fix(deps): update module to v4.11.0 #403

renovate-bot wants to merge 1 commits from renovate/ into master

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence v4.3.0 -> v4.11.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

StackExchange/dnscontrol (


Compare Source

Hello DNSControl fans!

This is mostly a bug-fix and catch-up release. The most significant fix is that ppreview --expect-no-changes now works, thus making ppreview/ppush feature complete. Those commands will replace preview/push in 1-2 releases, so please test them and give your feedback as soon as possible. For my configuration ppreview reduces run-time from 4-5 minutes to 30 seconds.

  • New record support: DESEC added SVCB/HTTPS; NS1 added SVCB, HTTPS, TLSA, DNAME, DHCID; BUNNY_DNS added ALIAS.
  • Added support for concurrent operation (ppreview/ppush): NS1, TRANSIP
  • "ppreview --expect-no-changes" now works!
  • ZSH Autocomplete improved
  • Welcome new maintainer for AKAMAIEDGEDNS, Ed Lynes!

Thanks to everyone for their contributions! This is a community effort and it wouldn't be a success without all your help!


Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:

Deprecation warnings


-   **REV() will switch from RFC2317 to RFC4183 in v5.0.**  This is a breaking change. Warnings are output if your configuration is affected. No date has been announced for v5.0. See
-   **MSDNS maintainer needed!** Without a new volunteer, this DNS provider will lose support after April 2025. See
-   **NAMEDOTCOM and SOFTLAYER need maintainers!** These providers have no maintainer. Maintainers respond to PRs and fix bugs in a timely manner, and try to stay on top of protocol changes.
-   **get-certs/ACME support is frozen and will be removed without notice between now and July 2025.** It has been unsupported since December 2022.  If you don't use this feature, do not start. If you do use this feature, migrate ASAP.  See discussion in [issues/1400](


macOS and Linux
brew install dnscontrol
Install with MacPorts
sudo port install dnscontrol
Using with Docker

You can use the Docker image from Docker hub or GitHub Container Registry.

docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/dns" preview
Anywhere else

Alternatively, you can install the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb/archlinux package) from this page.

Or, if you have Go installed, you can install the latest version of DNSControl with the following command:

go install​main


Update to the latest version depends on how you choose to install dnscontrol on your machine.

Update with Homebrew
brew upgrade dnscontrol
Install with MacPorts
sudo port upgrade dnscontrol

Alternatively, you can grab the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb package) from this page.


Compare Source

This release includes 4 new DNS record types (HTTPS, SVCB, DNSKEY and DHCID), a big performance improvement for CLOUDFLAREAPI, plus many bug fixes and documentation improvements.


  • New DNS record types SVCB and HTTPS. Supported on AXFRDDNS, BIND, GCLOUD, HEDNS, INWX, POWERDNS.
  • New DNS record type DNSKEY. Supported on BIND and DESEC.
  • New DNS record type DHCID. Supported on POWERDNS.
  • CLOUDFLAREAPI's cache algorithm was broken, resulting in Zone Info being re-downloaded once for every domain. ppreview is now significantly faster as a result.
  • BIND: If you use BIND and the SOA() feature, your serial numbers never incremented. Fixed.

Do you maintain a provider? Please consider adding support for HTTPS, SVCB, DNSKEY, and DHCID.

Thanks to @​christianbur for taking the lead on HTTPS/SVCB, to @​xtexChooser for taking the lead on DNSKEY, and to @​@​fuero for taking the lead on DHCID! Thanks to @​mraspor for reporting the BIND/SOA bug. Thanks to everyone for their contributions! This is a community effort and it wouldn't be a success without all your help!

Help wanted! We need maintainers for MSDNS, NAMEDOTCOM, and SOFTLAYER!


Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:

Deprecation warnings


-   **REV() will switch from RFC2317 to RFC4183 in v5.0.**  This is a breaking change. Warnings are output if your configuration is affected. No date has been announced for v5.0. See
-   **MSDNS maintainer needed!** Without a new volunteer, this DNS provider will lose support after April 2025. See
-   **NAMEDOTCOM and SOFTLAYER need maintainers!** These providers have no maintainer. Maintainers respond to PRs and fix bugs in a timely manner, and try to stay on top of protocol changes.
-   **get-certs/ACME support is frozen and will be removed without notice between now and July 2025.** It has been unsupported since December 2022.  If you don't use this feature, do not start. If you do use this feature, migrate ASAP.  See discussion in [issues/1400](


macOS and Linux
brew install dnscontrol
Install with MacPorts
sudo port install dnscontrol
Using with Docker

You can use the Docker image from Docker hub or GitHub Container Registry.

docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/dns" preview
Anywhere else

Alternatively, you can install the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb/archlinux package) from this page.

Or, if you have Go installed, you can install the latest version of DNSControl with the following command:

go install​main


Update to the latest version depends on how you choose to install dnscontrol on your machine.

Update with Homebrew
brew upgrade dnscontrol
Install with MacPorts
sudo port upgrade dnscontrol

Alternatively, you can grab the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb package) from this page.


Compare Source

Greetings DNS Fans!

Release v4.9.0 has many new features, a preview of a major performance improvement ('ppreview'/'ppush') and many bug fixes! Thanks to everyone for their contributions! This is a community effort and it wouldn't be a success without all your help!


  • ppreview/ppush are new subcommands that are a preview of significantly faster versions of preview/push. See below.
  • REV() now supports RFC4183!
  • DNAME records are now supported.
  • get-zones --format-js output follows recommended practices better.
  • @​cafferata has continued to make big improvements in documentation consistency, accuracy, and completeness.
  • @​cafferata has further automated and enhanced the CICD process.
  • Code cleanup: A lot of dead code and linting completed.

Preview performance experiment

Subcommands ppreview/ppush are experimental versions of preview/push that collect all data concurrently (i.e. in parallel). If this is a success, they will replace the existing preview/push subcommands. Some benchmarks show a 66% reduction in run-time! This rewrite is something we've wanted to do for 6+ years!

dnscontrol preview                # The original command
dnscontrol ppreview               # Run capable providers in parallel
dnscontrol ppreview --cmode=none  # Run each provider one at a time
dnscontrol ppreview --cmode=all   # Run all providers concurrently (unsafe!)

Here's some unscientific benchmarks based on the dnsconfig.js used at Stack Overflow:

  • 3m21.549s (preview)
  • 2m34.349s (ppreview --cmode=none)
  • 1m5.368s (ppreview)

FYI: Add the --full flag to see what it is doing.

The "Concurrency Verified" column on indicates which providers will run concurrently. (As of this release: AZURE_DNS, CLOUDFLAREAPI, CSCGLOBAL, GCLOUD, ROUTE53). If any provider related to a DNS domain (registrar or DNS service provider(s)) are not on the list, the domain is processed one at a time.

Do you maintain a provider? Please check if your provider can run concurrently. See for instructions

Are you a golang performance guru? I need help! I thought the concurrent version would be much faster. Can you help me find the problem?


Major features:
Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:

Deprecation warnings


-   **REV() will switch from RFC2317 to RFC4183 in v5.0.**  This is a breaking change. Warnings are output if your configuration is affected. No date has been announced for v5.0. See
-   **MSDNS maintainer needed!** Without a new volunteer, this DNS provider will lose support after April 2025. See
-   **NAMEDOTCOM and SOFTLAYER need maintainers!** These providers have no maintainer. Maintainers respond to PRs and fix bugs in a timely manner, and try to stay on top of protocol changes.
-   **get-certs/ACME support is frozen and will be removed without notice between now and July 2025.** It has been unsupported since December 2022.  If you don't use this feature, do not start. If you do use this feature, migrate ASAP.  See discussion in [issues/1400](


macOS and Linux
brew install dnscontrol
Install with MacPorts
sudo port install dnscontrol
Using with Docker

You can use the Docker image from Docker hub or GitHub Container Registry.

docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/dns" preview
Anywhere else

Alternatively, you can install the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb/archlinux package) from this page.

Or, if you have Go installed, you can install the latest version of DNSControl with the following command:

go install​main


Update to the latest version depends on how you choose to install dnscontrol on your machine.

Update with Homebrew
brew upgrade dnscontrol
Install with MacPorts
sudo port upgrade dnscontrol

Alternatively, you can grab the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb package) from this page.


Compare Source

Hello DNSControl fans!

This release is mostly bug and doc fixes. The only new feature is that GCORE now supports ALIAS records, which it always supported, but now DNSControl knows that too.



Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:


The first release of 2024 is packed with features! 3 new and 1 rewritten providers (!!!), improved support for unrecognized DNS records, better TXT handling and a TON of bug fixes and documentation updates.

  • Three New Providers! Dynadot (thanks, @​e-im!), Realtime Register (thanks, @​PJEilers!), and Bunny DNS (thanks, @​ppmathis!)
  • GCLOUD rewrite: rewritten using diff2.ByRecordSet. It's about 60 lines shorter and 600% more readable (@​tlimoncelli)
  • Unrecognized DNS record types are less likely to crash DNSControl: Anyone migrating a DNS domain will be happy to know that unknown DNS record types no longer crash get-zones. Providers that use PopulateFromString() are less likely to crash too (@​tlimoncelli)
  • The CAA_BUILDER helper now supports issue_critical and issuewild_critical (@​llange)
  • TXT records are handled more accurately in GCORE, DNSIMPLE, and TRANSIP (@​xddxdd, @​@​weppos, @​cafferata)
  • AXFRDDNS can now have different servers for AXFR and DDNS (@​midnightveil)

Meta issues:

  • dnscontrol version now output is simplified, enabling repeatable builds (@​cafferata)
  • The integration tests now clear the DNZ zone before each group of tests instead of after. This leaves the records of the last test in place (@​tlimoncelli)
  • Many improvements to how we use GoReleaser (@​cafferata)
  • Tons of Doc fixes! (@​cafferata, @​llange and @​case)

NOTE: v4.8.0 was skipped because that version was used to test a CI/CD change.

