New role happydomain

This commit is contained in:
nemunaire 2023-03-21 15:03:46 +01:00
parent 41fbf3cfd9
commit 75c384cee5
5 changed files with 141 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Ansible Role: happydomain
Ansible Role to deploy happyDomain on Linux hosts.
* Ansible >= 2.9
* Docker installed on the remote host
* Cron ready
Role Variables
All variables which can be overridden are stored in [./defaults/main.yaml](./defaults/main.yaml) file as well as in table below.
| Variable | Default | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :--------- |
| `instance_name` | `happyDomain` | name of this instance |
| `happydomain_version` | `latest` | version of happyDomain to use |
| `happydomain_data_dir` | `/var/lib/happydomain` | Local directory used to store happyDomain data |
| `happydomain_inner_data_dir` | `/data` | Directory used inside the container |
| `happydomain_admin_bind` | `./happydomain.sock` | Bind port/socket for administration interface |
| `happydomain_baseurl` | `` | URL prepended to each URL |
| `happydomain_bind` | `:8081` | Bind port/socket |
| `happydomain_custom_body_html` | `` | Add custom HTML right before `</body>` |
| `happydomain_custom_head_html` | `` | Add custom HTML right before `</head>` |
| `happydomain_default_nameserver` | `` | Adress to the default name server (used for resolutions) |
| `happydomain_external_auth` | `` | Base URL to use for login and registration (use embedded forms if left empty) |
| `happydomain_external_url` | `http://localhost:8081` | Begining of the URL, before the base, that should be used eg. in mails |
| `happydomain_jwt_secret_key` | `` | Secret key used to verify JWT authentication tokens (a random secret is used if undefined) |
| `happydomain_storage_leveldb_path` | `./happydomain.db` | Path to the LevelDB Database |
| `happydomain_mail_from` | `happyDomain <happydomain@localhost>` | Define the sender name and address for all e-mail sent |
| `happydomain_mail_smtp_host` | `` | Use the given SMTP server as default way to send emails |
| `happydomain_mail_smtp_port` | `465` | Define the port to use to send e-mail through SMTP method |
| `happydomain_mail_smtp_username` | `` | If the SMTP server requires authentication, fill with the username to authenticate with |
| `happydomain_mail_smtp_password` | `` | Password associated with the given username for SMTP authentication |
| `happydomain_mail_smtp_tls_no_verify` | `` | Do not verify certificate validity on SMTP connection |
| `happydomain_no_auth` | `false` | Disable user access control, use default account |
| `happydomain_ovh_application_key` | `` | Application Key for using the OVH API |
| `happydomain_ovh_application_secret` | `` | Application Secret for using the OVH API |
| `happydomain_storage_engine` | `leveldb` | Select the storage engine to use |
Example Playbook
- hosts: happydomain-host
- name: happydns.happydomain.happydomain
happydomain_version: linux-amd64
happydomain_no_auth: "true"
happydomain_mail_from: "Demo User <demo@localhost>"

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
instance_name: "happyDomain"
happydomain_version: "latest"
happydomain_data_dir: "" # defaults to /var/lib/happydomain.{{ instance_name }} if not filled
happydomain_inner_data_dir: "/data"
happydomain_admin_bind: "./happydomain.sock"
happydomain_baseurl: ""
happydomain_custom_body_html: ""
happydomain_custom_head_html: ""
happydomain_default_nameserver: ""
happydomain_endpoint: ":8081"
happydomain_external_auth: ""
happydomain_external_url: "http://localhost:8081"
happydomain_jwt_secret_key: ""
happydomain_storage_leveldb_path: "./happydomain.db"
happydomain_mail_from: "happyDomain <happydomain@localhost>"
happydomain_mail_smtp_host: ""
happydomain_mail_smtp_port: "465"
happydomain_mail_smtp_username: ""
happydomain_mail_smtp_password: ""
happydomain_no_auth: "false"
happydomain_ovh_application_key: ""
happydomain_ovh_application_secret: ""
happydomain_storage_engine: "leveldb"

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
author: Pierre-Olivier Mercier <>
description: Setup or upgrade a happyDomain instance
company: happyDNS
license: CECILL-2.1
min_ansible_version: 2.9
galaxy_tags: ["happydomain", "domains", "dns"]
dependencies: []

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
- name: "launch happyDomain container ({{ instance_name }})"
name: "{{ instance_name }}"
image: "happydomain/happydomain:{{ happydomain_version }}"
pull: true
- "{% if happydomain_data_dir != "" %}{{ happydomain_data_dir }}{% else %}/var/lib/{% if instance_name != "happyDomain" %}happydomain.{% endif %}{{ instance_name }}{% endif %}:{{ happydomain_inner_data_dir }}"
state: started
restart_policy: unless-stopped
memory: 256M
memory_swap: 512M
HAPPYDOMAIN_ADMIN_BIND: "{{ happydomain_admin_bind }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_BASEURL: "{{ happydomain_baseurl }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_CUSTOM_HEAD_HTML: "{{ happydomain_custom_head_html }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_DEFAULT_NS: "{{ happydomain_default_nameserver }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_EXTERNAL_AUTH: "{{ happydomain_external_auth }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_EXTERNALURL: "{{ happydomain_external_url }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_JWT_SECRET_KEY: "{{ happydomain_jwt_secret_key }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_LEVELDB_PATH: "{{ happydomain_storage_leveldb_path }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_MAIL_FROM: "{{ happydomain_mail_from }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_MAIL_SMTP_HOST: "{{ happydomain_mail_smtp_host }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT: "{{ happydomain_mail_smtp_port }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_MAIL_SMTP_USERNAME: "{{ happydomain_mail_smtp_username }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD: "{{ happydomain_mail_smtp_password }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_MAIL_SMTP_TLS_NO_VERIFY: "{{ happydomain_mail_smtp_tls_no_verify }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_NO_AUTH: "{{ happydomain_no_auth }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_OVH_APPLICATION_KEY: "{{ happydomain_ovh_application_key }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_OVH_APPLICATION_SECRET: "{{ happydomain_ovh_application_secret }}"
HAPPYDOMAIN_STORAGE_ENGINE: "{{ happydomain_storage_engine }}"
- "{{ happydomain_bind }}:8081"

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
- include_tasks: docker.yml
- name: Ensure cleaning job runs every day.
name: "run {{ instance_name }} database cleaning"
hour: "3"
minute: "0"
job: "docker exec {{ instance_name }} hadmin /api/tidy -X POST"