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Copyright or © or Copr. happyDNS (2020)
This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide a modern
interface to interact with DNS systems.
This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abiding
by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or
redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL license as
circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify
and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a
limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the economic
rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability.
In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with
loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by
the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean
that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it
is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth
computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling
the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally,
to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
<div v-if="!isLoading" class="pt-3">
<h-subdomain-item v-for="(dn, index) in sortedDomains" :key="index" :display-card="displayCard" :dn="dn" :origin="domain.domain" :services="services" :zone-services="myServices.services[dn]===undefined?[]:myServices.services[dn]" :aliases="aliases[dn]===undefined?[]:aliases[dn]" :zone-id="zoneId" @showServiceWindow="showServiceWindow($event)" @updateMyServices="updateMyServices($event)" @addSubdomain="addSubdomain()" @addNewAlias="addNewAlias($event)" @addNewService="addNewService($event)" />
<b-modal id="modal-addSvc" :size="modal && modal.step === 2 ? 'lg' : ''" scrollable @ok="handleModalSvcOk">
<template v-slot:modal-title>
Add a new service to <span class="text-monospace">{{ modal.dn | fqdn(domain.domain) }}</span>
<form v-if="modal" @submit.stop.prevent="handleModalSvcOk">
<p v-if="modal.step === 0">
Add a new subdomain under <span class="text-monospace">{{ domain.domain }}</span>:
<b-input-group :append="'.' + domain.domain">
<b-input v-model="modal.dn" autofocus class="text-monospace" placeholder="new.subdomain" :state="modal.newDomainState" @update="validateNewSubdomain" />
<p v-else-if="modal.step === 1">
Select a new service to add to <span class="text-monospace">{{ modal.dn | fqdn(domain.domain) }}</span>:
<p v-else-if="modal.step === 2">
Fill the information for the {{ services[modal.svcSelected].name }} at <span class="text-monospace">{{ modal.dn | fqdn(domain.domain) }}</span>:
<b-list-group v-if="modal.step === 1" class="mb-2">
<b-list-group-item v-for="(svc, idx) in availableNewServices" :key="idx" :active="modal.svcSelected === idx" button @click="modal.svcSelected = idx">
{{ svc.name }}
<small class="text-muted">{{ svc.description }}</small>
<b-badge v-for="(categorie, idcat) in svc.categories" :key="idcat" variant="gray" class="float-right ml-1">
{{ categorie }}
<b-list-group-item v-for="(svc, idx) in disabledNewServices" :key="idx" :active="modal.svcSelected === idx" disabled @click="modal.svcSelected = idx">
<span :title="svc.description">{{ svc.name }}</span> <small class="font-italic text-danger">{{ filteredNewServices[idx] }}</small>
<b-badge v-for="(categorie, idcat) in svc.categories" :key="idcat" variant="gray" class="float-right ml-1">
{{ categorie }}
<h-resource-value v-else-if="modal.step === 2" v-model="modal.svcData" edit :services="services" :type="modal.svcSelected" @input="modal.svcData = $event" />
<b-modal id="modal-updSvc" size="xl" scrollable @ok="handleUpdateSvc">
<template v-slot:modal-title>
Update <span v-if="modal.svcData._svctype" :title="services[modal.svcData._svctype].description">{{ services[modal.svcData._svctype].name }} </span>on <span class="text-monospace">{{ modal.dn | fqdn(domain.domain) }}</span>
<form v-if="modal" @submit.stop.prevent="handleUpdateSvc">
<h-resource-value v-model="modal.svcData.Service" edit :services="services" :type="modal.svcData._svctype" @input="modal.svcData.Service = $event" />
<b-modal id="modal-addAlias" title="Add a new alias" @ok="handleModalAliasSubmit">
