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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
e8fd423e5f Add air quality indicators 2023-04-18 15:17:17 +02:00
7b0a3dd5ac Use 2023-04-18 14:33:27 +02:00
3 changed files with 271 additions and 397 deletions

View File

@ -98,7 +98,11 @@ def main(only_on_coming_evt=False, ignore_module=[], force_coming_event=True, ex
if occuped_space < 250:
# weekly weather
from import WeeklyWeatherModule
shape.append(WidgetPlacement(WeeklyWeatherModule, size=(int(480/1.6), 275), position=(480-int(480/1.6), NEXT_STOP_Y + occuped_space + (5 if occuped_space else 0))))
shape.append(WidgetPlacement(WeeklyWeatherModule, size=(int(480/1.6), 165), position=(480-int(480/1.6), NEXT_STOP_Y + occuped_space + (5 if occuped_space else 0))))
# air quality
from import WeatherAirQualityModule
shape.append(WidgetPlacement(WeatherAirQualityModule, size=(int(480/1.6), 100), position=(480-int(480/1.6), NEXT_STOP_Y + 165 + occuped_space + (5 if occuped_space else 0))))
# RATP weather
major_lines = ["M7", "M14", "RB", "TT3A"]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
import io
import itertools
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
@ -40,6 +41,44 @@ def draw_format_infos(infos, width, height, fnt_R, fnt_B, label_margin, align_he
return image
def draw_format_array(infos, width, height, fnt_R, fnt_B, label_margin, align_height=0, margin_bf_first=True, **kwargs):
image ='RGBA', (int(width), int(height)))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
nb_infos = len(infos.keys())
size = 0
title_hsize = 0
text_hsize = 0
for k,v in infos.items():
ksize,ksizeH = fnt_R.getsize(k)
vsize,vsizeH = fnt_B.getsize(v)
if title_hsize < ksizeH:
title_hsize = ksizeH
if text_hsize < vsizeH:
text_hsize = vsizeH
size += max(ksize,vsize)
size += label_margin
margin = (width - size) / nb_infos
align = 0
if margin_bf_first:
align += margin / 2
for k,v in infos.items():
size = max(fnt_R.getsize(k)[0],fnt_B.getsize(v)[0])
(align + (0 if "anchor" not in kwargs or kwargs["anchor"][0] != "m" else size/2), align_height-title_hsize/2),
font=fnt_R, **kwargs
(align + (0 if "anchor" not in kwargs or kwargs["anchor"][0] != "m" else size/2), align_height+text_hsize/2),
font=fnt_B, **kwargs
align += size + margin
return image
class WeatherToolbarModule:
def __init__(self):
@ -55,10 +94,10 @@ class WeatherToolbarModule:
weather = WeatherAPI().get_currently()
infos = {
"Vent": "%d km/h" % weather["windSpeed"],
"Vent": "%d km/h" % weather["wind_kph"],
"Humidité": "%d%%" % (weather["humidity"]),
"Indice UV": str(weather["uvIndex"]),
"Pression": "%d hPa" % weather["pressureSurfaceLevel"],
"Indice UV": str(int(weather["uv"])),
"Pression": "%d hPa" % weather["pressure_mb"],
txt = draw_format_infos(infos, width, height, fnt_R, fnt_B, self.label_margin, align_height=height/2, anchor="lm")
@ -82,21 +121,21 @@ class WeatherJumboCurrentModule:
# current
curweather = WeatherAPI().get_currently()
icon ="icons/" + WeatherAPI.get_icon(curweather["weatherCode"], current=True)).resize((height, height))
icon ="icons/" + WeatherAPI.get_icon(curweather["condition"]["code"], night=not curweather["is_day"], current=True)).resize((height, height))
image.paste(icon, (int(width*self.middle_align - height), 0), icon)
(width*self.middle_align, height/3),
"%d˚ %s." % (math.trunc(curweather["temperature"]), curweather["summary"] if "summary" in curweather else WeatherAPI.get_description(curweather["weatherCode"])),
"%d˚ %s." % (math.trunc(curweather["temp_c"]), curweather["condition"]["text"]),
fill="black", anchor="ld", font=fnt_Big
thisdayweather = WeatherAPI().get_daily()[0]["values"]
thisdayweather = list(itertools.islice(WeatherAPI().get_daily(), 1))[0]
infos = {
"Ressentie": "%d˚" % curweather["temperatureApparent"],
"Minimale": "%d˚" % thisdayweather["temperatureMin"],
"Maximale": "%d˚" % thisdayweather["temperatureMax"],
"Ressentie": "%d˚" % curweather["feelslike_c"],
"Minimale": "%d˚" % thisdayweather["mintemp_c"],
"Maximale": "%d˚" % thisdayweather["maxtemp_c"],
txt = draw_format_infos(infos, (1-self.middle_align) * width, 20, fnt_R, fnt_B, 5, margin_bf_first=False, fill="black", anchor="lt")
@ -105,13 +144,12 @@ class WeatherJumboCurrentModule:
# day
fnt_Rig = ImageFont.truetype(config.fnt_R_path, 20)
