Some improvements

This commit is contained in:
Némunaire 2012-01-29 15:28:02 +01:00
parent e354ed6bdc
commit e88ddea4b4
5 changed files with 323 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -8,10 +8,14 @@ import string
import os
import re
import thread
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import norme
import newyear
import ontime
import watchWebsite
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
@ -25,9 +29,16 @@ IDENT='nemubot'
OWNER='nemunaire' #The bot owner's nick
CHANLIST='#42sh #nemutest'
CHANLIST='#42sh #nemutest #tc'
readbuffer='' #Here we store all the messages from server
birthdays = {"maxence23": datetime(1991, 8, 11),
"nemunaire": datetime(1991, 12, 4, 6, 42),
"xetal": datetime(1991, 2, 23),
"bob": datetime(1991, 2, 2),
"test": datetime(1991, 1, 25),
"colona": datetime(1991, 7, 16)}
s = socket.socket( ) #Create the socket
s.connect((HOST, PORT)) #Connect to server
s.send("PASS %s\r\n" % "McsuapTesbuf")
@ -38,6 +49,7 @@ s.send("USER %s %s bla :%s\r\n" % (IDENT, HOST, REALNAME))
print("Welcome on Nemubot. I operate on %s. My PID is %i" % (CHANLIST, os.getpid()))
def parsemsg(msg):
global birthdays
complete = msg[1:].split(':',1) #Parse the message into useful data
info = complete[0].split(' ')
msgpart = complete[1]
@ -46,10 +58,149 @@ def parsemsg(msg):
if CHANLIST.find(info[2]) != -1 and re.match(".*(norme|coding style).*", msgpart) is not None and re.match(".*(please|give|obtenir|now|plz|stp|svp|s'il (te|vous) pla.t|check).*", msgpart) is not None:
norme.launch (s, sender, msgpart)
elif msgpart[0] == '!' and CHANLIST.find(info[2]) != -1: #Treat all messages starting with '!' as command
cmd=msgpart[1:].split(' ')
elif CHANLIST.find(info[2]) != -1 and msgpart.find("%s:"%NICK) == 0: #Treat all messages starting with 'nemubot:' as distinct commands
msgpartl = msgpart.lower()
print msgpartl
if re.match(".*(m[' ]?entends?[ -]+tu|h?ear me|ping).*", msgpartl) is not None:
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :{1}: pong\r\n".format(info[2], sender[0]))
elif re.match(".*(date de naissance|birthday|geburtstag|née?|nee? le|born on).*", msgpartl) is not None:
result = re.match("[^0-9]+(([0-9]{1,4})[^0-9]+([0-9]{1,2}|janvier|january|fevrier|février|february|mars|march|avril|april|mai|maï|may|juin|juni|juillet|july|jully|august|aout|août|septembre|september|october|obtobre|novembre|november|decembre|décembre|december)([^0-9]+([0-9]{1,4}))?)[^0-9]+(([0-9]{1,2})[^0-9]*[h':][^0-9]*([0-9]{1,2}))?.*", msgpartl)
# if re.match(".*(je|i|I).*") is not None:
# target = sender[0]
# elif re.match(".*().*") is not None:
if result is None:
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :{1}: je ne reconnais pas le format de ta date de naissance :(\r\n".format(info[2], sender[0]))
day =
if len(day) == 4:
year = day
day = 0
month =
if month == "janvier" or month == "january" or month == "januar":
month = 1
elif month == "fevrier" or month == "février" or month == "february":
month = 2
elif month == "mars" or month == "march":
month = 3
elif month == "avril" or month == "april":
month = 4
elif month == "mai" or month == "may" or month == "maï":
month = 5
elif month == "juin" or month == "juni" or month == "junni":
month = 6
elif month == "juillet" or month == "jully" or month == "july":
month = 7
elif month == "aout" or month == "août" or month == "august":
month = 8
elif month == "september" or month == "septembre":
