[cve] Dusting module

This commit is contained in:
nemunaire 2015-11-08 01:11:48 +01:00
parent 00fa139e54
commit 11bdf8d0a1

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@ -1,26 +1,40 @@
"""Read CVE in your IM client"""
# PYTHON STUFFS #######################################################
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.parse import quote
from nemubot.hooks import hook
from nemubot.tools.web import getURLContent
from nemubot.tools.web import getURLContent, striphtml
from more import Response
"""CVE description"""
BASEURL_NIST = 'https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId='
nemubotversion = 4.0
BASEURL_MITRE = 'http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name='
# MODULE CORE #########################################################
def get_cve(cve_id):
search_url = BASEURL_MITRE + quote(cve_id.upper())
search_url = BASEURL_NIST + quote(cve_id.upper())
soup = BeautifulSoup(getURLContent(search_url))
desc = soup.body.findAll('td')
vuln = soup.body.find(class_="vulnDetail")
cvss = vuln.find(class_="cvssDetail")
return desc[17].text.replace("\n", " ") + " Moar at " + search_url
return [
"Base score: " + cvss.findAll('div')[0].findAll('a')[0].text.strip(),
vuln.findAll('p')[0].text, # description
striphtml(vuln.findAll('div')[0].text).strip(), # publication date
striphtml(vuln.findAll('div')[1].text).strip(), # last revised
# MODULE INTERFACE ####################################################
help="Display given CVE",
help_usage={"CVE_ID": "Display the description of the given CVE"})
def get_cve_desc(msg):
res = Response(channel=msg.channel)