Talk with LDAP
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
package LDAP;
use v5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::LDAPS;
use Net::LDAP::Util qw(ldap_error_text);
use ACU::Password;
use ACU::Right;
my $ldaphost = "";
my $binddn = "cn=intra,dc=acu,dc=epita,dc=fr";
my $bindsecret = Password::get_password ".secret_ldap";
sub ldap_connect()
my $ldap = Net::LDAPS->new($ldaphost) or die ("$@");
my $mesg = $ldap->bind($binddn, password => $bindsecret) or die ("$@");
if ($mesg->code) {
die "An error occurred: " .ldap_error_text($mesg->code)."\n";
return $ldap;
sub ldap_connect_anon()
my $ldap = Net::LDAPS->new($ldaphost) or die ("$@");
my $mesg = $ldap->bind or die ("$@");
if ($mesg->code) {
die "An error occurred: " .ldap_error_text($mesg->code)."\n";
return $ldap;
sub add_attribute($$$)
my $dn = shift;
my $what = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $ldap = ldap_connect();
my $mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "$dn",
attrs => [ $what ],
scope => "base"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "$dn not found or not a valid entry"; }
my @data = $mesg->entry(0)->get_value($what);
if (! grep(/^$value$/, @data)) {
push @data, $value;
$mesg->entry(0)->replace($what => \@data) or die $!;
$mesg->entry(0)->update($ldap) or die $!;
print "Add $what $value to $dn.";
else {
print "$dn already has $what $value.";
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
sub add_group($$;$)
my $cn = shift;
my $year = shift;
my $ou = shift // "intra"; # expected roles or intra
my $dn = "cn=$cn,ou=$year,ou=$ou,ou=groups,dc=acu,dc=epita,dc=fr";
my $ldap = ldap_connect();
my $mesg = $ldap->add( $dn,
attrs => [
cn => $cn,
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
return $dn;
sub delete_attribute($$$)
my $dn = shift;
my $what = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $ldap = ldap_connect();
my $mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "$dn",
attrs => [ $what ],
scope => "base"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "$dn not found or not a valid entry"; }
my @data = $mesg->entry(0)->get_value($what);
if (! grep(/^$value$/, @data)) {
print "$dn has no $what $value.";
else {
@data = grep(!/$value$/, @data);
$mesg->entry(0)->replace($what => \@data) or die $!;
$mesg->entry(0)->update($ldap) or die $!;
print "Delete $what $value to $dn.";
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
sub delete_attributes($$$)
my $dn = shift;
my $what = shift;
my $values = shift;
my $ldap = ldap_connect();
my $mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "$dn",
attrs => [ $what ],
scope => "base"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "$dn not found or not a valid entry"; }
my @data = $mesg->entry(0)->get_value($what);
for my $value ($values) {
if (! grep(/^$value$/, @data)) {
print "$dn has no $what $value.";
else {
@data = grep(!/$value$/, @data);
print "Delete $what $value to $dn.";
$mesg->entry(0)->replace($what => \@data) or die $!;
$mesg->entry(0)->update($ldap) or die $!;
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
sub delete_entry($$;$)
my $ldap = ldap_connect();
$ldap->delete( shift );
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
sub delete_group($$;$)
my $cn = shift;
my $year = shift;
my $ou = shift // "intra"; # expected roles or intra
my $ldap = ldap_connect();
my $mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "ou=groups,dc=acu,dc=epita,dc=fr",
filter => "cn=$cn",
scope => "sub"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "$cn not found or multiple entries match"; }
$ldap->delete( $mesg->entry(0)->dn );
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
sub flush_attribute($$)
my $dn = shift;
my $what = shift;
my $ldap = ldap_connect();
my $mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "$dn",
scope => "base"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "$dn not found or not a valid entry"; }
$ldap->modify($mesg->entry(0)->dn, delete => [$what]);
print "Flush $what for $dn.";
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
sub get_attribute($$)
my $dn = shift;
my $what = shift;
my $ldap = ldap_connect();
my $mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "$dn",
attrs => [ $what ],
scope => "sub"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "$dn not found or not a valid entry"; }
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
return $mesg->entry(0)->get_value($what);
sub get_year()
my $ldap = ldap_connect_anon();
my $mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "cn=year,dc=acu,dc=epita,dc=fr",
filter => "(cn=year)",
attrs => [ "year" ],
scope => "base"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "Year not found or not a valid entry"; }
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
return $mesg->entry(0)->get_value("year");
sub update_attribute($$$)
my $dn = shift;
my $what = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $ldap = ldap_connect();
my $mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "$dn",
attrs => [ $what ],
scope => "sub"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "$dn not found or not a valid entry"; }
$mesg->entry(0)->replace($what => $value) or die $!;
$mesg->entry(0)->update($ldap) or die $!;
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
sub has_right($$)
my $login = shift;
my $right = shift;
my $ok = 0;
for my $r (get_rights($login)) {
if ($r->{right} eq $right) {
return 0 if ($r->{negate});
$ok = $r;
return $ok;
sub get_rights($)
my $login = shift;
my @rights;
my $ldap = ldap_connect_anon();
my $mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "ou=roles,ou=groups,dc=acu,dc=epita,dc=fr",
filter => "&(memberUid=$login)(objectClass=intraGroup)",
attrs => [ 'intraRight' ],
scope => "sub"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "User $login not found or multiple presence"; }
for my $r ($mesg->entry(0)->get_value('intraRight')) {
push @rights, Right->new($r);
$mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "ou=intra,ou=groups,dc=acu,dc=epita,dc=fr",
filter => "&(memberUid=$login)(objectClass=intraGroup)",
attrs => [ 'intraRight' ],
scope => "sub"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "User $login not found or multiple presence"; }
for my $r ($mesg->entry(0)->get_value('intraRight')) {
push @rights, Right->new($r);
$mesg = $ldap->search( # search
base => "ou=users,dc=acu,dc=epita,dc=fr",
filter => "&(uid=$login)(objectClass=intraAccount)",
attrs => [ 'intraRight' ],
scope => "sub"
if ($mesg->code != 0) { die $mesg->error; }
if ($mesg->count != 1) { die "User $login not found or multiple presence"; }
for my $r ($mesg->entry(0)->get_value('intraRight')) {
push @rights, Right->new($r);
$ldap->unbind or die ("couldn't disconnect correctly");
return @rights;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
package Right;
use v5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new ($$)
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
negate => 0,
bless $self, $class;
if ($self->parse(shift)) {
return $self;
else {
return undef;
sub parse($$)
my $self = shift;
my $right = shift;
if ($right =~ /^(!)?(((([0-9]{4}):)?([^:]*):)?([^:]*):)?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(;(([^;]+);)?(.*))?/)
$self->{negate} = 1 if ($1);
$self->{year} = $5 if ($5);
$self->{module} = $6 if ($6);
$self->{project} = $7 if ($7);
$self->{right} = $8;
$self->{arg} = $11 if ($11);
$self->{comm} = $12 if ($12);
return 1;
else {
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user