month = 9
elif month == "october" or month == "october" or month == "oktober":
month = 10
elif month == "november" or month == "novembre":
month = 11
elif month == "december" or month == "decembre" or month == "décembre":
month = 12
if day == 0:
day =
year =
hour =
minute =
print "Chaîne reconnue : %s/%s/%s %s:%s"%(day, month, year, hour, minute)
if year == None:
year =
if hour == None:
hour = 0
if minute == None:
minute = 0
newdate = datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute))
birthdays[sender[0].lower()] = newdate
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :{1}: ok, c'est noté, ta date de naissance est le {2}\r\n".format(info[2], sender[0], newdate.strftime("%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M")))
except ValueError:
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :{1}: ta date de naissance me paraît peu probable...\r\n".format(info[2], sender[0]))
elif CHANLIST.find(info[2]) != -1 and msgpart[0] == '!': #Treat all messages starting with '!' as command
cmd = msgpart[1:].split(' ')
if cmd[0] == 'help' or cmd[0] == 'h':
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :Pour me demander quelque chose, commencer votre message par !.\nVoici ce dont je suis capable :\r\n".format(sender[0]))
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} : - !new-year !newyear !ny : Affiche le temps restant avant la nouvelle année\r\n".format(sender[0]))
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} : - !end-of-world !worldend !eow : Temps restant avant la fin du monde\r\n".format(sender[0]))
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} : - !weekend !week-end !we : Affiche le temps restant avant le prochain week-end\r\n".format(sender[0]))
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} : - !partiels : Affiche le temps restant avant les prochains partiels\r\n".format(sender[0]))
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} : - !vacs !vacances !holidays !free-time : Affiche le temps restant avant les prochaines vacances\r\n".format(sender[0]))
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} : - !jpo !next-jpo : Affiche le temps restant avant la prochaine JPO\r\n".format(sender[0]))
if cmd[0] == 'new-year' or cmd[0] == 'newyear' or cmd[0] == 'ny':
newyear.launch (s, info[2], cmd)
#What is the next year?
nyear = + 1
ndate = datetime(nyear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)
newyear.launch (s, info[2], ndate, ["Il reste{0} avant la nouvelle année", "Nous faisons déjà la fête depuis{0}"], cmd)
if cmd[0] == 'end-of-world' or cmd[0] == 'endofworld' or cmd[0] == 'worldend' or cmd[0] == 'eow':
ndate = datetime(2012, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13)
newyear.launch (s, info[2], ndate, ["Il reste{0} avant la fin du monde", "Non, cela ne peut pas arriver, la fin du monde s'est produite il y a maintenant {0}. Vous n'êtes vraiment pas mort ? :("], cmd)
if cmd[0] == 'weekend' or cmd[0] == 'week-end' or cmd[0] == 'we':
ndate = + timedelta(5 -
ndate = datetime(ndate.year, ndate.month,, 0, 0, 1)
newyear.launch (s, info[2], ndate, ["Il reste{0} avant le week-end, courrage ;)", "Youhou, on est en week-end depuis{0}"], cmd)
if cmd[0] == 'endweekend' or cmd[0] == 'end-week-end' or cmd[0] == 'endwe' or cmd[0] == 'eowe':
ndate = + timedelta(7 -
ndate = datetime(ndate.year, ndate.month,, 0, 0, 1)
if >= 5:
newyear.launch (s, info[2], ndate, ["Plus que{0} avant la fin du week-end :(", ""], cmd)
newyear.launch (s, info[2], ndate, ["Encore{0} avant la prochaine semaine", ""], cmd)
if cmd[0] == 'partiels' or cmd[0] == 'partiel':
ndate = datetime(2012, 3, 26, 9, 0, 1)
#ndate = datetime(2012, 1, 23, 9, 0, 1)
newyear.launch (s, info[2], ndate, ["Il reste{0} avant les partiels :-o", "Les partiels ont commencés depuis maintenant{0}"], cmd)
if cmd[0] == 'vacs' or cmd[0] == 'vacances' or cmd[0] == 'holiday' or cmd[0] == 'holidays' or cmd[0] == 'free-time':
ndate = datetime(2012, 3, 30, 18, 0, 1)
newyear.launch (s, info[2], ndate, ["Il reste{0} avant les vacances :)", "Profitons, c'est les vacances depuis{0}"], cmd)
if cmd[0] == 'anniv':
if len(cmd) < 2 or cmd[1].lower() == "moi":
name = sender[0].lower()
name = cmd[1].lower()
matches = []
if name in birthdays:
for k in birthdays.keys():
if k.find(name) == 0:
if len(matches) == 1:
(n, d) = (matches[0], birthdays[matches[0]])
tyd = d
tyd = datetime(, tyd.month,
if == and tyd.month ==
newyear.launch (s, info[2], d, ["", "C'est aujourd'hui l'anniversaire de %s ! Il a{0}. Joyeux anniversaire :)" % n], cmd)
if tyd <
tyd = datetime( + 1, tyd.month,
newyear.launch (s, info[2], tyd, ["Il reste{0} avant l'anniversaire de %s !" % n, ""], cmd)
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :{1}: désolé, je ne connais pas la date d'anniversaire de {2}. Quand est-il né ?\r\n".format(info[2], sender[0], name))
if cmd[0] == 'jpo' or cmd[0] == 'JPO' or cmd[0] == 'next-jpo':
#ndate = datetime(2012, 5, 12, 8, 30, 1)
#ndate = datetime(2012, 3, 31, 8, 30, 1)
#ndate = datetime(2012, 3, 17, 8, 30, 1)
ndate = datetime(2012, 2, 4, 8, 30, 1)
newyear.launch (s, info[2], ndate, ["Il reste{0} avant la prochaine JPO... We want you!", "Nous somme en pleine JPO depuis{0}"], cmd)
if cmd[0] == 'professional-project' or cmd[0] == 'project-professionnel' or cmd[0] == 'projet-professionnel' or cmd[0] == 'project-professionel' or cmd[0] == 'projet-professionel' or cmd[0] == 'next-rendu' or cmd[0] == 'pp' or cmd[0] == 'rendu':
ndate = datetime(2012, 1, 18, 16, 0, 1)
newyear.launch (s, info[2], ndate, ["Il reste{0} avant la fermeture du rendu du projet professionnel, vite bullshitons !", "À {0} près, il aurait encore été possible de rendre"], cmd)
elif msgpart[0] == '`' and sender[0] == OWNER and CHANLIST.find(info[2]) != -1: #Treat all messages starting with '`' as command
@ -64,7 +215,7 @@ def parsemsg(msg):
s.send('MODE '+info[2]+' -v '+cmd[1]+'n')
if cmd[0]=='restart':
print "Restarting thread"
thread.start_new_thread(ontime.startThread, (s,CHANLIST))
if cmd[0]=='stop':
print "Bye!"
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :Bye!\r\n".format(info[2]))
@ -97,5 +248,10 @@ def read():
if(line[0] == 'PING'): #If server pings then pong
s.send("PONG %s\r\n" % line[1])
thread.start_new_thread(ontime.startThread, (s,CHANLIST))
def launch(s):
# thread.start_new_thread(ontime.startThread, (s,datetime(2012, 1, 18, 6, 0, 1),["Il reste{0} avant la fin de Wikipédia", "C'est fini, Wikipédia a sombrée depuis{0}"],CHANLIST))
thread.start_new_thread(watchWebsite.startThread, (s, "", "", "#42sh"))
print "Launched successfuly"

View File

@ -11,19 +11,26 @@ from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import thread
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print "This script takes at least 2 args: server port [channel [channel [...]]]"
HOST = ''
PORT = 2778
#HOST = ''
#PORT = 2778
HOST = sys.argv[1]
PORT = int(sys.argv[2])
#HOST = ''
#PORT = 6667
NICK = 'nemunaire'
IDENT = 'nemuspeak'
REALNAME = 'nemubot speaker'
OWNER = 'nemunaire' #The bot owner's nick
CHANLIST = ['#42sh', '#korteam']
#CHANLIST = ['#42sh', '#korteam']
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
for i in range(3, len(sys.argv)):
readbuffer = '' #Here we store all the messages from server
queue = []
@ -41,7 +48,7 @@ s.send("USER %s %s bla :%s\r\n" % (IDENT, HOST, REALNAME))
print("Welcome on Nemubot speaker. I operate on %s. My PID is %i" % (CHANLIST, os.getpid()))
def speak(endstate):
global lastmsg
global lastmsg, queue, talkEC, stopSpk
talkEC = 1
stopSpk = 0
@ -50,6 +57,7 @@ def speak(endstate):
while not stopSpk and len(queue) > 0:
msg = queue.pop(0)
lang = "fr"
sentence = ""
force = 0
@ -65,26 +73,100 @@ def speak(endstate):
sentence += "Sur " + msg[0] + ". "
force = 1
if force or msg[1] != lastmsg[1]:
if msg[3].find("ACTION ") == 1:
sentence += msg[1] + " "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("ACTION ", "")
elif msg[3].find(":)") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " sourit : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(":)", "")
elif msg[3].find(";)") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " fait un clin d'oeil : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(";)", "")
elif msg[3].find(":(") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " est triste : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(":(", "")
elif msg[3].find("<3") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " aime : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("<3", "")
elif msg[3].find(":'(") >= 0 or msg[3].find(";(") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " pleure : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(":'(", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(";(", "")
elif msg[3].find(":D") >= 0 or msg[3].find(":d") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " rit : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(":D", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(":d", "")
elif msg[3].find(":P") >= 0 or msg[3].find(":p") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " tire la langue : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(":P", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(":p", "")
elif msg[3].find(":S") >= 0 or msg[3].find(":s") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " est embarassé : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(":S", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace(":s", "")
elif msg[3].find("XD") >= 0 or msg[3].find("xd") >= 0 or msg[3].find("xD") >= 0 or msg[3].find("Xd") >= 0 or msg[3].find("X)") >= 0 or msg[3].find("x)") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " se marre : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("xd", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("XD", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("Xd", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("xD", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("X)", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("x)", "")
elif msg[3].find("\\o/") >= 0 or msg[3].find("\\O/") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " fait une accolade : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("\\o/", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("\\O/", "")
elif msg[3].find("/o/") >= 0 or msg[3].find("\\o\\") >= 0:
sentence += msg[1] + " danse : "
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("/o/", "")
msg[3] = msg[3].replace("\\o\\", "")
elif force or msg[1] != lastmsg[1]:
sentence += msg[1] + " dit : "
if re.match(".*(https?://)?(www\\.)?[a-z0-9A-Z]+.*", msg[3]) is not None:
msg[3] = re.sub("(https?://)?(www\\.)?[a-z0-9A-Z]+", " U.R.L Y.C.C ", msg[3])
if re.match(".*https?://.*", msg[3]) is not None:
msg[3] = re.sub(r'https?://[^ ]+', " U.R.L ", msg[3])
if re.match("^ *[^a-zA-Z0-9 ][a-zA-Z]{2}[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", msg[3]) is not None:
if sentence != "":["espeak", "-v", "fr", sentence])
lang = msg[3][1:3].lower()
sentence = msg[3][4:]
sentence += msg[3]
print "Blabla: " + sentence["espeak", "-v", "fr", sentence])["espeak", "-v", lang, sentence])
lastmsg = msg
if not stopSpk:
talkEC = endstate
talkEC = 1
def parsemsg(msg):
global talkEC, stopSpk, queue
complete = msg[1:].split(':',1) #Parse the message into useful data
info = complete[0].split(' ')
msgpart = complete[1]
sender = info[0].split('!')
if CHANLIST.count(info[2]) >= 0 or info[2] == NICK:
#Bad format, try to fix that
if len(info) == 1:
pv = msg.index(" ", msg.index("PRIVMSG") + 9)
complete = [ msg[1:pv], msg[pv:] ]
info = complete[0].split(' ')
msgpart = complete[1].strip()
if msgpart[0] == ":":
msgpart = msgpart[1:]
sender = info[0].split('!')
if len(CHANLIST) == 0 or CHANLIST.count(info[2]) >= 0 or info[2] == NICK:
#Treat all messages starting with '`' as command
if msgpart[0] == '`' and sender[0] == OWNER:
cmd=msgpart[1:].split(' ')
@ -96,15 +178,33 @@ def parsemsg(msg):
elif cmd[0] == 'speak':
thread.start_new_thread(speak, (0,))
elif cmd[0] == 'reset':
while len(queue) > 0:
elif cmd[0] == 'save':
if talkEC == 0:
talkEC = 1
stopSpk = 1
elif cmd[0] == 'list':
print "Currently listened channels:"
for chan in CHANLIST:
print chan
print "-- "
elif cmd[0] == 'add' and len(cmd) > 1:
print cmd[1] + " added to listed channels"
print cmd[1] + " added to listened channels"
elif cmd[0] == 'del' and len(cmd) > 1:
if CHANLIST.count(cmd[1]) > 0:
print cmd[1] + " removed from listened channels"
print cmd[1] + " not in listened channels"
elif sender[0] != OWNER:
elif sender[0] != OWNER and (len(CHANLIST) == 0 or CHANLIST.count(info[2]) > 0 or info[2] == NICK):
queue.append([info[2], sender[0],, msgpart])
if talkEC == 0:
thread.start_new_thread(speak, (0,))

View File

@ -4,24 +4,22 @@ import os
from datetime import datetime
import time
def launch(s, chan, msgpart):
#What is the next year?
nyear = + 1;
def launch(s, chan, ndate, sentences, msgpart):
if msgpart != 0 and len(msgpart) > 1:
os.environ['TZ'] = msgpart[1]
# if msgpart != 0 and len(msgpart) > 1:
# os.environ['TZ'] = msgpart[1]
# time.tzset()
sentence_c = "PRIVMSG " + chan + " :"
#Calculate time before new year
if > datetime(nyear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1):
sentence_c += "Nous faisons déjà la fête depuis{0}"
delta = - datetime(nyear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)
if > ndate:
sentence_c += sentences[1]
delta = - ndate
sentence_c += "Il reste{0} avant la nouvelle année"
delta = datetime(nyear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1) -
sentence_c += sentences[0]
delta = ndate -
sec = delta.seconds
hours, remainder = divmod(sec, 3600)
@ -64,4 +62,5 @@ def launch(s, chan, msgpart):
os.environ['TZ'] = "Europe/Paris"
def special(s, chan):
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :Bonne année {1} !\r\n".format(chan,
# s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :Bonne année {1} !\r\n".format(chan,
s.send("PRIVMSG {0} :Wikipédia vient de sombrer :(\r\n".format(chan))

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def sync(sec):
print "Synchonized on {0}={1} seconds...".format(sec,
def startThread(s, CHANLIST):
def startThread(s, ndate, sentences, CHANLIST):
sync (60);
while 1:
minute = ().minute
@ -27,15 +27,20 @@ def startThread(s, CHANLIST):
for chan in CHANLIST.split():
newyear.special (s, chan)
elif minute == 0 and ().hour == 6 and ().day == 18 and ().month == 1:
for chan in CHANLIST.split():
newyear.special (s, chan)
if minute == 18:
for chan in CHANLIST.split():
newyear.launch (s, chan, 0)
newyear.launch (s, chan, datetime(2012, 1, 18, 6, 0, 1), sentences, 0)
if minute == 42:
for chan in CHANLIST.split():
s.send("PRIVMSG %s :42 !\r\n" % chan)
# for chan in CHANLIST.split():
# s.send("PRIVMSG %s :42 !\r\n" % chan)
if ().second != 0:

28 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# coding=utf-8
import httplib
import hashlib
import time
def getPage(s, p):
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(s)
conn.request("GET", "/{0}".format(p))
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
return data
def startThread(s, a, p, CHANLIST):
lastpage = hashlib.sha224(getPage(a, p)).hexdigest()
while 1:
page = hashlib.sha224(getPage(a, p)).hexdigest()
if page != lastpage:
print("Page differ!")
for chan in CHANLIST.split():
s.send("PRIVMSG %s :Oh, quelle est cette nouvelle image sur ? :p\r\n" % chan)
lastpage = page