Add process management
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
package Process;
use v5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Gearman::Worker;
use XML::LibXML;
use XML::SAX::ParserFactory;
use List::Util "reduce";
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use constant COEFF_OLD => 25;
use constant WAITING_LOAD => 2;
open(my $cpuinfo, "<", "/proc/cpuinfo");
our $nb_cpus = 0;
$nb_cpus = grep {/^processor\s/} <$cpuinfo>;
close $cpuinfo;
sub check_load ($)
my $priority = shift;
my $load = 0;
# Get load by parsing uptime command output
open my $fh, '-|', 'uptime';
$load = $1 if <$fh> =~ /load average: (.+?),/;
close $fh;
return (($load * 4 / $nb_cpus) < $priority);
sub do_work ($$$@)
my $subref = shift;
my $given_args = shift;
my $priority = shift;
my $old = 0;
# Check the load isn't to high for this process
sleep WAITING_LOAD while ! check_load ($priority + (++$old / COEFF_OLD));
# Parse arguments
my $args = {
id => undef,
priority => 10,
auth => undef,
param => {},
unamed => 0,
files => {},
subtree => undef
my $sax_handler = ProcessHandler->new($args);
my $parser = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser( Handler => $sax_handler );
$parser->parse_string(${ $_[0]{argref} });
return $subref->($given_args, $args);
sub register ($$;$$)
my $funcname = shift;
my $subref = shift;
my $given_arg = shift;
my $priority = shift // 1;
my $worker = Gearman::Worker->new;
$worker->register_function($funcname => sub { return do_work($subref, $given_arg, $priority, @_); });
say "$funcname registered";
$worker->work while 1;
package SubtreeItem;
sub new ($$)
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
nodeName => shift,
attributes => {},
nodeValue => "",
children => []
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub getAttribute ($$)
my ($self, $name) = @_;
return $self->{attributes}->{$name};
sub hasAttribute ($$)
my ($self, $name) = @_;
return exists $self->{attributes}->{$name};
sub getAllChildren($)
my $self = shift;
my @queue;
my @elements;
for my $child (@{ $self->{children} }) {
push @queue, $child;
while (@queue) {
my $child = shift @queue;
for my $child2 (@{ $child->{children} }) {
push @queue, $child2;
push @elements, $child;
return @elements;
sub hasChildNodes ($)
my $self = shift;
return @{ $self->{children} } > 0;
sub getData ($)
my $self = shift;
return $self->nodeValue;
sub getElementsByTagName ($$)
my ($self, $name) = @_;
return grep { $name eq "*" or $_->{nodeName} eq $name } getAllChildren($self);
sub getElementById ($$)
my ($self, $name) = @_;
return grep { $_->{attributes}->{id} eq $name } getAllChildren($self);
sub getFirstChild ($)
my $self = shift;
return $self->{children}[0];
package ProcessHandler;
use Carp;
sub new ($$)
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
parsed => shift,
fileEnc => "",
inFile => "",
inParam => "",
subtreeStack => [],
values => ""
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub start_element
my ($self, $element) = @_;
if (@{ $self->{subtreeStack} } > 0 || $element->{Name} eq "subtree") {
my $item = SubtreeItem->new($element->{Name});
for my $attribute (keys %{ $element->{Attributes} }) {
my $attr = $attribute;
$attr =~ s/{}//;
$item->{attributes}->{$attr} = $element->{Attributes}{$attribute}{Value};
if (@{ $self->{subtreeStack} } > 0) {
$self->{subtreeStack}[-1]->{nodeValue} .= $self->{values};
push @{ $self->{subtreeStack} }, $item;
$self->{values} = "";
elsif ($element->{Name} eq "process") {
$self->{parsed}{auth} = $element->{Attributes}{"{}auth"}{Value};
$self->{parsed}{id} = $element->{Attributes}{"{}id"}{Value};
$self->{parsed}{priority} = $element->{Attributes}{"{}priority"}{Value};