<form v-if="modal && modal.dn != null" @submit.stop.prevent="handleModalAliasSubmit">
Add an alias pointing to <span class="text-monospace">{{ modal.dn | fqdn(domain.domain) }}</span>:
<b-input-group :append="'.' + domain.domain">
<b-input v-model="modal.alias" autofocus class="text-monospace" placeholder="new.subdomain" :state="modal.newDomainState" @update="validateNewAlias" />
import ServiceSpecsApi from '@/services/ServiceSpecsApi'
import ZoneApi from '@/services/ZoneApi'
export default {
name: 'HSubdomainList',
components: {
hSubdomainItem: () => import('@/components/hSubdomainItem'),
hResourceValue: () => import('@/components/hResourceValue')
props: {
domain: {
type: Object,
required: true
displayCard: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
zoneId: {
type: Number,
required: true
data: function () {
return {
hideDomain: {},
modal: null,
myServices: null,
services: null
computed: {
aliases () {
var ret = {}
for (const dn in this.myServices.services) {
this.myServices.services[dn].forEach(function (svc) {
if (svc._svctype === 'svcs.CNAME') {
if (!ret[svc.Service.Target]) {
ret[svc.Service.Target] = []
return ret
availableNewServices () {
var ret = {}
for (const type in this.services) {
if (this.filteredNewServices[type] == null) {
ret[type] = this.services[type]
return ret
disabledNewServices () {
var ret = {}
for (const type in this.services) {
if (this.filteredNewServices[type] != null) {
ret[type] = this.services[type]
return ret
filteredNewServices () {
var ret = {}
for (const type in this.services) {
const svc = this.services[type]
if (svc.restrictions) {
// Handle Alone restriction: only nearAlone are allowed.
if (svc.restrictions.alone && this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn]) {
var found = false
for (const k in this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn]) {
const s = this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn][k]
if (s._svctype !== type && this.services[s._svctype].restrictions && !this.services[s._svctype].restrictions.nearAlone) {
found = true
if (found) {
ret[type] = 'has to be the only one in the subdomain.'
// Handle Exclusive restriction: service can't be present along with another listed one.
if (svc.restrictions.exclusive && this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn]) {
found = null
for (const k in this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn]) {
const s = this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn][k]
for (const i in svc.restrictions.exclusive) {
if (s._svctype === svc.restrictions.exclusive[i]) {
found = s._svctype
if (found) {
ret[type] = 'cannot be present along with ' + this.services[found].name + '.'
// Handle rootOnly restriction.
if (svc.restrictions.rootOnly && this.modal.dn !== '') {
ret[type] = 'can only be present at the root of your domain.'
// Handle Single restriction: only one instance of the service per subdomain.
if (svc.restrictions.single && this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn]) {
found = false
for (const k in this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn]) {
const s = this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn][k]
if (s._svctype === type) {
found = true
if (found) {
ret[type] = 'can only be present once per subdomain.'
// Handle presence of Alone and Leaf service in subdomain already.
var oneAlone = null
var oneLeaf = null
for (const k in this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn]) {
const s = this.myServices.services[this.modal.dn][k]
if (this.services[s._svctype].restrictions && this.services[s._svctype].restrictions.alone) {
oneAlone = s._svctype
if (this.services[s._svctype].restrictions && this.services[s._svctype].restrictions.leaf) {
oneLeaf = s._svctype
if (oneAlone && oneAlone !== type && !svc.restrictions.nearAlone) {
ret[type] = 'cannot be present along with ' + this.services[oneAlone].name + ', that requires to be the only one in this subdomain.'
if (oneLeaf && oneLeaf !== type && !svc.restrictions.glue) {
ret[type] = 'cannot be present along with ' + this.services[oneAlone].name + ', that requires to don\'t have subdomains.'
