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// Copyright or © or Copr. happyDNS (2020)
// contact@happydns.org
// This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide a modern
// interface to interact with DNS systems.
// This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abiding
// by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or
// redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL license as
// circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
// "http://www.cecill.info".
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify
// and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a
// limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the economic
// rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability.
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with
// loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by
// the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean
// that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it
// is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth
// computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
// software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling
// the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally,
// to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
// knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
package svcs
import (
type MX struct {
Target string `json:"target"`
Preference uint16 `json:"preference,omitempty"`
type SPFDirective struct {
Qualifier byte
Mechanism string
type SPFModifier struct {
Name string
Mechanism string
type SPFExplanation struct {
DomainSpec string
type SPFRedirect struct {
DomainSpec string
type SPF struct {
Content string
func (t *SPF) String() string {
return t.Content
type DKIM struct {
Fields []string
func (t *DKIM) String() string {
return strings.Join(t.Fields, "; ")
type DMARC struct {
Fields []string
func (t *DMARC) String() string {
return strings.Join(t.Fields, ";")
type MTA_STS struct {
Fields []string
func (t *MTA_STS) String() string {
return strings.Join(t.Fields, ";")
type TLS_RPT struct {
Fields []string
func (t *TLS_RPT) String() string {
return strings.Join(t.Fields, ";")
type EMail struct {
MX []MX `json:"mx,omitempty" happydns:"label=EMail Servers"`
SPF *SPF `json:"spf,omitempty" happydns:"label=Sender Policy Framework"`
DKIM map[string]*DKIM `json:"dkim,omitempty" happydns:"label=Domain Keys"`
DMARC *DMARC `json:"dmarc,omitempty" happydns:"label=DMARC"`
MTA_STS *MTA_STS `json:"mta_sts,omitempty" happydns:"label=Strict Transport Security"`
TLS_RPT *TLS_RPT `json:"tls_rpt,omitempty" happydns:"label=TLS Reporting"`
func (s *EMail) GetNbResources() int {
return len(s.MX)
func (s *EMail) GenComment(origin string) string {
poolMX := map[string]int{}
for _, mx := range s.MX {
labels := dns.SplitDomainName(mx.Target)
nbLabel := len(labels)
var dn string
if len(labels[nbLabel-2]) < 4 {
dn = strings.Join(labels[nbLabel-3:], ".") + "."
} else {
dn = strings.Join(labels[nbLabel-2:], ".") + "."
poolMX[dn] += 1
var buffer bytes.Buffer
first := true
for dn, nb := range poolMX {
if !first {
buffer.WriteString("; ")
} else {
first = !first
buffer.WriteString(strings.TrimSuffix(dn, "."+origin))
if nb > 1 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" ×%d", nb))
if s.SPF != nil {
buffer.WriteString(" + SPF")
if s.DKIM != nil {
buffer.WriteString(" + DKIM")
if s.DMARC != nil {
buffer.WriteString(" + DMARC")
if s.MTA_STS != nil {
buffer.WriteString(" + MTA-STS")
if s.TLS_RPT != nil {
buffer.WriteString(" + TLS Reporting")
return buffer.String()
func (s *EMail) GenRRs(domain string, ttl uint32, origin string) (rrs []dns.RR) {
if len(s.MX) > 0 {
for _, mx := range s.MX {
rrs = append(rrs, &dns.MX{
Hdr: dns.RR_Header{
Name: utils.DomainJoin(domain),
Rrtype: dns.TypeMX,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Ttl: ttl,
Mx: utils.DomainFQDN(mx.Target, origin),
Preference: mx.Preference,
if s.SPF != nil {
rrs = append(rrs, &dns.TXT{
Hdr: dns.RR_Header{
Name: utils.DomainJoin(domain),
Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Ttl: ttl,
Txt: utils.SplitN("v=spf1 "+s.SPF.String(), 255),
for selector, d := range s.DKIM {
rrs = append(rrs, &dns.TXT{
Hdr: dns.RR_Header{
Name: utils.DomainJoin(selector+"._domainkey", domain),
Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Ttl: ttl,
Txt: utils.SplitN(d.String(), 255),
if s.DMARC != nil {
rrs = append(rrs, &dns.TXT{
Hdr: dns.RR_Header{
Name: utils.DomainJoin("_dmarc", domain),
Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Ttl: ttl,
Txt: utils.SplitN(s.DMARC.String(), 255),
if s.MTA_STS != nil {
rrs = append(rrs, &dns.TXT{
Hdr: dns.RR_Header{
Name: utils.DomainJoin("_mta-sts", domain),
Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Ttl: ttl,
Txt: utils.SplitN(s.MTA_STS.String(), 255),
if s.TLS_RPT != nil {
rrs = append(rrs, &dns.TXT{
Hdr: dns.RR_Header{
Name: utils.DomainJoin("_smtp._tls", domain),
Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Ttl: ttl,
Txt: utils.SplitN(s.TLS_RPT.String(), 255),
func email_analyze(a *Analyzer) (err error) {
services := map[string]*EMail{}
// Handle only MX records
for _, record := range a.searchRR(AnalyzerRecordFilter{Type: dns.TypeMX}) {
if mx, ok := record.(*dns.MX); ok {
dn := mx.Header().Name
if _, ok := services[dn]; !ok {
services[dn] = &EMail{}
services[dn].MX = append(
Target: mx.Mx,
Preference: mx.Preference,
err = a.useRR(
if err != nil {
for domain, service := range services {
// Is there SPF record?
