# coding=utf-8 import re import socket import time import urllib.error import urllib.request import urllib.parse from hooks import hook nemubotversion = 3.3 def load(context): global DATAS DATAS.setIndex("name", "phone") def help_tiny(): """Line inserted in the response to the command !help""" return "Send SMS using SMS API (currently only Free Mobile)" def help_full(): return "!sms /who/[,/who/[,...]] message: send a SMS to /who/." def send_sms(frm, api_usr, api_key, content): content = "<%s> %s" % (frm, content) try: req = urllib.request.Request("https://smsapi.free-mobile.fr/sendmsg?user=%s&pass=%s&msg=%s" % (api_usr, api_key, urllib.parse.quote(content))) res = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=5) except socket.timeout: return "timeout" except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if e.code == 400: return "paramètre manquant" elif e.code == 402: return "paiement requis" elif e.code == 403 or e.code == 404: return "clef incorrecte" elif e.code != 200: return "erreur inconnue (%d)" % status except: return "unknown error" return None @hook("cmd_hook", "sms") def cmd_sms(msg): if len(msg.cmds) <= 2: raise IRCException("À qui veux-tu envoyer ce SMS ?") # Check dests cur_epoch = time.mktime(time.localtime()); for u in msg.cmds[1].split(","): if u not in DATAS.index: raise IRCException("Désolé, je sais pas comment envoyer de SMS à %s." % u) elif cur_epoch - float(DATAS.index[u]["lastuse"]) < 42: raise IRCException("Un peu de calme, %s a déjà reçu un SMS il n'y a pas si longtemps." % u) # Go! fails = list() for u in msg.cmds[1].split(","): DATAS.index[u]["lastuse"] = cur_epoch if msg.private: frm = msg.nick else: frm = msg.nick + "@" + msg.channel test = send_sms(frm, DATAS.index[u]["user"], DATAS.index[u]["key"], " ".join(msg.cmds[2:])) if test is not None: fails.append( "%s: %s" % (u, test) ) if len(fails) > 0: return Response(msg.sender, "quelque chose ne s'est pas bien passé durant l'envoi du SMS : " + ", ".join(fails), msg.channel, msg.nick) else: return Response(msg.sender, "le SMS a bien été envoyé", msg.channel, msg.nick) apiuser_ask = re.compile(r"(utilisateur|user|numéro|numero|compte|abonne|abone|abonné|account)\s+(est|is)\s+(?P[0-9]{7,})", re.IGNORECASE) apikey_ask = re.compile(r"(clef|key|password|mot de passe?)\s+(?:est|is)?\s+(?P[a-zA-Z0-9]{10,})", re.IGNORECASE) def parseask(msg): if msg.content.find("Free") >= 0 and ( msg.content.find("API") >= 0 or msg.content.find("api") >= 0) and ( msg.content.find("SMS") >= 0 or msg.content.find("sms") >= 0): resuser = apiuser_ask.search(msg.content) reskey = apikey_ask.search(msg.content) if resuser is not None and reskey is not None: apiuser = resuser.group("user") apikey = reskey.group("key") test = send_sms("nemubot", apiuser, apikey, "Vous avez enregistré vos codes d'authentification dans nemubot, félicitation !") if test is not None: return Response(msg.sender, "je n'ai pas pu enregistrer tes identifiants : %s" % test, msg.channel, msg.nick) if msg.nick in DATAS.index: DATAS.index[msg.nick]["user"] = apiuser DATAS.index[msg.nick]["key"] = apikey else: ms = ModuleState("phone") ms.setAttribute("name", msg.nick) ms.setAttribute("user", apiuser) ms.setAttribute("key", apikey) ms.setAttribute("lastuse", 0) DATAS.addChild(ms) save() return Response(msg.sender, "ok, c'est noté. Je t'ai envoyé un SMS pour tester ;)", msg.channel, msg.nick)