
558 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

// Description: Class to handle the legend box in the graph that gives
// names on the data series. The number of rows and columns
// in the legend are user specifyable.
// Created: 2001-01-08 (Refactored to separate file 2008-08-01)
// Ver: $Id: jpgraph_legend.inc.php 1926 2010-01-11 16:33:07Z ljp $
// Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved.
DEFINE('_DEFAULT_LPM_SIZE', 8); // Default Legend Plot Mark size
// CLASS Legend
// Description: Responsible for drawing the box containing
// all the legend text for the graph
class Legend
public $txtcol=array();
public $font_family=FF_DEFAULT;
public $font_style=FS_NORMAL;
public $font_size=8; // old. 12
private $color=array(120,120,120); // Default frame color
private $fill_color=array(245,245,245); // Default fill color
private $shadow=false; // Shadow around legend "box"
private $shadow_color='darkgray';
private $mark_abs_hsize=_DEFAULT_LPM_SIZE;
private $mark_abs_vsize=_DEFAULT_LPM_SIZE;
private $xmargin=10;
private $ymargin=0;
private $shadow_width=2;
private $xlmargin=4;
private $ylinespacing=5;
// We need a separate margin since the baseline of the last text would coincide with the bottom otherwise
private $ybottom_margin = 8;
private $xpos=0.05;
private $ypos=0.15;
private $xabspos=-1;
private $yabspos=-1;
private $halign="right";
private $valign="top";
private $font_color='black';
private $hide=false;
private $layout_n=1;
private $weight=1;
private $frameweight=1;
private $csimareas='';
private $reverse = false ;
private $bkg_gradtype=-1;
private $bkg_gradfrom='lightgray';
private $bkg_gradto='gray';
public function __construct()
// Empty
public function Hide($aHide=true)
public function SetHColMargin($aXMarg)
$this->xmargin = $aXMarg;
public function SetVColMargin($aSpacing)
$this->ylinespacing = $aSpacing ;
public function SetLeftMargin($aXMarg)
$this->xlmargin = $aXMarg;
// Synonym
public function SetLineSpacing($aSpacing)
$this->ylinespacing = $aSpacing ;
public function SetShadow($aShow='gray', $aWidth=4)
if (is_string($aShow)) {
$this->shadow_color = $aShow;
} else {
$this->shadow = $aShow;
$this->shadow_width = $aWidth;
public function SetMarkAbsSize($aSize)
$this->mark_abs_vsize = $aSize ;
$this->mark_abs_hsize = $aSize ;
public function SetMarkAbsVSize($aSize)
$this->mark_abs_vsize = $aSize ;
public function SetMarkAbsHSize($aSize)
$this->mark_abs_hsize = $aSize ;
public function SetLineWeight($aWeight)
$this->weight = $aWeight;
public function SetFrameWeight($aWeight)
$this->frameweight = $aWeight;
public function SetLayout($aDirection=LEGEND_VERT)
$this->layout_n = $aDirection==LEGEND_VERT ? 1 : 99 ;
public function SetColumns($aCols)
$this->layout_n = $aCols ;
public function SetReverse($f=true)
$this->reverse = $f ;
// Set color on frame around box
public function SetColor($aFontColor, $aColor='black')
public function SetFont($aFamily, $aStyle=FS_NORMAL, $aSize=10)
$this->font_family = $aFamily;
$this->font_style = $aStyle;
$this->font_size = $aSize;
public function SetPos($aX, $aY, $aHAlign='right', $aVAlign='top')
$this->Pos($aX, $aY, $aHAlign, $aVAlign);
public function SetAbsPos($aX, $aY, $aHAlign='right', $aVAlign='top')
public function Pos($aX, $aY, $aHAlign='right', $aVAlign='top')
if (!($aX<1 && $aY<1)) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25120);//(" Position for legend must be given as percentage in range 0-1");
public function SetFillColor($aColor)
public function Clear()
$this->txtcol = array();
public function Add($aTxt, $aColor, $aPlotmark='', $aLinestyle=0, $csimtarget='', $csimalt='', $csimwintarget='')
public function GetCSIMAreas()
return $this->csimareas;
public function SetBackgroundGradient($aFrom='navy', $aTo='silver', $aGradType=2)
$this->bkg_gradfrom = $aFrom;
$this->bkg_gradto = $aTo;
public function HasItems()
return (boolean)(count($this->txtcol));
public function Stroke($aImg)
// Constant
if ($this->hide) {
$aImg->SetFont($this->font_family, $this->font_style, $this->font_size);
if ($this->reverse) {
$this->txtcol = array_reverse($this->txtcol);
if ($n == 0) {
// Find out the max width and height of each column to be able
// to size the legend box.
