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#! /usr/bin/env perl
use v5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Carp;
use File::Basename;
use File::Compare;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path qw(remove_tree mkpath);
use File::Temp qw/tempfile tempdir/;
use Sys::Gamin;
use ACU::Log;
use ACU::Process;
my %actions = (
"std" => \&receive_std, #STuDent
"ref" => \&receive_ref,
"tests" => \&create_testsuite,
"moulette" => \&moulette,
my %monitored_dir = ();
sub jail_exec
my $cmd = shift;
qx(jexec moulette1 /bin/sh -c "FACT='/usr/local/bin/mono /usr/local/fact/FactExe.exe' $cmd");
croak "Erreur while executing '$cmd'" if ($?);
sub fact_exec
my $cmd = shift;
my $rundir = shift;
# Check that Fact is running
qx/pgrep mono/;
while ($?)
log ERROR, "Fact is not running ... waiting for respawn";
qx/pgrep mono/;
jail_exec("cd '$rundir' && /usr/local/bin/mono /usr/local/fact/FactExe.exe $cmd");
sub prepare_dir
my $year = shift;
my $project_id = shift;
my $rendu = shift;
my @dirs = ("/data/work/$year-$project_id-$rendu/", "/data/output/$year-$project_id-$rendu/", "/data/files/$year-$project_id-$rendu/");
for my $dir (@dirs)
if (! -d $dir) {
mkpath($dir) or croak "An error occurs while creating directory: $!";
my ($login, $pass, $uid, $gid) = getpwnam("intradmin");
chown $uid, $gid, $dir;
chmod 0770, $dir;
return @dirs;
sub receive_ref
my $args = shift;
my $project_id = $args->{param}{id};
my $year = $args->{param}{year};
my $rendu = $args->{param}{rendu};
my $file = $args->{param}{file};
croak "No file named '$file' given" if (!exists $args->{files}{$file});
my $tempdir = tempdir(DIR => '/data/tmp');
open my $fh, "|tar -xz -f - -C '$tempdir'";
print $fh $args->{files}{$file};
close $fh;
croak "An error occurs while extracting the tarball" if ($?);
jail_exec("gmake -C $tempdir/ref/ fact");
croak "An error occurs while making the testsuite" if ($?);
my $destdir = ( prepare_dir($year, $project_id, $rendu) )[2];
copy("$tempdir/ref/ref.ff", "$destdir/ref.ff") or croak "An error occurs while coping ref.ff: $!";
# Clean
run_moulette($project_id, $year, $rendu);
sub receive_std
my $args = shift;
my $project_id = $args->{param}{id};
my $year = $args->{param}{year};
my $rendu = $args->{param}{rendu};
my $file = $args->{param}{file};
my $login = $args->{param}{login} // "ref";
log INFO, "Receiving student tarball: $login, for $year-$project_id-$rendu";
croak "No file named '$file' given" if (!exists $args->{files}{$file});
my $tempdir = tempdir(DIR => '/data/tmp');
open my $fh, "|tar -xz -f - -C '$tempdir'";
print $fh $args->{files}{$file};
close $fh;
croak "An error occurs while extracting the tarball" if ($?);
my $destdir = ( prepare_dir($year, $project_id, $rendu) )[2];
fact_exec("package create '$tempdir' '$destdir/$login.ff'", $destdir);
croak "Cannot create $login.ff" if ($?);
chmod 0666, "$destdir/$login.ff";
# Clean
run_moulette($project_id, $year, $rendu, $login);
sub create_testsuite
my $args = shift;
my $project_id = $args->{param}{id};
my $year = $args->{param}{year};
my $rendu = $args->{param}{rendu};
my $file = $args->{param}{file};
croak "No file named '$file' given" if (!exists $args->{files}{$file});
my $tempdir = tempdir(DIR => '/data/tmp');
open my $fh, "|tar -xz -f - -C '$tempdir'";
print $fh $args->{files}{$file};
close $fh;
croak "An error occurs while extracting the tarball" if ($?);
jail_exec("gmake -C $tempdir/tests/");
croak "An error occurs while making the testsuite" if ($?);
my ($workdir, $outputdir, $destdir) = prepare_dir($year, $project_id, $rendu);
copy("$tempdir/tests/tests.ff", "$destdir/tests.ff") or croak "An error occurs while coping the testsuite: $!";
chmod 0660, "$destdir/tests.ff";
# Check if test.ft has changed
if (-f "$tempdir/tests/test.ft")
if (! -f "$destdir/test.ft" || ! compare("$tempdir/tests/test.ft", "$destdir/test.ft"))
log DEBUG, "test.ft has changed, UPDATE students ones.";
