
Remove old .ft

This commit is contained in:
Mercier Pierre-Olivier 2013-11-20 00:54:01 +01:00
parent f02f484cb8
commit 49e5dcddf4

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Carp;
use File::Basename;
use File::Compare;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path qw(remove_tree mkpath);
use File::Temp qw/tempfile tempdir/;
@ -153,12 +154,36 @@ sub create_testsuite
jail_exec("gmake -C $tempdir/tests/");
croak "An error occurs while making the testsuite" if ($?);
my $destdir = ( prepare_dir($year, $project_id, $rendu) )[2];
my ($workdir, $outputdir, $destdir) = prepare_dir($year, $project_id, $rendu);
copy("$tempdir/tests/tests.ff", "$destdir/tests.ff") or croak "An error occurs while coping the testsuite: $!";
copy("$tempdir/tests/test.ft", "$destdir/test.ft") or croak "An error occurs while coping test.ft: $!";
chmod 0660, "$destdir/tests.ff";
# Check if test.ft has changed
if (-f "$tempdir/tests/test.ft")
if (! -f "$destdir/test.ft" || ! compare("$tempdir/tests/test.ft", "$destdir/test.ft"))
log DEBUG, "test.ft has changed, update students ones.";
copy("$tempdir/tests/test.ft", "$destdir/test.ft") or croak "An error occurs while coping test.ft: $!";
chmod 0660, "$destdir/test.ft";
opendir(my $dh, $workdir) or die "Can't list files in $workdir: $!";
while (readdir($dh))
if (/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+).ft$/)
log DEBUG, "Remove $1.ft";
unlink "$workdir/$1.ft";
closedir $dh;
else {
croak "tests/test.ft not found.";
# Clean
@ -210,7 +235,7 @@ sub run_moulette
close $fhout;
copy("$filesdir/$login.ff", "$workdir/$login.ff") or croak "Cannont copy $login.ff";
copy("$filesdir/$login.ff", "$workdir/$login.ff") or croak "Cannot copy $login.ff";
next if ($login eq "ref" && ! -f "$workdir/$login.ft");
croak "Unable to find a relevant $login.ft, abort moulette start." if (! -f "$workdir/$login.ft");