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2021-01-03 16:10:26 +00:00
// Description: Class to handle text as object in the graph.
// The low level text layout engine is handled by the GD class
// Created: 2001-01-08 (Refactored to separate file 2008-08-01)
// Ver: $Id: 1844 2009-09-26 17:05:31Z ljp $
// Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved.
// CLASS Text
// Description: Arbitrary text object that can be added to the graph
class Text
public $t;
public $x=0;
public $y=0;
public $halign="left";
public $valign="top";
public $color=array(0,0,0);
public $hide=false;
public $dir=0;
public $iScalePosY=null;
public $iScalePosX=null;
public $iWordwrap=0;
public $font_family=FF_DEFAULT;
public $font_style=FS_NORMAL; // old. FF_FONT1
protected $boxed=false; // Should the text be boxed
protected $paragraph_align="left";
protected $icornerradius=0;
protected $ishadowwidth=3;
protected $fcolor='white';
protected $bcolor='black';
protected $shadow=false;
protected $iCSIMarea='';
protected $iCSIMalt='';
protected $iCSIMtarget='';
protected $iCSIMWinTarget='';
private $iBoxType = 1; // Which variant of filled box around text we want
// for __get, __set
private $_margin;
private $_font_size=8; // old. 12
// Create new text at absolute pixel coordinates
public function __construct($aTxt="", $aXAbsPos=0, $aYAbsPos=0)
if (! is_string($aTxt)) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25050);//('First argument to Text::Text() must be s atring.');
$this->t = $aTxt;
$this->x = round($aXAbsPos);
$this->y = round($aYAbsPos);
$this->margin = 0;
// Set the string in the text object
public function Set($aTxt)
$this->t = $aTxt;
// Alias for Pos()
public function SetPos($aXAbsPos=0, $aYAbsPos=0, $aHAlign="left", $aVAlign="top")
$this->x = $aXAbsPos;
$this->y = $aYAbsPos;
$this->halign = $aHAlign;
$this->valign = $aVAlign;
public function SetScalePos($aX, $aY)
$this->iScalePosX = $aX;
$this->iScalePosY = $aY;
// Specify alignment for the text
public function Align($aHAlign, $aVAlign="top", $aParagraphAlign="")
$this->halign = $aHAlign;
$this->valign = $aVAlign;
if ($aParagraphAlign != "") {
$this->paragraph_align = $aParagraphAlign;
// Alias
public function SetAlign($aHAlign, $aVAlign="top", $aParagraphAlign="")
$this->Align($aHAlign, $aVAlign, $aParagraphAlign);
// Specifies the alignment for a multi line text
public function ParagraphAlign($aAlign)
$this->paragraph_align = $aAlign;
// Specifies the alignment for a multi line text
public function SetParagraphAlign($aAlign)
$this->paragraph_align = $aAlign;
public function SetShadow($aShadowColor='gray', $aShadowWidth=3)
public function SetWordWrap($aCol)
$this->iWordwrap = $aCol ;
// Specify that the text should be boxed. fcolor=frame color, bcolor=border color,
// $shadow=drop shadow should be added around the text.