elsif ($element->{Name} eq "file") {
$self->{inFile} = $element->{Attributes}{"{}name"}{Value};
$self->{fileEnc} = $element->{Attributes}{"{}encoding"}{Value} // "base64";
$self->{values} = "";
elsif ($element->{Name} eq "param") {
if ($element->{Attributes}{"{}name"}{Value}) {
$self->{inParam} = $element->{Attributes}{"{}name"}{Value};
} else {
$self->{inParam} = ++$self->{parsed}{unamed};
$self->{values} = "";
sub characters
my ($self, $characters) = @_;
if ($self->{inFile} || $self->{inParam} || @{ $self->{subtreeStack} } > 0) {
$self->{values} .= $characters->{Data};
sub end_element
my ($self, $element) = @_;
if (@{ $self->{subtreeStack} } > 0)
my $item = pop @{ $self->{subtreeStack} };
$item->{nodeValue} .= $self->{values};
$item->{nodeValue} =~ s/\n+/ /g;
$item->{nodeValue} =~ s/ +/ /g;
if (@{ $self->{subtreeStack} } > 0) {
push @{ $self->{subtreeStack}[-1]->{children} }, $item;
else {
$self->{parsed}{subtree} = $item;
$self->{values} = "";
elsif ($element->{Name} eq "param") {
$self->{parsed}{param}{ $self->{inParam} } = $self->{values};
$self->{inParam} = "";
$self->{values} = "";
elsif ($element->{Name} eq "file") {
$self->{parsed}{files}{ $self->{inFile} } = decode_file($self->{values}, $self->{fileEnc});
$self->{values} = "";
$self->{inFile} = "";
$self->{fileEnc} = "";
sub decode_file ($$)
my $content = shift;
my $encoding = shift;
if ($encoding eq "base64")
use MIME::Base64;
return decode_base64($content);
else {
croak "$encoding is not a known encoding."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use v5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Pod::Usage;
push @INC, "../../";
use ACU::LDAP;
use ACU::Process;
our $ou = "intra";
my %actions =
"new" => \&group_new,
"add" => \&group_add,
"delete" => \&group_delete,
"flush" => \&group_flush,
"remove" => \&group_remove,
"update" => \&group_update,
sub group_new($$)
my $dn = shift;
my $args = shift;
# Add group
if (LDAP::add_group($args->{param}{cn}, LDAP::get_year) eq $dn)
if ($args->{param}{type}) {
group_add $dn, $args
sub group_add($$)
my $dn = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $cnt_type = group_get_type $args->{param};
# Add content if any
for (my $i = $args->{unamed}; $i > 0; $i--) {
LDAP::add_attribute($dn, $cnt_type, $args->{param}{$i});
sub group_delete($$)
return LDAP::delete_entry(shift);
sub group_flush($$)
my $dn = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $cnt_type = group_get_type $args->{param};
return LDAP::flush_attribute($dn, $cnt_type);
sub group_remove($$)
my $dn = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $cnt_type = group_get_type $args->{param};
my @data;
for (my $i = $args->{unamed}; $i > 0; $i--) {
push @data, $i;
return LDAP::delete_attributes($dn, $cnt_type, \@data);
sub group_update($$)
my $dn = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $cnt_type = group_get_type $args->{param};
my @data;
for (my $i = $args->{unamed}; $i > 0; $i--) {
push @data, $i;
LDAP::update_attribute($dn, $cnt_type, \@data);
sub group_get_type($)
my $param = shift;
# Extract data type
if ($param{type} eq "members") {
return "memberUid";
elsif ($param{type} eq "rights") {
return "intraRights" ;
else {
die ("Unknown type to add: ".$param{type});
sub process
my ($given_args, $args) = @_;
my $year = $param{year} // LDAP::get_year;
my $dn = "cn=".$param{cn}."ou=$year,ou=$ou,ou=groups,dc=acu,dc=epita,dc=fr";
my $action = $param{type} // "update";
# Read action
if (! exists $actions{$action}) {
return "Unknown command for update_group: ". $action;
return $actions{$action}($dn, $args);
Process::register("update_group", \&process);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user