
583 lines
18 KiB

// Description: Some utilities for text and shape drawing on a canvas
// Created: 2002-08-23
// Ver: $Id: jpgraph_canvtools.php 1857 2009-09-28 14:38:14Z ljp $
// Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved.
define('CORNER_TOPLEFT', 0);
define('CORNER_TOPRIGHT', 1);
// CLASS CanvasScale
// Description: Define a scale for canvas so we
// can abstract away with absolute pixels
class CanvasScale
private $g;
private $w;
private $h;
private $ixmin=0;
private $ixmax=10;
private $iymin=0;
private $iymax=10;
public function __construct($graph, $xmin=0, $xmax=10, $ymin=0, $ymax=10)
$this->g = $graph;
$this->w = $graph->img->width;
$this->h = $graph->img->height;
$this->ixmin = $xmin;
$this->ixmax = $xmax;
$this->iymin = $ymin;
$this->iymax = $ymax;
public function Set($xmin=0, $xmax=10, $ymin=0, $ymax=10)
$this->ixmin = $xmin;
$this->ixmax = $xmax;
$this->iymin = $ymin;
$this->iymax = $ymax;
public function Get()
return array($this->ixmin,$this->ixmax,$this->iymin,$this->iymax);
public function Translate($x, $y)
$xp = round(($x-$this->ixmin)/($this->ixmax - $this->ixmin) * $this->w);
$yp = round(($y-$this->iymin)/($this->iymax - $this->iymin) * $this->h);
return array($xp,$yp);
public function TranslateX($x)
$xp = round(($x-$this->ixmin)/($this->ixmax - $this->ixmin) * $this->w);
return $xp;
public function TranslateY($y)
$yp = round(($y-$this->iymin)/($this->iymax - $this->iymin) * $this->h);
return $yp;
// CLASS Shape
// Description: Methods to draw shapes on canvas
class Shape
private $img;
private $scale;
public function __construct($aGraph, $scale)
$this->img = $aGraph->img;
$this->scale = $scale;
public function SetColor($aColor)
public function Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
list($x1, $y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x1, $y1);
list($x2, $y2) = $this->scale->Translate($x2, $y2);
$this->img->Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
public function SetLineWeight($aWeight)
public function Polygon($p, $aClosed=false)
for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i+=2) {
$p[$i] = $this->scale->TranslateX($p[$i]);
$p[$i+1] = $this->scale->TranslateY($p[$i+1]);
$this->img->Polygon($p, $aClosed);
public function FilledPolygon($p)
for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i+=2) {
$p[$i] = $this->scale->TranslateX($p[$i]);
$p[$i+1] = $this->scale->TranslateY($p[$i+1]);
// Draw a bezier curve with defining points in the $aPnts array
// using $aSteps steps.
// 0=x0, 1=y0
// 2=x1, 3=y1
// 4=x2, 5=y2
// 6=x3, 7=y3
public function Bezier($p, $aSteps=40)
$x0 = $p[0];
$y0 = $p[1];
// Calculate coefficients
$cx = 3*($p[2]-$p[0]);
$bx = 3*($p[4]-$p[2])-$cx;
$ax = $p[6]-$p[0]-$cx-$bx;
$cy = 3*($p[3]-$p[1]);
$by = 3*($p[5]-$p[3])-$cy;
$ay = $p[7]-$p[1]-$cy-$by;
// Step size
$delta = 1.0/$aSteps;
$x_old = $x0;
$y_old = $y0;
for ($t=$delta; $t<=1.0; $t+=$delta) {
$tt = $t*$t;
$x = $ax*$ttt + $bx*$tt + $cx*$t + $x0;
$y = $ay*$ttt + $by*$tt + $cy*$t + $y0;
$this->Line($x_old, $y_old, $x, $y);
$x_old = $x;
$y_old = $y;
$this->Line($x_old, $y_old, $p[6], $p[7]);
public function Rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
list($x1, $y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x1, $y1);
list($x2, $y2) = $this->scale->Translate($x2, $y2);
$this->img->Rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
public function FilledRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
list($x1, $y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x1, $y1);
list($x2, $y2) = $this->scale->Translate($x2, $y2);
$this->img->FilledRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
public function Circle($x1, $y1, $r)
list($x1, $y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x1, $y1);
if ($r >= 0) {
$r = $this->scale->TranslateX($r);
} else {
$r = -$r;
$this->img->Circle($x1, $y1, $r);
public function FilledCircle($x1, $y1, $r)
list($x1, $y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x1, $y1);
if ($r >= 0) {
$r = $this->scale->TranslateX($r);
} else {
$r = -$r;
$this->img->FilledCircle($x1, $y1, $r);
public function RoundedRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $r=null)
list($x1, $y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x1, $y1);
list($x2, $y2) = $this->scale->Translate($x2, $y2);
if ($r == null) {
$r = 5;
} elseif ($r >= 0) {
$r = $this->scale->TranslateX($r);
} else {
$r = -$r;
$this->img->RoundedRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $r);
public function FilledRoundedRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $r=null)
list($x1, $y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x1, $y1);
list($x2, $y2) = $this->scale->Translate($x2, $y2);
if ($r == null) {
$r = 5;
} elseif ($r > 0) {
$r = $this->scale->TranslateX($r);
} else {
$r = -$r;
$this->img->FilledRoundedRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $r);
public function ShadowRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $fcolor=false, $shadow_width=null, $shadow_color=array(102,102,102))
list($x1, $y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x1, $y1);
list($x2, $y2) = $this->scale->Translate($x2, $y2);
if ($shadow_width == null) {
} else {
$this->img->ShadowRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $fcolor, $shadow_width, $shadow_color);
public function SetTextAlign($halign, $valign="bottom")
$this->img->SetTextAlign($halign, $valign="bottom");
public function StrokeText($x1, $y1, $txt, $dir=0, $paragraph_align="left")
list($x1, $y1) = $this->scale->Translate($x1, $y1);
$this->img->StrokeText($x1, $y1, $txt, $dir, $paragraph_align);
// A rounded rectangle where one of the corner has been moved "into" the
// rectangle 'iw' width and 'ih' height. Corners:
// 0=Top left, 1=top right, 2=bottom right, 3=bottom left
public function IndentedRectangle($xt, $yt, $w, $h, $iw=0, $ih=0, $aCorner=3, $aFillColor="", $r=4)
list($xt, $yt) = $this->scale->Translate($xt, $yt);
list($w, $h) = $this->scale->Translate($w, $h);
list($iw, $ih) = $this->scale->Translate($iw, $ih);
$xr = $xt + $w - 0;
$yl = $yt + $h - 0;
switch ($aCorner) {
case 0: // Upper left
// Bottom line, left & right arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$r, $yl, $xr-$r, $yl);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$r, $yl-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 90, 180);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$r, $yl-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 0, 90);
// Right line, Top right arc
$this->img->Line($xr, $yt+$r, $xr, $yl-$r);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$r, $yt+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 270, 360);
// Top line, Top left arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$iw+$r, $yt, $xr-$r, $yt);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$iw+$r, $yt+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 180, 270);
// Left line
$this->img->Line($xt, $yt+$ih+$r, $xt, $yl-$r);
// Indent horizontal, Lower left arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$r, $yt+$ih, $xt+$iw-$r, $yt+$ih);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$r, $yt+$ih+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 180, 270);
// Indent vertical, Indent arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$iw, $yt+$r, $xt+$iw, $yt+$ih-$r);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$iw-$r, $yt+$ih-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 0, 90);
if ($aFillColor != '') {
$bc = $this->img->current_color_name;
$this->img->FillToBorder($xr-$r, $yl-$r, $bc);
case 1: // Upper right
// Bottom line, left & right arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$r, $yl, $xr-$r, $yl);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$r, $yl-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 90, 180);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$r, $yl-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 0, 90);
// Left line, Top left arc
$this->img->Line($xt, $yt+$r, $xt, $yl-$r);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$r, $yt+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 180, 270);
// Top line, Top right arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$r, $yt, $xr-$iw-$r, $yt);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$iw-$r, $yt+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 270, 360);
// Right line
$this->img->Line($xr, $yt+$ih+$r, $xr, $yl-$r);
// Indent horizontal, Lower right arc
$this->img->Line($xr-$iw+$r, $yt+$ih, $xr-$r, $yt+$ih);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$r, $yt+$ih+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 270, 360);
// Indent vertical, Indent arc
$this->img->Line($xr-$iw, $yt+$r, $xr-$iw, $yt+$ih-$r);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$iw+$r, $yt+$ih-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 90, 180);
if ($aFillColor != '') {
$bc = $this->img->current_color_name;
$this->img->FillToBorder($xt+$r, $yl-$r, $bc);
case 2: // Lower right
// Top line, Top left & Top right arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$r, $yt, $xr-$r, $yt);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$r, $yt+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 180, 270);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$r, $yt+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 270, 360);
// Left line, Bottom left arc
