Use url.request in DDG module; fix issue #1: output for Wiki is better

This commit is contained in:
Némunaire 2012-11-07 14:39:47 +01:00
parent 6f6ddd4d1e
commit c3c697bdab
4 changed files with 49 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
# coding=utf-8
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib.request import urlopen
import xmlparser
from tools import web
class DDGSearch:
def __init__(self, terms):
self.terms = terms
self.ddgres = web.getXML("" % quote(terms))
raw = urlopen("" % quote(terms), timeout=10)
self.ddgres = xmlparser.parse_string(
def type(self):

View File

@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
# coding=utf-8
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib.request import urlopen
from tools import web
import xmlparser
class WFASearch:
def __init__(self, terms):
self.terms = terms
self.wfares = web.getXML(""
raw = urlopen(""
% (quote(terms),
CONF.getNode("wfaapi")["key"]), timeout=15)
self.wfares = xmlparser.parse_string(
except (TypeError, KeyError):
print ("You need a Wolfram|Alpha API key in order to use this "
"module. Add it to the module configuration file:\n<wfaapi"

View File

@ -1,76 +1,55 @@
# coding=utf-8
import http.client
import re
from urllib.parse import quote
import urllib.request
import xmlparser
class Wikipedia:
def __init__(self, terms, lang="fr"):
def __init__(self, terms, lang="fr", site="", section=0):
self.terms = terms
self.lang = lang
self.curRT = 0
(res, page) = getPage(terms, self.lang)
if res == http.client.OK or res == http.client.SEE_OTHER:
self.wres = xmlparser.parse_string(page)
if self.wres is None or not (self.wres.hasNode("query") and self.wres.getFirstNode("query").hasNode("pages") and self.wres.getFirstNode("query").getFirstNode("pages").hasNode("page") and self.wres.getFirstNode("query").getFirstNode("pages").getFirstNode("page").hasNode("revisions")):
self.wres = None
self.infobox = parseInfobox(self)
raw = urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.request.Request("http://" + self.lang + "." + site + "/w/api.php?format=xml&redirects&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles=%s" % (quote(terms)), headers={"User-agent": "Nemubot v3"}))
self.wres = xmlparser.parse_string(
if self.wres is None or not (self.wres.hasNode("query") and self.wres.getFirstNode("query").hasNode("pages") and self.wres.getFirstNode("query").getFirstNode("pages").hasNode("page") and self.wres.getFirstNode("query").getFirstNode("pages").getFirstNode("page").hasNode("revisions")):
self.wres = None
self.wres = self.wres.getFirstNode("query").getFirstNode("pages").getFirstNode("page").getFirstNode("revisions").getFirstNode("rev").getContent()
self.wres = striplink(self.wres)
def nextRes(self):
if self.wres is not None:
for cnt in self.wres.getFirstNode("query").getFirstNode("pages").getFirstNode("page").getFirstNode("revisions").getFirstNode("rev").getContent().split("\n"):
for cnt in self.wres.split("\n"):
if self.curRT > 0:
self.curRT -= 1
c = striplink(cnt).strip()
(c, u) = RGXP_s.subn(' ', cnt)
c = c.strip()
if c != "":
yield c
RGXP_p = re.compile(r'(<!--.*-->|<ref[^>]*/>|<ref[^>]*>[^>]*</ref>|<dfn[^>]*>[^>]*</dfn>|\{\{[^}]*\}\}|\[\[([^\[\]]*\[\[[^\]\[]*\]\])+[^\[\]]*\]\]|\{\{([^{}]*\{\{.*\}\}[^{}]*)+\}\}|\[\[[^\]|]+(\|[^\]\|]+)*\]\])', re.I)
RGXP_l = re.compile(r'\{\{(nobr|lang\|[^|}]+)\|([^}]+)\}\}', re.I)
RGXP_t = re.compile("==+ *([^=]+) *=+=\n+([^\n])", re.I)
RGXP_q = re.compile(r'\[\[([^\[\]|]+)\|([^\]|]+)]]', re.I)
RGXP_r = re.compile(r'\[\[([^\[\]|]+)\]\]', re.I)
RGXP_s = re.compile(r'\s+')
def parseInfobox(w):
inInfobox = False
for cnt in w.wres.getFirstNode("query").getFirstNode("pages").getFirstNode("page").getFirstNode("revisions").getFirstNode("rev").getContent().split("\n"):
view += 1
if inInfobox:
if cnt.find("}}") == 0:
elif cnt.find("{{") == 0:
w.curRT += view
def striplink(s):
(s, n) = RGXP_l.subn(r"\2", s)
if s == "": return s
def striplink(data):
p = re.compile(r'(<!--.*-->|\{\{.*\}\}|\[\[[^\]]+\|[^\]]+\|[^\]\|]+\]\])')
q = re.compile(r'\[\[([^\]]+)\|([^\]]+)]]')
r = re.compile(r'\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]')
(s, n) = p.subn('', data)
if s == "":
return s
(s, n) = q.subn(r"\1", s)
if s == "":
return s
(s, n) = r.subn(r"\1", s)
return s.replace("'''", "*")
(s, n) = RGXP_q.subn(r"\1", s)
if s == "": return s
def getPage(terms, lang, site="wikipedia"):
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(lang + "." + site + ".org", timeout=5)
conn.request("GET", "/w/api.php?format=xml&redirects&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&rvsection=0&titles=%s" % quote(terms), None, {"User-agent": "Nemubot v3"})
except socket.gaierror:
print ("impossible de récupérer la page %s."%(p))
return (http.client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, None)
(s, n) = RGXP_r.subn(r"\1", s)
if s == "": return s
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
return (res.status, data)
(s, n) = RGXP_p.subn('', s)
(s, n) = RGXP_t.subn("\x03\x16" + r"\1" + " :\x03\x16 " + r"\2", s)
return s.replace("'''", "\x03\x02").replace("''", "\x03\x1f")

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ def load(context):
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(calculate, "wa"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(calculate, "wfa"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(calculate, "calc"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(wiki, "dico"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(wiki, "w"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(wiki, "wf"))
add_hook("cmd_hook", Hook(wiki, "wfr"))
@ -98,12 +99,20 @@ def wiki(msg):
return Response(msg.sender,
"Indicate a term to search",, nick=msg.nick)
if msg.cmds[0] == "w" or msg.cmds[0] == "wf" or msg.cmds[0] == "wfr":
if msg.cmds[0] == "dico":
lang = "fr"
site = ""
section = 1
elif msg.cmds[0] == "w" or msg.cmds[0] == "wf" or msg.cmds[0] == "wfr":
lang = "fr"
site = ""
section = 0
lang = "en"
site = ""
section = 0
s = Wikipedia.Wikipedia(' '.join(msg.cmds[1:]), lang)
s = Wikipedia.Wikipedia(' '.join(msg.cmds[1:]), lang, site, section)
res = Response(msg.sender,, nomore="No more results")
for result in s.nextRes: