New module mediawiki

This commit is contained in:
nemunaire 2014-09-02 21:19:08 +02:00
parent 3bc53bb4ef
commit 7387fabee1
3 changed files with 92 additions and 107 deletions

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# coding=utf-8
import re
from urllib.parse import quote
import urllib.request
import xmlparser
class Wikipedia:
def __init__(self, terms, lang="fr", site="", section=0):
self.terms = terms
self.lang = lang
self.curRT = section
raw = urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.request.Request("http://" + self.lang + "." + site + "/w/api.php?format=xml&redirects&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles=%s" % (quote(terms)), headers={"User-agent": "Nemubot v3"}))
self.wres = xmlparser.parse_string(
if self.wres is None or not (self.wres.hasNode("query") and self.wres.getFirstNode("query").hasNode("pages") and self.wres.getFirstNode("query").getFirstNode("pages").hasNode("page") and self.wres.getFirstNode("query").getFirstNode("pages").getFirstNode("page").hasNode("revisions")):
self.wres = None
self.wres = self.wres.getFirstNode("query").getFirstNode("pages").getFirstNode("page").getFirstNode("revisions").getFirstNode("rev").getContent()
self.wres = striplink(self.wres)
def nextRes(self):
if self.wres is not None:
for cnt in self.wres.split("\n"):
if self.curRT > 0:
self.curRT -= 1
(c, u) = RGXP_s.subn(' ', cnt)
c = c.strip()
if c != "":
yield c
RGXP_p = re.compile(r"(<!--.*-->|<ref[^>]*/>|<ref[^>]*>[^>]*</ref>|<dfn[^>]*>[^>]*</dfn>|\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|\[\[([^\[\]]*\[\[[^\]\[]*\]\])+[^\[\]]*\]\]|\{\{([^{}]*\{\{[^{}]*\}\}[^{}]*)+\}\}|\{\{([^{}]*\{\{([^{}]*\{\{[^{}]*\}\}[^{}]*)+\}\}[^{}]*)+\}\}|\[\[[^\]|]+(\|[^\]\|]+)*\]\])|#\* ''" + "\n", re.I)
RGXP_l = re.compile(r'\{\{(nobr|lang\|[^|}]+)\|([^}]+)\}\}', re.I)
RGXP_m = re.compile(r'\{\{pron\|([^|}]+)\|[^}]+\}\}', re.I)
RGXP_t = re.compile("==+ *([^=]+) *=+=\n+([^\n])", re.I)
RGXP_q = re.compile(r'\[\[([^\[\]|]+)\|([^\]|]+)]]', re.I)
RGXP_r = re.compile(r'\[\[([^\[\]|]+)\]\]', re.I)
RGXP_s = re.compile(r'\s+')
def striplink(s):
s.replace("{{m}}", "masculin").replace("{{f}}", "feminin").replace("{{n}}", "neutre")
(s, n) = RGXP_m.subn(r"[\1]", s)
(s, n) = RGXP_l.subn(r"\2", s)
(s, n) = RGXP_q.subn(r"\1", s)
(s, n) = RGXP_r.subn(r"\1", s)
(s, n) = RGXP_p.subn('', s)
if s == "": return s
(s, n) = RGXP_t.subn("\x03\x16" + r"\1" + " :\x03\x16 " + r"\2", s)
return s.replace("'''", "\x03\x02").replace("''", "\x03\x1f")

