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2014-08-27 23:39:31 +00:00
"""Create countdowns and reminders"""
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
import re
2014-09-30 21:51:14 +00:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
from nemubot import context
from nemubot.exception import IMException
from nemubot.event import ModuleEvent
from nemubot.hooks import hook
2015-11-11 16:57:08 +00:00
from nemubot.message import Command
from nemubot.tools.countdown import countdown_format, countdown
2015-01-05 09:18:40 +00:00
from nemubot.tools.date import extractDate
from nemubot.tools.xmlparser.node import ModuleState
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
from nemubot.module.more import Response
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
def help_full ():
return "This module store a lot of events: ny, we, " + (", ".join(context.datas.index.keys() if hasattr(context, "datas") else [])) + "\n!eventslist: gets list of timer\n!start /something/: launch a timer"
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
def load(context):
#Define the index
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
for evt in context.data.index.keys():
if context.data.index[evt].hasAttribute("end"):
event = ModuleEvent(call=fini, call_data=dict(strend=context.data.index[evt]))
event._end = context.data.index[evt].getDate("end")
idt = context.add_event(event)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
if idt is not None:
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
context.data.index[evt]["_id"] = idt
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
def fini(d, strend):
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
context.send_response(strend["server"], Response("%s arrivé à échéance." % strend["name"], channel=strend["channel"], nick=strend["proprio"]))
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
2015-11-02 19:19:12 +00:00
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
def cmd_gouter(msg):
2014-09-30 21:51:14 +00:00
ndate = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
ndate = datetime(ndate.year, ndate.month, ndate.day, 16, 42, 0, 0, timezone.utc)
return Response(countdown_format(ndate,
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
"Le goûter aura lieu dans %s, préparez vos biscuits !",
"Nous avons %s de retard pour le goûter :("),
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
2015-11-02 19:19:12 +00:00
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
def cmd_we(msg):
2014-09-30 21:51:14 +00:00
ndate = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(5 - datetime.today().weekday())
ndate = datetime(ndate.year, ndate.month, ndate.day, 0, 0, 1, 0, timezone.utc)
return Response(countdown_format(ndate,
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
"Il reste %s avant le week-end, courage ;)",
"Youhou, on est en week-end depuis %s."),
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
2015-11-02 19:19:12 +00:00
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
def start_countdown(msg):
"""!start /something/: launch a timer"""
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
if len(msg.args) < 1:
raise IMException("indique le nom d'un événement à chronométrer")
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
if msg.args[0] in context.data.index:
raise IMException("%s existe déjà." % msg.args[0])
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
strnd = ModuleState("strend")
strnd["server"] = msg.server
strnd["channel"] = msg.channel
2017-07-18 04:32:48 +00:00
strnd["proprio"] = msg.frm
2014-10-05 16:19:20 +00:00
strnd["start"] = msg.date
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
strnd["name"] = msg.args[0]
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
evt = ModuleEvent(call=fini, call_data=dict(strend=strnd))
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
if len(msg.args) > 1:
result1 = re.findall("([0-9]+)([smhdjwyaSMHDJWYA])?", msg.args[1])
result2 = re.match("(.*[^0-9])?([0-3]?[0-9])/([0-1]?[0-9])/((19|20)?[01239][0-9])", msg.args[1])
result3 = re.match("(.*[^0-9])?([0-2]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])(:([0-5]?[0-9]))?", msg.args[1])
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
if result2 is not None or result3 is not None:
2014-10-05 16:19:20 +00:00
now = msg.date
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
if result3 is None or result3.group(5) is None: sec = 0
else: sec = int(result3.group(5))
if result3 is None or result3.group(3) is None: minu = 0
else: minu = int(result3.group(3))
if result3 is None or result3.group(2) is None: hou = 0
else: hou = int(result3.group(2))
if result2 is None or result2.group(4) is None: yea = now.year
else: yea = int(result2.group(4))
if result2 is not None and result3 is not None:
2014-09-30 21:51:14 +00:00
strnd["end"] = datetime(yea, int(result2.group(3)), int(result2.group(2)), hou, minu, sec, timezone.utc)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
elif result2 is not None:
2014-09-30 21:51:14 +00:00
strnd["end"] = datetime(int(result2.group(4)), int(result2.group(3)), int(result2.group(2)), 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
elif result3 is not None:
if hou * 3600 + minu * 60 + sec > now.hour * 3600 + now.minute * 60 + now.second:
2014-09-30 21:51:14 +00:00
strnd["end"] = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, hou, minu, sec, timezone.utc)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2014-09-30 21:51:14 +00:00
strnd["end"] = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day + 1, hou, minu, sec, timezone.utc)
2014-09-23 20:27:53 +00:00
evt._end = strnd.getDate("end")
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
strnd["_id"] = context.add_event(evt)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
raise IMException("Mauvais format de date pour l'événement %s. Il n'a pas été créé." % msg.args[0])
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
elif result1 is not None and len(result1) > 0:
2014-10-05 16:19:20 +00:00
strnd["end"] = msg.date
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
for (t, g) in result1:
if g is None or g == "" or g == "m" or g == "M":
strnd["end"] += timedelta(minutes=int(t))
elif g == "h" or g == "H":
strnd["end"] += timedelta(hours=int(t))
elif g == "d" or g == "D" or g == "j" or g == "J":
strnd["end"] += timedelta(days=int(t))
elif g == "w" or g == "W":
strnd["end"] += timedelta(days=int(t)*7)
elif g == "y" or g == "Y" or g == "a" or g == "A":
strnd["end"] += timedelta(days=int(t)*365)
strnd["end"] += timedelta(seconds=int(t))
2014-09-23 20:27:53 +00:00
evt._end = strnd.getDate("end")
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
eid = context.add_event(evt)
2014-09-23 20:27:53 +00:00
if eid is not None:
2014-12-30 20:22:56 +00:00
strnd["_id"] = eid
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
if "end" in strnd:
return Response("%s commencé le %s et se terminera le %s." %
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
(msg.args[0], msg.date.strftime("%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M:%S"),
2014-10-05 16:19:20 +00:00
strnd.getDate("end").strftime("%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M:%S")),
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
return Response("%s commencé le %s"% (msg.args[0],
2014-10-05 16:19:20 +00:00
msg.date.strftime("%A %d %B %Y à %H:%M:%S")),
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
2015-11-02 19:19:12 +00:00
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
def end_countdown(msg):
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
if len(msg.args) < 1:
raise IMException("quel événement terminer ?")
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
if msg.args[0] in context.data.index:
2017-07-18 04:32:48 +00:00
if context.data.index[msg.args[0]]["proprio"] == msg.frm or (msg.cmd == "forceend" and msg.frm_owner):
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
duration = countdown(msg.date - context.data.index[msg.args[0]].getDate("start"))
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
return Response("%s a duré %s." % (msg.args[0], duration),
2017-07-18 04:32:48 +00:00
channel=msg.channel, nick=msg.frm)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
raise IMException("Vous ne pouvez pas terminer le compteur %s, créé par %s." % (msg.args[0], context.data.index[msg.args[0]]["proprio"]))
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2017-07-18 04:32:48 +00:00
return Response("%s n'est pas un compteur connu."% (msg.args[0]), channel=msg.channel, nick=msg.frm)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
2015-11-02 19:19:12 +00:00
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
def liste(msg):
"""!eventslist: gets list of timer"""
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
if len(msg.args):
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
res = list()
2015-07-10 21:09:54 +00:00
for user in msg.args:
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
cmptr = [x["name"] for x in context.data.index.values() if x["proprio"] == user]
