
223 lines
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package fic
import (
// UnlockedChallenges disables dependancy requirement between challenges.
var UnlockedChallenges bool
// Team represents a group of players, come to solve our challenges.
type Team struct {
Id int64 `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Color uint32 `json:"color"`
// GetTeams returns a list of registered Team from the database.
func GetTeams() ([]Team, error) {
if rows, err := DBQuery("SELECT id_team, name, color FROM teams"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
defer rows.Close()
var teams = make([]Team, 0)
for rows.Next() {
var t Team
if err := rows.Scan(&t.Id, &t.Name, &t.Color); err != nil {
return nil, err
teams = append(teams, t)
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return teams, nil
// GetTeam retrieves a Team from its identifier.
func GetTeam(id int64) (Team, error) {
var t Team
if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT id_team, name, color FROM teams WHERE id_team = ?", id).Scan(&t.Id, &t.Name, &t.Color); err != nil {
return t, err
return t, nil
// GetTeamBySerial retrieves a Team from one of its associated certificates.
func GetTeamBySerial(serial int64) (Team, error) {
var t Team
if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT T.id_team,, T.color FROM certificates C INNER JOIN teams T ON T.id_team = C.id_team WHERE id_cert = ?", serial).Scan(&t.Id, &t.Name, &t.Color); err != nil {
return t, err
return t, nil
// CreateTeam creates and fills a new struct Team and registers it into the database.
func CreateTeam(name string, color uint32) (Team, error) {
if res, err := DBExec("INSERT INTO teams (name, color) VALUES (?, ?)", name, color); err != nil {
return Team{}, err
} else if tid, err := res.LastInsertId(); err != nil {
return Team{}, err
} else {
return Team{tid, name, color}, nil
// Update applies modifications back to the database.
func (t Team) Update() (int64, error) {
if res, err := DBExec("UPDATE teams SET name = ?, color = ? WHERE id_team = ?", t.Name, t.Color, t.Id); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if nb, err := res.RowsAffected(); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else {
return nb, err
// Delete the challenge from the database
func (t Team) Delete() (int64, error) {
if _, err := DBExec("DELETE FROM team_members WHERE id_team = ?", t.Id); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if res, err := DBExec("DELETE FROM teams WHERE id_team = ?", t.Id); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if nb, err := res.RowsAffected(); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else {
return nb, err
// HasAccess checks if the Team has access to the given challenge.
func (t Team) HasAccess(e Exercice) bool {
if e.Depend == nil || UnlockedChallenges {
return true
} else {
ed := Exercice{}
ed.Id = *e.Depend
s, _ := t.HasSolved(ed)
return s
// CanDownload checks if the Team has access to the given file.
func (t Team) CanDownload(f EFile) bool {
if deps, err := f.GetDepends(); err != nil {
log.Printf("Unable to retrieve file dependencies: %s\n", err)
return false
} else {
res := true
for _, dep := range deps {
if t.HasPartiallySolved(dep) == nil {
res = false
return res
// NbTry retrieves the number of attempts made by the Team to the given challenge.
func NbTry(t *Team, e Exercice) int {
var cnt *int
if t != nil {
DBQueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM exercice_tries WHERE id_team = ? AND id_exercice = ?", t.Id, e.Id).Scan(&cnt)
} else {
DBQueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM exercice_tries WHERE id_exercice = ?", e.Id).Scan(&cnt)
if cnt == nil {
return 0
} else {
return *cnt
// HasHint checks if the Team has revealed the given Hint.
func (t Team) HasHint(h EHint) (bool) {
var tm *time.Time
DBQueryRow("SELECT MIN(time) FROM team_hints WHERE id_team = ? AND id_hint = ?", t.Id, h.Id).Scan(&tm)
return tm != nil
// OpenHint registers to the database that the Team has now revealed.
func (t Team) OpenHint(h EHint) (error) {
_, err := DBExec("INSERT INTO team_hints (id_team, id_hint, time) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", t.Id, h.Id, time.Now())
return err
// CountTries gets the amount of attempts made by the Team and retrieves the time of the latest attempt.
func (t Team) CountTries(e Exercice) (int64, time.Time) {
var nb *int64
var tm *time.Time
if DBQueryRow("SELECT COUNT(id_exercice), MAX(time) FROM exercice_tries WHERE id_team = ? AND id_exercice = ?", t.Id, e.Id).Scan(&nb, &tm); tm == nil {
return 0, time.Unix(0, 0)
} else if nb == nil {
return 0, *tm
} else {
return *nb, *tm
// LastTryDist retrieves the distance to the correct answers, for the given challenge.
// The distance is the number of bad responses given in differents MCQs.
func (t Team) LastTryDist(e Exercice) int64 {
var nb *int64
if DBQueryRow("SELECT nbdiff FROM exercice_tries WHERE id_team = ? AND id_exercice = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1", t.Id, e.Id).Scan(&nb); nb == nil {
return 0
} else {
return *nb
// HasSolved checks if the Team already has validated the given challenge.
// Note that the function also returns the effective validation timestamp.
func (t Team) HasSolved(e Exercice) (bool, time.Time) {
var tm *time.Time
if DBQueryRow("SELECT MIN(time) FROM exercice_solved WHERE id_team = ? AND id_exercice = ?", t.Id, e.Id).Scan(&tm); tm == nil {
return false, time.Unix(0, 0)
} else {
return true, *tm
// GetSolvedRank returns the number of teams that solved the challenge before the Team.
func (t Team) GetSolvedRank(e Exercice) (nb int64, err error) {
if rows, errr := DBQuery("SELECT id_team FROM exercice_solved WHERE id_exercice = ? ORDER BY time ASC", e.Id); err != nil {
return nb, errr
} else {
for rows.Next() {
var tid int64
if err = rows.Scan(&tid); err != nil {
nb += 1
if t.Id == tid {
// HasPartiallySolved checks if the Team already has unlocked the given key and returns the validation's timestamp.
func (t Team) HasPartiallySolved(k Key) (tm *time.Time) {
DBQueryRow("SELECT MIN(time) FROM key_found WHERE id_team = ? AND id_key = ?", t.Id, k.Id).Scan(&tm)
// HasPartiallyRespond checks if the Team already has unlocked the given MCQ and returns the validation's timestamp.
func (t Team) HasPartiallyRespond(m MCQ) (tm *time.Time) {
DBQueryRow("SELECT MIN(time) FROM mcq_found WHERE id_team = ? AND id_mcq = ?", t.Id, m.Id).Scan(&tm)