dailyweather = WeatherAPI().get_daily()
dayweather = WeatherAPI().get_hourly()
dayweather = list(itertools.islice(WeatherAPI().get_hourly(), 2))
if dayweather[0]["values"]["weatherCode"] != dayweather[1]["values"]["weatherCode"]:
display_longtext(draw, (width*self.middle_align, height/1.28), WeatherAPI.get_description(dayweather[1]["values"]["weatherCode"]) + " la prochaine heure.\n" + WeatherAPI.get_description(dailyweather[0]["values"]["weatherCodeMax"]) + " aujourd'hui.", fill="black", anchor="lm", font=fnt_Rig, maxwidth=(1-self.middle_align)*width)
if dayweather[0]["condition"]["text"] != dayweather[1]["condition"]["text"]:
display_longtext(draw, (width*self.middle_align, height/1.28), dayweather[1]["condition"]["text"] + " la prochaine heure.\n" + thisdayweather["condition"]["text"] + " aujourd'hui.", fill="black", anchor="lm", font=fnt_Rig, maxwidth=(1-self.middle_align)*width)
display_longtext(draw, (width*self.middle_align, height/1.28), WeatherAPI.get_description(dayweather[0]["values"]["weatherCodeMax"]) + " aujourd'hui", fill="black", anchor="lm", font=fnt_Rig, maxwidth=(1-self.middle_align)*width)
display_longtext(draw, (width*self.middle_align, height/1.28), thisdayweather["condition"]["text"] + " aujourd'hui", fill="black", anchor="lm", font=fnt_Rig, maxwidth=(1-self.middle_align)*width)
return image
@ -133,12 +171,12 @@ class WeatherSunModule:
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
fnt_R = ImageFont.truetype(config.fnt_R_path, int(height*0.7))
thisdayweather = WeatherAPI().get_daily()[0]["values"]
thisdayweather = list(itertools.islice(WeatherAPI().get_daily(), 1))[0]
import time
infos = {
"sunrise": WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(thisdayweather["sunriseTime"]).strftime("%X"),
"sunset": WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(thisdayweather["sunsetTime"]).strftime("%X"),
"sunrise": thisdayweather["sunrise"],
"sunset": thisdayweather["sunset"],
align = start_align
@ -163,32 +201,35 @@ class WeatherRainModule:
def draw_module(self, config, width, height):
if >= 21:
thisdayweather = WeatherAPI().get_daily()[1]["values"]
thisdayweather = list(itertools.islice(WeatherAPI().get_daily(), 2))[1]
thisdayweather = WeatherAPI().get_daily()[0]["values"]
thisdayweather = list(itertools.islice(WeatherAPI().get_daily(), 1))[0]
gauge = pygal.SolidGauge(config.pygal_config, half_pie=True, inner_radius=0.70, width=width, height=height*1.55, style=config.pygal_custom_style, show_legend=False, margin_top=-height*0.58, margin_left=1, margin_right=1)
percent_formatter = lambda x: '{:.10g}%'.format(x)
gauge.value_formatter = percent_formatter
if thisdayweather["precipitationProbabilityMax"] == 0 and thisdayweather["uvIndexMax"] > 4:
gauge.add('Index UV', [{'value': thisdayweather["uvIndexMax"] * 10}])
icon_path = "wi-hot.png"
elif thisdayweather["precipitationProbabilityMax"] > 0:
gauge.add('Pluie', [{'value': thisdayweather["precipitationProbabilityMax"] + 1}])
if thisdayweather["daily_chance_of_snow"] > 0:
gauge.add('Neige', [{'value': thisdayweather["daily_chance_of_snow"] + 1}])
icon_path = "wi-snowflake-cold.png"
elif thisdayweather["daily_chance_of_rain"] > 0:
gauge.add('Pluie', [{'value': thisdayweather["daily_chance_of_rain"] + 1}])
icon_path = "wi-umbrella.png"
elif thisdayweather["windSpeedMax"] > 50:
gauge.add('Vent', [{'value': thisdayweather["windSpeedMax"], 'color': '#999'}])
elif thisdayweather["uv"] > 4:
gauge.add('Index UV', [{'value': thisdayweather["uv"] * 10}])
icon_path = "wi-hot.png"
elif thisdayweather["maxwind_kph"] > 50:
gauge.add('Vent', [{'value': thisdayweather["maxwind_kph"], 'color': '#999'}])
icon_path = "wi-strong-wind.png"
elif thisdayweather["visibilityMin"] < 10:
gauge.add('Visibilité', [{'value': thisdayweather["visibilityMin"] * 10, 'color': '#999'}])
elif thisdayweather["avgvis_km"] < 10:
gauge.add('Visibilité', [{'value': thisdayweather["avgvis_km"] * 10, 'color': '#999'}])
icon_path = "wi-fog.png"
elif thisdayweather["cloudCoverAvg"] > 40:
gauge.add('Couverture nuageuse', [{'value': thisdayweather["cloudCoverAvg"], 'color': '#999'}])
icon_path = "wi-cloudy.png"
gauge.add('Pluie', [{'value': thisdayweather["precipitationProbabilityMax"]}])
icon_path = "wi-na.png"
gauge.add("Qualité de l'air", [{'value': thisdayweather["air_quality"]["gb-defra-index"] * 10}])
