[syno] Dusting module

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nemunaire 2015-11-08 01:11:40 +01:00
parent 1ef54426bc
commit 00fa139e54

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# coding=utf-8
"""Find synonyms"""
# PYTHON STUFFS #######################################################
import re
from urllib.parse import quote
@ -9,14 +9,10 @@ from nemubot.exception import IMException
from nemubot.hooks import hook
from nemubot.tools import web
nemubotversion = 4.0
from more import Response
def help_full():
return "!syno [LANG] <word>: give a list of synonyms for <word>."
# LOADING #############################################################
def load(context):
global lang_binding
@ -30,6 +26,8 @@ def load(context):
lang_binding["en"] = lambda word: get_english_synos(context.config["bighugelabskey"], word)
# MODULE CORE #########################################################
def get_french_synos(word):
url = "http://www.crisco.unicaen.fr/des/synonymes/" + quote(word.encode("ISO-8859-1"))
page = web.getURLContent(url)
@ -72,24 +70,29 @@ def get_english_synos(key, word):
lang_binding = { 'fr': get_french_synos }
@hook.command("synonymes", data="synonymes")
@hook.command("antonymes", data="antonymes")
# MODULE INTERFACE ####################################################
@hook.command("synonymes", data="synonymes",
help="give a list of synonyms",
help_usage={"WORD": "give synonyms of the given WORD"},
"lang=LANG": "change the dictionnary language: default fr, available: " + ", ".join(lang_binding)
@hook.command("antonymes", data="antonymes",
help="give a list of antonyms",
help_usage={"WORD": "give antonyms of the given WORD"},
"lang=LANG": "change the dictionnary language: default fr, available: " + ", ".join(lang_binding)
def go(msg, what):
if not len(msg.args):
raise IMException("de quel mot veux-tu connaître la liste des synonymes ?")
# Detect lang
if msg.args[0] in lang_binding:
func = lang_binding[msg.args[0]]
word = ' '.join(msg.args[1:])
func = lang_binding["fr"]
lang = msg.kwargs["lang"] if "lang" in msg.kwargs else "fr"
word = ' '.join(msg.args)
# TODO: depreciate usage without lang
#raise IMException("language %s is not handled yet." % msg.args[0])
best, synos, anton = func(word)
best, synos, anton = lang_binding[lang](word)
best, synos, anton = (list(), list(), list())