default vesamenu.c32 MENU RESOLUTION 1024 768 #menu background splash.png menu background #00000000 * * menu color title * #FF22BBCC * #menu color border * #FFFFFFFF #00000000 none menu color sel * #FFFFFFFF #FF22BBCC * menu color hotsel 1;7;37;40 #ffffffff #76a1d0ff * #menu color tabmsg * #ffffffff #00000000 * #menu color help 37;40 #ffdddd00 #00000000 * menu tabmsg Press ENTER to boot or TAB to edit a menu entry prompt 0 timeout 0 menu title Welcome {{ .username }} to the EPITA ADvanced LINux administration course! LABEL challenge MENU LABEL ^Enter Challenge KERNEL ../bzImage INITRD ../s/{{ .initrd }}.img APPEND console=tty0 adlin.login={{ .username }} adlin.key={{ .pkey }} adlin.ip={{ .ip }} quiet text help You are currently identified as {{ .username }}. Please select this menu entry in order to access the tutorial. endtext MENU SEPARATOR LABEL logout MENU LABEL Not {{ .username }}? ^logout KERNEL ../bzImage INITRD ../login-initrd.img APPEND console=tty0 quiet text help You are currently identified as {{ .username }}. If this is not you, you should logout right now, using this menu entry! You'll next be able to login as another user. endtext MENU SEPARATOR LABEL poweroff MENU LABEL ^Shutdown KERNEL poweroff.c32