#!/usr/bin/python2 import socket,md5,string,time,os,sys,random,urllib ##### CONFIG :-) ########## tumsoul_server = ('ns-server.epitech.net', 4242) testlink_server = ('', 80) testlink_server2 = ('', 80) user = '%LOGIN%' password = '%PASSSOCKS%' location = urllib.quote("Tumsoul 0.3.3") useragent = urllib.quote("tumsoul v0.3 [%d]"%os.getpid()) states = ["actif", "away"] delays = [ 10 ] + [ 4242 ]*10 + [ 424 ]*10 def md5sum(str): chk = md5.new() chk.update(str) return chk.digest() def hexify(str): return string.join(map(lambda c:"%02x"%ord(c),str),"") def expect(file,str): reply = file.readline()[:-1] if reply[:len(str)]==str: return print "Invalid reply : '%s*' expected, '%s' received."%(str,reply) time.sleep(3) sys.exit() s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(tumsoul_server) f=s.makefile() cmd,code,hash,ip,port,timestamp=string.split(f.readline()[:-1]) sum=md5sum("%s-%s/%s%s"%(hash,ip,port,password)) authreply=hexify(sum) s.send("auth_ag ext_user none none\n") expect(f,"rep 002 --") s.send("ext_user_log %s %s %s %s\n"%(user,authreply,location,useragent)) expect(f,"rep 002 --") print "Authentication complete, proceeding..." statechange_deadline = string.atoi(timestamp) ping_deadline = string.atoi(timestamp) ping_delay = 40 check_delay = 10 check_deadline = string.atoi(timestamp) localtime = string.atoi(timestamp) while 1: localtime += 1 if localtime > ping_deadline: ping_deadline += ping_delay #print "Ping..." s.send("ping\n") if localtime > statechange_deadline: delay = random.choice(delays) newstate = random.choice(states) statechange_deadline+=delay #print "Newstate : %s, next change in %d seconds..."%(newstate,delay) s.send("state %s:%i\n"%(newstate,int(localtime))) if localtime > check_deadline: scheck = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: scheck.connect(testlink_server) except: print "Could not connect to %s:%d, trying next server in 5 seconds..."%testlink_server time.sleep(5) try: scheck.connect(testlink_server2) except: print "Could not connect to %s:%d, exitting in 5 seconds..."%testlink_server2 time.sleep(5) sys.exit() print "Connection to %s:%d OK."%testlink_server scheck.close() check_deadline+=check_delay time.sleep(1)