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package main
import (
func init() {
router.GET("/api/works", apiAuthHandler(
func(u *User, _ httprouter.Params, _ []byte) HTTPResponse {
if u == nil {
return formatApiResponse(getWorks(fmt.Sprintf("WHERE (shown = TRUE OR direct IS NOT NULL) AND NOW() > start_availability AND promo = %d ORDER BY start_availability ASC", currentPromo)))
} else if u.IsAdmin {
return formatApiResponse(getWorks("ORDER BY promo DESC, start_availability ASC"))
} else {
works, err := getWorks(fmt.Sprintf("WHERE (shown = TRUE OR direct IS NOT NULL) AND promo = %d ORDER BY start_availability ASC", u.Promo))
if err != nil {
return APIErrorResponse{err: err}
var response []Work
for _, w := range works {
if w.Group == "" || strings.Contains(u.Groups, ","+w.Group+",") {
response = append(response, w)
return formatApiResponse(response, nil)
router.GET("/api/all_works", apiAuthHandler(
func(u *User, _ httprouter.Params, _ []byte) HTTPResponse {
if u == nil {
return formatApiResponse(allWorks(fmt.Sprintf("WHERE (shown = TRUE OR direct IS NOT NULL) AND NOW() > start_availability AND promo = %d ORDER BY start_availability ASC", currentPromo)))
} else if u.IsAdmin {
return formatApiResponse(allWorks("ORDER BY promo DESC, start_availability ASC"))
} else {
works, err := allWorks(fmt.Sprintf("WHERE (shown = TRUE OR direct IS NOT NULL) AND promo = %d ORDER BY start_availability ASC", u.Promo))
if err != nil {
return APIErrorResponse{err: err}
var response []OneWork
for _, w := range works {
if w.Group == "" || strings.Contains(u.Groups, ","+w.Group+",") {
response = append(response, w)
return formatApiResponse(response, nil)
router.POST("/api/works", apiHandler(func(_ httprouter.Params, body []byte) HTTPResponse {
var new Work
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &new); err != nil {
return APIErrorResponse{err: err}
if new.Promo == 0 {
new.Promo = currentPromo
return formatApiResponse(NewWork(new.Title, new.Promo, new.Group, new.Shown, new.SubmissionURL, new.StartAvailability, new.EndAvailability))
}, adminRestricted))
router.GET("/api/works/:wid", apiHandler(workHandler(
func(w Work, _ []byte) HTTPResponse {
return APIResponse{w}
}), adminRestricted))
router.PUT("/api/works/:wid", apiHandler(workHandler(func(current Work, body []byte) HTTPResponse {
var new Work
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &new); err != nil {
return APIErrorResponse{err: err}
new.Id = current.Id
return formatApiResponse(new.Update())
}), adminRestricted))
router.DELETE("/api/works/:wid", apiHandler(workHandler(
func(w Work, _ []byte) HTTPResponse {
return formatApiResponse(w.Delete())
}), adminRestricted))
func workHandler(f func(Work, []byte) HTTPResponse) func(httprouter.Params, []byte) HTTPResponse {
return func(ps httprouter.Params, body []byte) HTTPResponse {
if wid, err := strconv.Atoi(string(ps.ByName("wid"))); err != nil {
return APIErrorResponse{err: err}
} else if work, err := getWork(wid); err != nil {
return APIErrorResponse{err: err}
} else {
return f(work, body)
type OneWork struct {
Kind string `json:"kind"`
Id int64 `json:"id"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Promo uint `json:"promo"`
Group string `json:"group"`
Shown bool `json:"shown"`
Direct *int64 `json:"direct"`
SubmissionURL *string `json:"submission_url"`
Corrected bool `json:"corrected"`
StartAvailability time.Time `json:"start_availability"`
EndAvailability time.Time `json:"end_availability"`
func allWorks(cnd string, param ...interface{}) (items []OneWork, err error) {
if rows, errr := DBQuery("SELECT kind, id, title, promo, grp, shown, direct, submission_url, corrected, start_availability, end_availability FROM all_works "+cnd, param...); errr != nil {
return nil, errr
} else {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var w OneWork
if err = rows.Scan(&w.Kind, &w.Id, &w.Title, &w.Promo, &w.Group, &w.Shown, &w.Direct, &w.SubmissionURL, &w.Corrected, &w.StartAvailability, &w.EndAvailability); err != nil {
items = append(items, w)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
type Work struct {
Id int64 `json:"id"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Promo uint `json:"promo"`
Group string `json:"group"`
Shown bool `json:"shown"`
SubmissionURL *string `json:"submission_url"`
Corrected bool `json:"corrected"`
StartAvailability time.Time `json:"start_availability"`
EndAvailability time.Time `json:"end_availability"`
func getWorks(cnd string, param ...interface{}) (items []Work, err error) {
if rows, errr := DBQuery("SELECT id_work, title, promo, grp, shown, submission_url, corrected, start_availability, end_availability FROM works "+cnd, param...); errr != nil {
return nil, errr
} else {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var w Work
if err = rows.Scan(&w.Id, &w.Title, &w.Promo, &w.Group, &w.Shown, &w.SubmissionURL, &w.Corrected, &w.StartAvailability, &w.EndAvailability); err != nil {
items = append(items, w)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
func getWork(id int) (w Work, err error) {
err = DBQueryRow("SELECT id_work, title, promo, grp, shown, submission_url, corrected, start_availability, end_availability FROM works WHERE id_work=?", id).Scan(&w.Id, &w.Title, &w.Promo, &w.Group, &w.Shown, &w.SubmissionURL, &w.Corrected, &w.StartAvailability, &w.EndAvailability)
func NewWork(title string, promo uint, group string, shown bool, submissionurl *string, startAvailability time.Time, endAvailability time.Time) (*Work, error) {
if res, err := DBExec("INSERT INTO works (title, promo, grp, shown, submission_url, start_availability, end_availability) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", title, promo, group, shown, submissionurl, startAvailability, endAvailability); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if wid, err := res.LastInsertId(); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return &Work{wid, title, promo, group, shown, submissionurl, false, startAvailability, endAvailability}, nil
func (w *Work) Update() (*Work, error) {
if _, err := DBExec("UPDATE works SET title = ?, promo = ?, grp = ?, shown = ?, submission_url = ?, corrected = ?, start_availability = ?, end_availability = ? WHERE id_work = ?", w.Title, w.Promo, w.Group, w.Shown, w.SubmissionURL, w.Corrected, w.StartAvailability, w.EndAvailability, w.Id); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return w, err
func (w *Work) Delete() (int64, error) {
if res, err := DBExec("DELETE FROM works WHERE id_work = ?", w.Id); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if nb, err := res.RowsAffected(); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else {
return nb, err
func ClearWorks() (int64, error) {
if res, err := DBExec("DELETE FROM works"); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if nb, err := res.RowsAffected(); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else {
return nb, err