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2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
package main
import (
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
var DashboardDir string
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
var TeamsDir string
type ResponseWriterPrefix struct {
real http.ResponseWriter
prefix string
func (r ResponseWriterPrefix) Header() http.Header {
return r.real.Header()
func (r ResponseWriterPrefix) WriteHeader(s int) {
if v, exists := r.real.Header()["Location"]; exists {
r.real.Header().Set("Location", r.prefix+v[0])
func (r ResponseWriterPrefix) Write(z []byte) (int, error) {
return r.real.Write(z)
func StripPrefix(prefix string, h http.Handler) http.Handler {
if prefix == "" {
return h
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if prefix != "/" && r.URL.Path == "/" {
http.Redirect(w, r, prefix+"/", http.StatusFound)
} else if p := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, prefix); len(p) < len(r.URL.Path) {
r2 := new(http.Request)
*r2 = *r
r2.URL = new(url.URL)
*r2.URL = *r.URL
r2.URL.Path = p
h.ServeHTTP(ResponseWriterPrefix{w, prefix}, r2)
} else {
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func main() {
var baseURL string
// Read paremeters from environment
if v, exists := os.LookupEnv("FIC_BASEURL"); exists {
baseURL = v
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
// Read parameters from command line
var bind = flag.String("bind", "", "Bind port/socket")
htpasswd_file := flag.String("htpasswd", "", "Restrict access with password, Apache htpasswd format")
2022-06-06 09:02:35 +00:00
restrict_ip := flag.String("restrict-to-ips", "", "Restrict access to IP listed in this JSON array")
flag.StringVar(&baseURL, "baseurl", baseURL, "URL prepended to each URL")
staticDir := flag.String("static", "./htdocs-dashboard/", "Directory containing static files")
2019-01-19 02:08:07 +00:00
flag.StringVar(&fic.FilesDir, "files", fic.FilesDir, "Base directory where found challenges files, local part")
flag.StringVar(&DashboardDir, "dashbord", "./DASHBOARD", "Base directory where save public JSON files")
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
flag.StringVar(&TeamsDir, "teams", "./TEAMS", "Base directory where save teams JSON files")
flag.StringVar(&settings.SettingsDir, "settings", settings.SettingsDir, "Base directory where load and save settings")
var fwdr = flag.String("forwarder", "", "URL of another dashboard where send traffic to, except static assets")
flag.BoolVar(&fwdPublicJson, "fwdpublicjson", fwdPublicJson, "Also forward public.json files to forwarder")
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
log.SetPrefix("[public] ")
// Sanitize options
var err error
log.Println("Checking paths...")
if staticDir != nil && *staticDir != "" {
if sDir, err := filepath.Abs(*staticDir); err != nil {
} else {
log.Println("Serving pages from", sDir)
staticFS = http.Dir(sDir)
} else {
sub, err := fs.Sub(assets, "static")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to cd to static/ directory:", err)
log.Println("Serving pages from memory.")
staticFS = http.FS(sub)
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
if fic.FilesDir, err = filepath.Abs(fic.FilesDir); err != nil {
if settings.SettingsDir, err = filepath.Abs(settings.SettingsDir); err != nil {
if baseURL != "/" {
baseURL = path.Clean(baseURL)
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
} else {
baseURL = ""
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
if fwdr != nil && len(*fwdr) > 0 {
forwarder = fwdr
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
// Prepare graceful shutdown
interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
2022-06-06 09:02:35 +00:00
app := NewApp(htpasswd_file, restrict_ip, baseURL, *bind)
go app.Start()
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00
// Wait shutdown signal
log.Print("The service is shutting down...")
2018-11-21 04:19:57 +00:00