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2023-12-24 10:18:08 +00:00
// This file is part of the happyDomain (R) project.
// Copyright (c) 2020-2024 happyDomain
// Authors: Pierre-Olivier Mercier, et al.
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
2023-12-24 10:18:08 +00:00
// This program is offered under a commercial and under the AGPL license.
// For commercial licensing, contact us at <contact@happydomain.org>.
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
2023-12-24 10:18:08 +00:00
// For AGPL licensing:
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
2023-12-24 10:18:08 +00:00
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
2023-12-24 10:18:08 +00:00
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
package api
import (
2023-04-13 02:00:02 +00:00
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
2023-04-13 02:00:02 +00:00
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
2023-05-20 10:24:37 +00:00
dnscontrol "github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/v4/providers"
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
2023-09-07 09:37:18 +00:00
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
func declareProvidersRoutes(cfg *config.Options, router *gin.RouterGroup) {
router.GET("/providers", getProviders)
router.POST("/providers", addProvider)
2021-05-22 00:02:24 +00:00
apiProvidersMetaRoutes := router.Group("/providers/:pid")
apiProvidersMetaRoutes.DELETE("", deleteProvider)
2021-05-20 06:07:05 +00:00
apiProviderRoutes := router.Group("/providers/:pid")
2021-05-22 00:10:36 +00:00
apiProviderRoutes.GET("", GetProvider)
2021-05-22 00:02:24 +00:00
apiProviderRoutes.PUT("", UpdateProvider)
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
apiProviderRoutes.GET("/domains", getDomainsHostedByProvider)
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// getDomains retrieves all providers belonging to the user.
2023-09-07 09:37:18 +00:00
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// @Summary Retrieve user's providers
// @Schemes
// @Description Retrieve all DNS providers belonging to the user.
// @Tags providers
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Security securitydefinitions.basic
// @Success 200 {array} happydns.Provider
// @Failure 401 {object} happydns.Error "Authentication failure"
// @Failure 404 {object} happydns.Error "Unable to retrieve user's domains"
// @Router /providers [get]
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
func getProviders(c *gin.Context) {
user := c.MustGet("LoggedUser").(*happydns.User)
if providers, err := storage.MainStore.GetProviderMetas(user); err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errmsg": err.Error()})
} else if len(providers) > 0 {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, providers)
} else {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, []happydns.Provider{})
func DecodeProvider(c *gin.Context) (*happydns.ProviderCombined, int, error) {
2023-04-13 02:00:02 +00:00
buf, err := io.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Errorf("Unable to read input: %w", err)
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
var ust happydns.ProviderMeta
2023-04-13 02:00:02 +00:00
err = json.Unmarshal(buf, &ust)
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
if err != nil {
2023-04-13 02:00:02 +00:00
return nil, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse input as ProviderMeta: %w", err)
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
us, err := providers.FindProvider(ust.Type)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%s: unable to find provider %s: %s", c.ClientIP(), ust.Type, err.Error())
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
return nil, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Errorf("Sorry, we were unable to find the kind of provider in our database. Please report this issue.")
