--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: build-arm64 platform: os: linux arch: arm64 steps: - name: compile binaries image: golang:1-alpine commands: - apk --no-cache add build-base - go vet -v -buildvcs=false ./checker - go vet -v -buildvcs=false ./token-validator - cd ./pkg/token-validator && go test && cd - - cd ./pkg/minichecker/cmd && go vet -v -buildvcs=false . && cd - - cd ./pkg/arp-spoofer/cmd && go vet -v -buildvcs=false . && go build -buildvcs=false -v -ldflags="-s -w" . && cd - - cd ./pkg/login-validator/cmd && go vet -v -buildvcs=false . && go build -buildvcs=false -v -ldflags="-s -w" . && cd - - cd ./pkg/login-app/cmd && go build -v -buildvcs=false -ldflags="-s -w" . && cd - - cd ./pkg/shadow-up/cmd && go vet -v -buildvcs=false . && go build -v -buildvcs=false -ldflags="-s -w" . && cd - - cd ./pkg/wg-manager/cmd && go vet -v -buildvcs=false . && go build -v -buildvcs=false -ldflags="-s -w" . && cd - - mkdir dist - go build -v -buildvcs=false -ldflags="-s -w" -o dist/checker ./checker - go build -v -buildvcs=false -ldflags="-s -w" -o dist/token-validator ./token-validator - cd ./pkg/minichecker/cmd && go build -buildvcs=false -v -ldflags="-s -w" -o ../../../dist/minichecker . && cd - - cd ./pkg/login-app/cmd && go build -buildvcs=false -v -ldflags="-s -w" -o ../../../dist/login-app . && cd - trigger: event: - push --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: build-arm platform: os: linux arch: arm steps: - name: compile binaries image: golang:1-alpine commands: - apk --no-cache add build-base - go vet -v -buildvcs=false ./checker - go vet -v -buildvcs=false ./token-validator - cd ./pkg/token-validator && go test && cd - - cd ./pkg/minichecker/cmd && go vet -v -buildvcs=false . && cd - - cd ./pkg/arp-spoofer/cmd && go vet -v -buildvcs=false . && go build -buildvcs=false -v -ldflags="-s -w" . && cd - - cd ./pkg/login-validator/cmd && go vet -v -buildvcs=false . && go build -buildvcs=false -v -ldflags="-s -w" . && cd - - cd ./pkg/login-app/cmd && go build -buildvcs=false -v -ldflags="-s -w" . && cd - - cd ./pkg/shadow-up/cmd && go vet -v -buildvcs=false . && go build -v -buildvcs=false -ldflags="-s -w" . && cd - - cd ./pkg/wg-manager/cmd && go vet -v -buildvcs=false . && go build -v -buildvcs=false -ldflags="-s -w" . && cd - - mkdir dist - go build -v -buildvcs=false -ldflags="-s -w" -o dist/checker ./checker - go build -v -buildvcs=false -ldflags="-s -w" -o dist/token-validator ./token-validator - cd ./pkg/minichecker/cmd && go build -buildvcs=false -v -ldflags="-s -w" -o ../../../dist/minichecker . && cd - - cd ./pkg/login-app/cmd && go build -buildvcs=false -v -ldflags="-s -w" -o ../../../dist/login-app . && cd - environment: CGO_ENABLED: 0 GOARM: 5 - name: deploy binaries image: appleboy/drone-scp:linux-arm settings: tar_tmp_path: /tmp/ host: adlin.nemunai.re target: /var/lib/lxc/adlin/rootfs/home/newbuilds source: dist/* strip_components: 1 username: from_secret: ssh_username key: from_secret: deploy_key port: from_secret: ssh_port when: branch: - master event: - push - name: deploy error pages image: appleboy/drone-scp:linux-arm settings: tar_tmp_path: /tmp/ host: adlin.nemunai.re target: /var/www/nemunai.re/adlin/.error-pages/ source: token-validator/htdocs/5*.html strip_components: 2 username: from_secret: ssh_username key: from_secret: deploy_key port: from_secret: ssh_port when: branch: - master event: - push trigger: event: - push --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: build-tutorial-2-subject platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: compose subject image: pandoc/latex:3.1.0 commands: - sed -i s/v3.12/v3.14/ /etc/apk/repositories - apk add --no-cache make ttf-linux-libertine ttf-inconsolata - tlmgr update --self - tlmgr install enumitem environ etoolbox pdfcol preprint sectsty selnolig tcolorbox tikzfill titling - mkdir dist - make -C tutorial/ansible - mv tutorial/ansible/tutorial-2.pdf dist/tutorial-2-${DRONE_TAG##srs20??-tutorial2-}.pdf - name: deploy subject image: appleboy/drone-scp settings: tar_tmp_path: /tmp/ host: adlin.nemunai.re target: /var/www/nemunai.re/adlin/subjects/ source: dist/* strip_components: 1 username: from_secret: ssh_username key: from_secret: deploy_key port: from_secret: ssh_port - name: link to latest subject image: appleboy/drone-ssh settings: host: adlin.nemunai.re username: from_secret: ssh_username key: from_secret: deploy_key port: from_secret: ssh_port script: - ln -sf /var/www/nemunai.re/adlin/subjects/tutorial-2-${DRONE_TAG##srs20??-tutorial2-}.pdf /var/www/nemunai.re/adlin/tutorial-2.pdf trigger: ref: - refs/tags/srs20??-tutorial2-* --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: build-tutorial-3-subject platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: compose subject image: pandoc/latex:3.1.0 commands: - sed -i s/v3.12/v3.14/ /etc/apk/repositories - apk add --no-cache make ttf-linux-libertine ttf-inconsolata - tlmgr update --self - tlmgr install enumitem environ etoolbox pdfcol preprint sectsty selnolig tcolorbox tikzfill titling - mkdir dist - make -C tutorial/nat - mv tutorial/nat/tutorial.pdf dist/tutorial-3-${DRONE_TAG##srs20??-tutorial3-}.pdf - name: deploy subject image: appleboy/drone-scp settings: tar_tmp_path: /tmp/ host: adlin.nemunai.re target: /var/www/nemunai.re/adlin/subjects/ source: dist/* strip_components: 1 username: from_secret: ssh_username key: from_secret: deploy_key port: from_secret: ssh_port - name: link to latest subject image: appleboy/drone-ssh settings: host: adlin.nemunai.re username: from_secret: ssh_username key: from_secret: deploy_key port: from_secret: ssh_port script: - ln -sf /var/www/nemunai.re/adlin/subjects/tutorial-3-${DRONE_TAG##srs20??-tutorial3-}.pdf /var/www/nemunai.re/adlin/tutorial-3.pdf trigger: ref: - refs/tags/srs20??-tutorial3-*