Add last e17 release from gentoo portage (was removed in october)

This commit is contained in:
nemunaire 2016-01-18 01:42:04 +01:00
parent fa090c9817
commit bd8a752aa5
4 changed files with 172 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
AUX gentoo-sysactions.conf 3056 SHA256 5939973a9fbaaba81751e936fb541d6aebd7ec1c599174ea568f5a579356939f SHA512 688f02cbff0d50a847eb08ca7832699b836adca9b22e15a780943a8e5a8213aac04b335cfdf3cb96adbff238f681ae8954a720153e8e35b2afaba3225d53206a WHIRLPOOL 0c05e0d295ede8b2f436a87c4b98876fed64d5cc780f13bb6bde1a74a3c87847f2f90ab482a61c2b39f20894572329f5497e5da22537261eef2f0a9fb33ce56d
AUX quickstart.diff 474 SHA256 9201674d2f8707f216e18c471f0a4a5a7366b3dd32cb8ec131ca1795a10bb3e6 SHA512 b8df654dd1246ea6391017fe9856e38d209b250625f8343aa4943a4eeed980447eb52c6a15fe170bcab90b76e5670ee9c7f98358bb87990877e312cc4cea8f6c WHIRLPOOL 7ea473b01d46ab1ae10ed50d9991de652e3c2945390a71dfa3cba4bf7c6d8ae526dbd18a275db7bd714be7e48414b90ea470c46d2460c68512ede070025b9c49
DIST enlightenment-0.17.6.tar.bz2 29500129 SHA256 25ec72b40e7827468a2498fedfb03f86cb6f20101b63175d80c96db3157b0c0e SHA512 5f8fec0b2c9cb2bcc3e2738b68e4266179153288a161e4e2d0f7ff50b702d6d78d836b433105c548997b516324ca7ba44a74a7361052235b50e18c22a26c9dc9 WHIRLPOOL e89b52efa2007815ef4de9272102f5f170a3838666483a4653bdaa2f37291e14e92d6814dcbd7dfdfdcf14735dc37571b6fa1bf6f7b5a8c08070723d75e7d03a
EBUILD enlightenment-0.17.6.ebuild 2094 SHA256 f4fc617f21f40c9abc3e520a69a29597dc027a52ce604891218992f96ccc8a71 SHA512 51270d87def22a4297b66061e47ed124eff2d801a877fc3fe84a46f23167a86645787bc52b2bc256b04da24efcda228b84b09d716229fc5d52c903d22687568b WHIRLPOOL 3ad0ec0c5bbbe8ee349a24993256c530030b2f2adb47149bf77e73e8e786366a4f6e3bd9e40128f79e70e3a653033f4199218f6b4c682e5fc04c04a3fe8192f9

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
inherit autotools enlightenment
DESCRIPTION="Enlightenment DR17 window manager"
KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
# The @ is just an anchor to expand from
+@applications +@dialogs +@display +@edgebindings
+@interaction +@intl +@keybindings +@menus
+@paths +@performance +@randr +@shelves +@theme
+@window-manipulation +@window-remembers"
@access +@backlight +@battery +@clock +@comp +@connman +@cpufreq +@dropshadow
+@everything +@fileman +@fileman-opinfo +@gadman +@ibar +@ibox +@illume2
+@mixer +@msgbus +@notification +@pager +@quickaccess +@shot +@start
+@syscon +@systray +@tasks +@temperature +@tiling +@winlist +@wizard +@xkbswitch"
IUSE="pam spell static-libs +udev ukit ${IUSE_E_MODULES}"
pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
|| ( >=dev-libs/efl-1.8.4[X,eet,jpeg(+),png] >=dev-libs/efl-1.8.4[xcb,eet,jpeg(+),png] )
ukit? ( >=dev-libs/e_dbus-1.7.10[udev] )
src_prepare() {
sed -i "s:1.7.10:1.7.9:g"
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/quickstart.diff
src_configure() {
$(use_enable doc)
$(use_enable nls)
$(use_enable pam)
$(use_enable udev mount-eeze)
$(use_enable ukit mount-udisks)
local u c
for u in ${IUSE_E_MODULES} ; do
E_ECONF+=( $(use_enable ${u} ${c}) )
src_install() {
insinto /etc/enlightenment
newins "${FILESDIR}"/gentoo-sysactions.conf sysactions.conf

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# This is a system configuration for allowing or denying certain users or
# groups to be able to do certain actions that involve system restricted
# actions such as halt, reboot, suspend, hibernate etc.
# This file is read in order from top to bottom - the first rule to MATCH
# will be used for a user or a group, and nothing after that is read.
# You must put all the ACTION definitons BEFORE user and group rule matches.
# Any action definitons after a rule match has been found will be ignored.
# This allows actions to be re-defined for different user groups, so matches
# so the command for an action can change for matches to the rules later on.
# Any user or group NOT matched by an allow or a deny will be ALLOWED to
# perform the action by default (system administrators should be aware of
# this and implement whatever policies they see fit). Generally speaking
# a user of a workstation, desktop or laptop is intended to have such abilities
# to perform these actions, thus the default of allow. For multi-user systems
# the system administrator is considerd capable enough to restrict what they
# see they need to.
# A WARNING to admins: do NOT allow access for users to this system remotely
# UNLESS you fully trust them or you have locked down permissions to halt/reboot
# suspend etc. here first. You have been warned.
# action: halt /sbin/shutdown -h now
# action: reboot /sbin/shutdown -r now
# action: suspend /etc/acpi/ force
# action: hibernate /etc/acpi/ force
# user: username allow: halt reboot suspend hibernate
# group: groupname deny: *
# group: * deny: *
# user: * allow: suspend
# user: billy allow: halt reboot
# group: staff deny: halt suspend hibernate
# etc.
# user and group name can use glob matches (* == all for example) like the
# shell. as can action names allowed or denied.
action: halt /sbin/shutdown -h now
action: reboot /sbin/shutdown -r now
action: suspend /usr/sbin/pm-suspend
action: hibernate /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate
# on FreeBSD use this instead of the above.
#action suspend /usr/sbin/zzz
# root is allowed to do anything - but it needs to be here explicitly anyway
user: root allow: *
# members of operator, staff and admin groups should be able to do all
group: operator allow: *
group: staff allow: *
group: admin allow: *
group: sys allow: *
group: wheel allow: *
# common "user" groups for "console users" on desktops/laptops
group: dialout allow: *
group: disk allow: *
group: adm allow: *
group: cdrom allow: *
group: floppy allow: *
group: audio allow: *
group: dip allow: *
group: plugdev allow: *
# put in a list of other users and groups here that are allowed or denied etc.
# e.g.
# user: myuser allow: *
# user: another allow: suspend hibernate
# deny everyone else by default
user: * deny: *

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Index: src/bin/e_main.c
--- src/bin/e_main.c (revision 61690)
+++ src/bin/e_main.c (working copy)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
static Eina_Bool _e_main_cb_startup_fake_end(void *data __UNUSED__);
/* local variables */
-static Eina_Bool really_know = EINA_FALSE;
+static Eina_Bool really_know = EINA_TRUE;
static Eina_Bool locked = EINA_FALSE;
static Eina_Bool inloop = EINA_FALSE;
static jmp_buf x_fatal_buff;