Using newly added Python decorator for hook registration
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,19 +4,12 @@ import re
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from hooks import hook
nemubotversion = 3.3
def load(context):
"""Load this module"""
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_listalias, "listalias"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_listvars, "listvars"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_unalias, "unalias"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_alias, "alias"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_set, "set"))
add_hook("all_pre", Hook(treat_alias))
add_hook("all_post", Hook(treat_variables))
global DATAS
if not DATAS.hasNode("aliases"):
@ -56,6 +49,7 @@ def get_variable(name, msg=None):
return ""
@hook("cmd_hook", "set")
def cmd_set(msg):
if len (msg.cmds) > 2:
set_variable(msg.cmds[1], " ".join(msg.cmds[2:]), msg.nick)
@ -64,6 +58,7 @@ def cmd_set(msg):
return res
return Response(msg.sender, "!set prend au minimum deux arguments : le nom de la variable et sa valeur.")
@hook("cmd_hook", "listalias")
def cmd_listalias(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) > 1:
res = list()
@ -77,6 +72,7 @@ def cmd_listalias(msg):
return Response(msg.sender, "Alias connus : %s." % ", ".join(DATAS.getNode("aliases").index.keys()),
@hook("cmd_hook", "listvars")
def cmd_listvars(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) > 1:
res = list()
@ -90,6 +86,7 @@ def cmd_listvars(msg):
return Response(msg.sender, "Variables connues : %s." % ", ".join(DATAS.getNode("variables").index.keys()),
@hook("cmd_hook", "alias")
def cmd_alias(msg):
if len (msg.cmds) > 1:
res = list()
@ -108,6 +105,7 @@ def cmd_alias(msg):
return Response(msg.sender, "!alias prend en argument l'alias à étendre.",
@hook("cmd_hook", "unalias")
def cmd_unalias(msg):
if len (msg.cmds) > 1:
res = list()
@ -145,6 +143,7 @@ def replace_variables(cnt, msg=None):
return " ".join(cnt)
def treat_variables(res):
for i in range(0, len(res.messages)):
if isinstance(res.messages[i], list):
@ -153,6 +152,7 @@ def treat_variables(res):
res.messages[i] = replace_variables(res.messages[i], res)
return True
def treat_alias(msg, hooks_cache):
if msg.cmd == "PRIVMSG":
if len(msg.cmds) > 0 and (len(msg.cmds[0]) > 0
@ -5,15 +5,12 @@ import sys
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import date
from hooks import hook
from xmlparser.node import ModuleState
nemubotversion = 3.3
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_anniv, "anniv"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_age, "age"))
global DATAS
DATAS.setIndex("name", "birthday")
@ -44,6 +41,7 @@ def findName(msg):
return (matches, name)
@hook("cmd_hook", "anniv")
def cmd_anniv(msg):
(matches, name) = findName(msg)
if len(matches) == 1:
@ -71,6 +69,7 @@ def cmd_anniv(msg):
" de %s. Quand est-il né ?" % name,
||||, msg.nick)
@hook("cmd_hook", "age")
def cmd_age(msg):
(matches, name) = findName(msg)
if len(matches) == 1:
@ -2,24 +2,17 @@
from datetime import datetime
from hooks import hook
nemubotversion = 3.3
yr =
yrn = + 1
def load(context):
yr =
yrn = + 1
d = datetime(yrn, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) -
# d = datetime(yr, 12, 31, 19, 34, 0) -
add_event(ModuleEvent(intervalle=0, offset=d.total_seconds(), call=bonneannee))
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_rgxp", Hook(cmd_timetoyear, data=yrn, regexp="^[0-9]{4}$"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_newyear, str(yrn), yrn))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_newyear, "ny", yrn))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_newyear, "newyear", yrn))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_newyear, "new-year", yrn))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_newyear, "new year", yrn))
def bonneannee():
txt = "Bonne année %d !" %
print (txt)
@ -27,10 +20,11 @@ def bonneannee():
send_response("localhost:2771", Response(None, txt, "#yaka"))
send_response("localhost:2771", Response(None, txt, "#epita2014"))
send_response("localhost:2771", Response(None, txt, "#ykar"))
send_response("localhost:2771", Response(None, txt, "#ordissimo"))
send_response("localhost:2771", Response(None, txt, "#42sh"))
send_response("localhost:2771", Response(None, txt, "#nemubot"))
@hook("cmd_hook", "newyear")
@hook("cmd_hook", str(yrn), yrn)
def cmd_newyear(msg, yr):
return Response(msg.sender,
msg.countdown_format(datetime(yr, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1),
@ -38,6 +32,7 @@ def cmd_newyear(msg, yr):
"Nous faisons déjà la fête depuis %s !"),
@hook("cmd_rgxp", data=yrn, regexp="^[0-9]{4}$")
def cmd_timetoyear(msg, cur):
yr = int(msg.cmds[0])
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import traceback
import sys
from urllib.parse import quote
from hooks import hook
from tools import web
from tools.web import striphtml
from collections import defaultdict
@ -27,17 +28,14 @@ d = defaultdict(list)
for k, v in s:
def help_tiny ():
def help_tiny():
return "Find french conjugaison"
def help_full ():
def help_full():
return "!conjugaison <tens> <verb>: give the conjugaison for <verb> in <tens>."
