Broken pipe when receiving tarball + signed tarball (not tarball signature) #1

opened 2021-04-12 06:09:57 +00:00 by nemunaire · 1 comment

We got a [FAIL] An error occured: [Errno 32] Broken pipe when sending both non-signed tarball + signed tarball.

It is probable that the code that handle tarball + dedicated signature is called, whereas we are not in this case.

We got a `[FAIL] An error occured: [Errno 32] Broken pipe` when sending both non-signed tarball + signed tarball. It is probable that the code that handle tarball + dedicated signature is called, whereas we are not in this case.

Fixed in 408e007912

Fixed in 408e007912a272cbfcae35f3a8ca60ecb968224b
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Reference: teach/peret#1
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