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
if len(cmptr) > 0:
res.append("Compteurs créés par %s : %s" % (user, ", ".join(cmptr)))
res.append("%s n'a pas créé de compteur" % user)
return Response(" ; ".join(res), channel=msg.channel)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-02-11 17:12:39 +00:00
return Response("Compteurs connus : %s." % ", ".join(context.data.index.keys()), channel=msg.channel)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
2015-11-11 16:57:08 +00:00
@hook.command(match=lambda msg: isinstance(msg, Command) and msg.cmd in context.data.index)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
def parseanswer(msg):
2015-11-11 16:57:08 +00:00
res = Response(channel=msg.channel)
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-11-11 16:57:08 +00:00
# Avoid message starting by ! which can be interpreted as command by other bots
if msg.cmd[0] == "!":
2017-07-18 04:32:48 +00:00
res.nick = msg.frm
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-11-11 16:57:08 +00:00
if context.data.index[msg.cmd].name == "strend":
if context.data.index[msg.cmd].hasAttribute("end"):
res.append_message("%s commencé il y a %s et se terminera dans %s." % (msg.cmd, countdown(msg.date - context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("start")), countdown(context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("end") - msg.date)))
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-11-11 16:57:08 +00:00
res.append_message("%s commencé il y a %s." % (msg.cmd, countdown(msg.date - context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("start"))))
res.append_message(countdown_format(context.data.index[msg.cmd].getDate("start"), context.data.index[msg.cmd]["msg_before"], context.data.index[msg.cmd]["msg_after"]))
return res
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
RGXP_ask = re.compile(r"^.*((create|new)\s+(a|an|a\s*new|an\s*other)?\s*(events?|commande?)|(nouvel(le)?|ajoute|cr[ée]{1,3})\s+(un)?\s*([eé]v[ée]nements?|commande?)).*$", re.I)
2017-07-18 04:48:15 +00:00
@hook.ask(match=lambda msg: RGXP_ask.match(msg.message))
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
def parseask(msg):
2017-07-18 04:48:15 +00:00
name = re.match("^.*!([^ \"'@!]+).*$", msg.message)
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
if name is None:
raise IMException("il faut que tu attribues une commande à l'événement.")
if name.group(1) in context.data.index:
raise IMException("un événement portant ce nom existe déjà.")
2017-07-18 04:48:15 +00:00
texts = re.match("^[^\"]*(avant|après|apres|before|after)?[^\"]*\"([^\"]+)\"[^\"]*((avant|après|apres|before|after)?.*\"([^\"]+)\".*)?$", msg.message, re.I)
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
if texts is not None and texts.group(3) is not None:
2017-07-18 04:48:15 +00:00
extDate = extractDate(msg.message)
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
if extDate is None or extDate == "":
raise IMException("la date de l'événement est invalide !")
if texts.group(1) is not None and (texts.group(1) == "après" or texts.group(1) == "apres" or texts.group(1) == "after"):
msg_after = texts.group(2)
msg_before = texts.group(5)
if (texts.group(4) is not None and (texts.group(4) == "après" or texts.group(4) == "apres" or texts.group(4) == "after")) or texts.group(1) is None:
msg_before = texts.group(2)
msg_after = texts.group(5)
if msg_before.find("%s") == -1 or msg_after.find("%s") == -1:
raise IMException("Pour que l'événement soit valide, ajouter %s à"
" l'endroit où vous voulez que soit ajouté le"
" compte à rebours.")
evt = ModuleState("event")
evt["server"] = msg.server
evt["channel"] = msg.channel
2017-07-18 04:32:48 +00:00
evt["proprio"] = msg.frm
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
evt["name"] = name.group(1)
evt["start"] = extDate
evt["msg_after"] = msg_after
evt["msg_before"] = msg_before
return Response("Nouvel événement !%s ajouté avec succès." % name.group(1),
elif texts is not None and texts.group(2) is not None:
evt = ModuleState("event")
evt["server"] = msg.server
evt["channel"] = msg.channel
2017-07-18 04:32:48 +00:00
evt["proprio"] = msg.frm
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
evt["name"] = name.group(1)
evt["msg_before"] = texts.group (2)
return Response("Nouvelle commande !%s ajoutée avec succès." % name.group(1),
2014-08-08 17:45:41 +00:00
2015-11-14 15:17:25 +00:00
raise IMException("Veuillez indiquez les messages d'attente et d'après événement entre guillemets.")