return ret
isLoading () {
return this.myServices == null && this.zoneId === undefined && this.services == null
sortedDomains () {
if (this.myServices == null) {
return []
var domains = Object.keys(this.myServices.services)
domains.sort(function (a, b) {
var as = a.split('.').reverse()
var bs = b.split('.').reverse()
var maxDepth = Math.min(as.length, bs.length)
for (var i = 0; i < maxDepth; i++) {
var cmp = as[i].localeCompare(bs[i])
if (cmp !== 0) {
return cmp
return as.length - bs.length
return domains
watch: {
domain: function () {
zoneId: function () {
created () {
(response) => (this.services = response.data)
methods: {
addNewService (subdomain) {
this.modal = {
dn: subdomain,
step: 1,
svcData: {},
svcSelected: null
addNewAlias (subdomain) {
this.modal = {
dn: subdomain,
alias: ''
addSubdomain () {
this.modal = {
dn: '',
step: 0,
svcData: {},
svcSelected: null
showServiceWindow (service) {
this.modal = {
dn: service._domain,
svcData: service
goToAnchor () {
var hash = this.$route.hash.substr(1)
if (!this.isLoading && hash.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
window.scrollTo(0, document.getElementById(hash).offsetTop)
}, 500)
handleModalSvcOk (bvModalEvt) {
if (this.modal.step === 0 && this.modal.dn !== '') {
if (this.validateNewSubdomain()) {
this.modal.step = 1
} else if (this.modal.step === 1 && this.modal.svcSelected !== null) {
this.modal.step = 2
} else if (this.modal.step === 2 && this.modal.svcSelected !== null) {
.addZoneService(this.domain.domain, this.zoneId, this.modal.dn, { Service: this.modal.svcData, _svctype: this.modal.svcSelected })
(response) => {
this.myServices = response.data
this.$nextTick(() => {
(error) => {
error.response.data.errmsg, {
title: 'Unable to add the new service',
autoHideDelay: 5000,
variant: 'danger',
toaster: 'b-toaster-content-right'
handleUpdateSvc (bvModalEvt) {
ZoneApi.updateZoneService(this.domain.domain, this.zoneId, this.modal.svcData)
(response) => {
this.$nextTick(() => {
(error) => {
this.$nextTick(() => {
error.response.data.errmsg, {
title: 'An error occurs when updating the service!',
autoHideDelay: 5000,
variant: 'danger',
toaster: 'b-toaster-content-right'
handleModalAliasSubmit (bvModalEvt) {
if (this.modal.alias) {
if (this.validateNewAlias()) {
.addZoneService(this.domain.domain, this.zoneId, this.modal.alias, { Service: { target: this.modal.dn || '@' }, _svctype: 'svcs.CNAME' })
(response) => {
this.myServices = response.data
this.$nextTick(() => {
(error) => {
error.response.data.errmsg, {
title: 'Unable to add the new service',
autoHideDelay: 5000,
variant: 'danger',
toaster: 'b-toaster-content-right'
pullZone () {
if (this.domain === undefined || this.domain.domain === undefined || this.zoneId === undefined) {
.getZone(this.domain.domain, this.zoneId)
(response) => {
this.myServices = response.data
// this.goToAnchor()
(error) => {
'Unfortunately, we were unable to retrieve information for the domain ' + this.domain.domain + ': ' + error.response.data.errmsg, {
title: 'Unable to retrieve domain information',
autoHideDelay: 5000,
variant: 'danger',
toaster: 'b-toaster-content-right'
this.$router.push('/domains/' + encodeURIComponent(this.domain.domain))
updateMyServices (myS) {
this.myServices = myS
validateDomain (dn) {
var ret = null
if (dn.length !== 0) {
ret = dn.length >= 1 && dn.length <= 254
if (ret) {
var domains = dn.split('.')
var newDomainState = ret
domains.forEach(function (domain) {
newDomainState &= domain.length >= 1 && domain.length <= 63
newDomainState &= domain[0] !== '-' && domain[domain.length - 1] !== '-'
newDomainState &= /^[a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]?[a-zA-Z0-9])*$/.test(domain)
ret = newDomainState > 0
return ret
validateNewAlias () {
if (this.myServices.services) {
for (const dn in this.myServices.services) {
if (this.modal.alias === dn) {
this.modal.newDomainState = false
return false
this.modal.newDomainState = this.validateDomain(this.modal.alias)
return this.modal.newDomainState
validateNewSubdomain () {
this.modal.newDomainState = this.validateDomain(this.modal.dn)
return this.modal.newDomainState