Fork 0

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# Nemubot is a smart and modulable IM bot.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Mercier Pierre-Olivier
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
def convert_legacy_store(old):
if old == "cmd_hook" or old == "cmd_rgxp" or old == "cmd_default":
return "in_Command"
elif old == "ask_hook" or old == "ask_rgxp" or old == "ask_default":
return "in_DirectAsk"
elif old == "msg_hook" or old == "msg_rgxp" or old == "msg_default":
return "in_Text"
elif old == "all_post":
return "post"
elif old == "all_pre":
return "pre"
return old
class ModuleContext:
def __init__(self, context, module):
"""Initialize the module context
context -- the bot context
module -- the module
if module is not None:
module_name = module.__spec__.name if hasattr(module, "__spec__") else module.__name__
# Load module configuration if exists
if (context is not None and
module_name in context.modules_configuration):
self.config = context.modules_configuration[module_name]
from nemubot.tools.xmlparser.node import ModuleState
self.config = ModuleState("module")
self.hooks = list()
self.events = list() # Un eventManager, qui contient une liste globale et un thread global et quelques méthodes statique, mais chaque événement est exécuté dans son propre contexte :)
self.debug = context.verbosity > 0 if context is not None else False
# Define some callbacks
if context is not None:
# Load module data
self.data = context.datastore.load(module_name)
def add_hook(store, hook):
store = convert_legacy_store(store)
self.hooks.append((store, hook))
return context.treater.hm.add_hook(hook, store)
def del_hook(store, hook):
store = convert_legacy_store(store)
self.hooks.remove((store, hook))
return context.treater.hm.del_hook(hook, store)
def call_hook(store, msg):
for h in context.treater.hm.get_hooks(store):
if h.match(msg):
res = h.run(msg)
if isinstance(res, list):
for i in res:
yield i
yield res
def subtreat(msg):
yield from context.treater.treat_msg(msg)
def add_event(evt, eid=None):
eid = context.add_event(evt, eid, module_src=module)
return eid
def del_event(evt):
return context.del_event(evt, module_src=module)
def send_response(server, res):
if server in context.servers:
if res.server is not None:
return context.servers[res.server].send_response(res)
return context.servers[server].send_response(res)
module.logger.error("Try to send a message to the unknown server: %s", server)
return False
else: # Used when using outside of nemubot
from nemubot.tools.xmlparser import module_state
self.data = module_state.ModuleState("nemubotstate")
def add_hook(store, hook):
store = convert_legacy_store(store)
self.hooks.append((store, hook))
def del_hook(store, hook):
store = convert_legacy_store(store)
self.hooks.remove((store, hook))
def call_hook(store, msg):
# TODO: what can we do here?
return None
def subtreat(msg):
return None
def add_event(evt, eid=None):
return context.add_event(evt, eid, module_src=module)
def del_event(evt):
return context.del_event(evt, module_src=module)
def send_response(server, res):
module.logger.info("Send response: %s", res)
def save():
context.datastore.save(module_name, self.data)
self.add_hook = add_hook
self.del_hook = del_hook
self.add_event = add_event
self.del_event = del_event
self.save = save
self.send_response = send_response
self.call_hook = call_hook
self.subtreat = subtreat
def unload(self):
"""Perform actions for unloading the module"""
# Remove registered hooks
for (s, h) in self.hooks:
self.del_hook(s, h)
# Remove registered events
for e in self.events: