Fork 0

421 lines
15 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Nemubot is a smart and modulable IM bot.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 nemunaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import calendar
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import re
import time
import shlex
from channel import Channel
import message
from message.printer.IRC import IRC as IRCPrinter
from server.socket import SocketServer
import tools
class IRC(SocketServer):
def __init__(self, owner, nick="nemubot", host="localhost", port=6667,
ssl=False, password=None, realname="Nemubot",
encoding="utf-8", caps=None, channels=list(),
"""Prepare a connection with an IRC server
Keyword arguments:
owner -- bot's owner
nick -- bot's nick
host -- host to join
port -- port on the host to reach
ssl -- is this server using a TLS socket
password -- if a password is required to connect to the server
realname -- the bot's realname
encoding -- the encoding used on the whole server
caps -- client capabilities to register on the server
channels -- list of channels to join on connection (if a channel is password protected, give a tuple: (channel_name, password))
on_connect -- generator to call when connection is done
self.id = nick + "@" + host + ":" + port
self.printer = IRCPrinter
SocketServer.__init__(self, host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl)
self.password = password
self.nick = nick
self.owner = owner
self.realname = realname
self.encoding = encoding
# Keep a list of joined channels
self.channels = dict()
# Server/client capabilities
self.capabilities = caps
# Register CTCP capabilities
self.ctcp_capabilities = dict()
def _ctcp_clientinfo(msg, cmds):
"""Response to CLIENTINFO CTCP message"""
return " ".join(self.ctcp_capabilities.keys())
def _ctcp_dcc(msg, cmds):
"""Response to DCC CTCP message"""
ip = tools.toIP(int(cmds[3]))
port = int(cmds[4])
conn = DCC(srv, msg.sender)
return "ERRMSG invalid parameters provided as DCC CTCP request"
self.logger.info("Receive DCC connection request from %s to %s:%d", conn.sender, ip, port)
if conn.accept_user(ip, port):
srv.dcc_clients[conn.sender] = conn
conn.send_dcc("Hello %s!" % conn.nick)
self.logger.error("DCC: unable to connect to %s:%d", ip, port)
return "ERRMSG unable to connect to %s:%d" % (ip, port)
import bot
self.ctcp_capabilities["ACTION"] = lambda msg, cmds: print ("ACTION receive: %s" % cmds)
self.ctcp_capabilities["CLIENTINFO"] = _ctcp_clientinfo
#self.ctcp_capabilities["DCC"] = _ctcp_dcc
self.ctcp_capabilities["FINGER"] = lambda msg, cmds: "VERSION nemubot v%s" % bot.__version__
self.ctcp_capabilities["NEMUBOT"] = lambda msg, cmds: "NEMUBOT %s" % bot.__version__
self.ctcp_capabilities["PING"] = lambda msg, cmds: "PING %s" % " ".join(cmds[1:])
self.ctcp_capabilities["SOURCE"] = lambda msg, cmds: "SOURCE https://github.com/nemunaire/nemubot"
self.ctcp_capabilities["TIME"] = lambda msg, cmds: "TIME %s" % (datetime.now())
self.ctcp_capabilities["USERINFO"] = lambda msg, cmds: "USERINFO %s" % self.realname
self.ctcp_capabilities["VERSION"] = lambda msg, cmds: "VERSION nemubot v%s" % bot.__version__
# TODO: Temporary fix, waiting for hook based CTCP management
self.ctcp_capabilities["TYPING"] = lambda msg, cmds: None
self.logger.debug("CTCP capabilities setup: %s", ", ".join(self.ctcp_capabilities))
# Register hooks on some IRC CMD
self.hookscmd = dict()
# Respond to PING
def _on_ping(msg):
self.write(b"PONG :" + msg.params[0])
self.hookscmd["PING"] = _on_ping
