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GitHub release

Automatically create static web page files using Hugo within your drone pipeline!

plugins/hugo is:

  • Easy to implement in your existing pipeline using .drone.yml
  • Small 21mb image size
  • Highly configurable

Basic Usage with Drone CI

The example below demonstrates how you can use the plugin to automatically create static web page files using Hugo. It's as easy as pie!

   image: plugins/hugo:latest
   validate: true

validate allows you to check your configuration file for errors before generating the files.

Customize source, output, theme, config, layout OR content directory paths

You can customize the paths for e. g. the theme, layout, content directory and output directory and much more!

   image: plugins/hugo:latest
+   config: path/to/config
+   content: path/to/content/
+   layout: path/to/layout
+   output: path/to/public
+   source: path/to/source
+   theme: path/themes/THEMENAME/
   validate: true

Set hostname (and path) to the root

You can also define a base URL directly in the pipeline, which is used when generating the files.

   image: plugins/hugo:latest
   config: path/to/config
   content: path/to/content/
   output: path/to/public
   source: path/to/source
   theme: path/themes/THEMENAME/
+   url: https://example.com
   validate: true

Build sites and include expired, drafts or future content

You can set the buildDrafts, buildExpired, buildFuture settings to configure the generated files.

  • buildDrafts - include content marked as draft
  • buildExpired - include expired content
  • buildFuture - include content with publishdate in the future
   image: plugins/hugo:latest
+   buildDrafts: true
+   buildExpired: true
+   buildFuture: true
   config: path/to/config
   content: path/to/content/
   output: path/to/public
   source: path/to/source
   theme: path/themes/THEMENAME/
   url: https://example.com
   validate: true

Example: Generate Hugo static files and publish them to remote directory using scp

Here is a short example of how to define a pipeline that automatically generates the static web page files with Hugo and then copies them to a remote server via scp. This makes publishing websites a breeze!

   image: plugins/hugo:latest
   output: site # Output path
   validate: true
     branch: [ master ]
   image: appleboy/drone-scp
   host: example.com
   username: webuser
   password: xxxxxxx
   port: 54321
   target: /var/www/ # Path to your web directory
   source: site/* # Copy all files from output path

You can also use secrets to hide credentials:

   image: plugins/hugo:latest
   output: site # Output path
   validate: true
     branch: [ master ]
   image: appleboy/drone-scp
+   secrets: [ ssh_username, ssh_password ]
   host: example.com
-   username: webuser
-   password: xxxxxxx
   port: 54321
   target: /var/www/ # Path to your web directory
   source: site/* # Copy all files from output path

Basic Usage using a Docker Container

docker run --rm \
 -e PLUGIN_VERSION=0.40.2 \
 -e PLUGIN_CONFIG=false \
 -e PLUGIN_CONTENT=false \
 -e PLUGIN_LAYOUT=false \
 -e PLUGIN_OUTPUT=false \
 -e PLUGIN_SOURCE=false \
 -e PLUGIN_THEME=false \
 -e PLUGIN_OUTPUT=false \
 -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
 -w $(pwd) \

Parameter Reference

hugoVersion - the hugo version to be used, if not set use v.<HUGO_VERSION>
buildDrafts - include content marked as draft
buildExpired - include expired content
buildFuture - include content with publishdate in the future
config - config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
content - filesystem path to content directory
layout - filesystem path to layout directory
output - filesystem path to write files to
source - filesystem path to read files relative from
theme - theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
url - hostname (and path) to the root
validate - validate config file before generation


You have suggestions for improvements or features you miss? You are welcome to express all your wishes here. Just create a new Issue and it will be taken care of quickly!

If you are a developer yourself, you can also contribute code! Further information will follow shortly.