fic: Can overwrite authors for each exercice
This commit is contained in:
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ func createExercice(c *gin.Context) {
exercice, err := theme.AddExercice(ue.Title, ue.Image, ue.WIP, ue.URLId, ue.Path, ue.Statement, ue.Overview, ue.Headline, depend, ue.Gain, ue.VideoURI, ue.Resolution, ue.SeeAlso, ue.Finished)
exercice, err := theme.AddExercice(ue.Title, ue.Authors, ue.Image, ue.WIP, ue.URLId, ue.Path, ue.Statement, ue.Overview, ue.Headline, depend, ue.Gain, ue.VideoURI, ue.Resolution, ue.SeeAlso, ue.Finished)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Unable to createExercice:", err.Error())
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"errmsg": "An error occurs during exercice creation."})
@ -1717,7 +1717,7 @@ angular.module("FICApp")
$scope.exercices = Exercice.query();
$scope.fields = ["title", "urlid", "disabled", "statement", "headline", "overview", "finished", "depend", "gain", "coefficient", "videoURI", "image", "resolution", "issue", "issuekind", "wip"];
$scope.fields = ["title", "urlid", "authors", "disabled", "statement", "headline", "overview", "finished", "depend", "gain", "coefficient", "videoURI", "image", "resolution", "issue", "issuekind", "wip"];
$scope.inSync = false;
$scope.syncExo = function() {
@ -139,6 +139,15 @@ func BuildExercice(i Importer, theme *fic.Theme, epath string, dmap *map[int64]*
e.URLId = fic.ToURLid(e.Title)
e.Title = fixnbsp(e.Title)
if i.Exists(path.Join(epath, "AUTHORS.txt")) {
if authors, err := getAuthors(i, epath); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, NewExerciceError(e, fmt.Errorf("unable to get AUTHORS.txt: %w", err)))
} else {
// Format authors
e.Authors = strings.Join(authors, ", ")
// Texts to format using Markdown
if i.Exists(path.Join(epath, "overview.txt")) {
e.Overview, err = GetFileContent(i, path.Join(epath, "overview.txt"))
@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS exercices(
title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
authors TEXT NOT NULL,
image VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
headline TEXT NOT NULL,
@ -562,7 +563,7 @@ func DBRecreateDiscountedView() (err error) {
_, err = db.Exec("CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW exercices_discounted AS SELECT E.id_exercice, E.id_theme, E.title, E.image, E.disabled, E.headline, E.url_id, E.path, E.statement, E.overview, E.issue, E.issue_kind, E.depend, E.gain - " + fmt.Sprintf("%f", DiscountedFactor) + " * E.gain * (COUNT(*) - 1) AS gain, E.coefficient_cur, E.finished, E.video_uri, E.resolution, E.seealso FROM exercices E LEFT OUTER JOIN exercice_solved S ON S.id_exercice = E.id_exercice GROUP BY E.id_exercice;")
_, err = db.Exec("CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW exercices_discounted AS SELECT E.id_exercice, E.id_theme, E.title, E.authors, E.image, E.disabled, E.headline, E.url_id, E.path, E.statement, E.overview, E.issue, E.issue_kind, E.depend, E.gain - " + fmt.Sprintf("%f", DiscountedFactor) + " * E.gain * (COUNT(*) - 1) AS gain, E.coefficient_cur, E.finished, E.video_uri, E.resolution, E.seealso FROM exercices E LEFT OUTER JOIN exercice_solved S ON S.id_exercice = E.id_exercice GROUP BY E.id_exercice;")
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ type Exercice struct {
IdTheme int64 `json:"id_theme"`
Language string `json:"lang,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Authors string `json:"authors"`
Image string `json:"image"`
// Disabled indicates if the exercice is available to players now or not
Disabled bool `json:"disabled"`
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ func (e *Exercice) AnalyzeTitle() {
func getExercice(table, condition string, args ...interface{}) (*Exercice, error) {
var e Exercice
var tmpgain float64