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_conjug, "conjugaison"))
@hook("cmd_hook", "conjugaison", help="!conjugaison <tens> <verb>: give the conjugaison for <verb> in <tens>.")
def cmd_conjug(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) < 3:
raise IRCException("donne moi un temps et un verbe, et je te donnerai sa conjugaison!")
@ -50,8 +48,8 @@ def cmd_conjug(msg):
conjug = get_conjug(verb, tens)
if len(conjug) > 0:
return Response(msg.sender, conjug,,
title="Conjugaison de %s" % verb)
return Response(msg.sender, conjug,,
title="Conjugaison de %s" % verb)
raise IRCException("aucune conjugaison de '%s' n'a été trouvé" % verb)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class Wikipedia:
def __init__(self, terms, lang="fr", site="", section=0):
self.terms = terms
self.lang = lang
self.curRT = 0
self.curRT = section
raw = urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.request.Request("http://" + self.lang + "." + site + "/w/api.php?format=xml&redirects&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles=%s" % (quote(terms)), headers={"User-agent": "Nemubot v3"}))
self.wres = xmlparser.parse_string(
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
import imp
from hooks import hook
nemubotversion = 3.3
from . import DDGSearch
@ -13,17 +15,6 @@ def load(context):
global CONF
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(define, "define"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(search, "search"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(search, "ddg"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(search, "g"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(calculate, "wa"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(calculate, "calc"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(wiki, "dico"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(wiki, "wiki"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(udsearch, "urbandictionnary"))
def reload():
@ -31,6 +22,7 @@ def reload():
@hook("cmd_hook", "define")
def define(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) <= 1:
return Response(msg.sender,
@ -45,7 +37,7 @@ def define(msg):
return res
@hook("cmd_hook", "search")
def search(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) <= 1:
return Response(msg.sender,
@ -68,6 +60,7 @@ def search(msg):
return res
@hook("cmd_hook", "urbandictionnary")
def udsearch(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) <= 1:
return Response(msg.sender,
@ -85,6 +78,7 @@ def udsearch(msg):
return res
@hook("cmd_hook", "calculate")
def calculate(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) <= 1:
return Response(msg.sender,
@ -104,7 +98,19 @@ def calculate(msg):
return Response(msg.sender, s.error,
def wiki(msg):
@hook("cmd_hook", "wikipedia")
def wikipedia(msg):
return wiki("", 0, msg)
@hook("cmd_hook", "wiktionary")
def wiktionary(msg):
return wiki("", 1, msg)
@hook("cmd_hook", "etymology")
def wiktionary(msg):
return wiki("", 0, msg)
def wiki(site, section, msg):
if len(msg.cmds) <= 1:
return Response(msg.sender,
"Indicate a term to search",
@ -115,12 +121,6 @@ def wiki(msg):
lang = "fr"
extract = 1
if msg.cmds[0] == "dico":
site = ""
section = 1
site = ""
section = 0
s = Wikipedia.Wikipedia(' '.join(msg.cmds[extract:]), lang, site, section)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import traceback
nemubotversion = 3.3
from event import ModuleEvent
from hooks import Hook
from hooks import Hook, hook
def help_tiny ():
"""Line inserted in the response to the command !help"""
@ -26,14 +26,6 @@ def load(context):
#Define the index
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(start_countdown, "start"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(end_countdown, "end"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(end_countdown, "forceend"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(liste, "eventslist"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_gouter, "goûter"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_we, "week-end"))
for evt in DATAS.index.keys():
if DATAS.index[evt].hasAttribute("end"):
event = ModuleEvent(call=fini, call_data=dict(strend=DATAS.index[evt]))
@ -48,6 +40,7 @@ def fini(d, strend):
@hook("cmd_hook", "goûter")
def cmd_gouter(msg):
ndate =
ndate = datetime(ndate.year, ndate.month,, 16, 42)
@ -57,6 +50,7 @@ def cmd_gouter(msg):
"Nous avons %s de retard pour le goûter :("),
@hook("cmd_hook", "week-end")
def cmd_we(msg):
ndate = + timedelta(5 -
ndate = datetime(ndate.year, ndate.month,, 0, 0, 1)
@ -66,6 +60,7 @@ def cmd_we(msg):
"Youhou, on est en week-end depuis %s."),
@hook("cmd_hook", "start", help="!start /something/: launch a timer")
def start_countdown(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) < 2:
raise IRCException("indique le nom d'un événement à chronométrer")
@ -140,6 +135,8 @@ def start_countdown(msg):
return Response(msg.sender, "%s commencé le %s"% (msg.cmds[1],
||||"%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M:%S")))
@hook("cmd_hook", "end")
@hook("cmd_hook", "forceend")
def end_countdown(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) < 2:
raise IRCException("quel événement terminer ?")
@ -157,6 +154,7 @@ def end_countdown(msg):
return Response(msg.sender, "%s n'est pas un compteur connu."% (msg.cmds[1]),, nick=msg.nick)
@hook("cmd_hook", "eventslist", help="!eventslist: gets list of timer")
def liste(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) > 1:
res = list()
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
import urllib.request
import json
from hooks import hook
nemubotversion = 3.3
def help_tiny ():
@ -11,12 +13,7 @@ def help_tiny ():
def help_full ():
return "Search a movie title with: !imdbs <approximative title> ; View movie details with !imdb <title>"
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_imdb, "imdb"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_search, "imdbs"))
@hook("cmd_hook", "imdb", help="View movie details with !imdb <title>")
def cmd_imdb(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) < 2:
raise IRCException("precise a movie/serie title!")
@ -46,6 +43,7 @@ def cmd_imdb(msg):
raise IRCException("An error occurs during movie search")
@hook("cmd_hook", "imdbs", help="!imdbs <approximative title> to search a movie title")
def cmd_search(msg):
url = "" % urllib.parse.quote(' '.join(msg.cmds[1:]))
@ -4,22 +4,20 @@ import subprocess
import re
import os
from hooks import hook
nemubotversion = 3.3
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_man, "MAN"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_whatis, "man"))
def help_tiny ():
def help_tiny():
"""Line inserted in the response to the command !help"""
return "Read manual pages on IRC"
def help_full ():
def help_full():
return "!man [0-9] /what/: gives informations about /what/."
RGXP_s = re.compile(b'\x1b\\[[0-9]+m')
@hook("cmd_hook", "MAN")
def cmd_man(msg):
args = ["man"]
num = None
@ -48,6 +46,7 @@ def cmd_man(msg):
return res
@hook("cmd_hook", "man")
def cmd_whatis(msg):
args = ["whatis", " ".join(msg.cmds[1:])]
@ -7,13 +7,12 @@ import socket
import subprocess
import urllib
from hooks import Hook, hook
from tools import web
nemubotversion = 3.3
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
if not CONF or not CONF.hasNode("whoisxmlapi") or not CONF.getNode("whoisxmlapi").hasAttribute("username") or not CONF.getNode("whoisxmlapi").hasAttribute("password"):
print ("You need a WhoisXML API account in order to use the "
"!netwhois feature. Add it to the module configuration file:\n"
@ -22,21 +21,14 @@ def load(context):
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_whois, "netwhois"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_w3c, "w3c"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_w3m, "w3m"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_traceurl, "traceurl"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_isup, "isup"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_curl, "curl"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_curly, "curly"))
def help_tiny ():
def help_tiny():
"""Line inserted in the response to the command !help"""
return "The networking module"
def help_full ():
def help_full():
return "!traceurl /url/: Follow redirections from /url/."
@hook("cmd_hook", "w3m")
def cmd_w3m(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) > 1:
args = ["w3m", "-T", "text/html", "-dump"]
@ -49,6 +41,7 @@ def cmd_w3m(msg):
raise IRCException("Veuillez indiquer une URL à visiter.")
@hook("cmd_hook", "curl")
def cmd_curl(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) > 1:
@ -68,6 +61,7 @@ def cmd_curl(msg):
return Response(msg.sender, "Veuillez indiquer une URL à visiter.",
@hook("cmd_hook", "curly")
def cmd_curly(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) > 1:
url = msg.cmds[1]
@ -98,6 +92,7 @@ def cmd_curly(msg):
raise IRCException("Veuillez indiquer une URL à visiter.")
@hook("cmd_hook", "traceurl")
def cmd_traceurl(msg):
if 1 < len(msg.cmds) < 6:
res = list()
@ -190,6 +185,7 @@ def cmd_whois(msg):
return res
@hook("cmd_hook", "isup")
def cmd_isup(msg):
if 1 < len(msg.cmds) < 6:
res = list()
@ -257,6 +253,7 @@ def traceURL(url, timeout=5, stack=None):
return stack
@hook("cmd_hook", "w3c")
def cmd_w3c(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) < 2:
raise IRCException("Indiquer une URL à valider !")
@ -6,21 +6,18 @@ import urllib
nemubotversion = 3.3
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_subreddit, "subreddit"))
add_hook("all_post", Hook(parseresponse))
from hooks import hook
def help_tiny ():
def help_tiny():
"""Line inserted in the response to the command !help"""
return "The subreddit module"
def help_full ():
def help_full():
return "!subreddit /subreddit/: Display information on the subreddit."
LAST_SUBS = dict()
@hook("cmd_hook", "subreddit", help="!subreddit /subreddit/: Display information on the subreddit.")
def cmd_subreddit(msg):
global LAST_SUBS
if len(msg.cmds) <= 1:
@ -74,6 +71,7 @@ def parselisten(msg):
return False
def parseresponse(res):
return True
@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
import random
from hooks import hook
nemubotversion = 3.3
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_choice, "choice"))
@hook("cmd_hook", "choice")
def cmd_choice(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) > 1:
return Response(msg.sender, random.choice(msg.cmds[1:]),, nick=msg.nick)
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
import urllib.request
import json
import re
from hooks import hook
from tools import web
from tools.web import striphtml
@ -14,11 +16,7 @@ def help_tiny ():
def help_full ():
return "!tcode <transaction code|keywords>"
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_tcode, "tcode"))
@hook("cmd_hook", "tcode")
def cmd_tcode(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) != 2:
raise IRCException("indicate a transaction code or a keyword to search!")
@ -5,21 +5,18 @@ import imp
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from hooks import hook
nemubotversion = 3.3
def help_tiny ():
def help_tiny():
"""Line inserted in the response to the command !help"""
return "as, give you the best time to go to bed"
def help_full ():
def help_full():
return "If you would like to sleep soon, use !sleepytime to know the best time to wake up; use !sleepytime hh:mm if you want to wake up at hh:mm"
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_sleep, "sleeptime"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_sleep, "sleepytime"))
@hook("cmd_hook", "sleepytime", help="If you would like to sleep soon, use !sleepytime to know the best time to wake up; use !sleepytime hh:mm if you want to wake up at hh:mm")
def cmd_sleep(msg):
if len (msg.cmds) > 1 and re.match("[0-9]{1,2}[h':.,-]([0-9]{1,2})?[m'\":.,-]?",
msg.cmds[1]) is not None:
@ -7,20 +7,19 @@ import urllib.error
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
from hooks import hook
nemubotversion = 3.3
def load(context):
global DATAS
DATAS.setIndex("name", "phone")
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_sms, "sms"))
def help_tiny ():
def help_tiny():
"""Line inserted in the response to the command !help"""
return "Send SMS using SMS API (currently only Free Mobile)"
def help_full ():
def help_full():
return "!sms /who/[,/who/[,...]] message: send a SMS to /who/."
def send_sms(frm, api_usr, api_key, content):
@ -46,6 +45,7 @@ def send_sms(frm, api_usr, api_key, content):
return None
@hook("cmd_hook", "sms")
def cmd_sms(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) <= 2:
raise IRCException("À qui veux-tu envoyer ce SMS ?")