$this->img->Line($xt, $yt+$r, $xt, $yl-$r);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$r, $yl-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 90, 180);
// Bottom line, Bottom right arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$r, $yl, $xr-$iw-$r, $yl);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$iw-$r, $yl-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 0, 90);
// Right line
$this->img->Line($xr, $yt+$r, $xr, $yl-$ih-$r);
// Indent horizontal, Lower right arc
$this->img->Line($xr-$r, $yl-$ih, $xr-$iw+$r, $yl-$ih);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$r, $yl-$ih-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 0, 90);
// Indent vertical, Indent arc
$this->img->Line($xr-$iw, $yl-$r, $xr-$iw, $yl-$ih+$r);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$iw+$r, $yl-$ih+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 180, 270);
if ($aFillColor != '') {
$bc = $this->img->current_color_name;
$this->img->FillToBorder($xt+$r, $yt+$r, $bc);
case 3: // Lower left
// Top line, Top left & Top right arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$r, $yt, $xr-$r, $yt);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$r, $yt+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 180, 270);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$r, $yt+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 270, 360);
// Right line, Bottom right arc
$this->img->Line($xr, $yt+$r, $xr, $yl-$r);
$this->img->Arc($xr-$r, $yl-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 0, 90);
// Bottom line, Bottom left arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$iw+$r, $yl, $xr-$r, $yl);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$iw+$r, $yl-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 90, 180);
// Left line
$this->img->Line($xt, $yt+$r, $xt, $yl-$ih-$r);
// Indent horizontal, Lower left arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$r, $yl-$ih, $xt+$iw-$r, $yl-$ih);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$r, $yl-$ih-$r, $r*2, $r*2, 90, 180);
// Indent vertical, Indent arc
$this->img->Line($xt+$iw, $yl-$ih+$r, $xt+$iw, $yl-$r);
$this->img->Arc($xt+$iw-$r, $yl-$ih+$r, $r*2, $r*2, 270, 360);
if ($aFillColor != '') {
$bc = $this->img->current_color_name;
$this->img->FillToBorder($xr-$r, $yt+$r, $bc);
// CLASS RectangleText
// Description: Draws a text paragraph inside a
// rounded, possible filled, rectangle.
class CanvasRectangleText
private $ix;
private $iy;
private $iw;
private $ih;
private $ir=4;
private $iTxt;
private $iColor='black';
private $iFillColor='';
private $iFontColor='black';
private $iParaAlign='center';
private $iAutoBoxMargin=5;
private $iShadowWidth=3;
private $iShadowColor='';
public function __construct($aTxt='', $xl=0, $yt=0, $w=0, $h=0)
$this->iTxt = new Text($aTxt);
$this->ix = $xl;
$this->iy = $yt;
$this->iw = $w;
$this->ih = $h;
public function SetShadow($aColor='gray', $aWidth=3)
$this->iShadowColor = $aColor;
$this->iShadowWidth = $aWidth;
public function SetFont($FontFam, $aFontStyle, $aFontSize=12)
$this->iTxt->SetFont($FontFam, $aFontStyle, $aFontSize);
public function SetTxt($aTxt)
public function ParagraphAlign($aParaAlign)
$this->iParaAlign = $aParaAlign;
public function SetFillColor($aFillColor)
$this->iFillColor = $aFillColor;
public function SetAutoMargin($aMargin)
public function SetColor($aColor)
$this->iColor = $aColor;
public function SetFontColor($aColor)
$this->iFontColor = $aColor;
public function SetPos($xl=0, $yt=0, $w=0, $h=0)
$this->ix = $xl;
$this->iy = $yt;
$this->iw = $w;
$this->ih = $h;
public function Pos($xl=0, $yt=0, $w=0, $h=0)
$this->ix = $xl;
$this->iy = $yt;
$this->iw = $w;
$this->ih = $h;
public function Set($aTxt, $xl, $yt, $w=0, $h=0)
$this->ix = $xl;
$this->iy = $yt;
$this->iw = $w;
$this->ih = $h;
public function SetCornerRadius($aRad=5)
$this->ir = $aRad;
public function Stroke($aImg, $scale)
// If coordinates are specifed as negative this means we should
// treat them as abolsute (pixels) coordinates
if ($this->ix > 0) {
$this->ix = $scale->TranslateX($this->ix) ;
} else {
$this->ix = -$this->ix;
if ($this->iy > 0) {
$this->iy = $scale->TranslateY($this->iy) ;
} else {
$this->iy = -$this->iy;
list($this->iw, $this->ih) = $scale->Translate($this->iw, $this->ih) ;
if ($this->iw == 0) {
$this->iw = round($this->iTxt->GetWidth($aImg) + $this->iAutoBoxMargin);
if ($this->ih == 0) {
$this->ih = round($this->iTxt->GetTextHeight($aImg) + $this->iAutoBoxMargin);
if ($this->iShadowColor != '') {
if ($this->iFillColor != '') {
if ($this->iColor != '') {
$this->iTxt->Align('center', 'center');
$this->iTxt->Stroke($aImg, $this->ix+$this->iw/2, $this->iy+$this->ih/2);
return array($this->iw, $this->ih);