src := &happydns.ProviderCombined{
2023-05-20 10:43:32 +00:00
Provider: us,
ProviderMeta: ust,
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
2023-04-13 02:00:02 +00:00
err = json.Unmarshal(buf, &src)
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
if err != nil {
2023-04-13 02:00:02 +00:00
return nil, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse input as Provider: %w", err)
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
err = src.Validate()
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
if err != nil {
2023-04-13 02:00:02 +00:00
return nil, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Errorf("Unable to validate input: %w", err)
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
return src, http.StatusOK, nil
2021-05-22 00:02:24 +00:00
func ProviderMetaHandler(c *gin.Context) {
// Extract provider ID
2022-10-25 16:16:34 +00:00
pid, err := happydns.NewIdentifierFromString(string(c.Param("pid")))
2021-05-22 00:02:24 +00:00
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errmsg": fmt.Sprintf("Invalid provider id: %s", err.Error())})
// Get a valid user
user := myUser(c)
if user == nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, gin.H{"errmsg": "User not defined."})
// Retrieve provider meta
providermeta, err := storage.MainStore.GetProviderMeta(user, pid)
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"errmsg": "Provider not found."})
// Continue
c.Set("providermeta", providermeta)
2021-05-20 06:07:05 +00:00
func ProviderHandler(c *gin.Context) {
// Extract provider ID
2022-10-25 16:16:34 +00:00
pid, err := happydns.NewIdentifierFromString(string(c.Param("pid")))
2021-05-20 06:07:05 +00:00
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errmsg": fmt.Sprintf("Invalid provider id: %s", err.Error())})
2021-05-20 06:07:05 +00:00
// Get a valid user
user := myUser(c)
if user == nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, gin.H{"errmsg": "User not defined."})
// Retrieve provider
provider, err := storage.MainStore.GetProvider(user, pid)
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"errmsg": "Provider not found."})
// Continue
c.Set("provider", provider)
c.Set("providermeta", provider.ProviderMeta)
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// GetProvider retrieves information about a given Provider owned by the user.
2023-09-07 09:37:18 +00:00
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// @Summary Retrieve Provider information.
// @Schemes
// @Description Retrieve information in the database about a given Provider owned by the user.
// @Tags providers
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param providerId path string true "Provider identifier"
// @Security securitydefinitions.basic
// @Success 200 {object} happydns.ProviderCombined
// @Failure 401 {object} happydns.Error "Authentication failure"
// @Failure 404 {object} happydns.Error "Provider not found"
// @Router /providers/{providerId} [get]
2021-05-22 00:10:36 +00:00
func GetProvider(c *gin.Context) {
2021-05-20 06:07:05 +00:00
provider := c.MustGet("provider").(*happydns.ProviderCombined)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, provider)
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// addProvider appends a new provider.
2023-09-07 09:37:18 +00:00
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// @Summary Add a new provider
// @Schemes
// @Description Append a new provider for the user.
// @Tags providers
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param body body happydns.ProviderMinimal true "Provider to add"
// @Security securitydefinitions.basic
// @Success 200 {object} happydns.Provider
// @Failure 400 {object} happydns.Error "Error in received data"
// @Failure 401 {object} happydns.Error "Authentication failure"
// @Failure 500 {object} happydns.Error "Unable to retrieve current user's providers"
// @Router /providers [post]
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
func addProvider(c *gin.Context) {
user := c.MustGet("LoggedUser").(*happydns.User)
src, statuscode, err := DecodeProvider(c)
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(statuscode, gin.H{"errmsg": err.Error()})
s, err := storage.MainStore.CreateProvider(user, src.Provider, src.Comment)
if err != nil {
2023-05-20 10:43:32 +00:00
log.Printf("%s unable to CreateProvider: %s", c.ClientIP(), err.Error())
2021-07-05 15:11:17 +00:00
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errmsg": "Sorry, we are currently unable to create the given provider. Please try again later."})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, s)
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// UpdateProvider updates the information about a given Provider owned by the user.
2023-09-07 09:37:18 +00:00
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// @Summary Update Provider information.
// @Schemes
// @Description Updates the information about a given Provider owned by the user.
// @Tags providers
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param providerId path string true "Provider identifier"
// @Param body body happydns.Provider true "The new object overriding the current provider"
// @Security securitydefinitions.basic
// @Success 200 {object} happydns.Provider
// @Failure 400 {object} happydns.Error "Invalid input"
// @Failure 400 {object} happydns.Error "Identifier changed"
// @Failure 401 {object} happydns.Error "Authentication failure"
// @Failure 404 {object} happydns.Error "Provider not found"
// @Failure 500 {object} happydns.Error "Database writing error"
// @Router /providers/{providerId} [put]
2021-05-22 00:02:24 +00:00
func UpdateProvider(c *gin.Context) {
provider := c.MustGet("provider").(*happydns.ProviderCombined)
src, statuscode, err := DecodeProvider(c)
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(statuscode, gin.H{"errmsg": err.Error()})
src.Id = provider.Id
src.OwnerId = provider.OwnerId
if err := storage.MainStore.UpdateProvider(src); err != nil {
2023-05-20 10:43:32 +00:00
log.Printf("%s unable to UpdateProvider: %s", c.ClientIP(), err.Error())
2021-05-22 00:02:24 +00:00
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errmsg": "Sorry, we are currently unable to update the provider. Please try again later."})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, src)
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// deleteProvider removes a provider from the database.