@ -3,27 +3,24 @@
import re
from urllib.parse import quote
from hooks import hook
from .pyaspell import Aspell
from .pyaspell import AspellError
nemubotversion = 3.3
def help_tiny ():
def help_tiny():
return "Check words spelling"
def help_full ():
def help_full():
return "!spell [<lang>] <word>: give the correct spelling of <word> in <lang=fr>."
def load(context):
global DATAS
DATAS.setIndex("name", "score")
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_spell, "spell"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_spell, "orthographe"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_score, "spellscore"))
@hook("cmd_hook", "spell")
def cmd_spell(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) < 2:
raise IRCException("indique une orthographe approximative du mot dont tu veux vérifier l'orthographe.")
@ -62,6 +59,7 @@ def add_score(nick, t):
DATAS.index[nick][t] = 1
@hook("cmd_hook", "spellscore")
def cmd_score(msg):
global DATAS
res = list()
@ -5,24 +5,22 @@ import traceback
import sys
from urllib.parse import quote
from hooks import hook
from tools import web
nemubotversion = 3.3
def help_tiny ():
return "Find french synonyms"
def help_tiny():
return "Find french synonyms"
def help_full ():
return "!syno <word>: give a list of synonyms for <word>."
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_syno, "synonymes"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_anto, "antonymes"))
def help_full():
return "!syno <word>: give a list of synonyms for <word>."
@hook("cmd_hook", "synonymes", help="!syno <word>: give a list of synonyms for <word>.")
def cmd_syno(msg):
return go("synonymes", msg)
@hook("cmd_hook", "antonymes")
def cmd_anto(msg):
return go("antonymes", msg)
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import urllib.parse
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.request import urlopen
from hooks import hook
from .atom import Atom
nemubotversion = 3.3
@ -24,11 +26,6 @@ def help_full ():
def load(context):
"""Register watched website"""
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(add_site, "watch", data="diff"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(add_site, "updown", data="updown"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(del_site, "unwatch"))
DATAS.setIndex("url", "watch")
for site in DATAS.getNodes("watch"):
if site.hasNode("alert"):
@ -56,6 +53,7 @@ def start_watching(site):
site["_evt_id"] = add_event(evt)
@hook("cmd_hook", "unwatch")
def del_site(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) <= 1:
raise IRCException("quel site dois-je arrêter de surveiller ?")
@ -79,6 +77,9 @@ def del_site(msg):
||||, nick=msg.nick)
raise IRCException("je ne surveillais pas cette URL !")
@hook("cmd_hook", "watch", data="diff")
@hook("cmd_hook", "updown", data="updown")
def add_site(msg, diffType="diff"):
print (diffType)
if len(msg.cmds) <= 1:
@ -5,20 +5,17 @@ from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib.request import urlopen
from hooks import hook
nemubotversion = 3.3
def help_tiny ():
def help_tiny():
"""Line inserted in the response to the command !help"""
return "Gets YCC urls"
def help_full ():
def help_full():
return "!ycc [<url>]: with an argument, reduce the given <url> thanks to; without argument, reduce the last URL said on the current channel."
def load(context):
from hooks import Hook
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(cmd_ycc, "ycc"))
add_hook("all_post", Hook(parseresponse))
LAST_URLS = dict()
def gen_response(res, msg, srv):
@ -29,6 +26,7 @@ def gen_response(res, msg, srv):
raise IRCException("mauvaise URL : %s" % srv)
@hook("cmd_hook", "ycc", help="!ycc [<url>]: with an argument, reduce the given <url> thanks to; without argument, reduce the last URL said on the current channel.")
def cmd_ycc(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) == 1:
global LAST_URLS
@ -71,6 +69,7 @@ def parselisten(msg):
return False
def parseresponse(res):
return True
Reference in New Issue
Block a user