Nigel Sheldon b5868f05f6
Some checks failed
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continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
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2021-01-03 17:10:26 +01:00

524 lines
20 KiB

// Description: Classes to handle Date scaling
// Created: 2005-05-02
// Ver: $Id: jpgraph_date.php 1106 2009-02-22 20:16:35Z ljp $
// Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved.
define('HOURADJ_1', 0+30);
define('HOURADJ_2', 1+30);
define('HOURADJ_3', 2+30);
define('HOURADJ_4', 3+30);
define('HOURADJ_6', 4+30);
define('HOURADJ_12', 5+30);
define('MINADJ_1', 0+20);
define('MINADJ_5', 1+20);
define('MINADJ_10', 2+20);
define('MINADJ_15', 3+20);
define('MINADJ_30', 4+20);
define('SECADJ_1', 0);
define('SECADJ_5', 1);
define('SECADJ_10', 2);
define('SECADJ_15', 3);
define('SECADJ_30', 4);
define('YEARADJ_1', 0+30);
define('YEARADJ_2', 1+30);
define('YEARADJ_5', 2+30);
define('MONTHADJ_1', 0+20);
define('MONTHADJ_6', 1+20);
define('DAYADJ_1', 0);
define('DAYADJ_WEEK', 1);
define('DAYADJ_7', 1);
define('SECPERYEAR', 31536000);
define('SECPERDAY', 86400);
define('SECPERHOUR', 3600);
define('SECPERMIN', 60);
class DateScale extends LinearScale
private $date_format = '';
private $iStartAlign = false;
private $iEndAlign = false;
private $iStartTimeAlign = false;
private $iEndTimeAlign = false;
public function __construct($aMin=0, $aMax=0, $aType='x')
$this->ticks = new LinearTicks();
// Utility Function AdjDate()
// Description: Will round a given time stamp to an even year, month or day
// argument.
public function AdjDate($aTime, $aRound=0, $aYearType=false, $aMonthType=false, $aDayType=false)
$y = (int)date('Y', $aTime);
$m = (int)date('m', $aTime);
$d = (int)date('d', $aTime);
if ($aYearType !== false) {
$yearAdj = array(0=>1, 1=>2, 2=>5);
if ($aRound == 0) {
$y = floor($y/$yearAdj[$aYearType])*$yearAdj[$aYearType];
} else {
$y = ceil($y/$yearAdj[$aYearType])*$yearAdj[$aYearType];
} elseif ($aMonthType !== false) {
$monthAdj = array(0=>1, 1=>6);
if ($aRound == 0) {
$m = floor($m/$monthAdj[$aMonthType])*$monthAdj[$aMonthType];
} else {
$m = ceil($m/$monthAdj[$aMonthType])*$monthAdj[$aMonthType];
} elseif ($aDayType !== false) {
if ($aDayType == 0) {
if ($aRound == 1) {
} else {
// Adjust to an even week boundary.
$w = (int)date('w', $aTime); // Day of week 0=Sun, 6=Sat
if (true) { // Adjust to start on Mon
if ($w==0) {
} else {
if ($aRound == 0) {
$d -= $w;
} else {
$d += (7-$w);
return mktime($h, $i, $s, $m, $d, $y);
// Wrapper for AdjDate that will round a timestamp to an even date rounding
// it downwards.
public function AdjStartDate($aTime, $aYearType=false, $aMonthType=false, $aDayType=false)
return $this->AdjDate($aTime, 0, $aYearType, $aMonthType, $aDayType);
// Wrapper for AdjDate that will round a timestamp to an even date rounding
// it upwards
public function AdjEndDate($aTime, $aYearType=false, $aMonthType=false, $aDayType=false)
return $this->AdjDate($aTime, 1, $aYearType, $aMonthType, $aDayType);
// Utility Function AdjTime()
// Description: Will round a given time stamp to an even time according to
// argument.
