[mediawiki] parse Infobox

This commit is contained in:
nemunaire 2016-07-30 20:24:55 +02:00
parent 3301fb87c2
commit 0efee0cb83

View File

@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ def search(site, term, ssl=False, path="/w/api.php"):
# PARSING FUNCTIONS ###################################################
def get_model(cnt, model="Infobox"):
for full in re.findall(r"(\{\{" + model + " .*?(?:\{\{.*?}}.*?)*}})", cnt, flags=re.DOTALL):
return full[3 + len(model):-2].replace("\n", " ").strip()
def strip_model(cnt):
# Strip models at begin: mostly useless
cnt = re.sub(r"^(({{([^{]|\s|({{([^{]|\s|{{.*?}})*?}})*?)*?}}|\[\[([^[]|\s|\[\[.*?\]\])*?\]\])\s*)+", "", cnt, flags=re.DOTALL)
@ -139,6 +144,14 @@ def irc_format(cnt):
return cnt.replace("'''", "\x03\x02").replace("''", "\x03\x1f")
def parse_infobox(cnt):
for v in cnt.split("|"):
yield re.sub(r"^\s*([^=]*[^=\s])\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$", "\x03\x02" + r"\1" + ":\x03\x02 " + r"\2", v).replace("<br />", ", ").replace("<br/>", ", ").strip()
yield re.sub(r"^\s+(.+)\s+$", "\x03\x02" + r"\1" + "\x03\x02", v).replace("<br />", ", ").replace("<br/>", ", ").strip()
def get_page(site, term, subpart=None, **kwargs):
raw = get_raw_page(site, term, **kwargs)
@ -146,7 +159,7 @@ def get_page(site, term, subpart=None, **kwargs):
subpart = subpart.replace("_", " ")
raw = re.sub(r"^.*(?P<title>==+)\s*(" + subpart + r")\s*(?P=title)", r"\1 \2 \1", raw, flags=re.DOTALL)
return strip_model(raw)
return raw
# NEMUBOT #############################################################
@ -158,8 +171,8 @@ def mediawiki_response(site, term, to, **kwargs):
# Print the article if it exists
return Response(get_page(site, terms[0], subpart=terms[1] if len(terms) > 1 else None, **kwargs),
line_treat=lambda line: irc_format(parse_wikitext(site, line, ns)),
return Response(strip_model(get_page(site, terms[0], subpart=terms[1] if len(terms) > 1 else None, **kwargs)),
line_treat=lambda line: irc_format(parse_wikitext(site, line, ns, **kwargs)),
@ -188,11 +201,10 @@ def cmd_mediawiki(msg):
return mediawiki_response(msg.args[0],
" ".join(msg.args[1:]),
ssl="ssl" in msg.kwargs,
path=msg.kwargs["path"] if "path" in msg.kwargs else "/w/api.php")
help="Search an article on a MediaWiki",
"ssl": "query over https instead of http",
@ -204,14 +216,29 @@ def cmd_srchmediawiki(msg):
res = Response(channel=msg.to_response, nomore="No more results", count=" (%d more results)")
for r in search(msg.args[0], " ".join(msg.args[1:]),
ssl="ssl" in msg.kwargs,
path=msg.kwargs["path"] if "path" in msg.kwargs else "/w/api.php"):
for r in search(msg.args[0], " ".join(msg.args[1:]), **msg.kwargs):
res.append_message("%s: %s" % r)
return res
help="Highlight information from an article on a MediaWiki",
"ssl": "query over https instead of http",
"path=PATH": "absolute path to the API",
def cmd_infobox(msg):
if len(msg.args) < 2:
raise IMException("indicate a domain and a term to search")
ns = get_namespaces(msg.args[0], **msg.kwargs)
return Response(", ".join([x for x in parse_infobox(get_model(get_page(msg.args[0], " ".join(msg.args[1:]), **msg.kwargs), "Infobox"))]),
line_treat=lambda line: irc_format(parse_wikitext(msg.args[0], line, ns, **msg.kwargs)),
def cmd_wikipedia(msg):
if len(msg.args) < 2: