package main import ( "flag" "log" "net/http" "os" ) var PublishedImgDir string var NextImgDir string var ThumbsDir string func main() { bind := flag.String("bind", "", "Bind port/socket") htpasswd_file := flag.String("htpasswd", "", "Admin passwords file, Apache htpasswd format") flag.StringVar(&PublishedImgDir, "publishedimgdir", "./images/published/", "Directory where save published pictures") flag.StringVar(&NextImgDir, "nextimgdir", "./images/next/", "Directory where save pictures to review") flag.StringVar(&ThumbsDir, "thumbsdir", "./images/thumbs/", "Directory where generate thumbs") flag.Parse() htpasswd := &Htpasswd{} if htpasswd_file != nil && *htpasswd_file != "" { log.Println("Reading htpasswd file...") var err error if htpasswd, err = NewHtpasswd(*htpasswd_file); htpasswd == nil { log.Fatal("Unable to parse htpasswd:", err) } } log.Println("Checking paths...") if _, err := os.Stat(PublishedImgDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Fatal(err) } if _, err := os.Stat(NextImgDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Fatal(err) } if _, err := os.Stat(ThumbsDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println("Registering handlers...") authFunc := func (r *http.Request) (*User){ return Authenticate(*htpasswd, r) } mux := http.NewServeMux() mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { http.ServeFile(w, r, "./static/index.html") }) mux.Handle("/css/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./static"))) mux.Handle("/js/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./static"))) mux.Handle("/api/", http.StripPrefix("/api", ApiHandler(authFunc))) mux.Handle("/images/", http.StripPrefix("/images", ImagesHandler( "images", func (*http.Request) (bool){ return true; }, http.FileServer(http.Dir(PublishedImgDir)), GetPublishedImage, ))) mux.Handle("/images/next/", http.StripPrefix("/images/next", ImagesHandler( "next", func (r *http.Request) (bool){ return authFunc(r) != nil; }, http.FileServer(http.Dir(NextImgDir)), GetNextImage, ))) mux.Handle("/images/thumbs/", http.StripPrefix("/images/thumbs", ImagesHandler( "thumbs", func (*http.Request) (bool){ return true; }, http.FileServer(http.Dir(ThumbsDir)), GetPublishedImage, ))) mux.Handle("/images/next/thumbs/", http.StripPrefix("/images/next/thumbs", ImagesHandler( "nexthumbs", func (r *http.Request) (bool){ return authFunc(r) != nil; }, http.FileServer(http.Dir(ThumbsDir)), GetNextImage, ))) log.Println("Ready, listening on", *bind) if err := http.ListenAndServe(*bind, mux); err != nil { log.Fatal("Unable to listen and serve: ", err) } }