version: '3' services: # FRONT chronograf: # Full tag list: image: chronograf deploy: replicas: 3 placement: constraints: - node.role == manager restart_policy: condition: on-failure environment: INFLUXDB_URL: http://influxdb:8086 KAPACITOR_URL: http://kapacitor:9092 volumes: # Mount for chronograf database - chronograf-data:/var/lib/chronograf ports: # The WebUI for Chronograf is served on port 8888 - "8888:8888" networks: - influx depends_on: - kapacitor - influxdb # MIDDLE kapacitor: # Full tag list: image: kapacitor deploy: replicas: 1 placement: constraints: - node.role == manager restart_policy: condition: on-failure environment: HOSTNAME: kapacitor KAPACITOR_INFLUXDB_0_URLS_0: http://influxdb:8086 volumes: # Mount for kapacitor data directory - kapacitor-data:/var/lib/kapacitor # Mount for kapacitor configuration #- /etc/kapacitor/config:/etc/kapacitor ports: # The API for Kapacitor is served on port 9092 - "9092:9092" networks: - influx depends_on: - influxdb # BACK telegraf: # Full tag list: image: telegraf deploy: mode: global restart_policy: condition: on-failure volumes: # Mount for telegraf configuration - ./telegraf.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf # Mount for Docker API access - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock networks: - influx depends_on: - influxdb # DATABASE influxdb: # Full tag list: image: influxdb deploy: replicas: 1 placement: constraints: - node.role == manager restart_policy: condition: on-failure volumes: # Mount for influxdb data directory - influxdb-data:/var/lib/influxdb # Mount for influxdb configuration #- /etc/influxdb/config:/etc/influxdb ports: # The API for InfluxDB is served on port 8086 - "8086:8086" networks: - influx networks: influx: volumes: chronograf-data: kapacitor-data: influxdb-data: