# coding=utf-8 # Nemubot is a modulable IRC bot, built around XML configuration files. # Copyright (C) 2012 Mercier Pierre-Olivier # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from html.entities import name2codepoint import http.client import json import re import socket from urllib.parse import quote from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.request import urlopen from bot import __version__ from exception import IRCException from tools.xmlparser import parse_string def isURL(url): """Return True if the URL can be parsed""" o = urlparse(url) return o.scheme == "" and o.netloc == "" and o.path == "" def getScheme(url): """Return the protocol of a given URL""" o = urlparse(url) return o.scheme def getHost(url): """Return the domain of a given URL""" return urlparse(url).hostname def getPort(url): """Return the port of a given URL""" return urlparse(url).port def getPath(url): """Return the page request of a given URL""" return urlparse(url).path def getUser(url): """Return the page request of a given URL""" return urlparse(url).username def getPassword(url): """Return the page request of a given URL""" return urlparse(url).password # Get real pages def getURLContent(url, timeout=15): """Return page content corresponding to URL or None if any error occurs""" o = urlparse(url) if o.netloc == "": o = urlparse("http://" + url) if o.scheme == "http": conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(o.hostname, port=o.port, timeout=timeout) elif o.scheme == "https": conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(o.hostname, port=o.port, timeout=timeout) elif o.scheme is None or o.scheme == "": conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(o.hostname, port=80, timeout=timeout) else: return None try: if o.query != '': conn.request("GET", o.path + "?" + o.query, None, {"User-agent": "Nemubot v%s" % __version__}) else: conn.request("GET", o.path, None, {"User-agent": "Nemubot v%s" % __version__}) except socket.timeout: return None except OSError: # [Errno 113] No route to host return None except socket.gaierror: print (" Unable to receive page %s on %s from %s." % (o.path, o.netloc, url)) return None try: res = conn.getresponse() size = int(res.getheader("Content-Length", 524288)) cntype = res.getheader("Content-Type") if size > 524288 or (cntype is not None and cntype[:4] != "text" and cntype[:4] != "appl"): return None data = res.read(size) # Decode content charset = "utf-8" if cntype is not None: lcharset = res.getheader("Content-Type").split(";") if len(lcharset) > 1: for c in charset: ch = c.split("=") if ch[0].strip().lower() == "charset" and len(ch) > 1: cha = ch[1].split(".") if len(cha) > 1: charset = cha[1] else: charset = cha[0] except http.client.BadStatusLine: raise IRCException("Invalid HTTP response") finally: conn.close() if res.status == http.client.OK or res.status == http.client.SEE_OTHER: return data.decode(charset) elif ((res.status == http.client.FOUND or res.status == http.client.MOVED_PERMANENTLY) and res.getheader("Location") != url): return getURLContent(res.getheader("Location"), timeout) else: raise IRCException("A HTTP error occurs: %d - %s" % (res.status, http.client.responses[res.status])) def getXML(url, timeout=15): """Get content page and return XML parsed content""" cnt = getURLContent(url, timeout) if cnt is None: return None else: return parse_string(cnt.encode()) def getJSON(url, timeout=15): """Get content page and return JSON content""" cnt = getURLContent(url, timeout) if cnt is None: return None else: return json.loads(cnt) # Other utils def htmlentitydecode(s): """Decode htmlentities""" return re.sub('&(%s);' % '|'.join(name2codepoint), lambda m: chr(name2codepoint[m.group(1)]), s) def striphtml(data): """Remove HTML tags from text""" p = re.compile(r'<.*?>') return htmlentitydecode(p.sub('', data) .replace("(", "/(") .replace(")", ")/") .replace(""", "\""))