This repository has been archived on 2021-10-08. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
2013-09-16 18:56:48 +02:00

111 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
use Date::Manip;
use File::Basename;
use ACU::API::Projects;
use ACU::API::Submission;
use ACU::LDAP;
use ACU::Log;
$ACU::Log::log_file = "/var/log/hooks/" . basename($0) . ".log";
use ACU::Process;
# First, check if the repository is in the YYYY/ directory
exit 0 if ($ENV{GL_REPO} !~ /^2[0-9]{3}\/.+\/.+/);
my ($ref, $oldsha, $newsha) = @ARGV;
my $promo = $1 if ($ENV{'GL_REPO'} =~ m/([0-9]{4}).*/);
my $id_project = $1 if ($ENV{'GL_REPO'} =~ m/.*\/(.*)\//);
my $repo_login = $1 if ($ENV{'GL_REPO'} =~ m/.*\/.*\/(.*)/);
if ($ref =~ m<^refs/tags/(.+)$>)
my $ip = $1 if ($ENV{'SSH_CLIENT'} =~ m/([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}).*/);
say "[ACU] Your IP is: $ENV{'SSH_CLIENT'}.";
my $tag = $1;
log DEBUG, "Pushed tag for repository $ENV{GL_REPO}: $tag with IP $ENV{'SSH_CLIENT'}";
# Get project informations
my $project;
eval {
$project = API::Projects::get($id_project, $promo);
if ($@ or !$project) {
my $err = $@;
log TRACE, $err;
log ERROR, "Impossible d'envoyer de tags ; si le problème persiste, passez au laboratoire.";
exit 1;
log TRACE, $project;
# Extract lot of data
my @rendus = grep {
exists $_->{vcs} and $_->{vcs}{tag} eq $tag;
} @{ $project->{submissions} };
my $date = $ENV{'GL_TS'};
$date =~ s/\./ /;
my $glts = ParseDate($date);
chomp (my $tokengiven = `git cat-file tag $newsha 2> /dev/null | sed -e '1,/^\$/d'`);
for my $rendu (@rendus)
my $open = ParseDate($rendu->{period}{begin});
my $close = ParseDate($rendu->{period}{end});
# TODO: check exceptions by login/group
say "[ACU] Date courante: ", $glts;
say "[ACU] Date fermeture: ", $close;
if ((Date_Cmp($glts, $open) == -1))
say "[ACU] Tag not allowed: upload not yet opened!";
if ((Date_Cmp($glts, $close) == 1))
say "[ACU] Tag not allowed: upload closed!";
my $token = $rendu->{vcs}{token};
if ($token ne "" and $token ne $tokengiven)
say "[ACU] Error 0x65cd58: Bad token.";
# Send data to API
my $last_commit = `git log -1 --name-status`;
eval {
API::Submission::add($promo, $id_project, $tag, $repo_login, $last_commit);
if ($@) {
my $err = $@;
log DEBUG, "ERROR: ".$err;
log DONE, "[ACU] UPLOAD successful, please check this information on the intranet";
exit 0;
sub ip2long
return unpack("l*", pack("l*", unpack("N*", inet_aton(shift))));
sub long2ip
return inet_ntoa(pack("N*", shift));