no-use-computed-property-like-method` rule. *** **All commits:** [v7.15.1 -> v7.15.2]( ### [`v7.15.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1590]( Fixed message typo in `vue/no-reserved-keys` rule. - [#&#8203;1591]( Fixed false positives for type-only defineProps in `vue/require-default-prop` rule. *** **All commits:** [v7.15.0 -> v7.15.1]( ### [`v7.15.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;1234]( Added `vue/no-use-computed-property-like-method` rule that disallows to use computed property like method. - [#&#8203;1586]( Added `vue/block-lang` rule rule that disallows the use of languages other than those available in the your application for the `lang` attribute of block elements. - [#&#8203;1576]( Updated some rules to support style CSS variable injection. - `vue/comma-spacing` rule. - `vue/dot-notation` rule. - `vue/eqeqeq` rule. - `vue/func-call-spacing` rule. - `vue/no-extra-parens` rule. - `vue/no-restricted-syntax` rule. - `vue/no-useless-concat` rule. - `vue/prefer-template` rule. - `vue/space-in-parens` rule. - `vue/space-infix-ops` rule. - `vue/space-unary-ops` rule. - `vue/template-curly-spacing` rule. #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1584]( Fixed false positives for call expression in `vue/no-mutating-props` rule. #### :gear: Updates - [#&#8203;1576]( Upgraded vue-eslint-parser. *** **All commits:** [v7.14.0 -> v7.15.0]( ### [`v7.14.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;1568]( Added `vue/require-expose` rule that enforces the component to explicitly declare the exposed properties to the component using `expose`. - [#&#8203;1566]( Updated `vue/no-unused-properties` rule to support `expose` - [#&#8203;1574]( Updated some rules to support style CSS vars injection. - `vue/no-parsing-error` rule. - `vue/no-unused-properties` rule. - `vue/script-setup-uses-vars` rule. - `vue/no-unsupported-features` rule. - [#&#8203;1565]( Improved report location of `vue/valid-v-xxx` rules. #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1569]( Fixed false positives for `<script setup>` in `vue/no-lifecycle-after-await` rule. - [#&#8203;1569]( Fixed false positives for `<script setup>` in `vue/no-watch-after-await` rule. - [#&#8203;1569]( Fixed false positives for `<script setup>` in `vue/no-restricted-call-after-await` rule. - [#&#8203;1575]( Downgraded to `semver` compatible with Node v8. *** **All commits:** [v7.13.0 -> v7.14.0]( ### [`v7.13.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - Supports `<script setup>` - [#&#8203;1529]( Added `vue/script-setup-uses-vars` rule that will find variables in `<script setup>` used in `<template>` and mark them as used. - [#&#8203;1559]( Added `vue/no-export-in-script-setup` rule that disallows ES export in `<script setup>`. - [#&#8203;1560]( Added `vue/valid-define-props` rule that reports `defineProps` compiler macros in the following cases: - `defineProps` are referencing locally declared variables. - `defineProps` has both a literal type and an argument. e.g. `defineProps<{/*props*/}>({/*props*/})` - `defineProps` has been called multiple times. - Props are defined in both `defineProps` and `export default {}`. - Props are not defined in either `defineProps` or `export default {}`. - [#&#8203;1561]( Added `vue/valid-define-emits` rule that reports `defineEmits` compiler macros in the following cases: - `defineEmits` are referencing locally declared variables. - `defineEmits` has both a literal type and an argument. e.g. `defineEmits<(e: 'foo')=>void>(['bar'])` - `defineEmits` has been called multiple times. - Custom events are defined in both `defineEmits` and `export default {}`. - Custom events are not defined in either `defineEmits` or `export default {}`. - [#&#8203;1532](, [#&#8203;1559]( Upgraded `vue-eslint-parser`. - Updated rules to support `<script setup>`. - [#&#8203;1531]( `vue/no-mutating-props` rule. - [#&#8203;1535]( `vue/no-reserved-keys` rule. - [#&#8203;1533]( `vue/no-async-in-computed-properties` rule. - [#&#8203;1534]( `vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-properties` rule. - [#&#8203;1536]( `vue/require-prop-type-constructor` rule. - [#&#8203;1539]( `vue/no-lifecycle-after-await` rule. - [#&#8203;1538]( `vue/require-valid-default-prop` rule. - [#&#8203;1542]( `vue/return-in-emits-validator` rule. - [#&#8203;1545]( `vue/require-default-prop` rule. - [#&#8203;1540]( `vue/no-setup-props-destructure` rule. - [#&#8203;1541]( `vue/no-watch-after-await` rule. - [#&#8203;1543]( `vue/no-template-shadow` rule. - [#&#8203;1544]( `vue/prop-name-casing` rule. - [#&#8203;1546]( `vue/require-prop-types` rule. - [#&#8203;1548]( `vue/require-explicit-emits` rule. - [#&#8203;1549]( `vue/custom-event-name-casing` rule. - [#&#8203;1550]( `vue/no-boolean-default` rule. - [#&#8203;1551]( `vue/no-restricted-call-after-await` rule. - [#&#8203;1552]( `vue/no-restricted-props` rule. - [#&#8203;1553]( `vue/no-unregistered-components` rule. - [#&#8203;1554]( `vue/no-unsupported-features` rule. - [#&#8203;1555]( `vue/no-unused-properties` rule. - [#&#8203;1556]( `vue/no-unused-refs` rule. - [#&#8203;1557]( `vue/require-emit-validator` rule. - [#&#8203;1558]( `vue/require-name-property` rule. - [#&#8203;1543]( Updated `vue/no-template-shadow` rule to support `setup()`. - [#&#8203;1556]( Updated `vue/no-unused-refs` rule to support `setup()`. #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1527]( Changed the indent rule so that the union type has the same indent as the binary expression. #### ⚙️ Updates - [#&#8203;1528]( Deprecated `vue/experimental-script-setup-vars` rule. *** **All commits:** [v7.12.1 -> v7.13.0]( ### [`v7.12.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### :bug: Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1525]( Fixed false positives for trailing comma with import in `vue/script-indent` rule. *** **All commits:** [v7.12.0 -> v7.12.1]( ### [`v7.12.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;1520]( Improved `vue/script-indent` rule to support TypeScript syntax. - [#&#8203;1481]( Improved `vue/script-indent` rule and `vue/html-indent` rule to support ES2022 Class Fields syntax. (When using espree v8+.) #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1521]( Fixed wrong auto-fix in `vue/no-deprecated-slot-attribute` rule and `vue/no-deprecated-slot-scope-attribute` rule. - [#&#8203;1522]( Fixed false positives for default with type Function in `vue/no-deprecated-props-default-this` rule. #### ⚙️ Updates - [#&#8203;1481]( Supports ES2022 Class Fields. (When using espree v8+.) *** **All commits:** [v7.11.1 -> v7.12.0]( ### [`v7.11.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### :bug: Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;1515]( Fixed crash when using `objectsInObjects` option in `vue/object-curly-spacing` rule. ### [`v7.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements ##### New Rules: - [#&#8203;1506]( Added `vue/no-this-in-before-route-enter` rule that disallow `this` usage in a `beforeRouteEnter` method. - [#&#8203;1510]( Added `vue/no-deprecated-v-is` rule that disallow deprecated `v-is` directive (in Vue.js 3.1.0+). ##### Other changes in Rules: - [#&#8203;1501]( Made `vue/no-deprecated-destroyed-lifecycle` rule to auto-fixable. #### ⚙️ Updates - [#&#8203;1509]( Added supports for `is="vue:"` (Vue 3.1.0+). *** **All commits:** [v7.10.0 -> v7.11.0]( ### [`v7.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements ##### New Rules: - [#&#8203;1487]( Added `vue/require-emit-validator` rule that enforce the validator definition in emits. ##### Other changes in Rules: - [#&#8203;1493]( Changed `vue/this-in-template` rule to support autofix. #### :gear: Updates - [#&#8203;1484]( Changed `vue/attribute-hyphenation` rule to ignore SVG attributes. *** **All commits:** [v7.9.0 -> v7.10.0]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. 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renovate-bot added 1 commit 2021-10-29 03:04:33 +00:00
chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-vue to v8
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nemunaire closed this pull request 2021-11-14 09:47:20 +00:00

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Reference: happyDomain/happyDomain#21
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