if thisdayweather["air_quality"]["gb-defra-index"] >= 5:
icon_path = "wi-smog.png"
icon_path = "wi-smoke.png"
image =
@ -204,33 +245,33 @@ class WeatherTemperatureModule:
self.limit_futur = 30
def draw_module(self, config, width, height):
thisdayweather = WeatherAPI().get_daily()
if >= 19 and thisdayweather[1]["precipitationProbabilityMax"] > thisdayweather[0]["precipitationProbabilityMax"]:
thisdayweather = list(itertools.islice(WeatherAPI().get_daily(), 2))
if >= 19 and thisdayweather[1]["totalprecip_mm"] > thisdayweather[0]["totalprecip_mm"]:
thisdayweather = thisdayweather[1]
thisdayweather = thisdayweather[0]
hours_weather = WeatherAPI().get_hourly()
hours_weather = [h for h in WeatherAPI().get_hourly()]
hourly_min = 0
hourly_max = 0
for h in hours_weather:
if hourly_min > h["values"]["temperature"]:
hourly_min = h["values"]["temperature"]
if hourly_max < h["values"]["temperature"]:
hourly_max = h["values"]["temperature"]
if hourly_min > h["temp_c"]:
hourly_min = h["temp_c"]
if hourly_max < h["temp_c"]:
hourly_max = h["temp_c"]
line_chart = pygal.Line(config.pygal_config, interpolate='cubic', width=width+10, height=height, inverse_y_axis=False, x_label_rotation=45, range=(hourly_min, hourly_max), secondary_range=(0,100) if thisdayweather["values"]["precipitationProbabilityMax"] > 0 else (0,10), **config.charts_opts)
line_chart = pygal.Line(config.pygal_config, interpolate='hermite', interpolation_parameters={'type': 'kochanek_bartels', 'b': -1, 'c': 1, 't': 1}, width=width+10, height=height, inverse_y_axis=False, x_label_rotation=45, range=(hourly_min, hourly_max), secondary_range=(0,100) if thisdayweather["totalprecip_mm"] + thisdayweather["totalsnow_cm"] > 0 else (0,10), **config.charts_opts)
line_chart.value_formatter = lambda x: "%d" % x
line_chart.x_labels = [WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(d["time"]).strftime("%Hh") if WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(d["time"]).hour % 2 == 0 else "" for d in hours_weather[:self.limit_futur]]
line_chart.x_labels = [WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(d["time_epoch"]).strftime("%Hh") if WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(d["time_epoch"]).hour % 2 == 0 else "" for d in hours_weather[:self.limit_futur]]
line_chart.add('Températures', [d["values"]["temperature"] for d in hours_weather[:self.limit_futur]], show_dots=False)
line_chart.add('Températures', [d["temp_c"] for d in hours_weather[:self.limit_futur]], show_dots=False)
if thisdayweather["values"]["precipitationProbabilityMax"] > 0:
line_chart.add('Précipitations', [d["values"]["precipitationProbability"] for d in hours_weather[:self.limit_futur]], secondary=True, show_dots=False, fill=True if hourly_min == 0 else False)
if thisdayweather["totalprecip_mm"] + thisdayweather["totalsnow_cm"] > 0:
line_chart.add('Précipitations', [d["chance_of_rain"] + d["chance_of_snow"] for d in hours_weather[:self.limit_futur]], secondary=True, show_dots=False, fill=True if hourly_min == 0 else False)
line_chart.add('Index UV', [d["values"]["uvIndex"] for d in hours_weather[:self.limit_futur]], secondary=True, show_dots=False)
line_chart.add('Index UV', [d["uv"] for d in hours_weather[:self.limit_futur]], secondary=True, show_dots=False)
img =
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
@ -255,60 +296,60 @@ class WeeklyWeatherModule:
fnt_R = ImageFont.truetype(config.fnt_R_path, 14)
fnt_B = ImageFont.truetype(config.fnt_RB_path, 14)
weekweather = WeatherAPI().get_daily()
weekweather = [d for d in WeatherAPI().get_daily()]
nbdays = len(weekweather[self.first_day:self.first_day+self.limit_futur])
day_size = min(40, int(height / (nbdays + 1)))
(day_size + (width - day_size)/2, day_size / 2 + 5),
weekweather["summary"] if "summary" in weekweather else "",
weekweather["summary"] if "summary" in weekweather else "",
fill="black", anchor="mm", font=fnt_B,
maxwidth=width - day_size
temp = []
for day in weekweather[self.first_day:self.first_day+self.limit_futur]:
t_min = min(temp)
t_max = max(temp)
t_scale = (width - day_size - 30) / (t_max - t_min)
i = 1
for day in weekweather[self.first_day:self.first_day+self.limit_futur]:
icon ="icons/" + WeatherAPI.get_icon(day["values"]["weatherCodeMax"])).resize((day_size, day_size))