public function SetBox($aFrameColor=array(255,255,255), $aBorderColor=array(0,0,0), $aShadowColor=false, $aCornerRadius=4, $aShadowWidth=3)
if ($aFrameColor === false) {
} else {
// For backwards compatibility when shadow was just true or false
if ($aShadowColor === true) {
$aShadowColor = 'gray';
public function SetBox2($aFrameColor=array(255,255,255), $aBorderColor=array(0,0,0), $aShadowColor=false, $aCornerRadius=4, $aShadowWidth=3)
$this->SetBox($aFrameColor, $aBorderColor, $aShadowColor, $aCornerRadius, $aShadowWidth);
// Hide the text
public function Hide($aHide=true)
// This looks ugly since it's not a very orthogonal design
// but I added this "inverse" of Hide() to harmonize
// with some classes which I designed more recently (especially)
// jpgraph_gantt
public function Show($aShow=true)
// Specify font
public function SetFont($aFamily, $aStyle=FS_NORMAL, $aSize=10)
// Center the text between $left and $right coordinates
public function Center($aLeft, $aRight, $aYAbsPos=false)
$this->x = $aLeft + ($aRight-$aLeft)/2;
$this->halign = "center";
if (is_numeric($aYAbsPos)) {
$this->y = $aYAbsPos;
// Set text color
public function SetColor($aColor)
$this->color = $aColor;
public function SetAngle($aAngle)
// Orientation of text. Note only TTF fonts can have an arbitrary angle
public function SetOrientation($aDirection=0)
if (is_numeric($aDirection)) {
} elseif ($aDirection=="h") {
$this->dir = 0;
} elseif ($aDirection=="v") {
$this->dir = 90;
} else {
}//(" Invalid direction specified for text.");
// Total width of text
public function GetWidth($aImg)
$aImg->SetFont($this->font_family, $this->font_style, $this->raw_font_size);
$w = $aImg->GetTextWidth($this->t, $this->dir);
return $w;
// Hight of font
public function GetFontHeight($aImg)
$aImg->SetFont($this->font_family, $this->font_style, $this->raw_font_size);
$h = $aImg->GetFontHeight();
return $h;
public function GetTextHeight($aImg)
$aImg->SetFont($this->font_family, $this->font_style, $this->raw_font_size);
$h = $aImg->GetTextHeight($this->t, $this->dir);
return $h;
public function GetHeight($aImg)
// Synonym for GetTextHeight()
$aImg->SetFont($this->font_family, $this->font_style, $this->raw_font_size);
$h = $aImg->GetTextHeight($this->t, $this->dir);
return $h;
// Set the margin which will be interpretated differently depending
// on the context.
public function SetMargin($aMarg)
$this->margin = $aMarg;
public function StrokeWithScale($aImg, $axscale, $ayscale)
if ($this->iScalePosX === null || $this->iScalePosY === null) {
} else {
public function SetCSIMTarget($aURITarget, $aAlt='', $aWinTarget='')
$this->iCSIMtarget = $aURITarget;
$this->iCSIMalt = $aAlt;
$this->iCSIMWinTarget = $aWinTarget;
public function GetCSIMareas()
if ($this->iCSIMtarget !== '') {
return $this->iCSIMarea;
} else {
return '';
// Display text in image
public function Stroke($aImg, $x=null, $y=null)
if ($x !== null) {
$this->x = round($x);
if ($y !== null) {
$this->y = round($y);
// Insert newlines
if ($this->iWordwrap > 0) {
$this->t = wordwrap($this->t, $this->iWordwrap, "\n");
// If position been given as a fraction of the image size
// calculate the absolute position
if ($this->x < 1 && $this->x > 0) {
$this->x *= $aImg->width;
if ($this->y < 1 && $this->y > 0) {
$this->y *= $aImg->height;
$aImg->SetFont($this->font_family, $this->font_style, $this->raw_font_size);
$aImg->SetTextAlign($this->halign, $this->valign);
if ($this->boxed) {
if ($this->fcolor=="nofill") {
if ($this->iBoxType == 2 && $this->font_family > FF_FONT2+2) {
$bbox = $aImg->StrokeBoxedText2(
} else {
$bbox = $aImg->StrokeBoxedText(
} else {
$bbox = $aImg->StrokeText($this->x, $this->y, $this->t, $this->dir, $this->paragraph_align, $debug);
// Create CSIM targets
$coords = $bbox[0].','.$bbox[1].','.$bbox[2].','.$bbox[3].','.$bbox[4].','.$bbox[5].','.$bbox[6].','.$bbox[7];
$this->iCSIMarea = "<area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"$coords\" href=\"".htmlentities($this->iCSIMtarget)."\" ";
if (trim($this->iCSIMalt) != '') {
$this->iCSIMarea .= " alt=\"".$this->iCSIMalt."\" ";
$this->iCSIMarea .= " title=\"".$this->iCSIMalt."\" ";
if (trim($this->iCSIMWinTarget) != '') {
$this->iCSIMarea .= " target=\"".$this->iCSIMWinTarget."\" ";
$this->iCSIMarea .= " />\n";
public function __get($name)
if (strpos($name, 'raw_') !== false) {
// if $name == 'raw_left_margin' , return $this->_left_margin;
$variable_name = '_' . str_replace('raw_', '', $name);
return $this->$variable_name;
$variable_name = '_' . $name;
if (isset($this->$variable_name)) {
return $this->$variable_name * SUPERSAMPLING_SCALE;
} else {
JpGraphError::RaiseL('25132', $name);
public function __set($name, $value)
$this->{'_'.$name} = $value;
} // Class