Thanks to everyone for contributing! This is a community-driven project. We couldn't do it without your support!


Major features:
Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:


Compare Source

This is a test. We want to verify that the "dnscontrol version" command still has reasonable output.

This release and tag may disappear.



Major features:
Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:


Compare Source

Welcome to release v4.7.3! This is a bug-fix release.

BUGS fixed:

  • TRANSIP added quotes TXT records needlessly. Thanks @​blackshadev!
  • AZURE_PRIVATE_DNS was disabled by default
  • CLOUDFLARE didn't populate a zone if it was just created. Thanks @​jpbede!
  • CSCGLOBAL was noisy about minor ratelimit delays
  • INWX supports Null MX but the provider didn't. Thanks @​gvangool!
  • DOCS had many issues fixed including many broken links and missing docs. Thanks to @​cafferata for auditing the docs for errors to fix!
  • CICD: unused legacy files were removed and "go generate" is now run in the pipeline. Thanks @​cafferata!
  • Cleanups: golint and staticcheck now run clean! A lot of dead code was removed and TXT record auditing is now clearer.

Thanks to everyone for their PRs, feedback, and testing! This is a community effort and it wouldn't be possible without all of you!


Major features:
Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:


Compare Source

Welcome to v4.7.2!

This is the first production-ready release in the v4.7.x series (v4.7.0 and v4.7.1-beta should not be used in production; sorry about any confusion that may have caused... this was the first time doing a release that way).

This release implements a single change: How TXT records are stored internally. There should be no user-visible changes.

  • TXT-handling code is now simplified with fewer edge-cases
  • A new opinion is added ("Opinion # 8 TXT Records are one long string")
  • The get-zone subcommand now generates TAB-separated files that are more correct for TXT records (the quotes were a bug).

TXT record handling was complex because we abstracted them at the wrong layer. Code that works with TXT records is now more simple, easier to modify, and a lot of minor bugs have been squashed. For example, diff'ing old and new TXT records is consistent across all providers.

Thanks to everyone for help testing this release!


Other changes and improvements:


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This is a pre-release (our first time doing one!)


The only change in this release is that TXT records are stored a new way. Instead of storing the individual segments, they are stored as one big string. The providers are now responsible for any joining, splitting, escaping, or quoting. There should be no user-visible effects.

NOTE TO MAINTAINERS OF PROVIDERS: Please test your provider. A lot changed in how TXT records are handled. Please re-run the integration tests like:

cd integrationTest/
export PROVIDER_FOO=foo    # Set your ENV variables.  See providers.json for the list.
go test -v -verbose -provider NAME_OF_PROVIDER
### This next line just runs the TXT tests.
go test -v -verbose -provider NAME_OF_PROVIDER -start 16 -end 17

Fix any broken tests. Post a comment if you need help or to let me know the test results.
The branch is tlim_newtxt_minimal.

PR is

There are a number of "helper" functions with the suffix Func. I'll document those more soon.


Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:


Compare Source

Welcome to release v4.6.3!

Due to Git weirdness (probably my fault), the ChangeLog below include everything from both v4.6.2 and v4.6.3. Since v4.6.2's tag had a problem (See people may choose to ignore v4.6.2.

What's new in v4.6.3 (that wasn't already announced in v4.6.2):

Thanks for all the contributions!



Major features:
Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:


Compare Source


This release has 1 new provider (Azure Private DNS) plus a lot of bugfixes and updates.

Thanks to @​matthewmgamble for contributing AZURE_PRIVATE_DNS as the newest provider. Azure Private DNS is a different protocol than Azure DNS. Thanks, Microsoft!

  • OVH now supports configurable API endpoints, useful for non-EU users
  • ROUTE53 now has the ability to enable target health evaluation with its R53_ALIAS records.
  • The shell-completion subcommand is no longer hidden.
  • Missing docs for CLOUDNS and OPENSRS now have placeholders.
  • In CI/CD news, running multiple workflows at the same time no longer clobbers each other.

NOTE: The 4.6.1 release notes wrongly stated that the DNSIMPLE provider was renamed DNSMADEEASY. That's not true. I misunderstood the description of a PR. The change simply corrected a typo in documentation. My apologies for any confusion!

Thanks to everyone for contributing! This is a community-driven project. We couldn't do it without your support!



Major features:
Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:


Compare Source

Welcome to release v4.6.1! This is mostly a release is a clean-up release with 1 big new feature!

The big news is that DNSControl now generates command-line completion! Thanks to @​whi-tw for implementing this! The command is currently in beta, and is hidden in the -h listing until the next release. Read more about it here: and give feedback.

The DNSIMPLE provider was renamed DNSMADEEASY to match their company name. Please update your dnsconfig.js files.

Some changes of note:

  • DNSIMPLE provider was renamed DNSMADEEASY
  • PORKBUN now supports "list-zone".
  • PORKBUN bug related to non .de domains (or .de domains)
  • Large INWX sites will appreciate improvements to nameserver handling
  • GCLOUD output is more compact. No more extra newlines.
  • The "are you sure?" prompt of push -i had Y/n wrong. It is now y/N. How did we not notice that in all these years?
  • Preparation for the internal change to TXT record handling. You'll notice that all providers now refer use accessors instead of accessing .TxtStrings directly. This will make future refactor easier.


Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:


Compare Source

As announced on this is the release that removes all the diff1 code. All providers now either use the diff2 algorithm or the diff1-compatibility mode. There have also been improvements to the CICD pipeline, AZURE_DNS now abides by rate limits, GCORE now handles TXT records better, INWX fixes a bug that confused zones with registered domains, and many doc updates from @​cafferata.

This is the first release that is smaller than the previous release... if you believe in KLOCs:

$ git co last_commit_before_diff1_removed
HEAD is now at d3b35847 CICD Enable ad-hoc runs (#​2600)
$ find * -name \*.go -print0 | xargs -0 cat | wc -l
$ git co v4.6.0
$ find * -name \*.go -print0 | xargs -0 cat | wc -l

That's 2414 fewer lines or about 5% of the code base.

Thanks to all the contributors! We couldn't do it without you!



Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:

Deprecation warnings (updated 2023-02-18)

  • Call for new volunteer maintainers for NAMEDOTCOM and SOFTLAYER. These providers have no maintainer. Maintainers respond to PRs and fix bugs in a timely manner, and try to stay on top of protocol changes.
  • ACME/Let's Encrypt support is frozen and will be removed eventually. The get-certs command (renews certs via Let's Encrypt) has no maintainer. There are other projects that do a better job. If you don't use this feature, please do not start. If you do use this feature, please plan on migrating to something else. See discussion in issues/1400


Compare Source

This is mostly a "cleanup release" with a lot of bugfixes and documentation improvements.

Some notable changes:

  • Increment the minimal Go release to 1.21 (#​2590)
  • Fix docs for _BUILDER functions (#​2583)

Thanks to the many contributors to this release! This is a community effort!

HELP WANTED! The next release will remove support for the old "diff1" algorithm. Please test your configuration. Visit for details. Your feedback is needed and appreciated!



Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:


Compare Source

This point release fixes a bug with the new --report flag.


Other changes and improvements:


Compare Source

Tons of new features in this release!

  • New flag --report: Outputs a JSON-formatted report of how many changes happened on each domain.
  • New DNS Record Type: DHCID
  • CLOUDFLAREAPI now supports NAPTR
  • NETLIFY: Fix SRV priority bug
  • PORKBUN can now be a registrar


Major features:
Provider-specific changes:
Other changes and improvements:


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | []( | `v4.3.0` -> `v4.11.0` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>StackExchange/dnscontrol (</summary> ### [`v4.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( Hello DNSControl fans! This is mostly a bug-fix and catch-up release. The most significant fix is that `ppreview --expect-no-changes` now works, thus making `ppreview/ppush` feature complete. Those commands will replace `preview/push` in 1-2 releases, so please test them and give your feedback as soon as possible. For my configuration `ppreview` reduces run-time from 4-5 minutes to 30 seconds. - New record support: DESEC added SVCB/HTTPS; NS1 added SVCB, HTTPS, TLSA, DNAME, DHCID; BUNNY_DNS added ALIAS. - Added support for concurrent operation (ppreview/ppush): NS1, TRANSIP - "ppreview --expect-no-changes" now works! - ZSH Autocomplete improved - Welcome new maintainer for AKAMAIEDGEDNS, Ed Lynes! Thanks to everyone for their contributions! This is a community effort and it wouldn't be a success without all your help! #### Changelog ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`494a3f7`]( AKAMAIEDGEDNS: new maintainer: Ed Lynes ([#&#8203;2954]( ([@&#8203;svernick]( - [`c679623`]( DESEC: Enable support for SVCB/HTTPS ([#&#8203;2942]( ([@&#8203;Meroje]( - [`7bd9316`]( NS1: Add SVCB, HTTPS, TLSA support ([#&#8203;2945]( ([@&#8203;costasd]( - [`4a36396`]( NS1: add support for DNAME and DHCID record types ([#&#8203;2951]( ([@&#8203;costasd]( - [`734a55c`]( NS1: enable concurrency ([#&#8203;2952]( ([@&#8203;costasd]( - [`612f16b`]( NS1: update ns1-go to 2.10.0 ([#&#8203;2941]( ([@&#8203;costasd]( - [`c3152b4`]( TRANSIP: Completed/checked the missing capabilities ([#&#8203;2957]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`9815cbb`]( TRANSIP: Concurrency documented ([#&#8203;2948]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( ##### Documentation: - [`a679095`]( DOCS: Clarify RE doc ([#&#8203;2934]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`1205ef6`]( DOCS: Code examples with `END` constant ([#&#8203;2950]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`e3e91cc`]( DOCS: \[OVH] Several improvements ([#&#8203;2949]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( ##### CI/CD: - [`39eb45b`]( CICD: De-conflate integration test for SVCB and HTTPS ([#&#8203;2938]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Dependencies: - [`6e4689d`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2953]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e6885cf`]( CHORE: update deps ([#&#8203;2944]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`6817e08`]( BUG: "ppreview --expect-no-changes" returns error for "informational" messages ([#&#8203;2936]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`ec241ee`]( BUG: ZSH Autocomplete does not work if installed as a file [#&#8203;2955]( ([#&#8203;2956]( ([@&#8203;Maetveis]( - [`a1fc1b1`]( BUNNY_DNS: Add support for `ALIAS` ([#&#8203;2946]( ([@&#8203;DamianZaremba]( - [`1fa92de`]( CHORE: Linting and comment-fixing ([#&#8203;2937]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c7975f9`]( CHORE: Upgrade AWS module ([#&#8203;2958]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( #### Deprecation warnings > \[!WARNING] > > - **REV() will switch from RFC2317 to RFC4183 in v5.0.** This is a breaking change. Warnings are output if your configuration is affected. No date has been announced for v5.0. See > - **MSDNS maintainer needed!** Without a new volunteer, this DNS provider will lose support after April 2025. See > - **NAMEDOTCOM and SOFTLAYER need maintainers!** These providers have no maintainer. Maintainers respond to PRs and fix bugs in a timely manner, and try to stay on top of protocol changes. > - **get-certs/ACME support is frozen and will be removed without notice between now and July 2025.** It has been unsupported since December 2022. If you don't use this feature, do not start. If you do use this feature, migrate ASAP. See discussion in [issues/1400]( #### Install ##### macOS and Linux ##### Install with [Homebrew]( (recommended) ```shell brew install dnscontrol ``` ##### Install with [MacPorts]( ```shell sudo port install dnscontrol ``` ##### Using with [Docker]( You can use the Docker image from [Docker hub]( or [GitHub Container Registry]( ```shell docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/dns" preview ``` ##### Anywhere else Alternatively, you can install the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb/archlinux package) from this page. Or, if you have Go installed, you can install the latest version of DNSControl with the following command: ```shell go install;main ``` #### Update Update to the latest version depends on how you choose to install `dnscontrol` on your machine. ##### Update with [Homebrew]( ```shell brew upgrade dnscontrol ``` ##### Install with [MacPorts]( ```shell sudo port upgrade dnscontrol ``` Alternatively, you can grab the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb package) from this page. ### [`v4.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( This release includes 4 new DNS record types (HTTPS, SVCB, DNSKEY and DHCID), a big performance improvement for CLOUDFLAREAPI, plus many bug fixes and documentation improvements. Highlights: - New DNS record types SVCB and HTTPS. Supported on AXFRDDNS, BIND, GCLOUD, HEDNS, INWX, POWERDNS. - New DNS record type DNSKEY. Supported on BIND and DESEC. - New DNS record type DHCID. Supported on POWERDNS. - CLOUDFLAREAPI's cache algorithm was broken, resulting in Zone Info being re-downloaded once for every domain. `ppreview` is now significantly faster as a result. - BIND: If you use BIND and the SOA() feature, your serial numbers never incremented. Fixed. **Do you maintain a provider?** Please consider adding support for HTTPS, SVCB, DNSKEY, and DHCID. Thanks to [@&#8203;christianbur]( for taking the lead on HTTPS/SVCB, to [@&#8203;xtexChooser]( for taking the lead on DNSKEY, and to @&#8203;[@&#8203;fuero]( for taking the lead on DHCID! Thanks to [@&#8203;mraspor]( for reporting the BIND/SOA bug. Thanks to everyone for their contributions! This is a community effort and it wouldn't be a success without all your help! Help wanted! We need maintainers for MSDNS, NAMEDOTCOM, and SOFTLAYER! #### Changelog ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`bb79c70`]( CLOUDFLAREAPI: Fix zone info cache bug ([#&#8203;2927]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3fd6806`]( BIND: BUGFIX: SOA serial number doesn't change if SOA() used ([#&#8203;2908]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`cf4cca0`]( INWX: Enable support for SVCB/HTTPS ([#&#8203;2930]( ([@&#8203;christianbur]( - [`1616348`]( NETLIFY: add support for listing all zones ([#&#8203;2933]( ([@&#8203;SphericalKat]( - [`df0fa2d`]( POWERDNS: Change DHCID test value to valid base64 code ([#&#8203;2915]( ([@&#8203;fuero]( - [`0cd3c2f`]( POWERDNS: Enables DHCID ([#&#8203;2911]( ([@&#8203;fuero]( - [`da6f621`]( POWERDNS: Value in test was too long ([#&#8203;2916]( ([@&#8203;fuero]( - [`3a9b413`]( NEW RECORD TYPE: HTTPS & SVCB ([#&#8203;2919]( ([@&#8203;fritterhoff]( - [`7741ef0`]( Enable support for SVCB/HTTPS in GCLOUD and HEDNS ([#&#8203;2926]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3f05482`]( NEW RECORD TYPE: DNSKEY ([#&#8203;2917]( ([@&#8203;xtexChooser]( ##### Documentation: - [`0b25fdb`]( DOCS: Add reminder to create github label after adding new provider ([#&#8203;2932]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`6cbfb57`]( DOCS: Disabling colors via environment variable ([#&#8203;2907]( ([@&#8203;allixsenos]( - [`c310647`]( DOCS: Documentation directory structure ([#&#8203;2905]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`4757a0f`]( DOCS: Remind devs to run go generate ([#&#8203;2929]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`5078927`]( DOCS: Simplified the provider URLs (providers) ([#&#8203;2914]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`2f9d248`]( Fix typo: "cooordinate" ([#&#8203;2910]( ([@&#8203;jauderho]( ##### CI/CD: - [`eae9686`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.1 to 4.3.3 ([#&#8203;2920]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) ##### Dependencies: - [`bb79c70`]( CHORE: update deps ([#&#8203;2927]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Other changes and improvements: #### Deprecation warnings > \[!WARNING] > > - **REV() will switch from RFC2317 to RFC4183 in v5.0.** This is a breaking change. Warnings are output if your configuration is affected. No date has been announced for v5.0. See > - **MSDNS maintainer needed!** Without a new volunteer, this DNS provider will lose support after April 2025. See > - **NAMEDOTCOM and SOFTLAYER need maintainers!** These providers have no maintainer. Maintainers respond to PRs and fix bugs in a timely manner, and try to stay on top of protocol changes. > - **get-certs/ACME support is frozen and will be removed without notice between now and July 2025.** It has been unsupported since December 2022. If you don't use this feature, do not start. If you do use this feature, migrate ASAP. See discussion in [issues/1400]( #### Install ##### macOS and Linux ##### Install with [Homebrew]( (recommended) ```shell brew install dnscontrol ``` ##### Install with [MacPorts]( ```shell sudo port install dnscontrol ``` ##### Using with [Docker]( You can use the Docker image from [Docker hub]( or [GitHub Container Registry]( ```shell docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/dns" preview ``` ##### Anywhere else Alternatively, you can install the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb/archlinux package) from this page. Or, if you have Go installed, you can install the latest version of DNSControl with the following command: ```shell go install;main ``` #### Update Update to the latest version depends on how you choose to install `dnscontrol` on your machine. ##### Update with [Homebrew]( ```shell brew upgrade dnscontrol ``` ##### Install with [MacPorts]( ```shell sudo port upgrade dnscontrol ``` Alternatively, you can grab the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb package) from this page. ### [`v4.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( Greetings DNS Fans! Release v4.9.0 has many new features, a preview of a major performance improvement ('ppreview'/'ppush') and many bug fixes! Thanks to everyone for their contributions! This is a community effort and it wouldn't be a success without all your help! Highlights: - `ppreview`/`ppush` are new subcommands that are a preview of significantly faster versions of `preview`/`push`. See below. - REV() now supports RFC4183! - DNAME records are now supported. - `get-zones --format-js` output follows recommended practices better. - [@&#8203;cafferata]( has continued to make big improvements in documentation consistency, accuracy, and completeness. - [@&#8203;cafferata]( has further automated and enhanced the CICD process. - Code cleanup: A lot of dead code and linting completed. #### Preview performance experiment Subcommands `ppreview`/`ppush` are experimental versions of `preview`/`push` that collect all data concurrently (i.e. in parallel). If this is a success, they will replace the existing `preview`/`push` subcommands. Some benchmarks show a 66% reduction in run-time! This rewrite is something we've wanted to do for 6+ years! dnscontrol preview # The original command dnscontrol ppreview # Run capable providers in parallel dnscontrol ppreview --cmode=none # Run each provider one at a time dnscontrol ppreview --cmode=all # Run all providers concurrently (unsafe!) Here's some unscientific benchmarks based on the dnsconfig.js used at Stack Overflow: - 3m21.549s (preview) - 2m34.349s (ppreview --cmode=none) - 1m5.368s (ppreview) FYI: Add the `--full` flag to see what it is doing. The "Concurrency Verified" column on indicates which providers will run concurrently. (As of this release: AZURE_DNS, CLOUDFLAREAPI, CSCGLOBAL, GCLOUD, ROUTE53). If any provider related to a DNS domain (registrar or DNS service provider(s)) are not on the list, the domain is processed one at a time. **Do you maintain a provider?** Please check if your provider can run concurrently. See for instructions **Are you a golang performance guru?** I need help! I thought the concurrent version would be much faster. Can you help me find the problem? #### Changelog ##### Major features: - [`4765f40`]( FEATURE: New capability: Can provider run concurrently ([#&#8203;2876]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`1d96981`]( NEW FEATURE: Add RFC4183 support to REV() ([#&#8203;2879]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`68c5e87`]( NEW FEATURE: Gather data for providers concurrently ([#&#8203;2873]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a9a4725`]( BUG: ALIAS target not properly canonicalized ([#&#8203;2899]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`42125b5`]( NEW RECORD TYPE: DNAME ([#&#8203;2893]( ([@&#8203;imlonghao]( - [`544d731`]( get-zones now outputs `END);` notation and prettier whitespace ([#&#8203;2849]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`32b8863`]( AXFRDDNS: Avoid appending dot if TSIG key ID already has a dot suffix ([#&#8203;2855]( ([@&#8203;halochou]( - [`73c303b`]( CLOUDFLAREAPI: Permit adding NS records to apex domain ([#&#8203;2864]( ([@&#8203;xtexChooser]( - [`eb19b31`]( GCORE: Allow PTR records ([#&#8203;2890]( ([@&#8203;xtexChooser]( - [`f9cff3d`]( GCORE: add DNSSEC support ([#&#8203;2904]( ([@&#8203;xddxdd]( - [`22d96f2`]( deSEC: API rejects empty updates caused by IGNORE() of all records ([#&#8203;2830]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Documentation: - [`293d5cb`]( DOCS: Add missing docs for fmt, global flags, preview-push ([#&#8203;2886]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`998c32e`]( DOCS: Broken documentation URL's ([#&#8203;2839]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`c112e91`]( DOCS: Commands preview/push ([#&#8203;2888]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`3918c75`]( DOCS: Document daily update limits ([#&#8203;2835]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`11d8e08`]( DOCS: Trailing commas ([#&#8203;2851]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`4f23b2a`]( DOCS: Warn that get-certs will be removed without notice ([#&#8203;2902]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e3ea652`]( Docs: Fixed step number in `writing-providers` ([#&#8203;2820]( ([@&#8203;riku22]( - [`27feced`]( GitHub: Added contact links ([#&#8203;2852]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`1ae265e`]( Add documentation for preview/push ([#&#8203;2884]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### CI/CD: - [`3920d19`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/cache from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 ([#&#8203;2869]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`17115b6`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 ([#&#8203;2836]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`0f4ca76`]( Build(deps): Bump alpine from 3.19.0 to 3.19.1 ([#&#8203;2823]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`3beb49f`]( Build(deps): Bump from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 ([#&#8203;2827]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`c9e9e21`]( CICD: Bugfix: Changes introduced while tagging new releases cause git problems ([#&#8203;2818]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`2cb4dcf`]( CICD: Bumps actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.3 to 4.3.0 ([#&#8203;2831]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`d1b599b`]( CICD: GitHub Action check git status ([#&#8203;2817]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`f010c1b`]( CICD: GoReleaser JSON Schema ([#&#8203;2816]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`558d2e8`]( CICD: GoReleaser release footer ([#&#8203;2853]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`dbbc9e5`]( CICD: Provide the correct GitHub action contexts ([#&#8203;2842]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`fab3172`]( CHORE: Refactor integration tests to support multiple tests ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`060e50d`]( CHORE: Update dependencies ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`46ca50e`]( CHORE: Update dependencies ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`68a00bb`]( DEV: Fix broken DNAME test ([#&#8203;2903]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`f5bb6e6`]( Revert "CHORE: Refactor integration tests to support multiple tests" ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`68314ee`]( TESTING: Bug: integration tests ignore 'type' in ignoreTarget ([#&#8203;2867]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Dependencies: - [`bb3d191`]( CHORE: Vendor go-powershell ([#&#8203;2837]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`5e211fc`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2900]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3057a0b`]( CHORE: Update deps ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`17d644c`]( CHORE: update deps ([#&#8203;2906]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`139cc28`]( CHORE: Upgrade deps ([#&#8203;2829]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`408a70e`]( DEV: Adopt go 1.22.1 as minimum compiler version ([#&#8203;2885]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`02b0bed`]( DEV: Upgrade to go 1.22.x ([#&#8203;2882]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c35e062`]( Revert NS1 ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`2e5d01e`]( SECURITY: Fix protobuf security issue ([#&#8203;2875]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3a84f6c`]( upgrade deps ([#&#8203;2881]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`dfda97b`]( Remove dead code in WriteTypes ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e52ec54`]( Remove unused CantUseNOPURGE capability ([#&#8203;2877]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`18f7208`]( Remove unused t parameter in setupTestShellCompletionCommand ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e6c03c0`]( cleanup: Remove dead code and unused params ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`ea71a9c`]( deadcode: CaaTargetHasSemicolon ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`798c0d6`]( deadcode: Change/ChangeList.String ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`4f32ddf`]( deadcode: DebugUnmanagedConfig ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`0576cec`]( deadcode: Errorf ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`4d13c02`]( deadcode: NewUTF8, utf8.Execute, utf8.Exit ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a3dad4d`]( deadcode: RRstoRCs (moved) ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`951b47d`]( deadcode: SSH.StartProcess, SSH.createCmd, SSH.quote ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`28ca119`]( deadcode: WriteZoneFileRR ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`2ff585d`]( deadcode: dump Print ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`80ff814`]( deadcode: groupbyRSet ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`34d6e07`]( deadcode: groupbyRSet ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`ed999b9`]( deadcode: justMsgString (move to test) ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c0d8ca7`]( deadcode: move createTestWorker ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`ce12d89`]( deadcode: move sfplib.Lookups to parse_test.go ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`1b16cf4`]( deadcode: providers/doh/auditrecords.go (not a DSP) ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`bdad44f`]( deadcode: providers/internetbs/auditrecords.go (not a DSP) ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`15f7737`]( deadcode: providers/opensrs/auditrecords.go (not a DSP) ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e4dc7aa`]( deadcode: quotedList() keysWithColons() ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`b1477d3`]( fix unused params in: pkg/normalize ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`30942ac`]( fix unused params in: providers/akamaiedgedns ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`b1c6ddc`]( fix unused params in: providers/azuredns ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e98187e`]( fix unused params in: providers/azureprivatedns ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e9f119d`]( fix unused params in: providers/cscglobal ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`ad2fb7e`]( fix unused params in: providers/desec ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`9d9219e`]( fix unused params in: providers/digitalocean ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`4059ef1`]( fix unused params in: providers/dnsmadeeasy ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a2b0970`]( fix unused params in: providers/doh ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`4a1340b`]( fix unused params in: providers/hexonet ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`004dc4d`]( fix unused params in: providers/hostingde ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a51a9f9`]( fix unused params in: providers/oracle ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`570ce5e`]( fix unused params in: providers/packetframe ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`454f59f`]( fix unused params in: providers/rwth ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e589a8e`]( fix unused params in: providers/vultr ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`dd87f01`]( gofmt ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`51d1c57`]( remove unused parameters ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3b01dc8`]( unused param t in testPermitted() ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c3580b1`]( unused parameter knownFailures in cfg\[], getProvider, runTests ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`822a40c`]( unused params in makeUknown() and formatDsl() ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( #### Deprecation warnings > \[!WARNING] > > - **REV() will switch from RFC2317 to RFC4183 in v5.0.** This is a breaking change. Warnings are output if your configuration is affected. No date has been announced for v5.0. See > - **MSDNS maintainer needed!** Without a new volunteer, this DNS provider will lose support after April 2025. See > - **NAMEDOTCOM and SOFTLAYER need maintainers!** These providers have no maintainer. Maintainers respond to PRs and fix bugs in a timely manner, and try to stay on top of protocol changes. > - **get-certs/ACME support is frozen and will be removed without notice between now and July 2025.** It has been unsupported since December 2022. If you don't use this feature, do not start. If you do use this feature, migrate ASAP. See discussion in [issues/1400]( #### Install ##### macOS and Linux ##### Install with [Homebrew]( (recommended) ```shell brew install dnscontrol ``` ##### Install with [MacPorts]( ```shell sudo port install dnscontrol ``` ##### Using with [Docker]( You can use the Docker image from [Docker hub]( or [GitHub Container Registry]( ```shell docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/dns" preview ``` ##### Anywhere else Alternatively, you can install the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb/archlinux package) from this page. Or, if you have Go installed, you can install the latest version of DNSControl with the following command: ```shell go install;main ``` #### Update Update to the latest version depends on how you choose to install `dnscontrol` on your machine. ##### Update with [Homebrew]( ```shell brew upgrade dnscontrol ``` ##### Install with [MacPorts]( ```shell sudo port upgrade dnscontrol ``` Alternatively, you can grab the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb package) from this page. ### [`v4.8.2`]( [Compare Source]( Hello DNSControl fans! This release is mostly bug and doc fixes. The only new feature is that GCORE now supports ALIAS records, which it always supported, but now DNSControl knows that too. Enjoy! #### Changelog ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`da0f97d`]( DOCS: realtimeregister: Add security advice about creds ([#&#8203;2795]( ([@&#8203;PJEilers]( - [`5dfc8ca`]( GCORE: enable ALIAS records ([#&#8203;2802]( ([@&#8203;xddxdd]( - [`1db0ae2`]( TRANSIP: Audit records verified ([#&#8203;2794]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`057c921`]( TRANSIP: Fix description of multirecord updates to be increasing ([#&#8203;2791]( ([@&#8203;blackshadev]( ##### Documentation: - [`5d57677`]( DOCS: TransIP - Described API limitations ([#&#8203;2789]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`447db0e`]( DOCS: TransIP - Updated console output ([#&#8203;2793]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`56220fb`]( DOCS: Clarify PTR example ([#&#8203;2792]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`eb45102`]( DOCS: Clarify Windows use of --creds filename ([#&#8203;2812]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`82d6a9b`]( DOCS: Fixed the broken `CAA_BUILDER()` link ([#&#8203;2790]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`5a90eae`]( DOCS: \[GitBook] Remove configuration file ([#&#8203;2807]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( ##### CI/CD: - [`fbd436f`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/cache from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 ([#&#8203;2796]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`ba87993`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/cache from 3.3.3 to 4.0.0 ([#&#8203;2806]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`513caa5`]( CICD: Add nullMX tests ([#&#8203;2801]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`355c0fe`]( CICD: Rename the master branch to main ([#&#8203;2774]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( ##### Dependencies: - [`c1c59f7`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2787]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d926e45`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2804]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`881a641`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2811]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`f5575bb`]( CHORE: Missed generated content ([#&#8203;2803]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`916e941`]( Update generated files for v4.8.2 ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ### [`v4.8.1`]( The first release of 2024 is packed with features! 3 new and 1 rewritten providers (!!!), improved support for unrecognized DNS records, better TXT handling and a TON of bug fixes and documentation updates. - Three New Providers! Dynadot (thanks, [@&#8203;e-im](!), Realtime Register (thanks, [@&#8203;PJEilers](!), and Bunny DNS (thanks, [@&#8203;ppmathis](!) - GCLOUD rewrite: rewritten using `diff2.ByRecordSet`. It's about 60 lines shorter and 600% more readable ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - Unrecognized DNS record types are less likely to crash DNSControl: Anyone migrating a DNS domain will be happy to know that unknown DNS record types no longer crash `get-zones`. Providers that use `PopulateFromString()` are less likely to crash too ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - The CAA_BUILDER helper now supports `issue_critical` and `issuewild_critical` ([@&#8203;llange]( - TXT records are handled more accurately in GCORE, DNSIMPLE, and TRANSIP ([@&#8203;xddxdd](, @&#8203;[@&#8203;weppos](, [@&#8203;cafferata]( - AXFRDDNS can now have different servers for AXFR and DDNS ([@&#8203;midnightveil]( Meta issues: - `dnscontrol version` now output is simplified, enabling repeatable builds ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - The integration tests now clear the DNZ zone before each group of tests instead of after. This leaves the records of the last test in place ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - Many improvements to how we use GoReleaser ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - Tons of Doc fixes! ([@&#8203;cafferata](, [@&#8203;llange]( and [@&#8203;case]( NOTE: v4.8.0 was skipped because that version was used to test a CI/CD change. Thanks to everyone for contributing! This is a community-driven project. We couldn't do it without your support! #### Changelog ##### Major features: - [`afd0d76`]( NEW REGISTRAR: Dynadot (DYNADOT) ([#&#8203;2753]( ([@&#8203;e-im]( - [`3d570ea`]( NEW DNS PROVIDER: Realtime Register (REALTIMEREGISTER) ([#&#8203;2741]( ([@&#8203;PJEilers]( - [`961eaa7`]( NEW PROVIDER: Bunny DNS ([#&#8203;2265]( ([#&#8203;2760]( ([@&#8203;ppmathis]( - [`db75e84`]( GCLOUD: Re-implement GetZoneRecordsCorrections using ByRecordSet ([#&#8203;2762]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`ce454c3`]( Unknown rtypes should not result in panic ([#&#8203;2775]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`edf0471`]( FEATURE: CAA_BUILDER: add `issue_critical` and `issuewild_critical` ([#&#8203;2728]( ([@&#8203;llange]( ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`7ce2eb4`]( AKAMAIEDGEDNS: Fix AKAMAICDN add/modify. Fix integrationTest. ([#&#8203;2722]( ([@&#8203;svernick]( - [`36f6b19`]( AXFRDDNS: Support separate servers for AXFR and DDNS ([#&#8203;2723]( ([@&#8203;midnightveil]( - [`4cd3c78`]( DNSIMPLE: Add compatibility with TXT changes ([#&#8203;2745]( ([@&#8203;weppos]( - [`14c5a72`]( DYNADOT: correct example in docs ([#&#8203;2776]( ([@&#8203;e-im]( - [`b71fd63`]( GCLOUD: display all correction messages affecting same label + type in a zone ([#&#8203;2759]( ([@&#8203;asn-iac]( - [`8ed137a`]( GCORE: Fix handling very long TXT records ([#&#8203;2744]( ([@&#8203;xddxdd]( - [`2586545`]( MSDNS: Fix failing DNS integration tests ([#&#8203;2734]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c0dc049`]( TRANSIP: Added audit record for a maximum of 1024 TXT-record characters ([#&#8203;2725]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( ##### Documentation: - [`d4545c1`]( DOCS: Added GoDaddy as requested provider ([#&#8203;2729]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`e82a95b`]( DOCS: Bunny DNS - Be more consistent in ENV variable example ([#&#8203;2772]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`1106e44`]( DOCS: Bunny DNS - GitBook escape the underscore ([#&#8203;2771]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`858c902`]( DOCS: Document how to view the GitBook previews created for each PR ([#&#8203;2780]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`3f6b93e`]( DOCS: Starcharts (over time) ([#&#8203;2781]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`f46004e`]( DOCS: Update how to submit BYO credentials ([#&#8203;2767]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d1a75e9`]( DOCS: Updates to `ovh` provider page ([#&#8203;2727]( ([@&#8203;llange]( - [`9e4969c`]( Docs: Use bullet list in opinion 2 ([#&#8203;2746]( ([@&#8203;case]( ##### CI/CD: - [`6a8561f`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/setup-go from 4 to 5 ([#&#8203;2777]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`0ca5581`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.3 to 4.0.0 ([#&#8203;2731]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`4270259`]( Build(deps): Bump alpine from 3.18.5 to 3.19.0 ([#&#8203;2752]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`b5d6b06`]( Build(deps): Bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 ([#&#8203;2732]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`393efcf`]( CICD: Add GHA trigger for PR workflow of master branch ([#&#8203;2764]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`38fa176`]( CICD: Clean-up old release strategy ([#&#8203;2773]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`94cdbc0`]( CICD: External PRs should not fail ([#&#8203;2757]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`9873f9f`]( CICD: GoReleaser version [#&#8203;2]( ([#&#8203;2761]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`17da0bc`]( CICD: GoReleaser version ([#&#8203;2737]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`742610c`]( CICD: GoReleaser version - part 3 ([#&#8203;2769]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`5daeafc`]( CICD: Retract v4.8.0 ([#&#8203;2768]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`1bbf9c4`]( CICD: Revert actions/upload-artifact to 3.1.3 (from 4.0.0) ([#&#8203;2736]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`9221a06`]( Revert "CICD: GoReleaser version" ([#&#8203;2756]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`1ebe440`]( BUG: --full outputs an extra newline when skipping providers ([#&#8203;2730]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e146fc5`]( BUG: Fix M365 Builder indexOf error ([#&#8203;2724]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d5eedab`]( TESTING: clean slate at the start, not end, of each testgroup ([#&#8203;2738]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`8f18f6e`]( CHORE: Bump from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 ([#&#8203;2740]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3f27388`]( CHORE: Upgrade aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 urfave/cli/v2 ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`fe4e07b`]( CHORE: Upgrade deps ([#&#8203;2754]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ### [`v4.7.4`]( [Compare Source]( This is a test. We want to verify that the "dnscontrol version" command still has reasonable output. This release and tag may disappear. Tom #### Changelog ##### Major features: - [`edf0471`]( FEATURE: CAA_BUILDER: add `issue_critical` and `issuewild_critical` ([#&#8203;2728]( ([@&#8203;llange]( ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`7ce2eb4`]( AKAMAIEDGEDNS: Fix AKAMAICDN add/modify. Fix integrationTest. ([#&#8203;2722]( ([@&#8203;svernick]( - [`36f6b19`]( AXFRDDNS: Support separate servers for AXFR and DDNS ([#&#8203;2723]( ([@&#8203;midnightveil]( - [`4cd3c78`]( DNSIMPLE: Add compatibility with TXT changes ([#&#8203;2745]( ([@&#8203;weppos]( - [`b71fd63`]( GCLOUD: display all correction messages affecting same label + type in a zone ([#&#8203;2759]( ([@&#8203;asn-iac]( - [`8ed137a`]( GCORE: Fix handling very long TXT records ([#&#8203;2744]( ([@&#8203;xddxdd]( - [`2586545`]( MSDNS: Fix failing DNS integration tests ([#&#8203;2734]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c0dc049`]( TRANSIP: Added audit record for a maximum of 1024 TXT-record characters ([#&#8203;2725]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( ##### Documentation: - [`d4545c1`]( DOCS: Added GoDaddy as requested provider ([#&#8203;2729]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`d1a75e9`]( DOCS: Updates to `ovh` provider page ([#&#8203;2727]( ([@&#8203;llange]( - [`9e4969c`]( Docs: Use bullet list in opinion 2 ([#&#8203;2746]( ([@&#8203;case]( ##### CI/CD: - [`0ca5581`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.3 to 4.0.0 ([#&#8203;2731]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`4270259`]( Build(deps): Bump alpine from 3.18.5 to 3.19.0 ([#&#8203;2752]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`b5d6b06`]( Build(deps): Bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 ([#&#8203;2732]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`94cdbc0`]( CICD: External PRs should not fail ([#&#8203;2757]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`9873f9f`]( CICD: GoReleaser version [#&#8203;2]( ([#&#8203;2761]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`17da0bc`]( CICD: GoReleaser version ([#&#8203;2737]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`1bbf9c4`]( CICD: Revert actions/upload-artifact to 3.1.3 (from 4.0.0) ([#&#8203;2736]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d5eedab`]( CICD: clean slate at the start, not end, of each testgroup ([#&#8203;2738]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`9221a06`]( Revert "CICD: GoReleaser version" ([#&#8203;2756]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`1ebe440`]( BUG: --full outputs an extra newline when skipping providers ([#&#8203;2730]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e146fc5`]( BUG: Fix M365 Builder indexOf error ([#&#8203;2724]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`8f18f6e`]( CHORE: Bump from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 ([#&#8203;2740]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3f27388`]( CHORE: Upgrade aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 urfave/cli/v2 ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`fe4e07b`]( CHORE: Upgrade deps ([#&#8203;2754]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`afd0d76`]( NEW REGISTRAR: Dynadot (DYNADOT) ([#&#8203;2753]( ([@&#8203;e-im]( ### [`v4.7.3`]( [Compare Source]( Welcome to release v4.7.3! This is a bug-fix release. BUGS fixed: - TRANSIP added quotes TXT records needlessly. Thanks [@&#8203;blackshadev](! - AZURE_PRIVATE_DNS was disabled by default - CLOUDFLARE didn't populate a zone if it was just created. Thanks [@&#8203;jpbede](! - CSCGLOBAL was noisy about minor ratelimit delays - INWX supports Null MX but the provider didn't. Thanks [@&#8203;gvangool](! - DOCS had many issues fixed including many broken links and missing docs. Thanks to [@&#8203;cafferata]( for auditing the docs for errors to fix! - CICD: unused legacy files were removed and "go generate" is now run in the pipeline. Thanks [@&#8203;cafferata](! - Cleanups: golint and staticcheck now run clean! A lot of dead code was removed and TXT record auditing is now clearer. Thanks to everyone for their PRs, feedback, and testing! This is a community effort and it wouldn't be possible without all of you! #### Changelog ##### Major features: - [`0b8bb1d`]( FEATURE: Add experimental --reportmax flag ([#&#8203;2719]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`8541fb8`]( AZURE_PRIVATE_DNS: Enable building this provider by default ([#&#8203;2688]( ([@&#8203;matthewmgamble]( - [`3b6643b`]( AZURE_PRIVATE_DNS: Rename module to conform to Go styleguide ([#&#8203;2697]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`dbb724b`]( CLOUDFLARE: Fixed bug: Zone not populated with records if domain was created in the same run ([#&#8203;2690]( ([@&#8203;jpbede]( - [`4e8fb89`]( CSCGLOBAL: Be less noisy about rate limit delays ([#&#8203;2686]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`cd371c1`]( INWX: support MxNull records ([#&#8203;2700]( ([@&#8203;gvangool]( - [`742eaaf`]( MSDNS: Remove pssession from docs (it doesn't work) ([#&#8203;2689]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a7e7643`]( TRANSIP: Fix TXT quoting ([#&#8203;2708]( ([@&#8203;blackshadev]( ##### Documentation: - [`724ce29`]( DOCS: Fix CAA_BUILDER parameter types (issuewild type should be string\[]) ([#&#8203;2709]( ([@&#8203;marte26]( - [`7e5d088`]( DOCS: Providers: Fixed the broken absolute link ([#&#8203;2696]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`9fd65da`]( DOCS: Removed the (by GitBook) broken GitHub links ([#&#8203;2694]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`0c70048`]( DOCS: Removed the Zoo cross-platform environment variables package ([#&#8203;2693]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`3ed24a9`]( DOCS: Rename build filenames ([#&#8203;2681]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`57216f0`]( DOCS: Update docs related to diff2 and clean up useless mentions of diff2 ([#&#8203;2683]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a5a1fac`]( DOCS: add dhcid RR docs ([#&#8203;2715]( ([@&#8203;fritterhoff]( ##### CI/CD: - [`6e90946`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/setup-go from 4 to 5 ([#&#8203;2716]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`9e1cb0f`]( CICD: Add stringer ([#&#8203;2714]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c29efea`]( CICD: Clean-up of Travis Go package dependency ([#&#8203;2711]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`3ad9560`]( CICD: Fixed `go install` command ([#&#8203;2712]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`8f1b33a`]( CICD: GoReleaser generates TypeScript file ([#&#8203;2704]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`99e3f9f`]( CICD: Removed the old Azure Pipelines configurations ([#&#8203;2705]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`11f072b`]( CICD: Removed the old Chocolatey configuration ([#&#8203;2706]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`e917568`]( CICD: Removed the old Travis configurations ([#&#8203;2707]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`0da3f75`]( CICD: release needs stringer ([#&#8203;2721]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Dependencies: - [`8b1739e`]( CHORE: Update deps and gogenerate ([#&#8203;2720]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`a6091f2`]( BUG: Register an error if EnzureZoneExists fails ([#&#8203;2703]( ([@&#8203;costasd]( - [`3771939`]( CHORE: Clarify TXT string limits ([#&#8203;2691]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`790513a`]( CHORE: Fix golint and staticcheck errors/warnings ([#&#8203;2717]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`2e4aa7a`]( CHORE: Fix golint warnings about stuttering ([#&#8203;2718]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`76d93ac`]( CHORE: Remove dead code: txtutil.SplitSingleLongTxt() and txtutil.Segment() ([#&#8203;2685]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ### [`v4.7.2`]( [Compare Source]( Welcome to v4.7.2! This is the first production-ready release in the v4.7.x series (v4.7.0 and v4.7.1-beta should not be used in production; sorry about any confusion that may have caused... this was the first time doing a release that way). This release implements a single change: How TXT records are stored internally. There should be no user-visible changes. - TXT-handling code is now simplified with fewer edge-cases - A new opinion is added ("Opinion # 8 TXT Records are one long string") - The `get-zone` subcommand now generates TAB-separated files that are more correct for TXT records (the quotes were a bug). TXT record handling was complex because we abstracted them at the wrong layer. Code that works with TXT records is now more simple, easier to modify, and a lot of minor bugs have been squashed. For example, diff'ing old and new TXT records is consistent across all providers. Thanks to everyone for help testing this release! #### Changelog ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`cbccbbe`]( REFACTOR: Opinion: TXT records are one long string ([#&#8203;2631]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ### [`v4.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( This is a pre-release (our first time doing one!) THIS IS A PRE-RELEASE. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION. PLEASE DO TEST AND GIVE FEEDBACK ON PR The only change in this release is that TXT records are stored a new way. Instead of storing the individual segments, they are stored as one big string. The providers are now responsible for any joining, splitting, escaping, or quoting. There should be no user-visible effects. NOTE TO MAINTAINERS OF PROVIDERS: Please test your provider. A lot changed in how TXT records are handled. Please re-run the integration tests like: cd integrationTest/ export PROVIDER_FOO=foo # Set your ENV variables. See providers.json for the list. go test -v -verbose -provider NAME_OF_PROVIDER ### This next line just runs the TXT tests. go test -v -verbose -provider NAME_OF_PROVIDER -start 16 -end 17 Fix any broken tests. Post a comment if you need help or to let me know the test results.\ The branch is [tlim_newtxt_minimal]( PR is There are a number of "helper" functions with the suffix `Func`. I'll document those more soon. #### Changelog ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`378e114`]( AZURE_DNS: Fix TXT escaping ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`7c27318`]( BIND: fix TXT records with backslashes ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`130fbc4`]( GCLOUD: remove extra blank line ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`b2dbc35`]( GCLOUD: support more TXT exceptions ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`71ef7dd`]( HEXONET: TXT with backslashes now work. ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`18b1921`]( ROUTE53: Improve TXT handling ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d25ab05`]( TRANSIP: Update to newer TXT code/decode funcs ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`f255c18`]( Add backwards-compatible parser. ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`4f935be`]( Add debug printfs ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3c632ea`]( BIND and prettyzone fixed ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a4b8670`]( Clean up GANDI_V5 txt handling ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`7cd01ff`]( Clean up rc.SetTarget error handling. ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`32de0f9`]( Comment out impossible test ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`99f808b`]( Don't test 0-length TXT records. ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`0a727cc`]( Eliminated GetTargetCombined in GANDI_V5 ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`891719b`]( Fix DO ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`4c2ca71`]( Fix GCLOUD txt records ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`bc21df1`]( Fix TXT tests ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a2a6857`]( Fix backslash in TXT processing where possible ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`6c8ad84`]( Fix parse tests ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d16bbf5`]( Fixing tests ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`675a446`]( GCLOUD works ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`b522d11`]( GetTargetCombined should zoneFileQuote txt data so-as not to break old code ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`2d4709f`]( Good ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d689795`]( HEDNS fix TXT records with special chars ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3046eea`]( HETZNER Handle all TXT records better ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`be04aa4`]( Harden against odd TXT chars ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`b6acb59`]( More rigor in TXT testing ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`7812abd`]( NAMEDOTCOM works for all but backslash ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e97a48b`]( NEW: rfc1035.go ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`654fcfd`]( PopulateFromString is back to the original txt parser ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`f181fc1`]( REFACTOR: js/djs formats should use double quotes ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c7ed607`]( REFACTOR: providers should not directly access .TxtStrings ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`4940628`]( ROUTE53 cleanups ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`367bb6a`]( ROUTE53 cleanups ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`0958248`]( ROUTE53 works on all tests ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`6565a96`]( Remove txtutil.SplitSingleLongTxt ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`0511f32`]( Simplify getZones.go ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`1d590a4`]( Update generated files for v4.7.0 ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`54d51dd`]( Update models/dnsrr.go ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`8e4de5c`]( Update pkg/diff2/compareconfig.go ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`0097303`]( Update pkg/diff2/compareconfig.go ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`b5148b4`]( Update pkg/normalize/flatten.go ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`7064411`]( Update pkg/prettyzone/prettyzone.go ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d1a6347`]( cleanups ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`5d6f6ec`]( comments ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c7791dc`]( dead code elimination ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`1c2c207`]( draft! ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`10f06c2`]( fix helpers.js for txt ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a3c0740`]( fix test ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d27d8e4`]( fix tests ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e1abebd`]( fix tests ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`fb164b4`]( fixed ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d41503f`]( fixup! ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`fa097b4`]( fixup! ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`f204247`]( fixup! ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`f209a0a`]( fixup! ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e89922d`]( fixup! ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`2cfe33b`]( fixup! ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`746ff9a`]( fixup! ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`863db83`]( gandi works ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e112e37`]( gandi works ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`546cb60`]( improve encoding/decoding ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`f0d0eb6`]( m ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`6d0cff5`]( merge ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a726ad9`]( more cleanups ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`8f4595f`]( more deadcode ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`6448fc5`]( move txt encode/decode to txtutil ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`0e8d24c`]( no backslash ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`02888d0`]( no txt-0 ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`b034c66`]( prettyzone: add tests ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e4dfe52`]( reduce the integration tests to just the common txt values ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`1f15e24`]( reject empty txt ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c5b2ee1`]( revert to plain providers ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`2ec046f`]( sigh ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`544cbc4`]( test ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3b17df6`]( test ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`7ce90fc`]( tmp ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`0c43c03`]( txtEncode did not handle empty or 2nd string quotes ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`5f7c994`]( update deps ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`e462bfc`]( wip! ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`f3dd7bb`]( wip! ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ### [`v4.6.3`]( [Compare Source]( Welcome to release v4.6.3! Due to Git weirdness (probably my fault), the ChangeLog below include everything from both v4.6.2 and v4.6.3. Since v4.6.2's tag had a problem (See people may choose to ignore v4.6.2. What's new in v4.6.3 (that wasn't already announced in v4.6.2): - CICD: GoReleaser now generates a ChangeLog with more specific headings ([#&#8203;2661]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - TRANSIP: Fixed integration tests: Edge cases and TXT records fixed ([#&#8203;2673]( ([@&#8203;blackshadev]( Thanks for all the contributions! Tom #### Changelog ##### Major features: - [`37e2103`]( NEW PROVIDER: Azure Private DNS Zones ([#&#8203;2626]( ([@&#8203;matthewmgamble]( ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`fd413a9`]( AZURE_PRIVATE_DNS: GoReleaser provider-specific changelog regexp ([#&#8203;2661]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`bf9e48d`]( CLOUDFLARE: Update docs WRT domain creation ([#&#8203;2648]( ([@&#8203;shodges-vermeer]( - [`d3112f5`]( HEXONET: Update GO-SDK dependency version from 3.5.5 to 3.5.6 ([#&#8203;2667]( ([@&#8203;AsifNawaz-cnic]( - [`1470144`]( NS1: Downgrade ns1-go to 2.7.11 ([#&#8203;2642]( ([@&#8203;costasd]( - [`69fb3b2`]( OVH: Allow ovh provider to connect to other endpoints than EU ([#&#8203;2625]( ([#&#8203;2651]( ([@&#8203;masterzen]( - [`e783d70`]( ROUTE53: Allow R53\_ALIAS records to enable target health evaluation ([#&#8203;2649]( ([@&#8203;jonathanbouvier]( - [`74a9e5e`]( ROUTE53: add R53\_EVALUATE_TARGET_HEALTH to documentation summary ([#&#8203;2659]( ([@&#8203;jonathanbouvier]( - [`88f007c`]( ROUTE53: fix parameter type for R53\_EVALUATE_TARGET_HEALTH ([#&#8203;2658]( ([@&#8203;jonathanbouvier]( - [`ef081da`]( TRANSIP: Fixed integration tests: Edge cases and TXT records fixed ([#&#8203;2673]( ([@&#8203;blackshadev]( ##### Documentation: - [`c1f5a8c`]( DOCS: Added the missing provider `Exoscale` page ([#&#8203;2664]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`609de61`]( DOCS: Added the missing provider `OpenSRS` page ([#&#8203;2665]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`c7065e6`]( DOCS: Expand integration tests explanation ([#&#8203;2645]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a1e70c9`]( DOCS: Fix `R53_` broken links ([#&#8203;2669]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`bc22690`]( DOCS: Fixed providers with "contributor support" table. ([#&#8203;2660]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`31cd4e1`]( DOCS: Fixed the broken provider `ClouDNS` link in the providers table ([#&#8203;2663]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`9397eed`]( DOCS: Fixed the maintainer of provider `OPENSRS` ([#&#8203;2662]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`b5010e7`]( DOCS: Warn against common integration test mistake ([#&#8203;2653]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### CI/CD: - [`811fa54`]( Build(deps): Bump alpine from 3.18.4 to 3.18.5 ([#&#8203;2671]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`919b19e`]( Build(deps): Bump from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 ([#&#8203;2646]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`e364d04`]( CICD: Fix YAML ([#&#8203;2677]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`51104ce`]( CICD: Use GHA concurrency groups to prevent tests from clobbering each other ([#&#8203;2654]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Dependencies: - [`a653499`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2668]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`88d26c3`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2678]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`a366e4b`]( CI/CD: Release changelog sections ([#&#8203;2674]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`4fc88aa`]( RType AAAA: Add integration test for AAAA. ([#&#8203;2647]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`2ca9c84`]( Unhide shell-completion flag ([#&#8203;2640]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`5b93f94`]( Update docs and move Azure Private DNS to the "community support" list ([#&#8203;2657]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c29a648`]( Update generated files for v4.6.2 ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ### [`v4.6.2`]( [Compare Source]( Greetings! This release has 1 new provider (Azure Private DNS) plus a lot of bugfixes and updates. Thanks to [@&#8203;matthewmgamble]( for contributing AZURE_PRIVATE_DNS as the newest provider. Azure Private DNS is a different protocol than Azure DNS. Thanks, Microsoft! - NEW PROVIDER: AZURE_PRIVATE_DNS - OVH now supports configurable API endpoints, useful for non-EU users - ROUTE53 now has the ability to enable target health evaluation with its R53\_ALIAS records. - The `shell-completion` subcommand is no longer hidden. - Missing docs for CLOUDNS and OPENSRS now have placeholders. - In CI/CD news, running multiple workflows at the same time no longer clobbers each other. NOTE: The 4.6.1 release notes wrongly stated that the DNSIMPLE provider was renamed DNSMADEEASY. That's not true. I misunderstood the description of a PR. The change simply corrected a typo in documentation. My apologies for any confusion! Thanks to everyone for contributing! This is a community-driven project. We couldn't do it without your support! Tom #### Changelog ##### Major features: - [`37e2103`]( NEW PROVIDER: Azure Private DNS Zones ([#&#8203;2626]( ([@&#8203;matthewmgamble]( ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`fd413a9`]( AZURE_PRIVATE_DNS: GoReleaser provider-specific changelog regexp ([#&#8203;2661]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`bf9e48d`]( CLOUDFLARE: Update docs WRT domain creation ([#&#8203;2648]( ([@&#8203;shodges-vermeer]( - [`d3112f5`]( HEXONET: Update GO-SDK dependency version from 3.5.5 to 3.5.6 ([#&#8203;2667]( ([@&#8203;AsifNawaz-cnic]( - [`1470144`]( NS1: Downgrade ns1-go to 2.7.11 ([#&#8203;2642]( ([@&#8203;costasd]( - [`69fb3b2`]( OVH: Allow ovh provider to connect to other endpoints than EU ([#&#8203;2625]( ([#&#8203;2651]( ([@&#8203;masterzen]( - [`e783d70`]( ROUTE53: Allow R53\_ALIAS records to enable target health evaluation ([#&#8203;2649]( ([@&#8203;jonathanbouvier]( - [`74a9e5e`]( ROUTE53: add R53\_EVALUATE_TARGET_HEALTH to documentation summary ([#&#8203;2659]( ([@&#8203;jonathanbouvier]( - [`88f007c`]( ROUTE53: fix parameter type for R53\_EVALUATE_TARGET_HEALTH ([#&#8203;2658]( ([@&#8203;jonathanbouvier]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`919b19e`]( Build(deps): Bump from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 ([#&#8203;2646]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`a653499`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2668]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`51104ce`]( CICD: Use GHA concurrency groups to prevent tests from clobbering each other ([#&#8203;2654]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c7065e6`]( DOCS: Expand integration tests explanation ([#&#8203;2645]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a1e70c9`]( DOCS: Fix `R53_` broken links ([#&#8203;2669]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`bc22690`]( DOCS: Fixed providers with "contributor support" table. ([#&#8203;2660]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`31cd4e1`]( DOCS: Fixed the broken provider `ClouDNS` link in the providers table ([#&#8203;2663]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`9397eed`]( DOCS: Fixed the maintainer of provider `OPENSRS` ([#&#8203;2662]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`b5010e7`]( DOCS: Warn against common integration test mistake ([#&#8203;2653]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`4fc88aa`]( RType AAAA: Add integration test for AAAA. ([#&#8203;2647]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`2ca9c84`]( Unhide shell-completion flag ([#&#8203;2640]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`5b93f94`]( Update docs and move Azure Private DNS to the "community support" list ([#&#8203;2657]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`df93135`]( Update generated files for v4.6.2 ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ### [`v4.6.1`]( [Compare Source]( Welcome to release v4.6.1! This is mostly a release is a clean-up release with 1 big new feature! The big news is that DNSControl now generates command-line completion! Thanks to [@&#8203;whi-tw]( for implementing this! The command is currently in beta, and is hidden in the `-h` listing until the next release. Read more about it here: and give feedback. The DNSIMPLE provider was renamed DNSMADEEASY to match their company name. Please update your dnsconfig.js files. Some changes of note: - DNSIMPLE provider was renamed DNSMADEEASY - PORKBUN now supports "list-zone". - PORKBUN bug related to non `.de` domains (or `.de` domains) - Large INWX sites will appreciate improvements to nameserver handling - GCLOUD output is more compact. No more extra newlines. - The "are you sure?" prompt of `push -i` had `Y/n` wrong. It is now `y/N`. How did we not notice that in all these years? - Preparation for the internal change to TXT record handling. You'll notice that all providers now refer use accessors instead of accessing .TxtStrings directly. This will make future refactor easier. #### Changelog ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`cb9491d`]( DNSMADEEASY: DOCS: Fix provider name from DNS Made Simple to DNS Made Easy ([#&#8203;2607]( ([@&#8203;riku22]( - [`65c47cb`]( GCLOUD: Remove extra newline ([#&#8203;2611]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`bf4118a`]( INWX: Paginate through Nameserver Records ([#&#8203;2609]( ([@&#8203;schwarmco]( - [`32fe275`]( PORKBUN: Improve non .DE domain delegation processing (remove the trailing dot in NS) ([#&#8203;2624]( ([@&#8203;imlonghao]( - [`b8096b7`]( PORKBUN: implement ListZones() ([#&#8203;2622]( ([@&#8203;stefanwascoding]( - - [`f2420e5`]( \[DNSimple] Update DNSimple's Default name servers ([#&#8203;2618]( ([@&#8203;onlyhavecans]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`b91bcf3`]( Add Shell Completion script generation ([@&#8203;whi-tw]( - [`bfa9da9`]( CHORE update deps ([#&#8203;2633]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`3dab594`]( CHORE: More cleanups ([#&#8203;2632]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`a864d0d`]( CHORE: Update dependencies ([#&#8203;2617]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`60dfbad`]( CHORE: Verify CI/CD process ([#&#8203;2608]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`7a1effb`]( CHORE: lint ([#&#8203;2619]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`b5ce165`]( CHORE: update deps ([#&#8203;2620]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`b1b41c5`]( Change "push -i" prompt text from "Y/n" to "y/N" to match reality ([#&#8203;2605]( ([@&#8203;tomfitzhenry]( - [`8040e7b`]( REFACTOR: Add Joined and Segmented accessors to TXT, and other cleanups ([#&#8203;2628]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`159fdf0`]( REFACTOR: providers should not directly access .TxtStrings ([#&#8203;2629]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`793c3b1`]( dnscontrol.d.ts: fix DOMAIN_ELSEWHERE_AUTO signature ([#&#8203;2606]( ([@&#8203;FiloSottile]( - [`486f461`]( update go.mod ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`b147fbf`]( wip: complete subcommands after bare flags ([@&#8203;whi-tw]( ### [`v4.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( As announced on this is the release that removes all the diff1 code. All providers now either use the diff2 algorithm or the diff1-compatibility mode. There have also been improvements to the CICD pipeline, AZURE_DNS now abides by rate limits, GCORE now handles TXT records better, INWX fixes a bug that confused zones with registered domains, and many doc updates from [@&#8203;cafferata]( This is the first release that is smaller than the previous release... if you believe in KLOCs: $ git co last_commit_before_diff1_removed HEAD is now at d3b35847 CICD Enable ad-hoc runs (#&#8203;2600) $ find * -name \*.go -print0 | xargs -0 cat | wc -l 48588 $ git co v4.6.0 $ find * -name \*.go -print0 | xargs -0 cat | wc -l 46174 That's 2414 fewer lines or about 5% of the code base. Thanks to all the contributors! We couldn't do it without you! Tom #### Changelog - [`c91fe6c`]( CHORE: Remove diff1 from codebase ([#&#8203;2575]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`7117455`]( GCORE: fix TXT record double quoting ([#&#8203;2592]( ([@&#8203;xddxdd]( - [`397c2dc`]( INWX: Pull list of zones from zones, not registrar ([#&#8203;2577]( ([@&#8203;costasd]( - [`d6d9944`]( AZURE_DNS should abide by 429 (Rate limit) from Azure ([#&#8203;2602]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`94f6a99`]( DOCS: Deprecated get-certs command ([#&#8203;2595]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`2be618a`]( CHORE: Update dependencies ([#&#8203;2603]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c41a975`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2594]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`d3b3584`]( CICD Enable ad-hoc runs ([#&#8203;2600]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`431d9cf`]( CICD: Rename build filenames and names (dnscontrol) ([#&#8203;2593]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`071fd2b`]( DOCS: Updated \*\_BUILDER ([#&#8203;2585]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`e859f53`]( Update generated files for v4.6.0 ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( #### Deprecation warnings (updated 2023-02-18) - **Call for new volunteer maintainers for NAMEDOTCOM and SOFTLAYER.** These providers have no maintainer. Maintainers respond to PRs and fix bugs in a timely manner, and try to stay on top of protocol changes. - **ACME/Let's Encrypt support is frozen and will be removed eventually.** The `get-certs` command (renews certs via Let's Encrypt) has no maintainer. There are other projects that do a better job. If you don't use this feature, please do not start. If you do use this feature, please plan on migrating to something else. See discussion in [issues/1400]( ### [`v4.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( This is mostly a "cleanup release" with a lot of bugfixes and documentation improvements. Some notable changes: - Increment the minimal Go release to 1.21 ([#&#8203;2590]( - Fix docs for `_BUILDER` functions ([#&#8203;2583]( Thanks to the many contributors to this release! This is a community effort! HELP WANTED! The next release will remove support for the old "diff1" algorithm. Please test your configuration. Visit for details. Your feedback is needed and appreciated! Tom #### Changelog ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`e7f1872`]( CSCGLOBAL: Be silent about backoffs less than 10s ([#&#8203;2588]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`4e3f5f3`]( INWX: Support up to 2,147,483,647 domains (old limit was 20) ([#&#8203;2566]( ([@&#8203;patschi]( - [`a87cf17`]( INWX: Updated docs for limit up to 2,147,483,647 domains ([#&#8203;2579]( ([@&#8203;patschi]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`60949c3`]( Build(deps): Bump alpine from 3.18.3 to 3.18.4 ([#&#8203;2574]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`08338b3`]( Build(deps): Bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ([#&#8203;2563]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`39445b1`]( Build(deps): Bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ([#&#8203;2561]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`bf94f19`]( Build(deps): Bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 4 to 5 ([#&#8203;2562]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`08afef7`]( CHORE: Clean up checkRecordSetHasMultipleTTLs ([#&#8203;2565]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`7bf5fc6`]( CHORE: Increase minimum Go version to 1.21 ([#&#8203;2590]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`2d6d536`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2569]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`cb3c020`]( CHORE: Update deps ([#&#8203;2589]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`dd23e88`]( DOCS: Align Docker command ([#&#8203;2571]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`9abbf44`]( DOCS: INWX provider improvements ([#&#8203;2580]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`f661cd4`]( DOCS: TypeScript improvements ([#&#8203;2586]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`e29642f`]( DOCS: Typo GitHub ([#&#8203;2570]( ([@&#8203;cafferata]( - [`7e79713`]( Fix the return types of `*_BUILDER` functions ([#&#8203;2583]( ([@&#8203;Purrrpley]( - [`46f1511`]( IMPORT_TRANSFORM: Be more forgiving about non-standard rtypes ([#&#8203;2587]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`69bf714`]( TESTING: handoff() tests should disable NO_PURGE ([#&#8203;2568]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`60f9e4f`]( TESTING: un-skip TestDualProviders ([#&#8203;2576]( ([@&#8203;das7pad]( ### [`v4.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( This point release fixes a bug with the new `--report` flag. #### Changelog ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`fa89006`]( BUG: Ensure report location is not empty ([#&#8203;2560]( ([@&#8203;imlonghao]( ### [`v4.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( Tons of new features in this release! - New flag `--report`: Outputs a JSON-formatted report of how many changes happened on each domain. - New DNS Record Type: DHCID - CLOUDFLAREAPI now supports NAPTR - NETLIFY: Fix SRV priority bug - PORKBUN can now be a registrar #### Changelog ##### Major features: - [`1d825be`]( NEW FEATURE: Added "push --report" flag which generates JSON report of changes made ([#&#8203;2543]( ([@&#8203;fritterhoff]( ##### Provider-specific changes: - [`af91e37`]( CLOUDFLAREAPI: Add NAPTR record support ([#&#8203;2548]( ([@&#8203;asn-iac]( - [`a1c7a26`]( MSDNS: Improve PowerShell reliability ([#&#8203;2551]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c9ce326`]( MYTHICBEASTS: Add SSHFP record support ([#&#8203;2545]( ([@&#8203;tomfitzhenry]( - [`c4d5d9b`]( NETLIFY: fix SRV priority and allow apex NS records ([#&#8203;2549]( ([@&#8203;imlonghao]( - [`255e08c`]( PORKBUN: Add registrar support ([#&#8203;2542]( ([@&#8203;str4d]( ##### Other changes and improvements: - [`f1fd723`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/cache from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 ([#&#8203;2554]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`0b5de1a`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ([#&#8203;2544]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`d75b72f`]( Build(deps): Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 ([#&#8203;2555]( ([@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot]) - [`56acf4a`]( CHORE: Update dependencies ([#&#8203;2552]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`5b95f29`]( Improve require() docs ([#&#8203;2553]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`6ad7f34`]( NEW RECORD TYPE: DHCID ([#&#8203;2557]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`c01fb2d`]( Update Deps, fix staticcheck and golint warnings ([#&#8203;2558]( ([@&#8203;tlimoncelli]( - [`1c5e038`]( add dhcid type ([@&#8203;fritterhoff]( - [`b6e183d`]( add missing handling of dhcid ([@&#8203;fritterhoff]( - [`84f0bc1`]( docs: Fix small route53 typo ([#&#8203;2546]( ([@&#8203;major]( - [`3e1e7ae`]( fix: correct order for dhcid ([@&#8203;fritterhoff]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy44MS40IiwidXBkYXRlZEluVmVyIjoiMzcuMzU2LjEiLCJ0YXJnZXRCcmFuY2giOiJtYXN0ZXIifQ==-->
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ from 03945e69ac to 36f0be917a 2023-12-11 01:16:30 +00:00 Compare
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renovate-bot changed title from fix(deps): update module to v4.8.1 to fix(deps): update module to v4.8.2 2024-01-24 18:13:48 +00:00
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renovate-bot changed title from fix(deps): update module to v4.9.0 to fix(deps): update module to v4.10.0 2024-05-06 21:08:25 +00:00
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The due date is invalid or out of range. Please use the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'.

No due date set.


No dependencies set.

Reference: happyDomain/happyDomain#403
No description provided.