icon ="icons/" + WeatherAPI.get_icon(day["condition"]["code"])).resize((day_size, day_size))
image.paste(icon, (0, i * day_size), icon)
(15 + 2 + day_size + int((day["values"]["temperatureMin"]-t_min)*t_scale), i*day_size + 4),
"%d˚" % math.trunc(day["values"]["temperatureMax"]),
(15 + 2 + day_size + int((day["mintemp_c"]-t_min)*t_scale), i*day_size + 4),
"%d˚" % math.trunc(day["mintemp_c"]),
fill="black", anchor="rt", font=fnt_R
summary_size = fnt_R.getsize(WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(day["time"]).strftime("%a") + " : " + (day["values"]["summary"] if "summary" in day["values"] else WeatherAPI.get_description(day["values"]["weatherCodeMax"])))[0]
summary_size = fnt_R.getsize(day["date"].strftime("%a") + " : " + day["condition"]["text"])[0]
(day_size + (width - day_size - summary_size) / 2, (i + 1) * day_size - 6),
WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(day["time"]).strftime("%a") + " : ",
day["date"].strftime("%a") + " : ",
fill="#666", anchor="ls", font=fnt_R
(day_size + (width - day_size + summary_size) / 2, (i + 1) * day_size - 6),
day["values"]["summary"] if "summary" in day["values"] else WeatherAPI.get_description(day["values"]["weatherCodeMax"]),
fill="black", anchor="rs", font=fnt_R
(day_size + int((day["values"]["temperatureMax"]-t_min)*t_scale) + 2, i * day_size + 4),
"%d˚" % math.trunc(day["values"]["temperatureMax"]),
(day_size + int((day["maxtemp_c"]-t_min)*t_scale) + 2, i * day_size + 4),
"%d˚" % math.trunc(day["maxtemp_c"]),
fill="black", anchor="lt", font=fnt_R
(15 + day_size + int((day["values"]["temperatureMin"]-t_min)*t_scale),i*day_size + 4,day_size + int((day["values"]["temperatureMax"]-t_min)*t_scale),i*day_size + 14),
(15 + day_size + int((day["mintemp_c"]-t_min)*t_scale),i*day_size + 4,day_size + int((day["maxtemp_c"]-t_min)*t_scale),i*day_size + 14),
radius=5, fill="black")
except AttributeError:
(15 + day_size + int((day["values"]["temperatureMin"]-t_min)*t_scale),i*day_size + 4,day_size + int((day["values"]["temperatureMax"]-t_min)*t_scale),i*day_size + 14),
(15 + day_size + int((day["mintemp_c"]-t_min)*t_scale),i*day_size + 4,day_size + int((day["maxtemp_c"]-t_min)*t_scale),i*day_size + 14),
i += 1
@ -320,30 +361,63 @@ class WeatherAlerts:
def gen_alerts(self):
alerts = []
if WeatherAPI().has_alerts():
for alert in WeatherAPI().get_alerts():
if alert["severity"] == "watch" or alert["title"].startswith("Moderate"):
icon = "wi-small-craft-advisory.png"
elif alert["severity"] == "warning":
icon = "wi-gale-warning.png"
icon = None
for alert in WeatherAPI().get_alerts():
if alert["severity"] == "Moderate":
icon = "wi-small-craft-advisory.png"
elif alert["severity"] != "Moderate":
icon = "wi-gale-warning.png"
icon = None
startTime = WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(alert["time"])
endTime = WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(alert["expires"])
# Show alert timing if under a day
if startTime.hour != endTime.hour:
subtitle = startTime.strftime(("%x " if != else "") + "%X") + " - " + endTime.strftime(("%x " if != else "") + "%X")
elif !=
subtitle = startTime.strftime("%x")
subtitle = ""
startTime = WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(alert["effective"])
endTime = WeatherAPI().read_timestamp(alert["expires"])
# Show alert timing if under a day
if startTime.hour != endTime.hour:
subtitle = startTime.strftime(("%x " if != else "") + "%X") + " - " + endTime.strftime(("%x " if != else "") + "%X")
elif !=
subtitle = startTime.strftime("%x")
subtitle = ""
"icon": icon,
"title": alert["title"],
"subtitle": subtitle,
"description": alert["description"],
"icon": icon,
"title": alert["headline"],
"subtitle": subtitle,
"description": alert["desc"],
return alerts
class WeatherAirQualityModule:
def __init__(self):
self.label_margin = 3
def draw_module(self, config, width, height):
image ='RGB', (width, height), 'white')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
fnt_R = ImageFont.truetype(config.fnt_R_path, 16)
fnt_B = ImageFont.truetype(config.fnt_RB_path, 20)
weather = WeatherAPI().get_currently()
infos1 = {
"CO": "%d μg/m³" % weather["air_quality"]["co"],
"O3": "%d μg/m³" % (weather["air_quality"]["o3"]),
"NO2": "%d μg/m³" % (weather["air_quality"]["no2"]),
infos2 = {
"SO2": "%d μg/m³" % (weather["air_quality"]["so2"]),
"PM2.5": "%d μg/m³" % (weather["air_quality"]["pm2_5"]),
"PM10": "%d μg/m³" % (weather["air_quality"]["pm10"]),
txt = draw_format_array(infos1, width, height/2, fnt_R, fnt_B, self.label_margin, align_height=height/4, anchor="mm", fill="black")
image.paste(txt, (0,0), txt)
txt = draw_format_array(infos2, width, height/2, fnt_R, fnt_B, self.label_margin, align_height=height/4, anchor="mm", fill="black")
image.paste(txt, (0,int(height/2)), txt)
return image

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import itertools
import json
import os
import urllib.error
@ -6,33 +7,41 @@ import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
class TomorrowAPI:
class WeatherAPI:
def __init__(self, apikey=None, gps=None, opts={"units": "metric"}):
self.apikey = apikey or os.environ["TOMORROWAPIKEY"]
self.baseurl = ""
def __init__(self, apikey=None, gps=None, opts={"lang": "fr", "units": "metric"}):
self.apikey = apikey or os.environ["WEATHERAPIKEY"]
self.baseurl = ""
self.default_gps = gps or ("GPS" in os.environ and os.environ["GPS"]) or "48.8127,2.3437"
self.opts = opts
self._cached_file = ".weather-%s-%s.cache"
def get_weather(self, apitype="forecast", gps=None):
def get_weather(self, apitype="forecast", gps=None, **params):
if gps is None:
gps = self.default_gps
cached_filename = self._cached_file % (apitype + ("" if "dt" not in params else "-{}".format(params["dt"])), gps)
# Read the mod time
statinfo = None
statinfo = os.stat(self._cached_file % (apitype, gps))
statinfo = os.stat(cached_filename)
params["q"] = gps
params["key"] = str(self.apikey)
params["alerts"] = "yes"
params["aqi"] = "yes"
for k in self.opts:
params[k] = self.opts[k]
if statinfo is None or datetime.fromtimestamp(statinfo.st_mtime, tz=timezone.utc) + timedelta(hours=1) <
# Do the request and save it
with urllib.request.urlopen(self.baseurl + "/weather/" + apitype + "?location=" + gps + "&apikey=" + str(self.apikey) + "&" + ("&".join([opt+"="+self.opts[opt] for opt in self.opts]))) as f:
with open(self._cached_file % (apitype, gps), 'wb') as fd:
with urllib.request.urlopen(self.baseurl + "/" + apitype + ".json?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)) as f:
with open(cached_filename, 'wb') as fd:
except ConnectionResetError:
@ -42,7 +51,7 @@ class TomorrowAPI:
# Retrieve cached data
res = {}
with open(self._cached_file % (apitype, gps)) as f:
with open(cached_filename) as f:
res = json.load(f)
return res
@ -54,366 +63,153 @@ class TomorrowAPI:
return "wi-day-sunny.png"
return "wi-night-clear.png"
elif icon == 1100:
elif icon == 1003:
if not night:
return "wi-day-cloudy.png"
return "wi-night-alt-cloudy.png"
elif icon == 1006:
return "wi-cloudy.png"
elif icon == 1009:
if not night:
return "wi-day-sunny-overcast.png"
return "wi-night-alt-partly-cloudy.png"
elif icon == 1101:
elif icon == 1030 or icon == 1072:
if not night:
return "wi-day-cloudy-high.png"
return "wi-night-partly-cloudy.png"
elif icon == 1102:
return "wi-cloud.png"
elif icon == 1001:
return "wi-cloudy.png"
elif icon == 1103:
if not night:
return "wi-day-cloudy-high.png"
return "night-cloud-high.png"
elif icon == 2000:
return "wi-fog.png"
elif icon == 2100 or icon == 2101 or icon == 2102 or icon == 2103 or icon == 2106 or icon == 2107 or icon == 2108:
if not night:
return "wi-day-fog.png"
return "wi-day-haze.png"
return "wi-night-fog.png"
elif icon == 4000:
return "wi-sprinkle.png"
elif icon == 4000:
return "wi-sprinkle.png"
elif icon == 4200:
return "wi-showers.png"
elif icon == 4001:
return "wi-rain.png"
elif icon == 4201:
return "wi-showers.png"
elif icon == 4203 or icon == 4204 or icon == 4205 or icon == 4213 or icon == 4214 or icon == 4215 or icon == 4209 or icon == 4208 or icon == 4210 or icon == 4211 or icon == 4202 or icon == 4212:
elif icon == 1063:
if not night:
return "wi-day-rain.png"
return "wi-night-alt-rain.png"
elif icon == 5001 or icon == 5100 or icon == 5000 or icon == 5101:
return "wi-snow.png"
elif icon == 5115 or icon == 5116:
elif icon == 1066:
if not night:
return "wi-day-snow.png"
return "wi-night-alt-snow.png"
elif icon == 1069 or icon == 1204:
if not night:
return "wi-day-sleet.png"
return "wi-night-sleet.png"
elif icon == 5122 or icon == 5110 or icon == 5108 or icon == 5114 or icon == 5112:
return "wi-night-alt-sleet.png"
elif icon == 1087:
if not night:
return "wi-day-lightning.png"
return "wi-night-alt-lightning.png"
elif icon == 1114 or icon == 1219 or icon == 1222 or icon == 1258:
return "wi-snow.png"
elif icon == 1117 or icon == 1225:
return "wi-snow-wind.png"
elif icon == 1135 or icon == 1147:
return "wi-fog.png"
elif icon == 1150 or icon == 1153:
return "wi-sprinkle.png"
elif icon == 1168 or icon == 1171 or icon == 1198 or icon == 1201:
return "wi-snowflake-cold.png"
elif icon == 1180 or icon == 1183 or icon == 1186:
if not night:
return "wi-day-rain.png"
return "wi-night-alt-rain.png"
elif icon == 1189 or icon == 1192 or icon == 1195:
return "wi-rain.png"
elif icon == 1240 or icon == 1243:
return "wi-showers.png"
elif icon == 1246:
return "wi-tsunami.png"
elif icon == 1207 or icon == 1249 or icon == 1252:
return "wi-sleet.png"
elif icon == 5103 or icon == 5104 or icon == 5105 or icon == 5106 or icon == 5107 or icon == 5119 or icon == 5120 or icon == 5121:
elif icon == 1210 or icon == 1213 or icon == 1216 or icon == 1255:
if not night:
return "wi-day-snow.png"
return "wi-night-snow.png"
elif icon == 6000 or icon == 6200 or icon == 6001 or icon == 6201 or icon == 6204 or icon == 6206 or icon == 6212 or icon == 6220 or icon == 6222:
return "wi-sprinkle.png"
elif icon == 6003 or icon == 6002 or icon == 6004 or icon == 6205 or icon == 6203 or icon == 6209 or icon == 6213 or icon == 6214 or icon == 6215 or icon == 6207 or icon == 6202 or icon == 6208:
if not night:
return "wi-day-sprinkle.png"
return "wi-night-sprinkle.png"
elif icon == 7102 or icon == 7000 or icon == 7101 or icon == 7105 or icon == 7115 or icon == 7117 or icon == 7106 or icon == 7103:
elif icon == 1237:
return "wi-hail.png"
elif icon == 7110 or icon == 7111 or icon == 7112 or icon == 7108 or icon == 7107 or icon == 7109 or icon == 7114 or icon == 7116:
elif icon == 1261 or icon == 1264:
if not night:
return "wi-day-hail.png"
return "wi-night-hail.png"
elif icon == 8000:
return "wi-thunderstorm.png"
elif icon == 8001 or icon == 8003 or icon == 8002:
elif icon == 1273 or icon == 1276:
if not night:
return "wi-day-thunderstorm.png"
return "wi-night-thunderstorm.png"
elif icon == 1279 or icon == 1282:
if not night:
return "wi-day-snow-thunderstorm.png"
return "wi-night-snow-thunderstorm.png"
return "wi-alien.png"
def get_description(icon, night=False):
if icon == 1000:
if not night:
return "Ensoleillé"
return "Temps clair"
elif icon == 1100:
return "Dégagé"
elif icon == 1101:
return "Partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 1102:
return "Plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 1001:
return "Nuageux"
elif icon == 1103:
return "Dégagé et nuageux"
elif icon == 2000:
return "Brouillard"
elif icon == 2100:
return "Brouillard léger"
elif icon == 2101:
return "Brouillard léger et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 2102:
return "Brouillard léger et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 2103:
return "Brouillard léger et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 2106:
return "Brouillard et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 2107:
return "Brouillard et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 2108:
return "Brouillard et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 4000:
return "Bruine"
elif icon == 4200:
return "Pluie légère"
elif icon == 4001:
return "Pluie"
elif icon == 4201:
return "Forte pluie"
elif icon == 4203:
return "Bruine et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 4204:
return "Bruine et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 4205:
return "Bruine et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 4213:
return "Averse et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 4214:
return "Averse et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 4215:
return "Averse et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 4209:
return "Pluie et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 4208:
return "Pluie et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 4210:
return "Pluie et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 4211:
return "Pluie forte et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 4202:
return "Pluie forte et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 4212:
return "Pluie forte et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 5001:
return "Quelques flocons"
elif icon == 5100:
return "Neige légère"
elif icon == 5000:
return "Neige"
elif icon == 5101:
return "Tempête de neige"
elif icon == 5115:
return "Quelques flocons et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 5116:
return "Quelques flocons et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 5117:
return "Quelques flocons et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 5122:
return "Bruine et quelques flocons"
elif icon == 5102:
return "Neige légère et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 5103:
return "Neige légère et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 5104:
return "Neige légère et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 5105:
return "Neige et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 5106:
return "Neige et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 5107:
return "Neige et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 5119:
return "Neige abondante et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 5120:
return "Neige abondante et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 5121:
return "Neige abondante et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 5110:
return "Bruine et neige"
elif icon == 5108:
return "Pluie et neige"
elif icon == 5114:
return "Neige et pluie verglaçante"
elif icon == 5112:
return "Neige et grèle"
elif icon == 6000:
return "Bruine verglaçante"
elif icon == 6200:
return "Légère bruine verglaçante"
elif icon == 6001:
return "Pluie verglaçante"
elif icon == 6201:
return "Pluie forte verglaçante"
elif icon == 6003:
return "Bruine verglaçante et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 6002:
return "Bruine verglaçante et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 6004:
return "Bruine verglaçante et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 6204:
return "Bruine verglaçante et bruine"
elif icon == 6206:
return "Bruine verglaçante et pluie légère"
elif icon == 6205:
return "Averse verglaçante et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 6203:
return "Averse verglaçante et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 6209:
return "Averse verglaçante et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 6213:
return "Pluie verglaçante et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 6214:
return "Pluie verglaçante et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 6215:
return "Pluie verglaçante et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 6212:
return "Pluie verglaçante et bruine"
elif icon == 6220:
return "Pluie verglaçante et pluie légère"
elif icon == 6222:
return "Averses et pluie verglaçante"
elif icon == 6207:
return "Pluie forte verglaçante et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 6202:
return "Pluie forte verglaçante et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 6208:
return "Pluie forte verglaçante et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 7000:
return "Grèle"
elif icon == 7102:
return "Grèle légère"
elif icon == 7101:
return "Forte grèle"
elif icon == 7110:
return "Grèle légère et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 7111:
return "Grèle légère et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 7112:
return "Grèle légère et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 7108:
return "Grèle et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 7107:
return "Grèle et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 7109:
return "Grèle et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 7113:
return "Grèle forte et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 7114:
return "Grèle forte et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 7116:
return "Grèle forte et ciel plutôt nuageux"
elif icon == 7105:
return "Bruine et grèle"
elif icon == 7115:
return "Pluie légère et grèle"
elif icon == 7117:
return "Pluie et grèle"
elif icon == 7106:
return "Pluie verglaçante et grèle"
elif icon == 7103:
return "Pluie verglaçante et grèle forte"
elif icon == 8000:
return "Orageux"
elif icon == 8001:
return "Orage et ciel dégagé"
elif icon == 8003:
return "Orage et ciel partiellement nuageux"
elif icon == 8002:
return "Orage et ciel plutôt nuageux"
return "Invasion d'aliens ?"