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ nemubotversion = 3.4
from . import DDGSearch
from . import UrbanDictionnary
from . import WFASearch
from . import Wikipedia
def load(context):
global CONF
@ -98,53 +97,3 @@ def calculate(msg):
return res
return Response(msg.sender, s.error,
@hook("cmd_hook", "wikipedia")
def wikipedia(msg):
return wiki("", 0, msg)
@hook("cmd_hook", "wiktionary")
def wiktionary(msg):
return wiki("", 1, msg)
@hook("cmd_hook", "etymology")
def wiktionary(msg):
return wiki("", 0, msg)
def wiki(site, section, msg):
if len(msg.cmds) <= 1:
return Response(msg.sender,
"Indicate a term to search",, nick=msg.nick)
if len(msg.cmds) > 2 and len(msg.cmds[1]) < 4:
lang = msg.cmds[1]
extract = 2
lang = "fr"
extract = 1
s = Wikipedia.Wikipedia(' '.join(msg.cmds[extract:]), lang, site, section)
res = Response(msg.sender,, nomore="No more results")
if site == "":
tout = [result for result in s.nextRes if result.find("\x03\x16 :\x03\x16 ") != 0]
if len(tout) > 0:
for t in tout:
if t.find("# ") == 0:
t = t.replace("# ", "%d. " % defI)
defI += 1
elif t.find("#* ") == 0:
t = t.replace("#* ", " * ")
for result in s.nextRes:
if len(res.messages) > 0:
return res
return Response(msg.sender,
"No information about " + " ".join(msg.cmds[extract:]),

modules/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# coding=utf-8
"""Use MediaWiki API to get pages"""
import json
import re
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from hooks import hook
from tools.web import striphtml
nemubotversion = 3.4
def get_raw_page(site, term, ssl=False):
# Built IRL
url = "http%s://%s/w/api.php?format=json&redirects&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles=%s" % (
"s" if ssl else "", site, urllib.parse.quote(term))
# Make the request
raw = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = json.loads(
for k in data["query"]["pages"]:
return data["query"]["pages"][k]["revisions"][0]["*"]
def get_unwikitextified(site, wikitext, ssl=False):
# Built IRL
url = "http%s://%s/w/api.php?format=json&action=expandtemplates&text=%s" % (
"s" if ssl else "", site, urllib.parse.quote(wikitext))
# Make the request
raw = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = json.loads(
return data["expandtemplates"]["*"]
def strip_model(cnt):
# Strip models at begin and end: mostly useless
cnt = re.sub(r"^(({{([^{]|\s|({{(.|\s|{{.*?}})*?}})*?)*?}}|\[\[(.|\s|\[\[.*?\]\])*?\]\])\s*)+", "", cnt)
#cnt = re.sub(r"({{([^{]|\s|({{(.|\s|{{.*?}})*?}})*?)*?}}\s?)+$", "", cnt)
# Strip HTML comments
cnt = re.sub(r"<!--.*?-->", "", cnt)
# Strip ref
cnt = re.sub(r"<ref.*?/ref>", "", cnt)
return cnt
def parse_wikitext(site, cnt, ssl=False):
for i,_,_,_ in re.findall(r"({{([^{]|\s|({{(.|\s|{{.*?}})*?}})*?)*?}})", cnt):
cnt = cnt.replace(i, get_unwikitextified(site, i, ssl), 1)
# Strip [[...]]
cnt, _ = re.subn(r"\[\[([^]]*\|)?([^]]*?)\]\]", r"\2", cnt)
# Strip HTML tags
cnt = striphtml(cnt)
return cnt
def irc_format(cnt):
cnt, _ = re.subn(r"(?P<title>==+)\s*(.*?)\s*(?P=title)\n+", "\x03\x16" + r"\2" + " :\x03\x16 ", cnt)
return cnt.replace("'''", "\x03\x02").replace("''", "\x03\x1f")
def get_page(site, term, ssl=False):
return strip_model(get_raw_page(site, term, ssl))
@hook("in_PRIVMSG_cmd", "mediawiki")
def cmd_mediawiki(msg):
"""Read an article on a MediaWiki"""
if len(msg.cmds) < 3:
raise IRCException("indicate a domain and a term to search")
return Response(msg.sender,
get_page(msg.cmds[1], " ".join(msg.cmds[2:])),
@hook("in_PRIVMSG_cmd", "wikipedia")
def cmd_wikipedia(msg):
if len(msg.cmds) < 3:
raise IRCException("indicate a lang and a term to search")
return Response(msg.sender,
get_page(msg.cmds[1] + "", " ".join(msg.cmds[2:])),
line_treat=lambda line: irc_format(parse_wikitext(site, line, ssl)))