if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT id_exercice, id_theme, title, image, disabled, url_id, path, statement, overview, headline, issue, issue_kind, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri, resolution, seealso, finished FROM "+table+" "+condition, args...).Scan(&e.Id, &e.IdTheme, &e.Title, &e.Image, &e.Disabled, &e.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Headline, &e.Issue, &e.IssueKind, &e.Depend, &tmpgain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI, &e.Resolution, &e.SeeAlso, &e.Finished); err != nil {
if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT id_exercice, id_theme, title, authors, image, disabled, url_id, path, statement, overview, headline, issue, issue_kind, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri, resolution, seealso, finished FROM "+table+" "+condition, args...).Scan(&e.Id, &e.IdTheme, &e.Title, &e.Authors, &e.Image, &e.Disabled, &e.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Headline, &e.Issue, &e.IssueKind, &e.Depend, &tmpgain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI, &e.Resolution, &e.SeeAlso, &e.Finished); err != nil {
return nil, err
e.Gain = int64(math.Trunc(tmpgain))
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ func GetDiscountedExercice(id int64) (*Exercice, error) {
// getExercices returns the list of all challenges present in the database.
func getExercices(table string) ([]*Exercice, error) {
if rows, err := DBQuery("SELECT id_exercice, id_theme, title, image, disabled, url_id, path, statement, overview, headline, issue, issue_kind, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri, resolution, seealso, finished FROM " + table + " ORDER BY path ASC"); err != nil {
if rows, err := DBQuery("SELECT id_exercice, id_theme, title, authors, image, disabled, url_id, path, statement, overview, headline, issue, issue_kind, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri, resolution, seealso, finished FROM " + table + " ORDER BY path ASC"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
defer rows.Close()
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ func getExercices(table string) ([]*Exercice, error) {
for rows.Next() {
e := &Exercice{}
var tmpgain float64
if err := rows.Scan(&e.Id, &e.IdTheme, &e.Title, &e.Image, &e.Disabled, &e.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Headline, &e.Issue, &e.IssueKind, &e.Depend, &tmpgain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI, &e.Resolution, &e.SeeAlso, &e.Finished); err != nil {
if err := rows.Scan(&e.Id, &e.IdTheme, &e.Title, &e.Authors, &e.Image, &e.Disabled, &e.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Headline, &e.Issue, &e.IssueKind, &e.Depend, &tmpgain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI, &e.Resolution, &e.SeeAlso, &e.Finished); err != nil {
return nil, err
e.Gain = int64(math.Trunc(tmpgain))
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ func GetDiscountedExercices() ([]*Exercice, error) {
// GetExercices returns the list of all challenges in the Theme.
func (t *Theme) GetExercices() ([]*Exercice, error) {
if rows, err := DBQuery("SELECT id_exercice, id_theme, title, image, disabled, url_id, path, statement, overview, headline, issue, issue_kind, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri, resolution, seealso, finished FROM exercices WHERE id_theme = ? ORDER BY path ASC", t.Id); err != nil {
if rows, err := DBQuery("SELECT id_exercice, id_theme, title, authors, image, disabled, url_id, path, statement, overview, headline, issue, issue_kind, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri, resolution, seealso, finished FROM exercices WHERE id_theme = ? ORDER BY path ASC", t.Id); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
defer rows.Close()
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ func (t *Theme) GetExercices() ([]*Exercice, error) {
exos := []*Exercice{}
for rows.Next() {
e := &Exercice{}
if err := rows.Scan(&e.Id, &e.IdTheme, &e.Title, &e.Image, &e.Disabled, &e.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Headline, &e.Issue, &e.IssueKind, &e.Depend, &e.Gain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI, &e.Resolution, &e.SeeAlso, &e.Finished); err != nil {
if err := rows.Scan(&e.Id, &e.IdTheme, &e.Title, &e.Authors, &e.Image, &e.Disabled, &e.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Headline, &e.Issue, &e.IssueKind, &e.Depend, &e.Gain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI, &e.Resolution, &e.SeeAlso, &e.Finished); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ func (t *Theme) addExercice(e *Exercice) (err error) {
if e.WIP {
wip = "%"
if res, err := DBExec("INSERT INTO exercices (id_theme, title, image, disabled, url_id, path, statement, overview, finished, headline, issue, depend, gain, video_uri, resolution, seealso, issue_kind, coefficient_cur) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, "+ik+", "+cc+")", t.Id, wip+e.Title, e.Image, e.Disabled, e.URLId, e.Path, e.Statement, e.Overview, e.Finished, e.Headline, e.Issue, e.Depend, e.Gain, e.VideoURI, e.Resolution, e.SeeAlso); err != nil {
if res, err := DBExec("INSERT INTO exercices (id_theme, title, authors, image, disabled, url_id, path, statement, overview, finished, headline, issue, depend, gain, video_uri, resolution, seealso, issue_kind, coefficient_cur) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, "+ik+", "+cc+")", t.Id, wip+e.Title, e.Authors, e.Image, e.Disabled, e.URLId, e.Path, e.Statement, e.Overview, e.Finished, e.Headline, e.Issue, e.Depend, e.Gain, e.VideoURI, e.Resolution, e.SeeAlso); err != nil {
return err
} else if eid, err := res.LastInsertId(); err != nil {
return err
@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ func (t *Theme) addExercice(e *Exercice) (err error) {
// AddExercice creates and fills a new struct Exercice and registers it into the database.
func (t *Theme) AddExercice(title string, image string, wip bool, urlId string, path string, statement string, overview string, headline string, depend *Exercice, gain int64, videoURI string, resolution string, seealso string, finished string) (e *Exercice, err error) {
func (t *Theme) AddExercice(title string, authors string, image string, wip bool, urlId string, path string, statement string, overview string, headline string, depend *Exercice, gain int64, videoURI string, resolution string, seealso string, finished string) (e *Exercice, err error) {
var dpd *int64 = nil
if depend != nil {
dpd = &depend.Id
@ -243,6 +244,7 @@ func (t *Theme) AddExercice(title string, image string, wip bool, urlId string,
e = &Exercice{
Title: title,
Authors: authors,
Image: image,
Disabled: false,
WIP: wip,
@ -271,7 +273,7 @@ func (e *Exercice) Update() (int64, error) {
wip = "%"
if res, err := DBExec("UPDATE exercices SET title = ?, image = ?, disabled = ?, url_id = ?, path = ?, statement = ?, overview = ?, headline = ?, issue = ?, issue_kind = ?, depend = ?, gain = ?, coefficient_cur = ?, video_uri = ?, resolution = ?, seealso = ?, finished = ? WHERE id_exercice = ?", wip+e.Title, e.Image, e.Disabled, e.URLId, e.Path, e.Statement, e.Overview, e.Headline, e.Issue, e.IssueKind, e.Depend, e.Gain, e.Coefficient, e.VideoURI, e.Resolution, e.SeeAlso, e.Finished, e.Id); err != nil {
if res, err := DBExec("UPDATE exercices SET title = ?, authors = ?, image = ?, disabled = ?, url_id = ?, path = ?, statement = ?, overview = ?, headline = ?, issue = ?, issue_kind = ?, depend = ?, gain = ?, coefficient_cur = ?, video_uri = ?, resolution = ?, seealso = ?, finished = ? WHERE id_exercice = ?", wip+e.Title, e.Authors, e.Image, e.Disabled, e.URLId, e.Path, e.Statement, e.Overview, e.Headline, e.Issue, e.IssueKind, e.Depend, e.Gain, e.Coefficient, e.VideoURI, e.Resolution, e.SeeAlso, e.Finished, e.Id); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if nb, err := res.RowsAffected(); err != nil {
return 0, err
Reference in New Issue
Block a user