This repository has been archived on 2020-08-21. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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// Search an author (in the first arg)
if (isset($argv[1]))
$ffrom = $argv[1];
$ffrom = "";
// Search a title for the paste (in the second arg)
if (isset($argv[2]))
$subject = $argv[2];
$subject = "";
// Receive mail content
$content = file("php://stdin");
$cnt = array();
$boundary = null;
$pass = false;
$i = -1;
foreach($content as $k => $line)
// Separate body email content
if (substr($line, 0, 2 + strlen($boundary)) == "--".$boundary)
$cnt[] = "";
$pass = true;
// Don't save headers
else if (($pass || empty($boundary)) && (trim($line) == "" || !empty($cnt[$i])))
if ($i < 0)
$cnt[] = "";
$cnt[$i] .= $line;
// Save email part separator
else if (preg_match("#^Content-Type: [^;]+; boundary=\"(.+)\"#", $line, $out))
$boundary = $out[1];
// Read From field if $ffrom is empty
else if (empty($ffrom) && preg_match("#^From: (.+)#", $line, $out))
$ffrom = $out[1];
// Read Subject field if $subject is empty
else if (empty($subject) && preg_match("#^Subject: (.+)#", $line, $out))
$subject = $out[1];
// Extract username instead of email adress if it exists
if (preg_match("#([^<]+) <#ui", $ffrom, $out))
$from = $out[1];
$from = $ffrom;
// Create the paste
$paste = new Paste();
$paste->title = $subject;
$paste->author = $from;
$paste->date = time();
$paste->content = utf8_encode(trim($cnt[max(0,$i-1)]));
// Save the paste and give read right to all users (if mail user is different from php one)
$link = $paste->save();
chmod(Paste::get_path($paste->filename), 0644);
// Send confirmation email
$headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" .
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: '.ucfirst(HTTP_URL);
mail($ffrom, "Re: ".$subject, "Bonjour,\n\nVotre paste a bien été publié à l'adresse suivante :\nhttp://".HTTP_URL."/?".$link."\n\n-- \n".HTTP_URL, $headers);