[events] Avoid catchall hook

This commit is contained in:
nemunaire 2015-11-11 17:57:08 +01:00
parent 0f4a904a77
commit 2ebd86b80f

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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# coding=utf-8
"""Create countdowns and reminders"""
import re
@ -9,12 +7,11 @@ from nemubot import context
from nemubot.exception import IMException
from nemubot.event import ModuleEvent
from nemubot.hooks import hook
from nemubot.message import Command
from nemubot.tools.countdown import countdown_format, countdown
from nemubot.tools.date import extractDate
from nemubot.tools.xmlparser.node import ModuleState
nemubotversion = 3.4
from more import Response
def help_full ():
@ -169,23 +166,22 @@ def liste(msg):
return Response("Compteurs connus : %s." % ", ".join(context.data.index.keys()), channel=msg.channel)
@hook.command(match=lambda msg: isinstance(msg, Command) and msg.cmd in context.data.index)
def parseanswer(msg):
if msg.cmd in context.data.index:
res = Response(channel=msg.channel)
res = Response(channel=msg.channel)
# Avoid message starting by ! which can be interpreted as command by other bots
if msg.cmd[0] == "!":
res.nick = msg.nick
# Avoid message starting by ! which can be interpreted as command by other bots
if msg.cmd[0] == "!":
res.nick = msg.nick
if context.data.index[msg.cmd].name == "strend":
if context.data.index[msg.cmd].hasAttribute("end"):
res.append_message("%s commencé il y a %s et se terminera dans %s." % (msg.cmd, countdown(msg.date - context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("start")), countdown(context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("end") - msg.date)))
res.append_message("%s commencé il y a %s." % (msg.cmd, countdown(msg.date - context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("start"))))
if context.data.index[msg.cmd].name == "strend":
if context.data.index[msg.cmd].hasAttribute("end"):
res.append_message("%s commencé il y a %s et se terminera dans %s." % (msg.cmd, countdown(msg.date - context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("start")), countdown(context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("end") - msg.date)))
res.append_message(countdown_format(context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("start"), context.data.index[msg.cmd]["msg_before"], context.data.index[msg.cmd]["msg_after"]))
return res
res.append_message("%s commencé il y a %s." % (msg.cmd, countdown(msg.date - context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("start"))))
res.append_message(countdown_format(context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("start"), context.data.index[msg.cmd]["msg_before"], context.data.index[msg.cmd]["msg_after"]))
return res
RGXP_ask = re.compile(r"^.*((create|new)\s+(a|an|a\s*new|an\s*other)?\s*(events?|commande?)|(nouvel(le)?|ajoute|cr[ée]{1,3})\s+(un)?\s*([eé]v[ée]nements?|commande?)).*$", re.I)