
59 lines
2.8 KiB

{% if happydomain_admin_bind is defined and happydomain_admin_bind != "" %}
admin-bind={{ happydomain_admin_bind }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_bind is defined and happydomain_bind != "" %}
bind={{ happydomain_bind }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_baseurl is defined and happydomain_baseurl != "" %}
baseurl={{ happydomain_baseurl }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_custom_head_html is defined and happydomain_custom_head_html != "" %}
custom-head-html={{ happydomain_custom_head_html }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_custom_body_html is defined and happydomain_custom_body_html != "" %}
custom-body-html={{ happydomain_custom_body_html }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_default_nameserver is defined and happydomain_default_nameserver != "" %}
default-ns={{ happydomain_default_nameserver }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_external_auth is defined and happydomain_external_auth != "" %}
external-auth={{ happydomain_external_auth }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_external_url is defined and happydomain_external_url != "" %}
externalurl={{ happydomain_external_url }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_jwt_secret_key is defined and happydomain_jwt_secret_key != "" %}
jwt-secret-key={{ happydomain_jwt_secret_key }}
{% endif %}
leveldb-path={{ happydomain_storage_leveldb_path | default(happydomain_data_dir + '/happydomain.db') }}
{% if happydomain_mail_from is defined and happydomain_mail_from != "" %}
mail-from={{ happydomain_mail_from }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_mail_smtp_host is defined and happydomain_mail_smtp_host != "" %}
mail-smtp-host={{ happydomain_mail_smtp_host }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_mail_smtp_port is defined and happydomain_mail_smtp_port != "" %}
mail-smtp-port={{ happydomain_mail_smtp_port }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_mail_smtp_username is defined and happydomain_mail_smtp_username != "" %}
mail-smtp-username={{ happydomain_mail_smtp_username }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_mail_smtp_password is defined and happydomain_mail_smtp_password != "" %}
mail-smtp-password={{ happydomain_mail_smtp_password }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_mail_smtp_tls_no_verify is defined and happydomain_mail_smtp_tls_no_verify != "" %}
mail-smtp-tls-no-verify={{ happydomain_mail_smtp_tls_no_verify }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_no_auth is defined and happydomain_no_auth != "" %}
no-auth={{ happydomain_no_auth }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_storage_engine is defined and happydomain_storage_engine != "" %}
storage-engine={{ happydomain_storage_engine }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_ovh_application_key is defined and happydomain_ovh_application_key != "" %}
ovh-application-key={{ happydomain_ovh_application_key }}
{% endif %}
{% if happydomain_ovh_application_secret is defined and happydomain_ovh_application_secret != "" %}
ovh-application-secret={{ happydomain_ovh_application_secret }}
{% endif %}