# Respond to 001
def _on_connect(msg):
# First, send user defined command
if on_connect is not None:
for oc in on_connect():
# Then, JOIN some channels
for chn in channels:
if isinstance(chn, tuple):
self.write("JOIN %s %s" % chn)
self.write("JOIN %s" % chn)
self.hookscmd["001"] = _on_connect
# Respond to ERROR
def _on_error(msg):
self.hookscmd["ERROR"] = _on_error
# Respond to CAP
def _on_cap(msg):
if len(msg.params) != 3 or msg.params[1] != b"LS":
server_caps = msg.params[2].decode().split(" ")
for cap in self.capabilities:
if cap not in server_caps:
if len(self.capabilities) > 0:
self.write("CAP REQ :" + " ".join(self.capabilities))
self.write("CAP END")
self.hookscmd["CAP"] = _on_cap
# Respond to JOIN
def _on_join(msg):
if len(msg.params) == 0: return
for chname in msg.decode(msg.params[0]).split(","):
# Register the channel
chan = Channel(chname)
self.channels[chname] = chan
self.hookscmd["JOIN"] = _on_join
# Respond to PART
def _on_part(msg):
if len(msg.params) != 1 and len(msg.params) != 2: return
for chname in msg.params[0].split(b","):
if chname in self.channels:
if msg.nick == self.nick:
del self.channels[chname]
elif msg.nick in self.channels[chname].people:
del self.channels[chname].people[msg.nick]
self.hookscmd["PART"] = _on_part
# Respond to 331/RPL_NOTOPIC,332/RPL_TOPIC,TOPIC
def _on_topic(msg):
if len(msg.params) != 1 and len(msg.params) != 2: return
if msg.params[0] in self.channels:
if len(msg.params) == 1 or len(msg.params[1]) == 0:
self.channels[msg.params[0]].topic = None
self.channels[msg.params[0]].topic = msg.decode(msg.params[1])
self.hookscmd["331"] = _on_topic
self.hookscmd["332"] = _on_topic
self.hookscmd["TOPIC"] = _on_topic
# Respond to 353/RPL_NAMREPLY
def _on_353(msg):
if len(msg.params) == 3: msg.params.pop(0) # 353: like RFC 1459
if len(msg.params) != 2: return
if msg.params[0] in self.channels:
for nk in msg.decode(msg.params[1]).split(" "):
res = re.match("^(?P<level>[^a-zA-Z[\]\\`_^{|}])(?P<nickname>[a-zA-Z[\]\\`_^{|}][a-zA-Z0-9[\]\\`_^{|}-]*)$")
self.channels[msg.params[0]].people[res.group("nickname")] = res.group("level")
self.hookscmd["353"] = _on_353
# Respond to INVITE
def _on_invite(msg):
if len(msg.params) != 2: return
self.write("JOIN " + msg.decode(msg.params[1]))
self.hookscmd["INVITE"] = _on_invite
def _on_nickcollision(msg):
self.nick += "_"
self.write("NICK " + self.nick)
self.hookscmd["433"] = _on_nickcollision
self.hookscmd["436"] = _on_nickcollision
# Handle CTCP requests
def _on_ctcp(msg):
if len(msg.params) != 2 or not msg.is_ctcp: return
cmds = msg.decode(msg.params[1][1:len(msg.params[1])-1]).split(' ')
if cmds[0] in self.ctcp_capabilities:
res = self.ctcp_capabilities[cmds[0]](msg, cmds)
res = "ERRMSG Unknown or unimplemented CTCP request"
if res is not None:
self.write("NOTICE %s :\x01%s\x01" % (msg.nick, res))
self.hookscmd["PRIVMSG"] = _on_ctcp
# Open/close
def _open(self):
if SocketServer._open(self):
if self.password is not None:
self.write("PASS :" + self.password)
if self.capabilities is not None:
self.write("CAP LS")
self.write("NICK :" + self.nick)
self.write("USER %s %s bla :%s" % (self.nick, self.host, self.realname))
return True
return False
def _close(self):
if self.connected: self.write("QUIT")
return SocketServer._close(self)
# Writes: as inherited
# Read
def read(self):
for line in SocketServer.read(self):
msg = IRCMessage(line, self.encoding)
if msg.cmd in self.hookscmd:
mes = msg.to_message(self)
if mes is not None:
yield mes
# Parsing stuff
mgx = re.compile(b'''^(?:@(?P<tags>[^ ]+)\ )?
(?P<nick>[^!@ ]+)
(?: !(?P<user>[^@ ]+))?
(?:@(?P<host>[^ ]+))?
)\ )?
(?P<params>(?:\ [^:][^ ]*)*)(?:\ :(?P<trailing>.*))?
$''', re.X)
class IRCMessage:
"""Class responsible for parsing IRC messages"""
def __init__(self, raw, encoding="utf-8"):
self.encoding = encoding
self.tags = { 'time': datetime.now(timezone.utc) }
self.params = list()
p = mgx.match(raw.rstrip())
if p is None:
raise Exception("Not a valid IRC message: %s" % raw)
# Parse tags if exists: @aaa=bbb;ccc;example.com/ddd=eee
if p.group("tags"):
for tgs in self.decode(p.group("tags")).split(';'):
tag = tgs.split('=')
if len(tag) > 1:
self.add_tag(tag[0], tag[1])
# Parse prefix if exists: :nick!user@host.com
self.prefix = self.decode(p.group("prefix"))
self.nick = self.decode(p.group("nick"))
self.user = self.decode(p.group("user"))
self.host = self.decode(p.group("host"))
# Parse command
self.cmd = self.decode(p.group("command"))
# Parse params
if p.group("params") is not None and p.group("params") != b'':
for param in p.group("params").strip().split(b' '):
if p.group("trailing") is not None:
def add_tag(self, key, value=None):
"""Add an IRCv3.2 Message Tags
key -- tag identifier (unique for the message)
value -- optional value for the tag
# Treat special tags
if key == "time":
value = datetime.fromtimestamp(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")), timezone.utc)
# Store tag
self.tags[key] = value
def is_ctcp(self):
"""Analyze a message, to determine if this is a CTCP one"""
return self.cmd == "PRIVMSG" and len(self.params) == 2 and len(self.params[1]) > 1 and (self.params[1][0] == 0x01 or self.params[1][1] == 0x01)
def decode(self, s):
"""Decode the content string usign a specific encoding
s -- string to decode
if isinstance(s, bytes):
s = s.decode()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
s = s.decode(self.encoding, 'replace')
return s
def to_irc_string(self, client=True):
"""Pretty print the message to close to original input string
Keyword argument:
client -- export as a client-side string if true
res = ";".join(["@%s=%s" % (k,v if not isinstance(v, datetime) else v.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")) for k, v in self.tags.items()])
if not client: res += " :%s!%s@%s" % (self.nick, self.user, self.host)
res += " " + self.cmd
if len(self.params) > 0:
if len(self.params) > 1:
res += " " + self.decode(b" ".join(self.params[:-1]))
res += " :" + self.decode(self.params[-1])
return res
def to_message(self, srv):
"""Convert to one of concrete implementation of AbstractMessage
srv -- the server from the message was received
if self.cmd == "PRIVMSG" or self.cmd == "NOTICE":
receivers = self.decode(self.params[0]).split(',')
common_args = {
"server": srv.id,
"date": self.tags["time"],
"to": receivers,
"to_response": [r if r != srv.nick else self.nick for r in receivers],
"frm": self.nick
# If CTCP, remove 0x01
if self.is_ctcp:
text = self.decode(self.params[1][1:len(self.params[1])-1])
text = self.decode(self.params[1])
if text.find(srv.nick) == 0 and len(text) > len(srv.nick) + 2 and text[len(srv.nick)] == ":":
designated = srv.nick
text = text[len(srv.nick) + 1:].strip()
designated = None
# Is this a command?
if len(text) > 1 and text[0] == '!':
text = text[1:].strip()
# Split content by words
args = shlex.split(text)
except ValueError:
args = text.split(' ')
return message.Command(cmd=args[0], args=args[1:], **common_args)
# Is this an ask for this bot?
elif designated is not None:
return message.DirectAsk(designated=designated, message=text, **common_args)
# Normal message
return message.TextMessage(message=text, **common_args)
return None