for _, record := range a.searchRR(AnalyzerRecordFilter{Type: dns.TypeTXT, Domain: domain, Contains: "v=spf1"}) {
if service.SPF == nil {
service.SPF = &SPF{}
if txt, ok := record.(*dns.TXT); ok {
fields := strings.Fields(service.SPF.Content + " " + strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(txt.Txt, "")), "v=spf1"))
for i := 0; i < len(fields); i += 1 {
for j := i + 1; j < len(fields); j += 1 {
if fields[i] == fields[j] {
fields = append(fields[:j], fields[j+1:]...)
j -= 1
service.SPF.Content = strings.Join(fields, " ")
err = a.useRR(record, domain, service)
if err != nil {
service.DKIM = map[string]*DKIM{}
// Is there DKIM record?
for _, record := range a.searchRR(AnalyzerRecordFilter{Type: dns.TypeTXT, SubdomainsOf: "_domainkey." + domain}) {
selector := strings.TrimSuffix(record.Header().Name, "._domainkey."+domain)
if _, ok := service.DKIM[selector]; !ok {
service.DKIM[selector] = &DKIM{}
if txt, ok := record.(*dns.TXT); ok {
service.DKIM[selector].Fields = append(service.DKIM[selector].Fields, strings.Split(strings.Join(txt.Txt, ""), ";")...)
err = a.useRR(record, domain, service)
if err != nil {
// Is there DMARC record?
for _, record := range a.searchRR(AnalyzerRecordFilter{Type: dns.TypeTXT, Domain: "_dmarc." + domain}) {
if service.DMARC == nil {
service.DMARC = &DMARC{}
if txt, ok := record.(*dns.TXT); ok {
service.DMARC.Fields = append(service.DMARC.Fields, strings.Split(strings.Join(txt.Txt, ""), ";")...)
err = a.useRR(record, domain, service)
if err != nil {
// Is there MTA-STS record?
for _, record := range a.searchRR(AnalyzerRecordFilter{Type: dns.TypeTXT, Domain: "_mta-sts." + domain}) {
if service.MTA_STS == nil {
service.MTA_STS = &MTA_STS{}
if txt, ok := record.(*dns.TXT); ok {
service.MTA_STS.Fields = append(service.MTA_STS.Fields, strings.Split(strings.Join(txt.Txt, ""), ";")...)
err = a.useRR(record, domain, service)
if err != nil {
// Is there MTA-STS record?
for _, record := range a.searchRR(AnalyzerRecordFilter{Type: dns.TypeTXT, Domain: "_smtp._tls." + domain}) {
if service.TLS_RPT == nil {
service.TLS_RPT = &TLS_RPT{}
if txt, ok := record.(*dns.TXT); ok {
service.TLS_RPT.Fields = append(service.TLS_RPT.Fields, strings.Split(strings.Join(txt.Txt, ""), ";")...)
err = a.useRR(record, domain, service)
if err != nil {
return nil
func init() {
func() happydns.Service {
return &EMail{}
Name: "E-Mail",
Description: "Send and receive e-mail with this domain.",
Categories: []string{
Tabs: true,
Restrictions: ServiceRestrictions{
Single: true,