
338 lines
10 KiB

# Import stuff
from datetime import datetime
import json
import urllib.request
from urllib.parse import quote
# Constants
"X-CT-Version": "58380fc3",
"X-CT-Timestamp": "1467966546",
"X-CT-Client-Id": "cb7a42cd-efe2-42c3-a865-960396510735",
# Structures
class Station:
def __init__(self, id, name, slug, info, latitude=0, longitude=0, score=1, is_sellable=True, parent_name=None, address=None):
self._id = id
self._name = name
def id(self):
return self._id
def name(self):
return self._name
class ComfortClass:
def __init__(self, id, name, cents, currency, condition_id, segment_id, default=False, is_available=False, options={}, reservation=None, title="", description=""):
class Condition:
def __init__(self, id, name, short_description="", comfort_class=None, segment_id=None):
class Folder:
def __init__(self, id, search_id, trip_ids, arrival_date, cents, travel_class, comfort, created_at, has_round_trip_fare, arrival_station_id, system, departure_date, is_sellable, is_birthdate_required, flexibility, digest, direction, currency, departure_station_id, is_only_possible_travel_class=False):
class Passenger:
def __init__(self, id, label):
class Segment:
def __init__(self, id, trip_id, train_number, digest, options, departure_date, train_name, arrival_station_id, comfort_class_ids, departure_station_id, travel_class, arrival_date, condition_id, carrier, train, co2_emission=0, reservation=False):
self._id = id
self._carrier = carrier
self._train = train
self._train_name = train_name
self._train_number = train_number
def __str__(self):
return "%s %s %s" % (self.carrier, self.train_name, self.train_number)
def id(self):
return self._id
def carrier(self):
return self._carrier
def train(self):
return self._train
def train_name(self):
return self._train_name
def train_number(self):
return self._train_number
class Trip:
def __init__(self, get_station, get_segment, id, departure_date, arrival_date, cents, currency, folder_id, segment_ids, digest, departure_station_id, arrival_station_id, passenger_id):
self._price = cents / 100
self._currency = currency
self._digest = digest
self._departure_date = parse_datetime(departure_date)
self._arrival_date = parse_datetime(arrival_date)
self._departure_station = get_station(departure_station_id)
self._arrival_station = get_station(arrival_station_id)
self._segments = [get_segment(segment_id) for segment_id in segment_ids]
def __str__(self):
return "From %s at %s to %s at %s // duration: %s // price: %s %s // %s" % (
self.departure_station.name, self.departure_date,
self.arrival_station.name, self.arrival_date,
self.price, self.currency,
" + ".join([str(s) for s in self.segments])
def price(self):
return self._price
def currency(self):
return self._currency
def digest(self):
return self._digest
def departure_date(self):
return self._departure_date
def arrival_date(self):
return self._arrival_date
def departure_station(self):
return self._departure_station
def arrival_station(self):
return self._arrival_station
def duration(self):
return self._arrival_date - self._departure_date
def segments(self):
return self._segments
class Search:
def __init__(self, comfort_classes, conditions, folders, passengers, search, segments, stations, trips):
self._comfort_classes = [ComfortClass(**comfort_class) for comfort_class in comfort_classes]
self._conditions = [Condition(**condition) for condition in conditions]
self._folders = [Folder(**folder) for folder in folders]
self._passengers = [Passenger(**passenger) for passenger in passengers]
self._search = search
self._segments = [Segment(**segment) for segment in segments]
self._stations = [Station(**station) for station in stations]
self._trips = [Trip(self.get_station, self.get_segment, **trip) for trip in trips]
def trips(self):
return self._trips
def stations(self):
return self._stations
def segments(self):
return self._segments
def get_station(self, station_id):
for station in self._stations:
if station.id == station_id:
return station
def get_segment(self, segment_id):
for segment in self._segments:
if segment.id == segment_id:
return segment
# API calls
def stations(name):
"""Get a list of stations matching given name"""
headers = {"Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"}
req = urllib.request.Request('https://www.captaintrain.com/api/v5/stations?context=search&q=' + quote(name),
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as res:
stations = json.loads(res.read().decode())["stations"]
sorted(stations, key=lambda station: station["score"], reverse=True)
for station in stations:
yield Station(**station)
def station(name):
"""Get the closest name matching station"""
for station in stations(name):
return station
def search(departure, arrival, departure_date, return_date=None, via=None, age=27, systems=CT_SYSTEMS, cards=[]):
"Search for a trip"
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
req = urllib.request.Request('https://www.captaintrain.com/api/v5/search',
headers=headers, data=json.dumps({
"search": {
"departure_date": departure_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") if departure_date else None,
"return_date": return_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") if return_date else None,
"passengers": [
"id": "d7c95386-9ed2-4366-8292-610d821940a3",
"label": "adult",
"age": age,
"cards": [
{ "reference": card } for card in cards
"cui": None
"systems": systems if isinstance(systems, list) else [systems],
"exchangeable_part": None,
"departure_station_id": departure.id,
"via_station_id": via.id if via is not None else None,
"arrival_station_id": arrival.id,
"exchangeable_pnr_id": None
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as res:
return Search(**json.loads(res.read().decode()))
return None
# Convinience functions
def cheapest_trips(trips, max_price=None):
"""Return cheapest trips availables
min_trips = []
for trip in trips:
if max_price is not None and trip.price > max_price:
elif len(min_trips) == 0 or min_trips[0].price > trip.price:
min_trips = [trip]
elif min_trips[0].price == trip.price and trip.digest not in map(lambda x: x.digest, min_trips):
return min_trips
def parse_datetime(s):
return datetime.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
except ValueError:
return datetime.strptime(s[::-1].replace(":", "", 1)[::-1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")