$numcolumns = ($n > $this->layout_n ? $this->layout_n : $n);
for ($i=0; $i < $numcolumns; ++$i) {
$colwidth[$i] = $aImg->GetTextWidth($this->txtcol[$i][0]) +
2*$this->xmargin + 2*$this->mark_abs_hsize;
$colheight[$i] = 0;
// Find our maximum height in each row
$rows = 0 ;
$rowheight[0] = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$h = max($this->mark_abs_vsize, $aImg->GetTextHeight($this->txtcol[$i][0]))+$this->ylinespacing;
// Makes sure we always have a minimum of 1/4 (1/2 on each side) of the mark as space
// between two vertical legend entries
//$h = round(max($h,$this->mark_abs_vsize+$this->ymargin));
//echo "Textheight #$i: tetxheight=".$aImg->GetTextHeight($this->txtcol[$i][0]).', ';
//echo "h=$h ({$this->mark_abs_vsize},{$this->ymargin})<br>";
if ($i % $numcolumns == 0) {
$rowheight[$rows-1] = 0;
$rowheight[$rows-1] = max($rowheight[$rows-1], $h)+1;
$abs_height = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < $rows; ++$i) {
$abs_height += $rowheight[$i] ;
// Make sure that the height is at least as high as mark size + ymargin
$abs_height = max($abs_height, $this->mark_abs_vsize);
$abs_height += $this->ybottom_margin;
// Find out the maximum width in each column
for ($i=$numcolumns; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$colwidth[$i % $numcolumns] = max(
$colwidth[$i % $numcolumns]
// Get the total width
$mtw = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < $numcolumns; ++$i) {
$mtw += $colwidth[$i] ;
// remove the last rows interpace margin (since there is no next row)
$abs_height -= $this->ylinespacing;
// Find out maximum width we need for legend box
$abs_width = $mtw+$this->xlmargin+($numcolumns-1)*$this->mark_abs_hsize;
if ($this->xabspos === -1 && $this->yabspos === -1) {
$this->xabspos = $this->xpos*$aImg->width ;
$this->yabspos = $this->ypos*$aImg->height ;
// Positioning of the legend box
if ($this->halign == 'left') {
$xp = $this->xabspos;
} elseif ($this->halign == 'center') {
$xp = $this->xabspos - $abs_width/2;
} else {
$xp = $aImg->width - $this->xabspos - $abs_width;
if ($this->valign == 'center') {
} elseif ($this->valign == 'bottom') {
// Stroke legend box
if ($this->shadow) {
} else {
$aImg->FilledRectangle($xp, $yp, $xp+$abs_width, $yp+$abs_height);
$aImg->Rectangle($xp, $yp, $xp+$abs_width, $yp+$abs_height);
if ($this->bkg_gradtype >= 0) {
$grad = new Gradient($aImg);
// x1,y1 is the position for the legend marker + text
// The vertical position is the baseline position for the text
// and every marker is adjusted acording to that.
// For multiline texts this get more complicated.
$x1 = $xp + $this->xlmargin;
$y1 = $yp + $rowheight[0] - $this->ylinespacing + 2 ; // The ymargin is included in rowheight
// Now, y1 is the bottom vertical position of the first legend, i.e if
// the legend has multiple lines it is the bottom line.
$grad = new Gradient($aImg);
$patternFactory = null;
// Now stroke each legend in turn
// Each plot has added the following information to the legend
// p[0] = Legend text
// p[1] = Color,
// p[2] = For markers a reference to the PlotMark object
// p[3] = For lines the line style, for gradient the negative gradient style
// p[4] = CSIM target
// p[5] = CSIM Alt text
$i = 1 ;
$row = 0;
foreach ($this->txtcol as $p) {
if (_JPG_DEBUG) {
$aImg->Rectangle($x1, $y1, $xp+$abs_width-1, $y1-$rowheight[$row]);
$x1 = round($x1)+1; // We add one to not collide with the border
// This is the center offset up from the baseline which is
// considered the "center" of the marks. This gets slightly complicated since
// we need to consider if the text is a multiline paragraph or if it is only
// a single line. The reason is that for single line the y1 corresponds to the baseline
// and that is fine. However for a multiline paragraph there is no single baseline
// and in that case the y1 corresponds to the lowest y for the bounding box. In that
// case we center the mark in the middle of the paragraph
if (!preg_match('/\n/', $p[0])) {
// Single line
$marky = ceil($y1-$this->mark_abs_vsize/2)-1;
} else {
// Paragraph
$marky = $y1 - $aImg->GetTextHeight($p[0])/2;
// echo "y1=$y1, p[o]={$p[0]}, marky=$marky<br>";
//echo "<br>Mark #$i: marky=$marky<br>";
$x1 += $this->mark_abs_hsize;
if (!empty($p[2]) && $p[2]->GetType() > -1) {
// Make a plot mark legend. This is constructed with a mark which
// is run through with a line
// First construct a bit of the line that looks exactly like the
// line in the plot
if (is_string($p[3]) || $p[3]>0) {
$aImg->StyleLine($x1-$this->mark_abs_hsize, $marky, $x1+$this->mark_abs_hsize, $marky);
// Stroke a mark using image
if ($p[2]->GetType() == MARK_IMG) {
$p[2]->Stroke($aImg, $x1, $marky);
// Stroke a mark with the standard size
// (As long as it is not an image mark )
if ($p[2]->GetType() != MARK_IMG) {
// Clear any user callbacks since we ont want them called for
// the legend marks
$p[2]->iFormatCallback = '';
$p[2]->iFormatCallback2 = '';
// Since size for circles is specified as the radius
// this means that we must half the size to make the total
// width behave as the other marks
if ($p[2]->GetType() == MARK_FILLEDCIRCLE || $p[2]->GetType() == MARK_CIRCLE) {
$p[2]->SetSize(min($this->mark_abs_vsize, $this->mark_abs_hsize)/2);
$p[2]->Stroke($aImg, $x1, $marky);
} else {
$p[2]->SetSize(min($this->mark_abs_vsize, $this->mark_abs_hsize));
$p[2]->Stroke($aImg, $x1, $marky);
} elseif (!empty($p[2]) && (is_string($p[3]) || $p[3]>0)) {
// Draw a styled line
$aImg->StyleLine($x1-$this->mark_abs_hsize, $marky, $x1+$this->mark_abs_hsize, $marky);
$aImg->StyleLine($x1-$this->mark_abs_hsize, $marky+1, $x1+$this->mark_abs_hsize, $marky+1);
} else {
// Draw a colored box
$color = $p[1] ;
// We make boxes slightly larger to better show
$boxsize = max($this->mark_abs_vsize, $this->mark_abs_hsize) + 2 ;
$ym = $marky-ceil($boxsize/2) ; // Marker y-coordinate
// We either need to plot a gradient or a
// pattern. To differentiate we use a kludge.
// Patterns have a p[3] value of < -100
if ($p[3] < -100) {
// p[1][0] == iPattern, p[1][1] == iPatternColor, p[1][2] == iPatternDensity
if ($patternFactory == null) {
$patternFactory = new RectPatternFactory();
$prect = $patternFactory->Create($p[1][0], $p[1][1], 1);
$prect->SetPos(new Rectangle($x1, $ym, $boxsize, $boxsize));
} else {
if (is_array($color) && count($color)==2) {
// The client want a gradient color
} else {
$aImg->FilledRectangle($x1-$boxsize/2, $ym, $x1+$boxsize/2, $ym+$boxsize);
// Draw a plot frame line
$aImg->SetFont($this->font_family, $this->font_style, $this->font_size);
$aImg->SetTextAlign('left', 'baseline');
// Add CSIM for Legend if defined
if (!empty($p[4])) {
$xs = $x1 - $this->mark_abs_hsize ;
$ys = $y1 + 1 ;
$xe = $x1 + $aImg->GetTextWidth($p[0]) + $this->mark_abs_hsize + $this->xmargin ;
$ye = $y1-$rowheight[$row]+1;
$coords = "$xs,$ys,$xe,$y1,$xe,$ye,$xs,$ye";
if (! empty($p[4])) {
$this->csimareas .= "<area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"$coords\" href=\"".htmlentities($p[4])."\"";
if (!empty($p[6])) {
$this->csimareas .= " target=\"".$p[6]."\"";
if (!empty($p[5])) {
$tmp=sprintf($p[5], $p[0]);
$this->csimareas .= " title=\"$tmp\" alt=\"$tmp\" ";
$this->csimareas .= " />\n";
if ($i >= $this->layout_n) {
$x1 = $xp+$this->xlmargin;
if (!empty($rowheight[$row])) {
$y1 += $rowheight[$row];
$i = 1;
} else {
$x1 += $colwidth[($i-1) % $numcolumns] ;
} // Class