2023-09-07 09:37:18 +00:00
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// @Summary Delete a Provider.
// @Schemes
// @Description Delete a Provider from the database. It is required that no Domain are still managed by this Provider before calling this route.
// @Tags providers
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param providerId path string true "Provider identifier"
// @Security securitydefinitions.basic
// @Success 204 "Provider deleted"
// @Failure 400 {object} happydns.Error "Invalid input"
// @Failure 401 {object} happydns.Error "Authentication failure"
// @Failure 404 {object} happydns.Error "Provider not found"
// @Failure 500 {object} happydns.Error "Database writing error"
// @Router /providers/{providerId} [delete]
2021-05-22 00:02:24 +00:00
func deleteProvider(c *gin.Context) {
user := c.MustGet("LoggedUser").(*happydns.User)
providermeta := c.MustGet("providermeta").(*happydns.ProviderMeta)
// Check if the provider has no more domain associated
domains, err := storage.MainStore.GetDomains(user)
if err != nil {
2023-05-20 10:43:32 +00:00
log.Printf("%s unable to GetDomains for user id=%x email=%s: %s", c.ClientIP(), user.Id, user.Email, err.Error())
2021-05-22 00:02:24 +00:00
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errmsg": "Sorry, we are currently unable to perform this action. Please try again later."})
for _, domain := range domains {
2022-10-25 16:16:34 +00:00
if domain.IdProvider.Equals(providermeta.Id) {
2021-05-22 00:02:24 +00:00
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errmsg": "You cannot delete this provider because there is still some domains associated with it."})
if err := storage.MainStore.DeleteProvider(providermeta); err != nil {
2023-05-20 10:43:32 +00:00
log.Printf("%s unable to DeleteProvider %x for user id=%x email=%s: %s", c.ClientIP(), providermeta.Id, user.Id, user.Email, err.Error())
2021-05-22 00:02:24 +00:00
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errmsg": "Sorry, we are currently unable to delete your provider. Please try again later."})
c.JSON(http.StatusNoContent, nil)
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// getDomainsHostedByProvider lists domains available to management from the given Provider.
2023-09-07 09:37:18 +00:00
2023-08-05 16:15:52 +00:00
// @Summary Lists manageable domains from the Provider.
// @Schemes
// @Description List domains available from the given Provider.
// @Tags providers
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param providerId path string true "Provider identifier"
// @Security securitydefinitions.basic
// @Success 200 {object} happydns.ProviderCombined
// @Failure 400 {object} happydns.Error "Unable to instantiate the provider"
// @Failure 400 {object} happydns.Error "The provider doesn't support domain listing"
// @Failure 400 {object} happydns.Error "Provider error"
// @Failure 401 {object} happydns.Error "Authentication failure"
// @Failure 404 {object} happydns.Error "Provider not found"
// @Router /providers/{providerId}/domains [get]
func getDomainsHostedByProvider(c *gin.Context) {
provider := c.MustGet("provider").(*happydns.ProviderCombined)
p, err := provider.NewDNSServiceProvider()
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errmsg": fmt.Sprintf("Unable to instantiate the provider: %s", err.Error())})
sr, ok := p.(dnscontrol.ZoneLister)
if !ok {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errmsg": "Provider doesn't support domain listing."})
domains, err := sr.ListZones()
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errmsg": err.Error()})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, domains)