copy("$tempdir/tests/test.ft", "$destdir/test.ft") or croak "An error occurs while coping test.ft: $!";
chmod 0660, "$destdir/test.ft";
opendir(my $dh, $workdir) or die "Can't list files in $workdir: $!";
while (readdir($dh))
if (/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+).ft$/)
log DEBUG, "Remove $1.ft";
unlink "$workdir/$1.ft";
closedir $dh;
log DEBUG, "test.ft hasn't changed, KEEP students ones.";
else {
croak "tests/test.ft not found.";
# Clean
run_moulette($project_id, $year, $rendu);
sub run_moulette
my $project_id = shift;
my $year = shift;
my $rendu = shift;
my @logins = @_;
my ($workdir, $outputdir, $filesdir) = prepare_dir($year, $project_id, $rendu);
if ($#logins == -1)
# Get all submissions
opendir(my $dh, $filesdir) or die "Can't list files in $filesdir: $!";
while (readdir($dh))
if (/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+).ff$/ && -f "$filesdir/$_" && ! /^tests\.ff$/) {
push @logins, $1;
closedir $dh;
for my $login (@logins)
my $fhin;
if (-f "$filesdir/test.ft") {
open $fhin, "<", "$filesdir/test.ft" or croak "Unable to open $filesdir/test.ft: $!";
if ($fhin)
open my $fhout, ">", "$workdir/$login.ft" or croak "Unable to update $workdir/$login.ft file: $!";
while (<$fhin>)
$_ =~ s/#LOGIN_X/$login/g;
$_ =~ s%#GLOBAL%/data/global/%g;
$_ =~ s/#PROJECT/$filesdir/g;
$_ =~ s/#SUBMIT/$workdir/g;
$_ =~ s/#OUTPUT/$outputdir/g;
print $fhout $_;
close $fhin;
close $fhout;
copy("$filesdir/$login.ff", "$workdir/$login.ff") or croak "Cannot copy $login.ff";
next if ($login eq "ref" && ! -f "$workdir/$login.ft");
croak "Unable to find a relevant $login.ft, abort moulette start." if (! -f "$workdir/$login.ft");
log WARN, "There is no ref for $project_id $rendu" if (! -f "$filesdir/ref.ff");
log WARN, "There is no $login.ff for $project_id $rendu" if (! -f "$workdir/$login.ff");
unlink "$outputdir/$login.xml" if ( -f "$outputdir/$login.xml");
monitor_dir($outputdir, $project_id, $year, $rendu);
log INFO, "$workdir/$login.ft append to Fact manager";
fact_exec("system manager $workdir/$login.ft", $workdir);
log ERROR, "An error occurs while starting tests for $login on $year-$project_id-$rendu" if ($?);
sub moulette
my $args = shift;
if ($args->{unamed} == 0)
# Run on all submissions
for (my $i = $args->{unamed}; $i > 0; $i--)
sub trace_send
my $path = shift;
my $filename = shift;
my $login = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $year = shift;
my $rendu = shift;
return if (! -f "$path/$filename");
my $file_content;
open my $fh, "<", "$path/$filename" or croak("Unable to read $path/$filename: $!");
$file_content .= $_ while(<$fh>);
close $fh;
log INFO, "Send trace from $path/$filename to intranet ...";
# Send trace over Gearman
{ "type" => "trace",
"action" => "update",
"id" => $id,
"year" => $year,
"rendu" => $rendu,
"login" => $login },
{ "$login.xml" => $file_content },
# Remove transfered trace
unlink "$path/$filename";
sub monitor_start
my $dir = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $year = shift;
my $rendu = shift;
my $fm = new Sys::Gamin;
log INFO, "Monitoring $dir";
while (1) {
my $event=$fm->next_event;
if (($event->type eq "create" || $event->type eq "change" || $event->type eq "exist") &&
$event->filename =~ /([^\/\\]+)\.xml$/ ) {
my $login = $event->filename;
$login =~ s/\.xml$//;
trace_send($dir, $event->filename, $login, $id, $year, $rendu);
monitor_traces( $fm->next_event ) while (1);
sub monitor_dir
my $dir = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $year = shift;
my $rendu = shift;
return if (exists ($monitored_dir{$dir}));
$monitored_dir{$dir} = threads->create(\&monitor_start, $dir, $id, $year, $rendu);
sub process_get
my ($given_args, $args) = @_;
my $type = $args->{param}{type} // "";
if (! exists $actions{$type}) {
log WARN, "Unknown type '$type'";
return "Unknown type '$type'.";
eval {
if ($@) {
my $err = $@;
log ERROR, $err;
return $err;
return "Ok";
Process::register("moulette_get", \&process_get);