public function AdjTime($aTime, $aRound=0, $aHourType=false, $aMinType=false, $aSecType=false)
$y = (int)date('Y', $aTime);
$m = (int)date('m', $aTime);
$d = (int)date('d', $aTime);
$h = (int)date('H', $aTime);
$i = (int)date('i', $aTime);
$s = (int)date('s', $aTime);
if ($aHourType !== false) {
$aHourType %= 6;
$hourAdj = array(0=>1, 1=>2, 2=>3, 3=>4, 4=>6, 5=>12);
if ($aRound == 0) {
$h = floor($h/$hourAdj[$aHourType])*$hourAdj[$aHourType];
} else {
if (($h % $hourAdj[$aHourType]==0) && ($i > 0 || $s > 0)) {
$h = ceil($h/$hourAdj[$aHourType])*$hourAdj[$aHourType];
if ($h >= 24) {
$aTime += 86400;
$y = (int)date('Y', $aTime);
$m = (int)date('m', $aTime);
$d = (int)date('d', $aTime);
$h -= 24;
} elseif ($aMinType !== false) {
$aMinType %= 5;
$minAdj = array(0=>1, 1=>5, 2=>10, 3=>15, 4=>30);
if ($aRound == 0) {
$i = floor($i/$minAdj[$aMinType])*$minAdj[$aMinType];
} else {
if (($i % $minAdj[$aMinType]==0) && $s > 0) {
$i = ceil($i/$minAdj[$aMinType])*$minAdj[$aMinType];
if ($i >= 60) {
$aTime += 3600;
$y = (int)date('Y', $aTime);
$m = (int)date('m', $aTime);
$d = (int)date('d', $aTime);
$h = (int)date('H', $aTime);
$i = 0;
} elseif ($aSecType !== false) {
$aSecType %= 5;
$secAdj = array(0=>1, 1=>5, 2=>10, 3=>15, 4=>30);
if ($aRound == 0) {
$s = floor($s/$secAdj[$aSecType])*$secAdj[$aSecType];
} else {
$s = ceil($s/$secAdj[$aSecType]*1.0)*$secAdj[$aSecType];
if ($s >= 60) {
$aTime += 60;
$y = (int)date('Y', $aTime);
$m = (int)date('m', $aTime);
$d = (int)date('d', $aTime);
$h = (int)date('H', $aTime);
$i = (int)date('i', $aTime);
return mktime($h, $i, $s, $m, $d, $y);
// Wrapper for AdjTime that will round a timestamp to an even time rounding
// it downwards.
// Example: AdjStartTime(mktime(18,27,13,2,22,2005),false,2) => 18:20
public function AdjStartTime($aTime, $aHourType=false, $aMinType=false, $aSecType=false)
return $this->AdjTime($aTime, 0, $aHourType, $aMinType, $aSecType);
// Wrapper for AdjTime that will round a timestamp to an even time rounding
// it upwards
// Example: AdjEndTime(mktime(18,27,13,2,22,2005),false,2) => 18:30
public function AdjEndTime($aTime, $aHourType=false, $aMinType=false, $aSecType=false)
return $this->AdjTime($aTime, 1, $aHourType, $aMinType, $aSecType);
// DateAutoScale
// Autoscale a date axis given start and end time
// Returns an array ($start,$end,$major,$minor,$format)
public function DoDateAutoScale($aStartTime, $aEndTime, $aDensity=0, $aAdjust=true)
// Format of array
// array ( Decision point, array( array( Major-scale-step-array ),
// array( Minor-scale-step-array ),
// array( 0=date-adjust, 1=time-adjust, adjustment-alignment) )
$scalePoints =
/* Intervall larger than 10 years */
array(0,YEARADJ_1, 0,YEARADJ_1) ),
/* Intervall larger than 2 years */
array(0,YEARADJ_1) ),
/* Intervall larger than 90 days (approx 3 month) */
array(0,MONTHADJ_1, 0,DAYADJ_WEEK, 0,DAYADJ_1, 0,DAYADJ_1)),
/* Intervall larger than 30 days (approx 1 month) */
array(0,DAYADJ_WEEK, 0,DAYADJ_1, 0,DAYADJ_1, 0,DAYADJ_1)),
/* Intervall larger than 7 days */
array(0,DAYADJ_1, 1,HOURADJ_12, 1,HOURADJ_6, 1,HOURADJ_1)),
/* Intervall larger than 1 day */
array(1,HOURADJ_12, 1,HOURADJ_6, 1,HOURADJ_1, 1,HOURADJ_1)),
/* Intervall larger than 12 hours */
array(1,HOURADJ_1, 1,MINADJ_30, 1,MINADJ_15, 1,MINADJ_10, 1,MINADJ_5) ),
/* Intervall larger than 2 hours */
