#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from opale.game import Game game = Game("PO", "A<3") def play_turn(): print("\n\n\n====================================================================\n") print("\033[1mCurrent player:\033[0m \033[93m%s\033[0m \033[91m%s\033[0m" % (game.current_player.name, "DRAGON" if game.current_player.dragonPetrified else "")) while True: print(game.board) print("\033[1mHere is your hand currently:\033[0m %s" % {i+1: game.current_player.hand[i] for i in range(len(game.current_player.hand))}) icards = input("Choose one or more card to play: ") pcards = map(lambda x: int(x), icards.split(" ")) good = True cards = [] for card in pcards: if card <= 0 or card > len(game.current_player.hand): print("\033[91m%s is not a valid card.\033[0m" % card) good = False break else: cards.append(game.current_player.hand[card-1]) if good: try: game.play_round(*cards) break except Exception as e: print("\033[91m%s\033[0m" % e) while not game.isFinished(): try: play_turn() except Exception as e: print("\033[91mSorry, something goes wrong: '%s'.\033[0m" % e) pass if game.player1.cantpioche: print("\n\033[1;92m%s n'a plus de pioche ! Last round\033[0m" % game.player1.name) elif game.player2.cantpioche: print("\n\033[1;92m%s n'a plus de pioche ! Last round\033[0m" % game.player2.name) else: print("\n\033[1;92mCité sous-marine découverte ! Last round\033[0m") input("Press enter to play last round! ") play_turn() print("\n") print("\033[93m%s\033[0m: \033[1m%d\033[0m pts" % (game.current_player.name, game.current_player.get_score())) print("\033[93m%s\033[0m: \033[1m%d\033[0m pts" % (game.current_partner.name, game.current_partner.get_score()))