def get_moon_icon(self, day=0):
moon_phase = self.get_daily()["data"][day]["moonPhase"]
moon_phase = list(itertools.islice(self.get_daily(), 1))[day]["moon_phase"]
if moon_phase < 0.035:
if moon_phase == "New Moon":
return "wi-moon-alt-new.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.071:
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-crescent-1.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.107:
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-crescent-2.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.142:
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-crescent-3.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.178:
elif moon_phase == "Waxing Crescent":
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-crescent-4.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.214:
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-crescent-5.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.25:
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-crescent-6.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.285:
elif moon_phase == "First Quarter":
return "wi-moon-alt-first-quarter.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.321:
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-1.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.357:
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-2.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.392:
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-3.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.428:
elif moon_phase == "Waxing Gibbous":
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-4.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.464:
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-5.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.5:
return "wi-moon-alt-waxing-gibbous-6.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.535:
elif moon_phase == "Full Moon":
return "wi-moon-alt-full.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.571:
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-gibbous-1.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.607:
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-gibbous-2.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.642:
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-gibbous-3.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.678:
elif moon_phase == "Waning Gibbous":
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-gibbous-4.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.714:
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-gibbous-5.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.75:
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-gibbous-6.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.785:
elif moon_phase == "Last Quarter":
return "wi-moon-alt-third-quarter.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.821:
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-crescent-1.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.857:
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-crescent-2.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.892:
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-crescent-3.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.928:
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-crescent-4.png"
elif moon_phase < 0.964:
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-crescent-5.png"
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-crescent-6.png"
return "wi-moon-alt-waning-crescent-3.png"
def get_currently(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get_weather("realtime", *args, **kwargs)["data"]["values"]
return self.get_weather("current", *args, **kwargs)["current"]
def get_forecast(self, *args, **kwargs):
for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
enddt = + timedelta(days=i)
v = self.get_weather(*args, **kwargs, dt=enddt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))["forecast"]["forecastday"][0]
v["day"]["date"] = enddt
yield v
def get_hourly(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get_weather(*args, **kwargs)["timelines"]["hourly"]
now ="Europe/Paris"))
for d in self.get_forecast(*args, **kwargs):
for h in d["hour"]:
if d["day"]["date"].day == and now > self.read_timestamp(h["time_epoch"]) + timedelta(hours=1):
yield h
def get_daily(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get_weather(*args, **kwargs)["timelines"]["daily"]
def has_alerts(self, *args, **kwargs):
return "alerts" in self.get_weather(*args, **kwargs) and len(self.get_weather(*args, **kwargs)["alerts"]) > 0
for d in self.get_forecast(*args, **kwargs):
yield {
def get_alerts(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get_weather(*args, **kwargs)["alerts"]
for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
enddt = + timedelta(days=i)
for a in self.get_weather(*args, **kwargs, dt=enddt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))["alerts"]["alert"]:
yield a
def read_timestamp(self, timestamp, *args, **kwargs):
PARIS = ZoneInfo("Europe/Paris")
return datetime.fromisoformat(timestamp.replace("Z", "+00:00")).astimezone(PARIS)
return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc).astimezone(PARIS)
WeatherAPI = TomorrowAPI
#WeatherAPI = TomorrowAPI
if __name__ == '__main__':
dsa = TomorrowAPI()
dsa = WeatherAPI()
#print(json.dumps([d for d in dsa.get_daily()][0]))