Fork 0

143 lines
4.1 KiB

# coding=utf-8
import xml.sax
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import date
import time
class ModuleState:
"""Tiny tree representation of an XML file"""
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.attributes = dict()
self.childs = list()
self.index = dict()
self.index_fieldname = None
self.index_tagname = None
def getName(self):
"""Get the name of the current node"""
return self.name
def __getitem__(self, i):
"""Return the attribute asked"""
return self.getAttribute(i)
def __setitem__(self, i, c):
"""Set the attribute"""
return self.setAttribute(i, c)
def getAttribute(self, name):
"""Get the asked argument or return None if doesn't exist"""
if name in self.attributes:
return self.attributes[name]
return None
def getDate(self, name):
"""Get the asked argument and return it as a date"""
if name in self.attributes.keys():
if isinstance(self.attributes[name], datetime):
return self.attributes[name]
return datetime.fromtimestamp(float(self.attributes[name]))
except ValueError:
return datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(self.attributes[name][:19], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
return None
def getInt(self, name):
"""Get the asked argument and return it as an integer"""
if name in self.attributes.keys():
return int(float(self.attributes[name]))
return None
def setIndex(self, fieldname = "name", tagname = None):
"""Defines an hash table to accelerate childs search. You have just to define a common attribute"""
self.index = dict()
self.index_fieldname = fieldname
self.index_tagname = tagname
for child in self.childs:
if (tagname is None or tagname == child.name) and child.hasAttribute(fieldname):
self.index[child[fieldname]] = child
def __contains__(self, i):
"""Return true if i is found in the index"""
return i in self.index
def hasAttribute(self, name):
"""DOM like method"""
return (name in self.attributes)
def setAttribute(self, name, value):
"""DOM like method"""
self.attributes[name] = value
def getChilds(self):
"""Return a full list of direct child of this node"""
return self.childs
def getNode(self, tagname):
"""Get a unique node (or the last one) with the given tagname"""
ret = None
for child in self.childs:
if tagname is None or tagname == child.name:
ret = child
return ret
def getNodes(self, tagname):
"""Get all direct childs that have the given tagname"""
ret = list()
for child in self.childs:
if tagname is None or tagname == child.name:
return ret
def hasNode(self, tagname):
"""Return True if at least one node with the given tagname exists"""
ret = list()
for child in self.childs:
if tagname is None or tagname == child.name:
return True
return False
def addChild(self, child):
"""Add a child to this node"""
if self.index_fieldname is not None:
self.setIndex(self.index_fieldname, self.index_tagname)
def delChild(self, child):
"""Remove the given child from this node"""
if self.index_fieldname is not None:
self.setIndex(self.index_fieldname, self.index_tagname)
def save_node(self, gen):
"""Serialize this node as a XML node"""
attribs = {}
for att in self.attributes.keys():
if isinstance(self.attributes[att], datetime):
attribs[att] = str(time.mktime(self.attributes[att].timetuple()))
attribs[att] = str(self.attributes[att])
attrs = xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl(attribs)
gen.startElement(self.name, attrs)
for child in self.childs:
def save(self, filename):
"""Save the current node as root node in a XML file"""
with open(filename,"w") as f:
gen = xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator(f, "utf-8")