array(1,HOURADJ_1, 1,MINADJ_30, 1,MINADJ_15, 1,MINADJ_10, 1,MINADJ_5) ),
/* Intervall larger than 1 hours */
array(1,MINADJ_30, 1,MINADJ_15, 1,MINADJ_10, 1,MINADJ_5) ),
/* Intervall larger than 30 min */
array(1,MINADJ_15, 1,MINADJ_10, 1,MINADJ_5, 1,MINADJ_1)),
/* Intervall larger than 1 min */
array(1,MINADJ_1, 1,SECADJ_15, 1,SECADJ_10, 1,SECADJ_5)),
/* Intervall larger than 10 sec */
array(1,SECADJ_5, 1,SECADJ_1)),
/* Intervall larger than 1 sec */
$ns = count($scalePoints);
// Establish major and minor scale units for the date scale
$diff = $aEndTime - $aStartTime;
if ($diff < 1) {
return false;
while (! $done) {
if ($diff > $scalePoints[2*$i]) {
// Get major and minor scale for this intervall
$scaleSteps = $scalePoints[2*$i+1];
$major = $scaleSteps[0][min($aDensity, count($scaleSteps[0])-1)];
// Try to find out which minor step looks best
$minor = $scaleSteps[1][min($aDensity, count($scaleSteps[1])-1)];
if ($aAdjust) {
// Find out how we should align the start and end timestamps
$idx = 2*min($aDensity, floor(count($scaleSteps[2])/2)-1);
if ($scaleSteps[2][$idx] === 0) {
// Use date adjustment
$adj = $scaleSteps[2][$idx+1];
if ($adj >= 30) {
$start = $this->AdjStartDate($aStartTime, $adj-30);
$end = $this->AdjEndDate($aEndTime, $adj-30);
} elseif ($adj >= 20) {
$start = $this->AdjStartDate($aStartTime, false, $adj-20);
$end = $this->AdjEndDate($aEndTime, false, $adj-20);
} else {
$start = $this->AdjStartDate($aStartTime, false, false, $adj);
$end = $this->AdjEndDate($aEndTime, false, false, $adj);
// We add 1 second for date adjustment to make sure we end on 00:00 the following day
// This makes the final major tick be srawn when we step day-by-day instead of ending
// on xx:59:59 which would not draw the final major tick
} else {
// Use time adjustment
$adj = $scaleSteps[2][$idx+1];
if ($adj >= 30) {
$start = $this->AdjStartTime($aStartTime, $adj-30);
$end = $this->AdjEndTime($aEndTime, $adj-30);
} elseif ($adj >= 20) {
$start = $this->AdjStartTime($aStartTime, false, $adj-20);
$end = $this->AdjEndTime($aEndTime, false, $adj-20);
} else {
$start = $this->AdjStartTime($aStartTime, false, false, $adj);
$end = $this->AdjEndTime($aEndTime, false, false, $adj);
// If the overall date span is larger than 1 day ten we show date
$format = '';
if (($end-$start) > SECPERDAY) {
$format = 'Y-m-d ';
// If the major step is less than 1 day we need to whow hours + min
if ($major < SECPERDAY) {
$format .= 'H:i';
// If the major step is less than 1 min we need to show sec
if ($major < 60) {
$format .= ':s';
return array($start,$end,$major,$minor,$format);
// Overrides the automatic determined date format. Must be a valid date() format string
public function SetDateFormat($aFormat)
$this->date_format = $aFormat;
public function AdjustForDST($aFlg=true)
public function SetDateAlign($aStartAlign, $aEndAlign=false)
if ($aEndAlign === false) {
$this->iStartAlign = $aStartAlign;
$this->iEndAlign = $aEndAlign;
public function SetTimeAlign($aStartAlign, $aEndAlign=false)
if ($aEndAlign === false) {
$this->iStartTimeAlign = $aStartAlign;
$this->iEndTimeAlign = $aEndAlign;
public function AutoScale($img, $aStartTime, $aEndTime, $aNumSteps, $_adummy=false)
// We need to have one dummy argument to make the signature of AutoScale()
// identical to LinearScale::AutoScale
if ($aStartTime == $aEndTime) {
// Special case when we only have one data point.
