Fork 0

114 lines
3.5 KiB

# coding=utf-8
import re
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation
filename = ""
ALIAS = {}
variables = {}
def load_module(datas_path):
"""Load this module"""
global ALIAS, filename
SCORES = dict ()
filename = datas_path + "/alias.xml"
sys.stdout.write ("Loading aliaslist ... ")
dom = parse(filename)
for item in dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("alias"):
ALIAS[item.getAttribute("alias")] = item.getAttribute("origin")
for item in dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("variable"):
variables[item.getAttribute("name")] = item.getAttribute("value")
print ("done (%d aliases and %d vars)" % (len(ALIAS), len (variables)))
def save_module():
"""Save the aliases"""
global ALIAS, variables, filename
sys.stdout.write ("Saving aliases ... ")
impl = getDOMImplementation()
newdoc = impl.createDocument(None, 'aliaslist', None)
top = newdoc.documentElement
for name in ALIAS.keys():
item = parseString ('<alias alias="%s" origin="%s" />' % (name, ALIAS[name])).documentElement
for name in variables.keys():
item = parseString ('<variable name="%s" value="%s" />' % (name, variables[name])).documentElement
with open(filename, "w") as f:
newdoc.writexml (f)
print ("done")
def help_tiny ():
"""Line inserted in the response to the command !help"""
return "alias module"
def help_full ():
return "TODO"
def parseanswer (msg):
global ALIAS, variables
if msg.cmd[0] == "set":
if len (msg.cmd) > 2:
variables[msg.cmd[1]] = " ".join(msg.cmd[2:])
msg.send_snd("Variable $%s définie." % msg.cmd[1])
msg.send_snd("!set prend au minimum deux arguments : le nom de la variable et sa valeur.")
return True
elif msg.cmd[0] in ALIAS:
msg.content = msg.content.replace("!" + msg.cmd[0], ALIAS[msg.cmd[0]], 1)
cnt = msg.content.split(' ')
for i in range(0,len(cnt)):
if len (cnt[i]) and cnt[i][0] == '$':
if cnt[i][1] == '$' and len(cnt[i]) == 2:
cnt[i] = "$"
elif cnt[i] == "$sender":
cnt[i] = msg.sender
elif cnt[i] == "$chan" or cnt[i] == "$channel":
cnt[i] = msg.channel
elif cnt[i] == "$date":
now = datetime.now()
cnt[i] = ("%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d"%(now.day, now.month, now.year, now.hour, now.minute, now.second))
elif cnt[i] == "$date,":
now = datetime.now()
cnt[i] = ("%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d,"%(now.day, now.month, now.year, now.hour, now.minute, now.second))
elif cnt[i] == "$date.":
now = datetime.now()
cnt[i] = ("%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d."%(now.day, now.month, now.year, now.hour, now.minute, now.second))
elif cnt[i][1:] in variables:
cnt[i] = variables[cnt[i][1:]]
cnt[i] = ""
msg.content = " ".join(cnt)
return True
return False
def parseask (msg):
global ALIAS
if re.match(".*(set|cr[ée]{2}|nouvel(le)?) alias.*", msg.content) is not None:
result = re.match(".*alias !?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+) (pour|=|:) (.+)$", msg.content)
if result.group(1) in ALIAS or result.group(3).find("alias") >= 0:
msg.send_snd("Cet alias est déjà défini.")
ALIAS[result.group(1)] = result.group(3)
msg.send_snd("Nouvel alias %s défini avec succès." % result.group(1))
return True
return False
def parselisten (msg):
return False