[mediawiki] Handle #

This commit is contained in:
nemunaire 2015-07-22 20:10:08 +02:00
parent 710896f711
commit 67cd66b922

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ nemubotversion = 3.4
from more import Response
# MEDIAWIKI REQUESTS ##################################################
def get_namespaces(site, ssl=False):
# Built URL
url = "http%s://%s/w/api.php?format=json&action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces" % (
@ -55,6 +57,39 @@ def get_unwikitextified(site, wikitext, ssl=False):
return data["expandtemplates"]["*"]
## Search
def opensearch(site, term, ssl=False):
# Built URL
url = "http%s://%s/w/api.php?format=xml&action=opensearch&search=%s" % (
"s" if ssl else "", site, urllib.parse.quote(term))
# Make the request
response = web.getXML(url)
if response is not None and response.hasNode("Section"):
for itm in response.getNode("Section").getNodes("Item"):
yield (itm.getNode("Text").getContent(),
def search(site, term, ssl=False):
# Built URL
url = "http%s://%s/w/api.php?format=json&action=query&list=search&srsearch=%s&srprop=titlesnippet|snippet" % (
"s" if ssl else "", site, urllib.parse.quote(term))
# Make the request
data = web.getJSON(url)
if data is not None and "query" in data and "search" in data["query"]:
for itm in data["query"]["search"]:
yield (web.striphtml(itm["titlesnippet"].replace("<span class='searchmatch'>", "\x03\x02").replace("</span>", "\x03\x02")),
web.striphtml(itm["snippet"].replace("<span class='searchmatch'>", "\x03\x02").replace("</span>", "\x03\x02")))
# PARSING FUNCTIONS ###################################################
def strip_model(cnt):
# Strip models at begin: mostly useless
cnt = re.sub(r"^(({{([^{]|\s|({{([^{]|\s|{{.*?}})*?}})*?)*?}}|\[\[([^[]|\s|\[\[.*?\]\])*?\]\])\s*)+", "", cnt, flags=re.DOTALL)
@ -98,42 +133,33 @@ def parse_wikitext(site, cnt, namespaces=dict(), ssl=False):
return cnt
# FORMATING FUNCTIONS #################################################
def irc_format(cnt):
cnt, _ = re.subn(r"(?P<title>==+)\s*(.*?)\s*(?P=title)", "\x03\x16" + r"\2" + " :\x03\x16 ", cnt)
return cnt.replace("'''", "\x03\x02").replace("''", "\x03\x1f")
def get_page(site, term, ssl=False):
return strip_model(get_raw_page(site, term, ssl))
def get_page(site, term, ssl=False, subpart=None):
raw = get_raw_page(site, term, ssl)
if subpart is not None:
subpart = subpart.replace("_", " ")
raw = re.sub(r"^.*(?P<title>==+)\s*(" + subpart + r")\s*(?P=title)", r"\1 \2 \1", raw, flags=re.DOTALL)
return strip_model(raw)
def opensearch(site, term, ssl=False):
# Built URL
url = "http%s://%s/w/api.php?format=xml&action=opensearch&search=%s" % (
"s" if ssl else "", site, urllib.parse.quote(term))
# NEMUBOT #############################################################
# Make the request
response = web.getXML(url)
def mediawiki_response(site, term, receivers):
ns = get_namespaces(site)
if response is not None and response.hasNode("Section"):
for itm in response.getNode("Section").getNodes("Item"):
yield (itm.getNode("Text").getContent(),
terms = term.split("#", 1)
def search(site, term, ssl=False):
# Built URL
url = "http%s://%s/w/api.php?format=json&action=query&list=search&srsearch=%s&srprop=titlesnippet|snippet" % (
"s" if ssl else "", site, urllib.parse.quote(term))
# Make the request
data = web.getJSON(url)
if data is not None and "query" in data and "search" in data["query"]:
for itm in data["query"]["search"]:
yield (web.striphtml(itm["titlesnippet"].replace("<span class='searchmatch'>", "\x03\x02").replace("</span>", "\x03\x02")),
web.striphtml(itm["snippet"].replace("<span class='searchmatch'>", "\x03\x02").replace("</span>", "\x03\x02")))
return Response(get_page(site, terms[0], subpart=terms[1] if len(terms) > 1 else None),
line_treat=lambda line: irc_format(parse_wikitext(site, line, ns)),
@hook("cmd_hook", "mediawiki")
@ -142,13 +168,9 @@ def cmd_mediawiki(msg):
if len(msg.args) < 2:
raise IRCException("indicate a domain and a term to search")
site = msg.args[0]
ns = get_namespaces(site)
return Response(get_page(site, " ".join(msg.args[1:])),
line_treat=lambda line: irc_format(parse_wikitext(msg.args[0], line, ns)),
return mediawiki_response(msg.args[0],
" ".join(msg.args[1:]),
@hook("cmd_hook", "search_mediawiki")
@ -170,10 +192,6 @@ def cmd_wikipedia(msg):
if len(msg.args) < 2:
raise IRCException("indicate a lang and a term to search")
site = msg.args[0] + ".wikipedia.org"
ns = get_namespaces(site)
return Response(get_page(site, " ".join(msg.args[1:])),
line_treat=lambda line: irc_format(parse_wikitext(site, line, ns)),
return mediawiki_response(msg.args[0] + ".wikipedia.org",
" ".join(msg.args[1:]),