// Create a small artificial interval to do the autoscaling
$aStartTime -= 10;
$aEndTime += 10;
if (abs($aEndTime - $aStartTime) <= 1) {
// Special case when we only have one second.
// Create a small artificial interval to do the autoscaling
$aStartTime -= 1;
$aEndTime += 1;
while (! $done && $i < 5) {
list($adjstart, $adjend, $maj, $min, $format) = $this->DoDateAutoScale($aStartTime, $aEndTime, $i);
$n = floor(($adjend-$adjstart)/$maj);
if ($n * 1.7 > $aNumSteps) {
if( 0 ) { // DEBUG
echo " Start =".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$aStartTime)."<br>";
echo " End =".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$aEndTime)."<br>";
echo "Adj Start =".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$adjstart)."<br>";
echo "Adj End =".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$adjend)."<p>";
echo "Major = $maj s, ".floor($maj/60)."min, ".floor($maj/3600)."h, ".floor($maj/86400)."day<br>";
echo "Min = $min s, ".floor($min/60)."min, ".floor($min/3600)."h, ".floor($min/86400)."day<br>";
echo "Format=$format<p>";
if ($this->iStartTimeAlign !== false && $this->iStartAlign !== false) {
//('It is only possible to use either SetDateAlign() or SetTimeAlign() but not both');
if ($this->iStartTimeAlign !== false) {
if ($this->iStartTimeAlign >= 30) {
$adjstart = $this->AdjStartTime($aStartTime, $this->iStartTimeAlign-30);
} elseif ($this->iStartTimeAlign >= 20) {
$adjstart = $this->AdjStartTime($aStartTime, false, $this->iStartTimeAlign-20);
} else {
$adjstart = $this->AdjStartTime($aStartTime, false, false, $this->iStartTimeAlign);
if ($this->iEndTimeAlign !== false) {
if ($this->iEndTimeAlign >= 30) {
$adjend = $this->AdjEndTime($aEndTime, $this->iEndTimeAlign-30);
} elseif ($this->iEndTimeAlign >= 20) {
$adjend = $this->AdjEndTime($aEndTime, false, $this->iEndTimeAlign-20);
} else {
$adjend = $this->AdjEndTime($aEndTime, false, false, $this->iEndTimeAlign);
if ($this->iStartAlign !== false) {
if ($this->iStartAlign >= 30) {
$adjstart = $this->AdjStartDate($aStartTime, $this->iStartAlign-30);
} elseif ($this->iStartAlign >= 20) {
$adjstart = $this->AdjStartDate($aStartTime, false, $this->iStartAlign-20);
} else {
$adjstart = $this->AdjStartDate($aStartTime, false, false, $this->iStartAlign);
if ($this->iEndAlign !== false) {
if ($this->iEndAlign >= 30) {
$adjend = $this->AdjEndDate($aEndTime, $this->iEndAlign-30);
} elseif ($this->iEndAlign >= 20) {
$adjend = $this->AdjEndDate($aEndTime, false, $this->iEndAlign-20);
} else {
$adjend = $this->AdjEndDate($aEndTime, false, false, $this->iEndAlign);
$this->Update($img, $adjstart, $adjend);
if (! $this->ticks->IsSpecified()) {
$this->ticks->Set($maj, $min);
if ($this->date_format == '') {
} else {