2013-01-02 12:29:43 +01:00

175 lines
5.2 KiB

set mbox_type=Maildir
set folder="~/.mail"
set mask="!^\\.[^.]"
set record="+.Sent"
set postponed="+.Drafts"
set spoolfile="~/.mail"
# Set the desired default "from" address for both header From and envelope-from
set reverse_name
set from=""
alternates "|||"
set realname="Pierre-Olivier Mercier"
set hostname=""
set envelope_from=yes
set use_domain=no
set alias_file= ~/.mutt/aliases
set sort_alias= alias
set reverse_alias=yes
source $alias_file
source ~/.mutt/mls
# set up the sidebar
set sidebar_width=25
set sidebar_visible=yes
set sidebar_sort=yes
mailboxes ! `echo -n "+ "; find ~/.mail -maxdepth 1 -type d -name ".*" -printf "+'%f' "`
macro index c "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "open a different folder"
macro pager c "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "open a different folder"
macro index C "<copy-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "copy a message to a mailbox"
macro index M "<save-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "move a message to a mailbox"
macro compose A "<attach-message>?" "attach message(s) to this message"
set header_cache = ~/.mutt/cache
set header_cache_pagesize = 32768
set maildir_header_cache_verify = no
# locales FR pour les nom des jours et mois
set locale="fr_FR"
set date_format="%A %d %b %Y à %H:%M:%S (%Z)"
set attribution="Le %d, %n a écrit :"
set forward_format="Fwd: %s"
set forward_quote
# Header stuff
#ignore "Authentication-Results:"
#ignore "DomainKey-Signature:"
#ignore "DKIM-Signature:"
hdr_order Date From To Cc User-Agent
ignore *
unignore from: date subject to cc mail-followup-to
unignore x-mailing-list: posted-to:
unignore x-mailer: x-url reply-to
unignore user-agent:
# For better looks
#set arrow_cursor
#set folder_format="%t%N %-30.30f %8s"
#set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-31.31F %N (%4c) %s"
set beep_new
set menu_scroll
set smart_wrap = yes
set markers = no # don't put '+' at the beginning of wrapped lines
set pager_index_lines = 7 # how large is the index window?
set sort = 'threads'
set sort_aux=date-received
set sort_browser=date
# My Editor
set editor="vim '+set tw=72'"
set config_charset=utf8
set charset="utf-8"
set pager_stop
# =====================================================================
# Normal colors
# =====================================================================
color normal white black
color message white black
color signature magenta default
color hdrdefault cyan black
color attachment yellow black
color status brightblack cyan
color search brightwhite magenta
color bold brightyellow default
color tilde brightblue default # ``~'' used to pad blank lines
color tree brightwhite default # thread tree in the index menu
color body brightblue default "(git|ftp|http)s?://[^ ]+" # point out URLs
color body brightblue default [-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+ # e-mail addresses
# =====================================================================
# Index
# =====================================================================
# Messages already replied to in cyan
color index cyan black "~Q"
# Unread messages in yellow
color index brightyellow black "~N"
color index brightyellow black "~O"
# Deleted messages in a dark color
color index blue black "~D"
# Flagged messages in red
color index brightred black "~F"
# =====================================================================
# Header
# =====================================================================
# Color information about the sender
color header brightcyan black "From: "
color header brightcyan black "Subject: "
color header brightcyan black "date: "
# =====================================================================
# Body
# =====================================================================
# Color the first levels of quoted text
color quoted green black
color quoted1 cyan black
color quoted2 green black
color quoted3 cyan black
# Sidebar colors
color sidebar_new yellow default
bind index,pager \CP sidebar-scroll-up
#bind index,pager \CI sidebar-scroll-down
bind index,pager \CO sidebar-open
bind index,pager i sidebar-next
macro index,pager I '<sidebar-next><sidebar-next><sidebar-next><sidebar-next><sidebar-next><sidebar-next><sidebar-next><sidebar-next><sidebar-next><sidebar-next>'
bind index,pager o sidebar-open
bind index,pager p sidebar-prev
macro index,pager P '<sidebar-prev><sidebar-prev><sidebar-prev><sidebar-prev><sidebar-prev><sidebar-prev><sidebar-prev><sidebar-prev><sidebar-prev><sidebar-prev>'
bind index,pager B bounce-message
# b toggles sidebar visibility
macro index,pager b '<enter-command>toggle sidebar_visible<enter>'
# Remap bounce-message function to "B"
bind index B bounce-message
bind index,pager \e<tab> next-unread-mailbox
# GnuPG output
# Make if very obvious there is a bad signature!
color body black red "BAD signature .*$"
# Tag a good signature
color body brightgreen black "Good signature .*$"
# Inform the signature can't be verified
color body brightred black "Can't check signature: public key not found"
color body brightred black "WARNING: .*!"
color body brightred black "some signal caught ... exiting"
color error brightwhite red # error messages
color message brightblack green # status messages