
88 lines
2.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-08-14 13:19:51 +00:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import json
import os
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
class RATPAPI:
fnt_R_path = "./fonts/Parisine-Regular.ttf"
fnt_RB_path = "./fonts/Parisine-Bold.ttf"
def __init__(self):
self.baseurl = "https://ratp.p0m.fr/api"
self._cached_file = ".ratp-%s.cache"
def get_weather(self):
# Read the mod time
statinfo = None
statinfo = os.stat(self._cached_file % "traffic")
if statinfo is None or datetime.fromtimestamp(statinfo.st_mtime, tz=timezone.utc) + timedelta(minutes=5) < datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc):
# Do the request and save it
with urllib.request.urlopen(self.baseurl + "/traffic") as f:
with open(self._cached_file % "traffic", 'wb') as fd:
# Retrieve cached data
res = {}
with open(self._cached_file % "traffic") as f:
res = json.load(f)
return res["result"]
class RATPWeatherModule:
def draw_module(self, config, width, height, line_height=19):
image = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), '#fff')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
fnt_icon = ImageFont.truetype(RATPAPI.fnt_RB_path, line_height-1)
weather = RATPAPI().get_weather()
align_x = 0
align_y = 0
for mode in weather:
if mode != "rers":
align_x = 0
# display mode icon
icon = Image.open("icons/" + mode + ".png").resize((line_height, line_height))
image.paste(icon, (align_x,align_y), icon)
align_x += line_height + 10
for line in weather[mode]:
if align_x + line_height >= width:
align_x = line_height + 10
align_y += line_height + 6
fill = "gray" if line["slug"] == "normal" else "black"
if mode == "metros":
draw.ellipse((align_x - 1, align_y - 1, align_x + line_height + 1, align_y + line_height + 1), fill=fill)
elif mode == "tramways":
draw.rectangle((align_x - 2, align_y - 2, align_x + line_height, align_y), fill=fill)
draw.rectangle((align_x - 1, align_y + line_height - 1, align_x + line_height + 1, align_y + line_height + 1), fill=fill)
draw.rectangle((align_x - 1, align_y - 1, align_x + line_height + 1, align_y + line_height + 1), fill=fill)
draw.text((align_x + 1 + line_height / 2, align_y + line_height / 2), line["line"], fill="white" if mode != "tramways" else "black", anchor="mm", font=fnt_icon)
align_x += line_height + 5
if mode != "metros":
align_y += line_height + 10
align_y += 10
return image